i was converting an image file into binary to process in VHDL. while i was converting image to binary and when writing that matrix into a text file unnecessary commas came between the number.I want a column vector.my input is a square matrix.all working well except the comma part.i am using dummy values.can anyone give any suggestions
a=[1 3;6 9];
fName = 'output.txt';
fid = fopen('output.txt','w');
dlmwrite(fName, b);
but the output file was like this
i was expecting
You have to pass '' as an delimeter . Ref:- dlmwrite usage
dlmwrite('output.txt', b, '')
I have a text file whose content is like this:
0.00316047 0.00189992 0.00186791 0.00170366 0.00145677 0.0020697 0.00316047 0.00287378 0.00226645 1
85.1637 44.9496 59.0738 74.457 82.4159 {} 51.9875 54.7822 85.1637 1
I would like to use fscanf command in matlab to read the data from this file
as can be seen, there is an empty ele in 2nd line (i.e. {}) that I want to detect while scanning the text file and recognize it's index.
Any suggestion ?
You can do something like
fid = fopen('file.txt', 'r');
s = textscan(fid, '%s', 'Delimiter', ' ', 'MultipleDelimsAsOne', true);
result = str2double(s{1}).';
This uses space as separator. The resdult is a row vector, where anything non-numeric gets converted into NaN. For your example file,
result =
Columns 1 through 6
0.003160470000000 0.001899920000000 0.001867910000000 0.001703660000000 0.001456770000000 0.002069700000000
Columns 7 through 12
0.003160470000000 0.002873780000000 0.002266450000000 1.000000000000000 85.163700000000006 44.949599999999997
Columns 13 through 18
59.073799999999999 74.456999999999994 82.415899999999993 NaN 51.987499999999997 54.782200000000003
Columns 19 through 20
85.163700000000006 1.000000000000000
Ok, coming from Python and never having used MATLAB before, it seems like it is unnecessarily hard to write data to a csv using MATLAB...
So my data looks like this:
col1 A2A B2 CC3 D5
asd189 123 33 71119 18291
as33d 1311 31 NaN 1011
asd189 NaN 44 79 191
It has N header columns that are made of alphanumeric strings.
It has a leftmost column of length M which is made of alphanumeric strings.
It has an (M-1) x (N-1) array of NUMERIC data, with possible NaNs.
Can you please provide code to write this to a csv? I cannot use the xlswrite function because I'm on a cluster without Excel installed. Really just want to get on with the actual data analysis. Thanks
You can only write matrices (not cell arrays) directly using csvwrite, and as you say you need Excel installed for xlswrite, so that leaves you with low level operations. You can see a walkthrough for writing to text files here, and code for your example below:
% Initialise example cell array
M = {'col1', 'A2A', 'B2', 'CC3', 'D5'
'asd189', 123, 33, 71119, 18291
'as33d', 1311, 31, NaN, 1011
'asd189', NaN, 44, 79, 191};
% Open a file for writing to (doesn't have to already exist, can specify full directory)
fID = fopen('test.csv','w');
% Write header line, formatted as strings with comma delimiter. Note \r\n for new line
fprintf(fID, [repmat('%s, ', 1, size(M,2)-1),'%s\r\n'], M{1,:});
% Loop through other rows
for row = 2:size(M,1)
% Write each line of cell array, with first column formatted as string
% and other columns formatted as floats
fprintf(fID, ['%s, ', repmat('%f, ', 1, size(M,2)-2),'%f\r\n'], M{row,:});
% Close file after writing
Use writetable. It makes writing to CSV (or to an Excel file, or to other text-delimited file formats) much easier than using csvwrite, or xlswrite, or low-level commands such as fprintf.
>> t = table({'asd189';'as33d';'asd189'},[123;1311;NaN],[33;31;44],[71119;NaN;79],[18291;1011;191]);
>> t.Properties.VariableNames = {'col1','A2A','B2','CC3','D5'}
t =
col1 A2A B2 CC3 D5
________ ____ __ _____ _____
'asd189' 123 33 71119 18291
'as33d' 1311 31 NaN 1011
'asd189' NaN 44 79 191
>> writetable(t,'myfile.csv')
If your data is currently not stored as a table (maybe it's in an array or cell array), it's pretty easy to convert to a table using utility functions such as array2table or cell2table. You will only pay a small time penalty for doing this.
