what is inside $conf in typo3 extension - typo3

I am reading typo3 extension file, and saw below codes:
function main($content, $conf) {
$this->conf = $conf;
$this->template = $this->cObj->fileResource($this->conf['templateFile']);
I used var_dump($conf); to output $conf, it shows:
array(53) { ["includeLibs"]=> string(47) "typo3conf/ext/jc_job/pi1/class.tx_jcjob_pi1.php" ["userFunc"]=> string(18) "tx_jcjob_pi1->main" ["templateFile"]=> string(28) "EXT:jc_job/pi1/template.html" ["pidList"]=> string(1) "7" ["code"]=> string(4)...
From the result, I can tell some configurations are from this file: ext_typoscript_setup.txt, but some not.
SO my question is:
what is inside $conf? or what files compose $conf?

The end result of $conf is essentially Typoscript from plugin.tx_yourextension_pi1.
This will be what is in ext_typoscript_setup.txt of your extension, plus any changes made along the way. For example in the main template, you can also make changes to the plugin's configuration.

Your Plugin is configured via:
plugin.tx_yourextension_pi1 {
# these values will you have in $conf
someValue = well where it goes?
wrap = wrap|me
something {
different = 1
So $conf will look like this:
$conf = array(
'someValue' => 'well where it goes?',
'wrap' => 'wrap|me',
'something.' => array(
'different' => '1',


How to replace src with data-src in TYPO3's YouTube iframe tag?

In order to use the "Klaro! Consent Manager" I need to modify the iframe-tag a little bit, which is automatically generated by TYPO3 when you embed a YouTube video with a textmedia element.
It is generated in /typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Resource/Rendering/YouTubeRenderer.php
public function render(FileInterface $file, $width, $height, array $options = [], $usedPathsRelativeToCurrentScript = false)
$options = $this->collectOptions($options, $file);
$src = $this->createYouTubeUrl($options, $file);
$attributes = $this->collectIframeAttributes($width, $height, $options);
return sprintf(
'<iframe src="%s"%s></iframe>',
htmlspecialchars($src, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5),
empty($attributes) ? '' : ' ' . $this->implodeAttributes($attributes)
I already have a user_site extension to configure the system and edit the templates, but without any php classes. It looks like I can't just overwrite a fluid template here. I'm an integrator, not an extension developer, and i wonder how i can overwrite or extend this function accordingly, without changing or duplicating too much of the core functions.
How can I replace <iframe src= with <iframe data-name="youtube" data-src=?
Thanks to the comment from nstungcom I have found good samples in the extension media2click and was able to modify the iFrame tag with fragments of this. Since I am not an extension developer, this solution should be used with caution until it is confirmed by a developer. Suggestions for improvement are very appreciated.
I made the following changes / additions to my sitepackage ("user_site" extension):
namespace MyVendorName\UserSite\Resource\Rendering;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Core\Environment;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileInterface;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReference;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
use TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer;
class YouTubeRenderer extends \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Rendering\YouTubeRenderer
public function getPriority()
return 25;
public function render(FileInterface $file, $width, $height, array $options = [], $usedPathsRelativeToCurrentScript = false)
$options = $this->collectOptions($options, $file);
$iframe = str_replace(' src="', ' src="" data-name="youtube" data-src="', parent::render($file, $width, $height, $options, $usedPathsRelativeToCurrentScript));
return $iframe;
I'm uncertain if all of those use statements and the getPriority function are really necessary.
defined('TYPO3_MODE') or die();
call_user_func(function () {
$rendererRegistry = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Rendering\RendererRegistry::getInstance();
I do not know if this is a so-called XCLASS. The syntax looks different from what I found as an example in the Api.
'title' => 'Project specific configuration and templates',
// [...]
'autoload' => [
'psr-4' => [
'MyVendorName\\UserSite\\' => 'Classes',
Apparently it needed this autoload, whatever that's for.

