A bigger loop in Scala - scala

I'm using Scala to create a program, but am hitting a wall with how many iterations the loop can do. I'm still quite new when it comes to functional programming and programming in Scala, but this is what I have at the moment:
val s = Range(1, 999999999).view.foldLeft(0)(_ + _ / whatever);
But i can't get the loop say a few orders of magnitude bigger than 999999999, say as in the max value of a long. I know i could use a for loop, but i cant see a fold option with that.
Anyone know how this can be achieved?

As you've found, Seqs cannot contain more than Int.MaxValue elements. Until this feature is fixed, don't use a Seq. You can
1) use a while-loop
2) use a for-loop without a sequence
but with these ways you can't use the methods of Scala collections like foldLeft in your example.
So what you need is an Iterator. e.g.
def bigIterator(start: BigInt, end: BigInt, step: BigInt = 1) =
Iterator.iterate(start)(_ + step).takeWhile(_ <= end)
bigIterator(0, BigInt("3000000000")).foldLeft(BigInt(0))(_ + _)
etc will work. Note: if you don't need the full range of BigInt, use Long instead as it's significantly faster.

(BigInt(1) to BigInt(999999999)).view.foldLeft(BigInt(0))(_ + _ / whatever)
or something like
if you bring enough time with you.
For example:
scala> (BigInt(0) to BigInt("2000000000000000") by BigInt("2000000000")).view.foldLeft(BigInt(0))(_ + _)
res: scala.math.BigInt = 1000001000000000000000


Fibonnaci Sequence fast implementation

I have written this function in Scala to calculate the fibonacci number given a particular index n:
def fibonacci(n: Long): Long = {
if(n <= 1) n
fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)
However it is not efficient when calculating with large indexes. Therefore I need to implement a function using a tuple and this function should return two consecutive values as the result.
Can somebody give me any hints about this? I have never used Scala before. Thanks!
This question should maybe go to Mathematics.
There is an explicit formula for the Fibonacci sequence. If you need to calculate the Fibonacci number for n without the previous ones, this is much faster. You find it here (Binet's formula): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci_number
Here's a simple tail-recursive solution:
def fibonacci(n: Long): Long = {
def fib(i: Long, x: Long, y: Long): Long = {
if (i > 0) fib(i-1, x+y, x)
else x
fib(n, 0, 1)
The solution you posted takes exponential time since it creates two recursive invocation trees (fibonacci(n - 1) and fibonacci(n - 2)) at each step. By simply tracking the last two numbers, you can recursively compute the answer without any repeated computation.
Can you explain the middle part, why (i-1, x+y, x) etc. Sorry if I am asking too much but I hate to copy and paste code without knowing how it works.
It's pretty simple—but my poor choice of variable names might have made it confusing.
i is simply a counter saying how many steps we have left. If we're calculating the Mth (I'm using M since I already used n in my code) Fibonacci number, then i tells us how many more terms we have left to calculate before we reach the Mth term.
x is the mth term in the Fibonacci sequence, or Fm (where m = M - i).
y is the m-1th term in the Fibonacci sequence, or Fm-1 .
So, on the first call fib(n, 0, 1), we have i=M, x=0, y=1. If you look up the bidirectional Fibonacci sequence, you'll see that F0 = 0 and F-1 = 1, which is why x=0 and y=1 here.
On the next recursive call, fib(i-1, x+y, x), we pass x+y as our next x value. This come straight from the definiton:
Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2
We pass x as the next y term, since our current Fn-1 is the same as Fn-2 for the next term.
On each step we decrement i since we're one step closer to the final answer.
I am assuming that you don't have saved values from previous computations. If so, it will be faster for you to use the direct formula using the golden ratio instead of the recursive definition. The formula can be found in the Wikipedia page for Fibonnaci number:
floor(pow(phi, n)/root_of_5 + 0.5)
where phi = (1 + sqrt(5)/2).
I have no knowledge of programming in Scala. I am hoping someone on SO will upgrade my pseudo-code to actual Scala code.
Here's another solution again using Streams as below (getting Memoization for free) but a bit more intuitive (aka: without using zip/tail invocation on fibs Stream):
val fibs = Stream.iterate( (0,1) ) { case (a,b)=>(b,a+b) }.map(_._1)
that yields the same output as below for:
fibs take 5 foreach println
Scala supports Memoizations through Streams that is an implementation of lazy lists. This is a perfect fit for Fibonacci implementation which is actually provided as an example in the Scala Api for Streams. Quoting here:
import scala.math.BigInt
object Main extends App {
val fibs: Stream[BigInt] = BigInt(0) #:: BigInt(1) #:: fibs.zip(fibs.tail).map { n => n._1 + n._2 }
fibs take 5 foreach println
// prints
// 0
// 1
// 1
// 2
// 3

