Unable to use Sphinx MVA sql_attr_multi - sphinx

I have a field called "tags" and it has values (say) "Music, Art, Sports, Food" etc. How can I use setFilter function in PHP-Sphinx for this field. I know that it has to be an integer and should be used as an array in PHP. So, if I use a numeric field for tags, what about the delimiters (in this case comma). Currently, I am using "sql_attr_multi" like this…
sql_attr_multi = uint tags from field
I have to filter the search based on any of the keywords the user has selected, Music, Sports, Food etc. As such, only MVA is the right option to do this. But I am just not able to figure out, how to do this. I can store all tag elements as numeric values and make the tags field as int. But what about the comma or how will I convert the whole string (Music, Art, Sports, Food) as an integer. Later, how do I call setFilter using PHP.
Any help is highly appreciated.

Well using a MVA, suggests you already unique-ids for each tag.
Which if you had a seperate table for tags (with a PK), and many-to-many table joining your documents, and tags. (thats a very common way to store tags - in normal form)
If you have a text column containing the text, would be easier to just use a Field. Can easily filter by fields in the main text-query.
crispy creams #tags Food
for example (thats extended mode query)
(But fields can't do Grouping like you can with Attributes)


Using MYSQLI to select rows in which part of a column matches part of an input

I have a database in which one of the columns contains a series of information 'tags' about the row that are stored as a comma-separated list (a string) of dynamic length. I am using mysqli within PHP, and I want to select rows in which any of these items match any of the items in an input string.
For example, there could be a row describing an apple, containing the tags: "tasty, red, fruit, sour, sweet, green." I want this to show up as a result in a query like: "SELECT * FROM table WHERE info tags IN ('blue', 'red', 'yellow')", because it has at least one item ("red") overlapping. Kind of like "array_intersect" in PHP.
I think I could use IN if each row had only one tag, and I could use LIKE if I used only one input tag, but both are of dynamic length. I know I can loop over all the input tags, but I was hoping to put this in a single query. Is that possible? If not, can I use a different structure to store the tags in the database to make this possible (something other than a comma separated string)?
I think the best would be to create tags table (id + label) then separate "table_tags" table which holds table_id and tag_id.
that means using JOINS to get the final result.
another (but lazy) solution would be to prefix and suffix tags with commas so the full column contains something like:
and you can do a LIKE search without being worried about overlapping words (i.e red vs bored) and still get a proper match by using LIKE '%,WORD,%'

How to set display value in SAPUI 5, SmartField Value Helper field.

Hi: I am looking at the standard SAPUI 5 Smart Field demo:
I would like a field with a value helper, such as Currency on this screen, which displays the field description inside the input box instead of the field id.
Change the Category field from combo into a value helper (popup)
Get the field to display the CategoryName - or from the related table the LTXT field instead of the ID.
That is easy: delete the line
from the metadata.xml file.
??? I have tried many, many things.
I doubt that anyone will reply, because there is most probably no good answer.I do not find this good functionality.
I think that I will need to change my ID field values for popup (value helper) fields to Description (ID) . Description need not be unique (one can have two relations to the same company with different ID's.)
By doing this we also "fix" the problem with the search ODATA command which searches the ID field. Of course users will want to search the descriptions.
In general SAPUI's value helper is not great. It is normal practice to use numerical ID's and descriptive descriptions. The description should be displayed and searched and not the ID. I found their filter generator on the popup screen nice - it is not all doom.

adding up specific mergefield values in word

I have a table in a word document that has three colums and all fields are mailmerge fields from an external IT system.
There are three columns displaying the fields:
Charge Description
Charge Value (£)
Eiligible? (yes/no)
I am trying to create a field that adds up all eligibale charges so that only charge values that show a "yes" in the eligigble field are included. Does anyone know if this is possible? I have tried creating a formula but can't get it to work. Also, I would assume at some point an if statment is required so that it only includes the eligible charge.
Has anyone done anything similar before and if so, would they mind sharing how it was achieved?
Many thanks
You can do some things with expression fields (created in Word with CTRL-F9). This will look like {} and you can insert the expression. eg {{MERGFIELD charge} + {MERGEFIELD charge2}}. Since however you want to check multiple values and then create an expression, its probably easier to use a macro. The macro would contain your logic, then set the fields in the document accordingly.
Here are two external links since I can't reproduce a useful amount the content here because it's a verbose answer to a potentially deep question:
Expression Fields
Merge fields
I hope that helps.

Sphinx Filtering based on categories using OR

I have the following text fields I search with Sphinx: Title, Description, keywords.
However, sometimes things are narrowed down using categories. We have 3 category fields: CatID1, CatID2 and CatID3.
So, for example, I need to see if the word "Kittens" is in the Title, Description, or Keywords, but I also want to filter so that only items that have the categories (Animals - ID Number 8) or (Pets - ID Number 9) or (Felines - Category ID Number 10) in either of those CatID fields.
To clarify, only show items that have a 8,9 or 10 in CatID1, 2 or 3.
Any ideas on how I would accomplish this using sphinx filtering or searching the CatID1 fields as keywords?
Note: I am able to filter and it works great only using one category, i.e:
if(!empty($cat_str)) {
$cl->SetFilter( 'catid1', array( $cat_str ));
SetFilter takes an array. In your example you are putting $cat_str into an array. A array of one item.
So you just needs to build array with all the ids.
$cl->SetFilter( 'catid', array( $cat1, $cat2, $cat3 ));
But thats not very flexible. So you probably build the array dynamically, rather than hard-coded like that. But thats upto your application how to build the array.
But also storing the ids, in three sperate attributes, makes it hard to search. Notice in the above example, just noticed a attribute called catid. This would be a single multi-value attribute, that contains the ids from all three cat fields. That way its easy to search for ids in ANY of the columns at once.
if using a sql source, could do with something like
sql_query = SELECT id, title ... , CONCAT_WS(',', CatID1, CatID2 and CatID3) as catid FROM ...
sql_attr_multi = uint catid from field;

elasticsearch array field of keywords - how to index it

I've got input that is analogous to tags, where there are a couple of strings per record, and they should be thought of as keywords, not to be tokenized or broken up or analyzed in any particular way. I want it to show up in faceting "as-is", including spaces, slashes, dashes and ampersands.
I don't think I need multi_field here. There is one input value per record "keyPhrases" but the input value is a simple json array of strings.
I want elasticsearch to insert into the facets each of the values, and tag the record with all of the phrases.
Usually there are only one or two or three phrases per record, but there could be more. The set of keyPhrases is fairly small, like 30 or at most like 50. They could be thought of as "categories".
The faceting keeps breaking up the input strings and using lowercasing, even though I'm trying to specify not_analyzed, keyword tokenizer, keyword analyzer, and trying things like that.
I have other fields that keep their spacing and capitalization as I desire in the facets returned, however those fields are not_analyzed and are also store: true, but are also just exactly 1 string input per record, as opposed to many per record.
I could just take the top 1 keyPhrase per record and flatten it, but ideally all the tags would work and be available as facets.
Any ideas on how to do this?
Well, this is embarrassing.
My strict mapping wasn't actually committed to the server at the time I was trying this.
(I was dropping the index and creating the index again with each new mapping, and hadn't realized it, and this was not the final mapping, so it was getting loaded and then dropped.)