How to use a helper - magento-1.7

I am creating a module that allows a user to input details into a form and save their details to allow relevant information to be forwarded to them at specified times.
To retrieve the details from the form and add them to the database I followed a tutorial and produced this code
public function saveAction()
$title = $this->getRequest()->getPost('title');
$f_name = $this->getRequest()->getPost('f_name');
$l_name = $this->getRequest()->getPost('l_name');
if ( isset($title) && ($title != '') && isset($f_name) && ($f_name != '') && isset($l_name) && ($l_name != '') ) {
$contact = Mage::getModel('prefcentre/prefcentre');
$contact->setData('title', $title);
$contact->setData('f_name', $f_name);
$contact->setData('l_name', $l_name);
} else {
The tutorial says to put it into the controller in a saveAction, and that works fine. However from my very limited understanding it would go in to a helper and i'd call the helper from the controller
I placed the above code in my helper and called it from within the saveAction using the following
Mage::helper('module/helpername');//returned blank screen and did not save
I also tried
Mage::helper('module/helpername_function');//returned error
My config has
1 . Should this code go in a helper, if not where should it go?
2 . How do I call the helper(or the location the code need to go) to utilise the code?

1 . Should this code go in a helper, if not where should it go?
The actual code you posted imo is predestinated to be used within a controller action because it realizes a very specific process flow: Get user data for a specific case -> save if applicable -> redirect.
Secondly, a helper imo never should control route dispatching. It's a helper, not a controller.
I fail to see any use case where putting the method into a helper would give any advantages.
2 . How do I call the helper(or the location the code need to go) to
utilise the code?
Your definition uses <prefcentre> as alias, so if you did setup the helper the Magento standard way and using the file app/code/local/Ps/Prefcentre/Helper/Data.php, than your helper methods are callable like this:


Is there any way to route random string to dashboard in Codeigniter 3?

I have a question about Codeigniter: Is there any way to check function exists In the controller file and then route to the function path or else route it to a specific url?
I don't know what kind of Dashboard mean in your question.
I just answer how to check function exist or not in controller and route to that function.
In some case, you may need to add a route rule in config/routes.php.
$route['/programme/(.*)$'] = 'programme/programmes/$2';
Use method_exists() to check if function exist.
class Programme extends CI_Controller {
public function programmes($sub_part = NULL) {
if (!empty($sub_part) and method_exists($this, 'programmes_'. $sub_part)) {
return $this->{'programmes_'. $sub_part}(array_slice(func_get_args(), 1));
private function programmes_foo() {
When a visitor go to (foo is something affect which function to call), your website should able to show foo. If the function is not exist, it show bar.
You can use
$route['product/(:any)'] = 'yourcontroller/your_function';
Source :
i think you can change your route into this
$route[‘produk/(:num)/(:any)’] = ‘HomeControl/detail_produk/$1/$2’;
result from that route it's like this
or maybe you can read the documentation CI 3 in this link or you can read my reference this link
i hope i can help you, thanks.

Get newly created id of a record before redirecting page

I would like to retrieve the id of a newly created record using javascript when I click on save button and just before redirecting page.
Do you have any idea please ?
Thank you !
One way to do this in Sugar 7 would be by overriding the CreateView.
Here an example of a CustomCreateView that outputs the new id in an alert-message after a new Account was successfully created, but before Sugar gets to react to the created record.
extendsFrom: 'CreateView',
// This initialize function override does nothing except log to console,
// so that you can see that your custom view has been loaded.
// You can remove this function entirely. Sugar will default to CreateView's initialize then.
initialize: function(options) {
this._super('initialize', [options]);
console.log('Custom create view initialized.');
// saveModel is the function used to save the new record, let's override it.
// Parameters 'success' and 'error' are functions/callbacks.
// (based on clients/base/views/create/create.js)
saveModel: function(success, error) {
// Let's inject our own code into the success callback.
var custom_success = function() {
// Execute our custom code and forward all callback arguments, in case you want to use them.
// Execute the original callback (which will show the message and redirect etc.)
// Make sure that the "this" variable will be set to _this_ view when our custom function is called via callback.
custom_success = _.bind(custom_success , this);
// Let's call the original saveModel with our custom callback.
this._super('saveModel', [custom_success, error]);
// our custom code
customCodeOnCreate: function() {
console.log('customCodeOnCreate() called with these arguments:', arguments);
// Retrieve the id of the model.
var new_id = this.model.get('id');
// do something with id
if (!_.isEmpty(new_id)) {
alert('new id: ' + new_id);
I tested this with the Accounts module of Sugar, but it should be possible to implement this for all other sidecar modules within Sugar.
However, this will not work for modules in backward-compatibility mode (those with #bwc in their URL).
Note: If the module in question already has its own Base<ModuleName>CreateView, you probably should extend from <ModuleName>CreateView (no Base) instead of from the default CreateView.
Be aware that this code has a small chance of breaking during Sugar upgrades, e.g. if the default CreateView code receives changes in the saveModel function definition.
Also, if you want to do some further reading on extending views, there is an SugarCRM dev blog post about this topic:
I resolved this by using logic hook (after save), for your information, I am using Sugar 6.5 no matter the version of suitecrm.
Thank you !

