How to use Tomcat 8 in Eclipse? - eclipse

EDIT 2014-02-07: Eclipse Luna is here, and support for Tomcat 8 is included in the bundled WTP : ) Happy days!
Tomcat 8 is still in development, but you can get it here. Now there is a RC version on the main Apache Tomcat page. Update 2/27/14: 8 is released now, and adapters built for WTP, just not integrated into eclipse bundles yet. Soon!
In Eclipse Kepler though, there is no supported adapter in the add server list for Tomcat 8. the Tomcat 7 adapter doesn't work, and it doesn't look like there's a new extension for it to download in the "Install new Extension" dialog.
Is my only option to get it (Tomcat 8) running locally outside of Eclipse and maybe hook a remote debugger into it for stepping through code? Will that even work for Eclipse Kepler + Tomcat 8? IntelliJ IDEA 12 couldn't do it in the 30 minutes of time I put into that path.
If you're wondering why I'm trying to do this at all, I'm playing around with Spring 4.0.0.M1 and 4.0.0.M2 WebSocket stuff. They (per Rossen Stoyanchev's Spring 4.0 blog post and examples) use JSR-356, which is implemented in Tomcat 8, theoretically to be back-ported at some point to Tomcat 7.
An answer to the broader question of "How can I easily get a development environment going for Spring 4 WebSocket support?" would be nice, but it would also still be nice to know how to plug in unsupported web servers to Eclipse.
**Update 8/7/13 - Rossen Stoyanchev updated the Spring 4.0.0.M2 blog and added some jpda wisdom and shared that yeah, he's using remote debugging:
That said, it's not very hard to debug with Tomcat 8 inside Eclipse. Just change the last line in bin/ to be (note the addition of "jpda"):
exec "$PRGDIR"/"$EXECUTABLE" jpda start "$#"
Inside Eclipse create a remote debugging configuration for localhost port 80, launch it after starting Tomcat, and you can put breakpoints in the source code.
Thanks Rossen!
**Update 9/29/13 - Eclipse Kepler SR1 just arrived, but alas! No WTP support for Tomcat 8. Tomcat 8 is up to RC3.
**Updates 12/5/13
Blog url fix.
Tomcat 8 up to RC5.
Bug to track WTP fix in Eclipse to support Tomcat 8 HERE.
IntelliJ IDEA new version 13 says it now supports Tomcat 8. Haven't tried yet personally.

UPDATE: Eclipse Mars EE and later have native support for Tomcat8. Use this only if you have an earlier version of eclipse.
The latest version of Eclipse still does not support Tomcat 8, but you can add the new version of WTP and Tomcat 8 support will be added natively. To do this:
Download the latest version of Eclipse for Java EE
Go to the WTP downloads page, select the latest version (currently 3.6), and download the zip (under
Traditional Zip Files...Web App Developers). Here's the current link.
Copy the all of the files in features and plugins directories of the downloaded WTP into the corresponding Eclipse directories in your Eclipse folder (overwriting the existing files).
Start Eclipse and you should have a Tomcat 8 option available when you go to deploy.

I follow Jason's step, but not works.
And then I find the WTP Update site
Help -> Install new software -> Add > WTP: -> OK
Then Help -> Check for update, just works, I don't know whether Jason's affect this .

The only thing the eclipse plugin is checking is the tomcat version inside:
I replaced the properties file with the one in tomcat7 and that fixed the issue for eclipse
In order to be able to deploy the spring-websockets sample app you need to edit the following file in eclipse:
And change the web version to 2.5
<installed facet="jst.web" version="2.5"/>

This should be a comment under the accepted answer, but I don't have 50 reputation yet.
I first selected Released 3.5.2, which like others did not work for me.
Then I picked Integration 3.6.0, and saw Tomcat 8 for New Project of Dynamic Web Project.

I have tried below and it worked for me.
In eclipse go to Help->Eclipse Marketplace
Type JST extension in search box.
Install JSP Adapters for Luna
Restart the eclispe
You should be able to see Tocmat 8 server while adding new server.

In addition to #Jason's answer I had to do a bit more to get my app to run.
Download & unzip Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers (Note the EE edition)
Download & unzip Eclipse's Web Tools Platform Stable (Milestone) 3.6+
Overwrite the two folders in the Eclipse IDE, with the WTP folder(s) (features & plugins folders)
Download and unzip Tomcat 8
In eclipse new -> other -> server -> Tomcat 8 (choose the unzipped location)
If you get a 404, click the Tomcat 8 in the Servers view -> Server Locations -> Change to Use Tomcat installation, and change the Deploy path: to webapps *
(If you can't edit this, delete any published webapps)

To add the Tomcat 9.0 (Tomcat build from the trunk) as a server in Eclipse.
Update the file properties as below. Tomcat/#VERSION#
server.built=#VERSION_BUILT# Tomcat/7.0.57
server.built=Nov 3 2014 08:39:16 UTC
Build the tomcat server from trunk and add the server as tomcat7 instance in Eclipse. file location : \tomcat\java\org\apache\catalina\util\

The latest version of Springsource STS (3.6) supports Tomcat 8. It is based on eclipse Luna 4.4 and supports Java 8. Have at it!

