I am using textscan to read text file and I get <55x1 cell>
'aa a aa'
'a aaaa a'
'a = aaaaa'
' a a a aaa'
I want to delete the white spaces in each sting
If I have a sting
string = 'I am 24 Years old'
And I use
string(ismember(string,' ')) = [];
it will eliminate the spaces and I will get
But with the cell doesn't work or I don't know how to do it
How can I do that? any suggestions please?
You can use strrep:
a = { 'aa a aa'
'a aaaa a'
'a = aaaaa'
' a a a aaa'
'I am 24 Years old'};
strrep(a, ' ', '')
This results in
ans =
I'm trying to write a postgres function that will sanitize a list of numbers into a list of comma-separated numbers. These numbers are being entered into an input field. I want to allow users to just enter a line of space-separated numbers (ex: 1 3 4 12) and have it change it to 1,3,4,12.
But, if they do enter it correctly (ex: 1,3,4,12 or 1, 3, 4, 12), I still want it to sanitize it to 1,3,4,12. I also have to account for things like (ex: 1, 3 4, 12).
This is what I'm currently doing:
select regexp_replace(trim(list_of_numbers), '[^0-9.] | [^,]', ',', 'g')
If I have a list like this:
select regexp_replace(trim('1, 2, 4, 14'), '[^0-9.] | [^,]', ',', 'g')
it returns : "1,2,4,14" so that's good.
But, if I have a list like this:
select regexp_replace(trim('1 2 4 14'), '[^0-9.] | [^,]', ',', 'g')
it returns : "1,,,4"
If you change your regex to [^0-9.]+ it'll replace all non-numerics (i.e. , ,, ,) with a ,.
Try it out here
I think the best option is to convert to an array using regexp_split_to_array then turn that back into a string:
The following:
with t(input) as (
('1 3 4 12'),
('1, 3 4, 12'),
('1 3 4 , 12'),
(' 1, 2 , 4 12 ')
select array_to_string(regexp_split_to_array(trim(input),'(\s+)|(\s*,\s*)'), ',')
from t;
You could split the string on any amount of whitespace or commas (,|\s)+ and join it back together using commas:
select array_to_string(regexp_split_to_array('1 2 4 14', '(,|\s)+'), ', ');
jan 0.23%
feb 2.56%
mar 0.76%
apr 4.19% <-- This is the highest value
may -0.36%
jun -1.68% <-- This is the lowest value
jul 1.18%
aug -0.99%
sep -1.43%
nov 2.32%
dec 1.88%
What code can generate exactly the figure above without apostrophe and without being too complicated. Using for loops maybe? Note that the color of all letters and numbers is black.
I tried the following code :
C={'jan' 0.23 ' ';'feb' 2.56 ' ';'mar' 0.72 ' ';'apr' 4.19 '<-- This is the highest value';'may' -0.36 ' ';'jun' -1.68 '<-- This is the lowest value';'jul' 1.18 ' ';'aug' -0.99 ' ';'sep' -1.43 ' ';'oct' 2.00 ' ';'nov' 2.32 ' ';'dec' 1.88 ' '}
And i got this
'jan' [ 0.2300] ' '
'feb' [ 2.5600] ' '
'mar' [ 0.7200] ' '
'apr' [ 4.1900] '<-- This is the highes…'
'may' [-0.3600] ' '
'jun' [-1.6800] '<-- This is the lowest…'
'jul' [ 1.1800] ' '
'aug' [-0.9900] ' '
'sep' [-1.4300] ' '
'oct' [ 2] ' '
'nov' [ 2.3200] ' '
'dec' [ 1.8800] ' '
But it's not even close to what i want, it is very incomplete, contains apostrophes and so.
Firstly, you have to find max and min value in second columns.
Then try using ``printf()'' to print out the columns, at the max and min index print the text.
Sorry, i'm using mobile so I can't write the answer in detail.
I have this cell array
aitransp =
Columns 1 through 14
'27' '26' '25' '24' '23' '22' '21' '20' '19' '18' '17' '16' '15' '14'
Columns 15 through 21
'13' '12' '11' ' 9' ' 8' ' 7' ' 1'
As you can see, the last 4 elements have a space between the ' ', such as ' 9'.
Is there any way to remove any spaces occurring between '' in a cell array?
Thanks in advance..
Just use strtrim, you don't have to convert to string
You can use regular expressions for greater flexibility:
result = regexprep(aitrasp, '(^\s*)' , ''); %// remove only leading space
result = regexprep(aitrasp, '(^\s*)|(\s*$)' , ''); %// remove leading or trailing space
result = regexprep(aitrasp, '\s' , ''); %// remove any space
for ii = 1:numel(aitransp)
aitransp{ii}(aitransp{ii} == ' ') = '';
This should do the trick.
I have a function that takes in the personalia of a person
function person = prompt_person ()
name = input ( ' Whats your name ? ' , 's' ) ;
day = input ( ' What day of the month were you born ? ') ;
month = input (' What month were you born ? ') ;
year = input ( ' What year were you born? ') ;
phone = input ( ' Whats your telephone number ? ') ;
date_of_birth = struct ('day', day, 'month', month, 'year', year) ;
person = struct ( 'name' , name, 'date_of_birth' , date_of_birth , 'phone' , phone ) ;
But I keep getting the error message "Invalid field name "name" ", "Error message in prompt_person (line 8) And I have no idea whats wrong because I've tried creating a simpler little test function:
function [out] = tes( )
word=input('Insert word here ','s');
num=input('Insert number here ');
out= struct('Number1', word, 'Number2', num);
And it works just fine, even though it seems to be the exact same code which gets me in toruble in the first function. Any ideas what's going on here?
I tried changing the variable name to personName as suggested and I accidentaly found out whats wrong:
Turn out I needed to use a variable name with no space between the '' and the text.
E.g. 'PersonName' instead of ' PersonName '.
You might consider using strtrim to strip leading and trailing whitespeace from a string. For example:
>> name = ' John Doe ';
>> name = strtrim(name)
name =
John Doe
If you need to remove all spaces, try strrep(name,' ','').
>> name = strrep(name,' ','')
name =
I had a problem with scraping info from a web page, which was solved by someone, but i would also like to get the data from that structure and put it into normal string variables, i commented saying this and was told to create a new question, so here it is!
use Web::Query 'wq';
my $football_matches = wq($mech->content)
->map(sub {
my (undef, $e) = #_;
return 'v' eq $e->find('td.score')->text
? [
map { $e->find("td.$_")->text }
(qw(tournament dateTime homeTeam score awayTeam prices))
: ();
use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $football_matches;
$VAR1 = [
['tn7gc635476', '', ' Mo 12Mar 2012 ', 'Arsenal', 'v', 'Newcastle', ' '],
['tn7gc649937', '', ' Tu 13Mar 2012 ', 'Liverpool', 'v', 'Everton', ' '],
['tn7gc635681', '', ' Sa 17Mar 2012 ', 'Fulham', 'v', 'Swansea', ' '],
['tn7gc635661', '', ' Sa 17Mar 2012 ', 'Wigan', 'v', 'West Brom', ' '],
['tn7gc635749', '', ' Su 18Mar 2012 ', 'Wolves', 'v', 'Man Utd', ' '],
['tn7gc635556', '', ' Su 18Mar 2012 ', 'Newcastle', 'v', 'Norwich', ' ']
What i would like to do is take each date, home team and away team and put them into normal variables/arrays.
Thanks in advance!
You may want to check perldsc and perlref. Look for the part arrays-of-arrays and arrayref