Carry on information about previous computations

I'm new to functional programming, so some problems seems harder to solve using functional approach.
Let's say I have a list of numbers, like 1 to 10.000, and I want to get the items of the list which sums up to at most a number n (let's say 100). So, it would get the numbers until their sum is greater than 100.
In imperative programming, it's trivial to solve this problem, because I can keep a variable in each interaction, and stop once the objective is met.
But how can I do the same in functional programming? Since the sum function operates on completed lists, and I still don't have the completed list, how can I 'carry on' the computation?
If sum was lazily computed, I could write something like that:
(1 to 10000).sum.takeWhile(_ < 100)
P.S.:Even though any answer will be appreciated, I'd like one that doesn't compute the sum each time, since obviously the imperative version will be much more optimal regarding speed.
I know that I can "convert" the imperative loop approach to a functional recursive function. I'm more interested in finding if one of the existing library functions can provide a way for me not to write one each time I need something.
Use Stream.
scala> val ss = Stream.from(1).take(10000)
ss: scala.collection.immutable.Stream[Int] = Stream(1, ?)
scala> ss.scanLeft(0)(_ + _)
res60: scala.collection.immutable.Stream[Int] = Stream(0, ?)
scala> res60.takeWhile(_ < 100).last
res61: Int = 91
Obtaining components is not very tricky either. This is how you can do it:
scala> ss.scanLeft((0, Vector.empty[Int])) { case ((sum, compo), cur) => (sum + cur, compo :+ cur) }
res62: scala.collection.immutable.Stream[(Int, scala.collection.immutable.Vector[Int])] = Stream((0,Vector()), ?)
scala> res62.takeWhile(_._1 < 100).last
res63: (Int, scala.collection.immutable.Vector[Int]) = (91,Vector(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13))
The second part of the tuple is your desired result.
As should be obvious, in this case, building a vector is wasteful. Instead we can only store the last number from the stream that contributed to sum.
scala> ss.scanLeft(0)(_ + _).zipWithIndex
res64: scala.collection.immutable.Stream[(Int, Int)] = Stream((0,0), ?)
scala> res64.takeWhile(_._1 < 100).last._2
res65: Int = 13
The way I would do this is with recursion. On each call, add the next number. Your base case is when the sum is greater than 100, at which point you return all the way up the stack. You'll need a helper function to do the actual recursion, but that's no big deal.
This isn't hard using "functional" methods either.
Using recursion, rather than maintaining your state in a local variable that you mutate, you keep it in parameters and return values.
So, to return the longest initial part of a list whose sum is at most N:
If the list is empty, you're done; return the empty list.
If the head of the list is greater than N, you're done; return the empty list.
Otherwise, let H be the head of the list.
All we need now is the initial part of the tail of the list whose sum is at most N - H, then we can "cons" H onto that list, and we're done.
We can compute this recursively using the same procedure as we have used this far, so it's an easy step.
A simple pseudocode solution:
sum_to (n, ls) = if isEmpty ls or n < (head ls)
then Nil
else (head ls) :: sum_to (n - head ls, tail ls)
sum_to(100, some_list)
All sequence operations which require only one pass through the sequence can be implemented using folds our reduce like it is sometimes called.
I find myself using folds very often since I became used to functional programming
so here odd one possible approach
Use an empty collection as initial value and fold according to this strategy
Given the processed collection and the new value check if their sum is low enough and if then spend the value to the collection else do nothing
that solution is not very efficient but I want to emphasize the following
map fold filter zip etc are the way to get accustomed to functional programming try to use them as much as possible instead of loping constructs or recursive functions your code will be more declarative and functional