ExifTool Perl Library Module: How to separate keyword- from subject-values

I am using ExifToolVersion : 9.13 to read out metainformations of a pdf-file to formfields, where users can edit the values.
With a second perl-script I write these changed values back to the file.
That works fine with the exception, that subject-values appear in keyword-tags and keyword-values in subject-tags, although I write the new values explizite to each tag.
$exifTool->SetNewValue($tag[$i], \#keywords, Replace => 1);
$exifTool->SetNewValue($tag[$i], $file_beschreibung, Replace => 1);
$exifTool->SetNewValue($data[$i]=>\#keywords, Group0 => 'PDF');
$exifTool->SetNewValue($data[$i]=>$file_beschreibung, Group0 => 'PDF');
I tried to write an empty value to the XMP tags, but that doesn't work
$exifTool->SetNewValue($data[$i]=>$leer, Group0 => 'XMP');
Is there a way to to avoid the concatenation of both values?
I now found, that I have to clear all XMP-Tags
my #data = ("Author","Keywords","ModifyDate","Rights","Title","Subject");
my $elemente = #data;
for ($i=0; $i<$elemente; $i++)
if ($i==1)
if (my $tagname =~ m/^XMP-.*:$data[$i]/)
$exifTool->SetNewValue($tagname=>'', Group => 'XMP');
$exifTool->SetNewValue($data[$i]=>\#keywords, Group => 'PDF');
if ($i==5)
my $tagname = "XMP-dc:".$data[$i];
$exifTool->SetNewValue($tagname=>'', Group => 'XMP');
$exifTool->SetNewValue($data[$i]=>$file_beschreibung, Group => 'PDF');
This works fine. Thank you for helping!

How to add multiple custom fields to a wp_query in a shortcode?

In a shortcode I can limit wp_query results by custom field values.
[my-shortcode meta_key=my-custom-field meta_value=100,200 meta_compare='IN']
And obviously it's possible to use multiple custom fields in a wp_query like WP_Query#Custom_Field_Parameters
But how can I use multiple custom fields in my shortcode? At the moment I do pass all the shortcode parameters with $atts.
On of a few different solutions might be to use a JSON encoded format for the meta values. Note that this isn't exactly user-friendly, but certainly would accomplish what you want.
You would of course need to generate the json encoded values first and ensure they are in the proper format. One way of doing that is just using PHP's built in functions:
// Set up your array of values, then json_encode them with PHP
$values = array(
array('key' => 'my_key',
'value' => 'my_value',
'operator' => 'IN'
array('key' => 'other_key',
'value' => 'other_value',
echo json_encode($values);
// outputs: [{"key":"my_key","value":"my_value","operator":"IN"},{"key":"other_key","value":"other_value"}]
Example usage in the shortcode:
[my-shortcode meta='[{"key":"my_key","value":"my_value","operator":"IN"},{"key":"other_key","value":"other_value"}]']
Which then you would parse out in your shortcode function, something like so:
function my_shortcode($atts ) {
$meta = $atts['meta'];
// decode it "quietly" so no errors thrown
$meta = #json_decode( $meta );
// check if $meta set in case it wasn't set or json encoded proper
if ( $meta && is_array( $meta ) ) {
foreach($meta AS $m) {
$key = $m->key;
$value = $m->value;
$op = ( ! empty($m->operator) ) ? $m->operator : '';
// put key, value, op into your meta query here....
Alternate Method
Another method would be to cause your shortcode to accept an arbitrary number of them, with matching numerical indexes, like so:
[my-shortcode meta-key1="my_key" meta-value1="my_value" meta-op1="IN
meta-key2="other_key" meta-value2="other_value"]
Then, in your shortcode function, "watch" for these values and glue them up yourself:
function my_shortcode( $atts ) {
foreach( $atts AS $name => $value ) {
if ( stripos($name, 'meta-key') === 0 ) {
$id = str_ireplace('meta-key', '', $name);
$key = $value;
$value = (isset($atts['meta-value' . $id])) ? $atts['meta-value' . $id] : '';
$op = (isset($atts['meta-op' . $id])) ? $atts['meta-op' . $id] : '';
// use $key, $value, and $op as needed in your meta query

