Joomla Plugin translations dont take effect - plugins

I'm having a small problem and I cant figure it out...
I've downloaded the plugin and translated the .ini language files to my language. BUT when I uploaded the files directly to administrator/language/es-ES folder it doesnt translate the plugin...
What am I doing wrong?
Also tryed to upload to frontend/language folder, still nothing changes.

Found a solution, downloaded Localise and fixed the error made during the translation. Awesome plugin.


How to get a file out of a compiled unity game that I made

I created a mini game using Unity and built it a few months back. It was just a pet project so I deleted the project file but still have the built/compiled game. In the project's ASSETS, I put a text file with some notes that I had created for myself and some scripts.
Is there a way to extract or even just see the text file from my built game? Is there a way to extract all the assets or something?
I'm extremely new at this kind of thing so unfortunately, I don't really know the right way to ask the question or find it on google. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Probably not
That text file, if it wasn't used as an asset, isn't going to be in your compiled game anyway. But even if it was, finding it and extracting it would be difficult due to the semi-obfuscated nature of dlls and how Unity compresses and builds assets into dlls.
If you want to make the file accessible post-build by design, use StreamingAssets folder.
Otherwise you'll have to rely on 'uglier' methods as mentioned by Draco18s (people steal assets all the time so it's not impossible).
what's your building platform ?
if it's android then you can get a look at the scripts and other text files using ILSpy.
Just change the .apk to .zip
Unzip, and open the compiled files in ILSPY.

Multiple _PublishedWebsites Folders

I am using VS Code on Manjaro and have setup a solution with 2 projects, a webapp and a test project.
Each time I do a build it appears to generate a new _PublishedWebsites folder with NetCoreApp underneath it. I am surprised that nobody else seems to have encountered this issue. Can anyone tell me why this is happening and how to fix it?
Many thanks.
You should check your csproj file, particularly PublishDir element which is your specified location for publishing output files and change that if your like.
However, I think this is required behavior for .net core support in app harbor, find more details in the support webpage over here.

discover which Eclipse projects are opened

Is there any way to discover programatically (but not in PDE code) which eclipse projects are opened?
I was hoping that would exist a .metadata anywhere telling me that, but couldn't find any non binary data.
The closer I got was something like:
"$WORKSPACE.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.projects/%s/org.eclipse.jdt.core/state.dat" where %s refers to the project name
I think m2eclipse uses that guy for some kind of control, because on a m2project this file gets removed as soon as the projects build.
Also, i found some information on .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/workingsets.xml but none of them give me the full info I was hoping to find.
Does anyone knows how to solve it?
I was trying on eclipse 3.7.
On eclipse 4.3 , at least, its possible to parse $WORKSPACE/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/workingsets.xml and look up whether the desired project has a factoryID="org.eclipse.jdt.ui.PersistableJavaElementFactory", meaning it is opened.
I Didn't try this on 4.2 tough, maybe it works there as well.
To do it "programmatically", you call the APIs from the org.eclipse.core.resources plug-in. Otherwise, you are doing it wrong.

cant link header file to xcode project

I am sure this may be super silly but I have been spending so many hours trying to figure this out and looking everywhere. I added a 3rd party library to my Xcode project and when compiling it says that the header is missing even though I dragged the entire library to my projects.
Is there a way to manually link the header to my project? What am I missing? thanks!!
Not sure if this helps. I am trying to add ShopSavvy scanner. In Finder, I have a library called ScannerKit where my .xcodeproj is. Under the ScannerKit library there is a Headers library where all the headers are.
Are you sure you checked copy when you added it in?
Try deleting it, then importing it again, making sure the box is checked.
Sometimes a library may have the header outside of the main library, for example I know TestFlightApp do this, TestFlightApp.h is outside the main library.
What library are you trying to use?
This has often happened to me, and I have found that sometimes it depends where in your project the header is located. If you have a supporting files folder, I would put it there. Really anywhere inside the classes folder. I'm not really sure why this problem occurs, though.

How to programmatically get information in Eclipse

I'm developing an Eclipse Plug-in.
I need to programmatically get both filepath and filename of the selected/active file in the eclipse editor.
Also need to programmatically add an existing file (located outside the project) to the project and then open it on the editor.
I'm a totally beginner with Eclipse, so complete solution would be appreciated.
You question is quite general, but this should clear things up a bit:
Eclipse Plugin Development Tutorial
About adding a file to the project, you have to read the documentation and find where eclipse handles projects. I think that if you have a reference to the project it should be easy.
Hope it helps =)
Your editor is most likely inheriting from IEditorPart, so you should be able to call getEditorInput(), which then may or may not turn out to be a FileEditorInput, for example. From there, you can get at the underlying details of the file.
For your second problem, you can use IProject.create() and then e.g. do an IFile.createLink() and use a local filesystem path, or copy the file using IFile.appendContents().
Have you tried the solution proposed in