Idiomatic form of dealing with un-initialized var

I'm coding up my first Scala script to get a feel for the language, and I'm a bit stuck as to the best way to achieve something.
My situation is the following, I have a method which I need to call N times, this method returns an Int on each run (might be different, there's a random component to the execution), and I want to keep the best run (the smallest value returned on these runs).
Now, coming from a Java/Python background, I would simply initialize the variable with null/None, and compare in the if, something like:
best = None
result = executionOfThings()
if(best is None or result < best):
best = result
And that's that (pardon for the semi-python pseudo-code).
Now, on Scala, I'm struggling a bit. I've read about the usage of Option and pattern matching to achieve the same effect, and I guess I could code up something like (this was the best I could come up with):
best match {
case None => best = Some(res)
case Some(x) if x > res => best = Some(res)
case _ =>
I believe this works, but I'm not sure if it's the most idiomatic way of writing it. It's clear enough, but a bit verbose for such a simple "use-case".
Anyone that could shine a functional light on me?
For this particular problem, not in general, I would suggest initializing with Int.MaxValue as long as you're guaranteed that N >= 1. Then you just
if (result < best) best = result
You could also, with best as an option,
best = best.filter(_ >= result).orElse( Some(result) )
if the optionality is important (e.g. it is possible that N == 0, and you don't take a distinct path through the code in that case). This is a more general way to deal with optional values that may get replaced: use filter to keep the non-replaced cases, and orElse to fill in the replacement if needed.
Just use the min function:
(for (... executionOfThings()).min
((1 to 5).map (x => 4 * x * x - (x * x * x))).min
edit: adjusted to #user-unknown's suggestion
I would suggest you to rethink you whole computation to be more functional. You mutate state which should be avoided. I could think of a recursive version of your code:
def calcBest[A](xs: List[A])(f: A => Int): Int = {
def calcBest(xs: List[A], best: Int = Int.MaxValue): Int = xs match {
// will match an empty list
case Nil => best
// x will hold the head of the list and rest the rest ;-)
case x :: rest => calcBest(rest, math.min(f(x), best))
callable with calcBest(List(7,5,3,8,2))(_*2) // => res0: Int = 4
With this you have no mutable state at all.
Another way would be to use foldLeft on the list:
list.foldLeft(Int.MaxValue) { case (best,x) => math.min(calculation(x),best) }
foldLeft takes a B and a PartialFunction of Tuple2[B,A] => B and returns B
Both ways are equivalent. The first one is probably faster, the second is more readable. Both traverse a list call a function on each value and return the smallest. Which from your snippet is what you want, right?
I thought I would offer another idiomatic solution. You can use Iterator.continually to create an infinite-length iterator that's lazily evaluated, take(N) to limit the iterator to N elements, and use min to find the winner.
Iterator.continually { executionOfThings() }.take(N).min

Scala - folding on values that result from object interaction

In Scala I have a list of objects that represent points and contain x and y values. The list describes a path that goes through all these points sequentially. My question is how to use folding on that list in order to find the total length of the path? Or maybe there is even a better functional or Scala way to do this?
What I have came up with is this:
def distance = (0 /: wps)(Waypoint.distance(_, _))
but ofcourse this is totally wrong because distance returns Float, but accepts two Waypoint objects.
Thanks for the proposed solutions! They are definitely interesting, but I think that this is too much functional for real-time calculations that may become heavy. So far I have came out with these lines:
val distances = for(i <- 0 until wps.size) yield wps(i).distanceTo(wps(i + 1))
val distance = (0f /: distances)(_ + _)
I feel this to be a fair imperative/functional mix that is both fast and also leaves the distances values between each waypoint for further possible references which is also a benifit in my case.
UPDATE 2: Actually, to determine, what is faster, I will have to do benchmarks of all the proposed solutions on all types of sequences.
This should work.
(wps, wps drop 1).zipped.map(Waypoint.distance).sum
Don't know if fold can be used here, but try this:
wps.sliding(2).map(segment => Waypoint.distance(segment(0), segment(1))).sum
wps.sliding(2) returns a list of all subsequent pairs. Or if you prefer pattern matching:
wps.sliding(2).collect{case start :: end :: Nil => Waypoint.distance(start, end)}.sum
BTW consider defining:
def distanceTo(to: Waypoint)
on Waypoint class directly, not on companion object as it looks more object-oriented and will allow you to write nice DSL-like code:
or even:
point1 distanceTo point2
case start :: end :: Nil => start distanceTo end
Your comment "too much functional for real-time calculations that may become heavy" makes this interesting. Benchmarking and profiling are critical, since you don't want to write a bunch of hard-to-maintain code for the sake of performance, only to find out that it's not a performance critical part of your application in the first place! Or, even worse, find out that your performance optimizations makes things worse for your specific workload.
The best performing implementation will depend on your specifics (How long are the paths? How many cores are on the system?) But I think blending imperative and functional approaches may give you the worst-of-both worlds. You could lose out on both readability and performance if you're not careful!
I would very slightly modify missingfaktor's answer to allow you to have performance gains from parallel collections. The fact that simply adding .par could give you a tremendous performance boost demonstrates the power of sticking with functional programming!
def distancePar(wps: collection.GenSeq[Waypoint]): Double = {
val parwps = wps.par
parwps.zip(parwps drop 1).map(Function.tupled(distance)).sum
My guess is that this would work best if you have several of cores to throw at the problem, and wps tends to be somewhat long. If you have few cores or short paths, then parallelism will probably hurt more than it helps.
The other extreme would be a fully imperative solution. Writing imperative implementations of individual, performance critical, functions is usually acceptable, so long as you avoid shared mutable state. But once you get used to FP, you'll find this sort of function more difficult to write and maintain. And it's also not easy to parallelize.
def distanceImp(wps: collection.GenSeq[Waypoint]): Double = {
if (wps.size <= 1) {
} else {
var r = 0.0
var here = wps.head
var remaining = wps.tail
while (!remaining.isEmpty) {
r += distance(here, remaining.head)
here = remaining.head
remaining = remaining.tail
Finally, if you're looking for a middle ground between FP and imperative, you might try recursion. I haven't profiled it, but my guess is that this will be roughly equivalent to the imperative solution in terms of performance.
def distanceRec(wps: collection.GenSeq[Waypoint]): Double = {
def helper(acc: Double, here: Waypoint, remaining: collection.GenSeq[Waypoint]): Double =
if (remaining.isEmpty)
helper(acc + distance(here, remaining.head), remaining.head, remaining.tail)
if (wps.size <= 1)
helper(0.0, wps.head, wps.tail)
If you are doing indexing of any kind you want to be using Vector, not List:
scala> def timed(op: => Unit) = { val start = System.nanoTime; op; (System.nanoTime - start) / 1e9 }
timed: (op: => Unit)Double
scala> val l = List.fill(100000)(1)
scala> val v = Vector.fill(100000)(1)
scala> timed { var t = 0; for (i <- 0 until l.length - 1) yield t += l(i) + l(i + 1) }
res2: Double = 16.252194583
scala> timed { var t = 0; for (i <- 0 until v.length - 1) yield t += v(i) + v(i + 1) }
res3: Double = 0.047047654
ListBuffer offers fast appends, it doesn't offer fast random access.