Alternatively we can use eclipse update site (Help -> Install New Features -> Add Site (urls below) -> Select desired Features).
For Luna:
For Kepler:
For Helios:
For older version:

Downloaded Eclipse Luna and installed WTP using
Downloaded Tomcat 8 and configured new server in Eclipse. I am able to setup tomcat 8 now in Eclipse luna

If you have untarred your own version of tomcat v8 with a root user into a custom directory (linux) then the default permissions on the TOMCATROOT/lib directory do not allow normal user access.
Eclipse will not be able to see the catalina.jar to check the version. So no amount of fiddling aorund with the will help!
just add chmod u+x lib/ to allow normal user access to the libs.


How to use Tomcat 8.5.x and TomEE 7.x with Eclipse?

I need to setup a Tomcat 8.5.x server version in Eclipse. When I try to create a server using Eclipse GUI, I get in Eclipse Luna as choice the latest version "Apache Tomcat v8.0". When I select it and I browse to my Tomcat 8.5.x server, I get this blocking error message:
The Apache Tomcat installation at this directory is version 8.5.0. A
Tomcat 8.0 installation is expected.
The same error appears when trying TomEE 7.x, which is internally based on Tomcat 8.5.
In Eclipse Neon the latest version as choice is "Apache Tomcat v9.0" and it gives the same error. There isn't even a "Apache Tomcat v8.5" option.
Is there a way to use Tomcat 8.5 and TomEE 7.x in Eclipse? How?
You have to patch catalina.jar, as this is version number the WTP adapter looks at. It's a quite useless check, and the adapter should allow you to start the server anyway, but nobody has though of that yet.
For years and with every version of Tomcat this is always a problem.
To patch you can do the following:
cd [tomcat or tomee home]/lib
mkdir catalina
cd catalina/
unzip ../catalina.jar
vim org/apache/catalina/util/
Make sure it looks like the following (the version numbers all need to start with 8.0): Tomcat/8.0.0
server.built=May 11 2016 21:49:07 UTC
jar uf ../catalina.jar org/apache/catalina/util/
cd ..
rm -rf catalina
There is a patch for Eclipse:
Download this patch and put it to the plugins directory of your Eclipse installation. It will replace the default "org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core_1.1.800.v201602282129.jar".
After you add this patch you must choose "Apache Tomcat v9.0" when adding a server runtime environment in the Eclipse (Preferences > Server > Runtime Environments).
I.e. this patch allows you to select either Tomcat version 9.x or Tomcat version 8.5.x when adding Apache Tomcat v.9.0 runtime environment.
More details on can be found on the related bug report page:
For Tomcat 8.5.x users
You've to change the file of Tomcat's /lib/catalina.jar file. file contains the following code Tomcat/8.5.4
server.built=Jul 6 2016 08:43:30 UTC
Just open the file by opening the catalina.jar with winrar from your Tomcat's lib folder file location in catalina.jar is /org/apache/catalina/util/
Notice : shutdown the Tomcat server(if it's already opened by cmd) before doing these things otherwise your file doesn't change and your winrar shows error.
Then change the following code in Tomcat/
server.built=Jul 6 2016 08:43:30 UTC
Restart your eclipse(if opened). Now it'll work...
As for now Eclipse Neon service release is available. So if someone is still encounters this trouble, just go to
Help → Check for Updates
and install provided updates related to : org.eclipse.jst
This workaround worked for me. I edited the file as given below: Tomcat/8.0.0
server.built=Oct 6 2016 20:15:31 UTC
I had similar issues with Eclipse Kepler v3.8
I had tomcat v8.5.37 installed. I couldn't see Apache v8.5 as an option. By skimming through StackOverflow I found Apache v9.0 is available on Eclipse Neon.
Cool thing is you don't have to change your eclipse version.
In your current Eclipse. Download WTP(Web Tools Package) by following the steps:
Step 1: Help >>> Install New Software. Copy this link in the Work with:
Step 2: Select JST Server Adapters and JST Server Adapters Extensions from the first package you see. Install those.
Step 3: Windows >>> Preferences >>> Server >>> Runtime Environments >>> Add..
You'll see Apache v9.0 there!
It works!
Install the latest version of eclipse(). It would have the option to add Tomcat 8.5.
Go to the preview version of tomcat e.g. : tomcat 8.3 and copy catalina.jar file and
paste into the existing tomcat which you have facing the issue
Forgive me for invoking old problem. But it is like legendary, always happen for new users. The reason I am here is I want to purpose different answer. Rather simple. Please fo to windows->preference->Runtime Environment->search and select the folder where you download the server. It will automatically detect the server and you are good to go.
I'm guessing that you are running Eclipse Mars, or an even earlier release. You need to upgrade to Eclipse Neon or later
Navigate to /apache-tomcat-8.5.65/lib/org/apache/catalina/util/
Then change Tomcat/8.5.65
server.built=Jul 6 2021 00:29:43 UTC Tomcat/
server.built=Jul 6 2016 08:43:30 UTC