PS - you don't need Excel to be installed in order to write to an Excel file. You may not be able to read them afterwards, but MATLAB can still write them. But it sounds like you'd prefer .csv anyway.
I have a .txt file that contains a data like this:
//repeats like this
The 0 at the end is a label that describes the 16x16 matrix of 0's and 1's. As you can see it is actually a binary image of 0.
I need to load this file as a 16x16 matrix. I have tried importdata, textscanand fscanf but none worked for me.
The file continues in this format.
My initial tought was to use '' as a delimiter for importdata, but that did not worked.
Is there a way to achieve this?
This is one way to read the file (see here for some documentation):
dat = textscan(fid,'%s',-1); % <-- read into cell array of strings
dat=char(dat); % <-- concatenate the strings into one char array
dat = double(dat)- '0'; % <-- convert to numeric 0/1 (48 = '0'+0)
The last row will contain the number represented ("0") and superfluous stuff, you can delete with e.g. dat(end,:)=[];
Happy trails!
Edit: Although the posted answer works with the input text file and input method I used, for the OP the code requires modification (probably due to a difference in input format):
i = 1 : length (dat{1,1})
result(i,:) = double(char(dat{1,1}{i,1})) - '0';
I have a data stored in below format, no delimeter and digit domain is {0,1}. With using octave, taking the digits and storing them in martix is reaised a problem for me. I have not managed below scnerio. So, How can I take those digits and store them on matrix as told at below?
Data in File, 32 x 32 digits
how to store data
matrix[1, 1:32] = 00000000000000000000000000000000
matrix[2, 1:32] = 00000000001111110000000000000000
. . .
matrix[32, 1:32] = 00000010000000100001000000000000
matrix[1, 1:32] = 00000000000000000000000000000000
matrix[1, 33:64] = 00000000001111110000000000000000
. . .
matrix[1, 993:1024] = 00000010000000100001000000000000
One possible solution is to read the data as a string first:
octave> textread('foo.dat', '%s', 'headerlines', 2)
ans =
[1,1] = 00000000000000000000000000000000
[2,1] = 00000000001111110000000000000000
If these are binary representations of decimals, you may find bin2dec() useful.
This would do the trick (though I don't know how well that third input to fread and arrayfun work with Octave, tested this on Matlab):
fid = fopen('a.txt','rt');
str = fread(fid,inf,'char=>char');
st = fclose(fid);
qrn = str==10|str==13;
str(qrn) = [];
yourMat = reshape(arrayfun(#str2num,str),find(qrn,1)-1,[]).'
Assuming you don't have header lines, you can read the text in as a cell arrray of strings like so:
C = textread('names.txt', '%s');
Then, in general for all numbers from 0 to 9, you can transform this into a matrix like so:
M = vertcat(S{:})-'0';
If performance is an issue you can look into other ways to import the strings, but this should get the job done.
I have never used Matlab, but asuming it reads files the same way Octave does, and if using an external tool is OK, you could try replacing the characters to add a delimiter using a text editor. You could change every "0" to "0," and every "1" to "1," and then simply load the file.
(This would add a delimiter at the end of every line. In case that creates a problem, you could try replacing your text by pairs instead "00"->"0,0" "10" -> "1,0" and so on)
In case the file is too big for a normal editor, you might even try replacing the characters with sed:
sed -i 's/charactertoreplace/newcharacter/g' yourfile.txt
I have my sparse features stored in a text file in the following format (ArrayIndex: Value). Currently I am parsing the text using reg-expressions and converting this to a matlab array. What I wanted to know was, is there a faster/better more MATLAB-ish approach to convert this format of data into a matlab array.
2402:0.099061 2404:0.136546 2406:0.447161 2407:0.126333 2408:0.213803 2411:0.068189 2416:0.223526 2417:0.090420
You can read and parse the file using TEXTSCAN, then the build sparse matrix from those values:
fid = fopen('input.txt');
C = textscan(fid, '%f:%f');
C = sparse(1,C{1},C{2});
>> C
C =
(1,2402) 0.099061
(1,2404) 0.13655
(1,2406) 0.44716
(1,2407) 0.12633
(1,2408) 0.2138
(1,2411) 0.068189
(1,2416) 0.22353
(1,2417) 0.09042