TYPO3: How to render translated content in extension

I am developing a TYPO3 6.0 plugin that shows the subpages of the current page as tabs. For example, on the following pages my plugin is inserted on TabRoot:
If TabRoot is requested, the plugin's ActionController looks up the database for the subpage titles and contents and passes all gathered data to a Fluid template. The page is then rendered like the following:
With JS in place I always hide/show content below based on the selection. My problem is that I want to show the translated content of the subpages based on the current language selection. How am I able to do this? I've tried it with several methods, but neither of them was flawless. These are the methods I've tried:
Using RECORDS This method is not affected by the selected language, it always returns the content in the default language:
//Get the ids of the parts of the page
$select_fields = "uid";
$from_table = "tt_content";
$where_clause = 'pid = ' . $pageId;
$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery(
$ids = '';
$firstIteration = true;
while ( $row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc( $res ) ) {
if (!$firstIteration) $ids .= ",";
$ids .= $row ['uid'];
$firstIteration = false;
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_free_result( $res );
//Render the parts of the page
$conf ['tables'] = 'tt_content';
$conf ['source'] = $ids;
$conf ['dontCheckPid'] = 1;
$content = $this->cObj->cObjGetSingle ( 'RECORDS', $conf );
Using CONTENTS According to TYPO3: How to render localized tt_content in own extension, this is the way to do it, however for me this also returns the content rendered with the default language. It is not affected by a language change.
$conf = array(
'table' => 'tt_content',
'select.' => array(
'pidInList' => $pageId,
'orderBy' => 'sorting',
'languageField' => 'sys_language_uid'
$content = $this->cObj->cObjGetSingle ( 'CONTENT', $conf );
Using VHS: Fluid ViewHelpers I installed the vhs extension and tried to render the content with <v:content.render />. The result is the same as with CONTENTS; it only works with the default language.
{namespace v=Tx_Vhs_ViewHelpers}
<v:content.render column="0" order="'sorting'" sortDirection="'ASC'"
pageUid="{pageId}" render="1" hideUntranslated="1" />
Using my own SQL query I've tried to get the bodytext fields of the page and then render those with \TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Plugin\AbstractPlugin::pi_RTEcssText(). This method returns the content based on the current language, however the problem is that bodytext's do not contain the complete content (images, other plugins, etc).
$select_fields = "bodytext";
$from_table = "tt_content";
$where_clause = 'pid = ' . $pageId
. ' AND sys_language_uid = ' . $GLOBALS ['TSFE']->sys_language_uid;
$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery(
$content = '';
while ( $row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc( $res ) ) {
$content .=
\TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Plugin\AbstractPlugin::pi_RTEcssText( $row ['bodytext'] );
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_free_result( $res );
What am I missing? Why isn't the content rendered with the current language in the case of the CONTENTS method?
Easiest way is to use the cObject viewhelper to render right from TypoScript.
And inside your TypoScript template provide the configuration:
lib.myContent = CONTENT
lib.myContent {
BTW, you are bypassing the TYPO3 CMS API. Please do not do so. Always use the API methods to query for data.
e.g. \TYPO3\CMS\core\Database\DatabaseConnection is always available at GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->. Do not use the the mysql function.
On top of that, I believe that you can archive whatever you are trying to do with pure TypoScript, without the need to program anything. Feel free to ask a new questions to get help on this.
In TYPO3 4.x you could use the following methods to load the translated record:
They are also available at $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->getRecordOverlay().

Default element value using Zend_Form with Zend_Config_Ini

I have been looking for hours and I can't find any documentation anywhere as to how you set the default value of an element using Zend_Config_Ini as the initialisation to a Zend_Form.
I've seen the documentation for how you do it in normal PHP code...
$validators = array(
'month' => array(
'default' => '1'
// no value for 'month' field
$data = array();
$input = new Zend_Filter_Input(null, $validators, $data);
echo $input->month; // echoes 1
But there's no documentation as to how you set it in an .ini file. I've tried everything (obviously not, but it seems so)!!
Does anyone know the "syntax"?
query.elements.rows.type = "text"
query.elements.rows.options.required = true
query.elements.rows.options.validators.rows.validator = "digits"
query.elements.rows.default = 0 # DOESN'T WORK!
If the "rows" value provided isn't of "digits" then I want it set to "0".
Thanks in advance!!
query.elements.rows.type = "text"
query.elements.rows.options.required = true
query.elements.rows.options.validators.rows.validator = "digits"
query.elements.rows.options.value = 0 # This works ;)
If the "rows" value provided isn't of "digits" then I want it set to "0".
This is not achievable by default options. Try the following code:
if( !$form->isValid( $_POST ) ) {
$errorsMessages = $form->getMessages();
$form->getElement( 'rows' )->setValue( '0' ) ;