How to send and access a parameter/value upon Form Submission to next controller

I am new to Laravel.
I have a controller method which retrieves data from request, creates a model instance
and saves it to database.
It then redirects to controller with a value (user name)
return redirect()->action('SignupController#confirm' , $username);
Route for confirm is :
Route::get('confirm/{user}' , 'SignupController#confirm');
In 'confirm' method i retrieved value from variable and passed it to view
public function confirm($username)
return view('auth.confirm')->with('username' , $username);
Confirm view present a form to confirm account and upon succesful submission post to route :
Route::post('confirm' , 'SignupController#confirmCode');
In 'confirmCode' i want to access that value which i actully fetched from user input
and passed down the line.
But i am unable to do it , i even tried post route with a wild card
Route::post('confirm/{user}' , 'SignupController#confirmCode');
and tried to access it similarly as before , but it is not passed along when form submits as i get nothing when i
tried to look for it using var_dump($username).
Error is :
Missing argument 1 for App\Http\Controllers\SignupController::confirmCode()
By the way, temporarily i am using hidden field to do the job which is not a good idea obviously.
I know i am missing something. Looking forward for some advice. Thanks in advance.
You can simply use Session::flash or if it's more than one redirect then you can use Session::put.
use Session; // at the top between class and namespace
public function confirm($username)
Session::flash('username', $username);
// Session::put('username',$username);
return view('auth.confirm')->with('username' , $username);
public function confirmCode() {

TYPO3 Extension: Generate a PDF

Im trying to make an extension with Kickstarter that overrides the normal rendering of the page, and renders a PDF file. For this im using FPDF. But im not sure how to do it. I tried doing this, but it didnt work:
// require_once(PATH_tslib . 'class.tslib_pibase.php');
class tx_ishurkunde_pi1 extends tslib_pibase {
public $prefixId = 'tx_ishurkunde_pi1';
public $scriptRelPath = 'pi1/class.tx_ishurkunde_pi1.php';
public $extKey = 'ish_urkunde';
public $pi_checkCHash = TRUE;
public function main($content, array $conf) {
if (!t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded('fpdf')) return "Error!";
$pdf = new FPDF();
$content = $pdf->Output('', 'S');
return $content;
It still keeps rendering the normal web template. What am I missing?
FYI, Im not trying to render the HTML as PDF. Im trying to generate a PDF from scratch, using the URL parameters are text variables.
As far as I understood, your aim is to render a PDF instead of page elements.
Your current approach will not work since you are inserting a plugin onto the page. The plugin's return value is then given back to the TYPO3 content parser, and if the page has finished parsing, it is displayed. There is no part in it where you can throw over the whole page rendering; At least it is not intended to do, and you shouldn't to (albeit there are extensions that do this).
The eID approach would be to either create an eID script (have a look at dd_googlesitemap) which is called via GET param and renders only what you need. There you basically can do everything you want to.
In your extension's ext_localconf.php you register the eID script, like this:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['eID_include'][$_EXTKEY] = "EXT:{$_EXTKEY}/path/to/my/EIDHandler.php";
An Example eID handler structure:
class Tx_MyExt_EIDHandler
public function main()
// Your code here
$output = t3lib_div::makeInstance('Tx_MyExt_EIDHandler');
To call your eID script in the frontend, you append the appropriate GET params, like This is the array key you defined in your ext_localconf.php (in my example, it is $_EXTKEY, but it can basically be any string).
The plugin/typoscript approach would be like e.g. TemplaVoila does it: You create a PAGE type and call a user_func which does your things. This would be the fastest approach because you already have a plugin. Important is that you render your own page type with only your plugin in it.
Example TypoScript:
specialPage = PAGE
specialPage {
type = 2
10 = USER
10.userFunc = tx_myextension_pi1->myFunc
After that, you can call your new page with However, headers etc are still rendered and you may need to remove them.

Render action to HTML email in Zend Framework

I have an action which is rendering some content via a layout.
I actually want to send this output in an email. What is the best way to achieve this in the Zend Framework?
I know I need to use the Zend_Mail component to send the email, but I'm unclear about how to attach the output of my action to Zend_Mail.
I've done some reading on the ContextSwitch action helper, and I think that might be appropriate, but I'm still not convinced.
I'm still new to Zend Framework. I'm used to using techniques like output buffering to capture output, which I don't think is the correct way to do this in Zend.
From your controller:
// do this if you're not using the default layout
$this->view->data = $items;
$htmlString = $this->view->render('foo/bar.phtml');
If you're doing this from a class that's not an instance of Zend_Controller_Action, you may have to create an instance of a Zend_view first, to do this:
$view = new Zend_view();
// you have to explicitly define the path to the template you're using
$view->data = $data;
$htmlString = $view->render('foo/bar.phtml');
public static function sendMail($data = array(), $template = ''){
$html = new Zend_View();
$html->setScriptPath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/default/views');
// assign valeues
foreach($data['Assigni'] as $assign){
$html->assign($assign['key'], $assign['value']);
// create mail object
$mail = new Zend_Mail('utf-8');
// render view //'scripts/newsletter/emailtemplate.phtml'
$bodyText = $html->render($template);
$mail->setFrom($data['From'], $data['FromName']);
when you dispatch the action, you can catch the event in postDispatch() method of plugin, that you can dynamically add to the stack from desired action. In that you recieve the contents of response by
//in action
//...some php code
Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->registerPlugin(new My_Plugin());
//in plugin
$htmlCode = $this->_response->getBody();
I can't give you a super-detailed answer, but if you want the full output (including the layout), I think you want to write your email function as an Action helper, and insert it at the PostDispatch hook of the Zend_Controller_Action->dispatch() loop.
See for the full Zend Framework Dispatch Process Overview.
If you don't need the layout included in your email content, then you could do this at many points, including by the use of a context switch, as you mentioned.