Infinite streams in Scala

Say I have a function, for example the old favourite
def factorial(n:Int) = (BigInt(1) /: (1 to n)) (_*_)
Now I want to find the biggest value of n for which factorial(n) fits in a Long. I could do
(1 to 100) takeWhile (factorial(_) <= Long.MaxValue) last
This works, but the 100 is an arbitrary large number; what I really want on the left hand side is an infinite stream that keeps generating higher numbers until the takeWhile condition is met.
I've come up with
val s = Stream.continually(1).zipWithIndex.map(p => p._1 + p._2)
but is there a better way?
(I'm also aware I could get a solution recursively but that's not what I'm looking for.)
creates a stream starting from 1 and incrementing by 1. It's all in the API docs.
A Solution Using Iterators
You can also use an Iterator instead of a Stream. The Stream keeps references of all computed values. So if you plan to visit each value only once, an iterator is a more efficient approach. The downside of the iterator is its mutability, though.
There are some nice convenience methods for creating Iterators defined on its companion object.
Unfortunately there's no short (library supported) way I know of to achieve something like
Stream.from(1) takeWhile (factorial(_) <= Long.MaxValue) last
The approach I take to advance an Iterator for a certain number of elements is drop(n: Int) or dropWhile:
Iterator.from(1).dropWhile( factorial(_) <= Long.MaxValue).next - 1
The - 1 works for this special purpose but is not a general solution. But it should be no problem to implement a last method on an Iterator using pimp my library. The problem is taking the last element of an infinite Iterator could be problematic. So it should be implemented as method like lastWith integrating the takeWhile.
An ugly workaround can be done using sliding, which is implemented for Iterator:
scala> Iterator.from(1).sliding(2).dropWhile(_.tail.head < 10).next.head
res12: Int = 9
as #ziggystar pointed out, Streams keeps the list of previously computed values in memory, so using Iterator is a great improvment.
to further improve the answer, I would argue that "infinite streams", are usually computed (or can be computed) based on pre-computed values. if this is the case (and in your factorial stream it definately is), I would suggest using Iterator.iterate instead.
would look roughly like this:
scala> val it = Iterator.iterate((1,BigInt(1))){case (i,f) => (i+1,f*(i+1))}
it: Iterator[(Int, scala.math.BigInt)] = non-empty iterator
then, you could do something like:
scala> it.find(_._2 >= Long.MaxValue).map(_._1).get - 1
res0: Int = 22
or use #ziggystar sliding solution...
another easy example that comes to mind, would be fibonacci numbers:
scala> val it = Iterator.iterate((1,1)){case (a,b) => (b,a+b)}.map(_._1)
it: Iterator[Int] = non-empty iterator
in these cases, your'e not computing your new element from scratch every time, but rather do an O(1) work for every new element, which would improve your running time even more.
The original "factorial" function is not optimal, since factorials are computed from scratch every time. The simplest/immutable implementation using memoization is like this:
val f : Stream[BigInt] = 1 #:: (Stream.from(1) zip f).map { case (x,y) => x * y }
And now, the answer can be computed like this:
println( "count: " + (f takeWhile (_<Long.MaxValue)).length )
The following variant does not test the current, but the next integer, in order to find and return the last valid number:
Iterator.from(1).find(i => factorial(i+1) > Long.MaxValue).get
Using .get here is acceptable, since find on an infinite sequence will never return None.