Apache Tomcat v8 is not showing in Eclipse Juno

I am trying to deploy Apache Tomcat v8 in Eclipse Juno. Under define new server option, I see different versions of Tomcat(screenshot below), but there is no v8.
Can you please tell me how do I fix this?
You'll find Tomcat 8 bundled with Eclipse since Mars version or, if you want to keep using your current version, you can download the Web Tools Platform plugin in zip format and overwrite features and plugins directories with the ones you got from the WTP.
According to me, you should not waste your time to find a particular plugin, just install Eclipse Mars.2 With this, you will get Apache Tomcat 8.0.

Glassfish Tools plugin for Eclipse Luna SR2 not working

I always install Glassfish Tools using Eclipse Marketplace or just downloading additional adapters in Eclipse Servers > New > Server.
For some reason, when moving from Eclipse Luna SR1 to SR2, the new plugin doesn't install the adapter (the "New Server" window doesn't shows Glassfish as an option), and when trying to manually download the Glassfish adapter, clicking at Download additional server adapters..., the Glassfish adapter is not shown.
Is there any bug in this version?
Something has changed in Oracle that the plugin is not available?
Make sure that you are running Eclipse with Java 8. The latest version of GF Tools for Eclipse requires Java 8 to run. You can still compile your projects with an earlier version of Java, if that's necessary.
To check the version of Java that you are running, go to Help -> About -> Installation Details -> Configuration.
To force Eclipse to use a particular JRE install, edit eclipse.ini file and add the following two lines at the start of the file:

Install new jboss server in eclipse luna

Anybody knows how to install a jboss 4.2 server in new eclipse luna?
When you try to add new server, jboss option doesnt appear.
I have installed jboss tools and then jboss AS option is available, but i just want jboss.
Thanks in advance!!
Install JBoss Tool for Luna. The only feature you need is JBossAS Tool.
Eclipse Luna is distributed without the useful "Generic JBoss configuration" server options.
However, I tried to import from Kepler version and... it works! :P
My steps:
1) Download Eclipse Kepler J2EE edition (
2) Download Eclipse Luna J2EE edition (
3) Extract both downloaded zip files.
4) Copy org.eclipse.jst.server.generic.jboss_1.6.100.v20130422_1357 folder and org.jboss.netty_3.2.5.Final-20130531-2315.jar file from plugins folder of Eclipse Kepler to plugins folder of Eclipse Luna.
5) Start Eclipse Luna, do a poker face and add Jboss to the server view :)
Happy working.
Kepler only has Jboss AS 5 and below. Another approach I found - For JBoss AS 7 and 8 server runtimes, point your eclipse to the update site url:,
This has so many components.. all we need for server integration is: JBoss Web and Java EE Development -> JBoss AS Tools. If you select only this component and install, its a small download without the full blown jboss tools installation.
Version: Luna Service Release 1a (4.4.1)
Build id: 20150109-0600
In IDE do next:
Help -> Install new software
In this window click "ADD" and add URL:
In list check "Jboss Web and Java EE Development"
After those operations eclipse should be restarted.
Y have new env in IDE for start apps in JBoss.
To be continue
==> 73

How to add GlassFish Server to Eclipse Oxygen?

I am using Eclipse Oxygen for Java EE. I have installed the Java EE 7 Web Profile SDK Update 3, that includes GlassFish Open Source Edition Web Profile 4.1.2.
When I do File >> New >> Server, the GlassFish does not appear on the server type list.
I already have seen this answer to this question, but it didn't help me because in Eclipse Oxygen I don't know where is the option to download additional server adapters.
How can I add GlassFish to Eclipse Oxygen?
I solved this problem by just installing GlassFish Tools through Marketplace.
What you have to do is drag the Install button in this link GlassFish Tools
and drop in your workspace, it may take a few minutes but after reboot your eclipse you will be able to add a GlassFish server