DynamoDB vs MongoDB NoSQL [closed] - mongodb

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I'm trying to figure out what can I use for a future project, we plan to store about 500k records per month in the first year and maybe more for the next years this is a vertical application so there's no need to use a database for this, that's the reason why I decided to choose a NoSQL data storage.
The first option that came to my mind was mongo DB since is a very mature product with a lot of support from the community but on the other hand, we got a brand new product that offers a managed service at top performance, I'll develop this application but there's no maintenance plan (at least for now) so I think that will be a huge advantage since amazon provides an elastic way to scale.
My major concern is about the query structure, I haven't looked at the dynamo DB query capabilities yet but since is a k/v data storage I feel that this could be more limited than mongo DB.
If someone had the experience of moving a project from MongoDB to DynamoDB, any advice will be totally appreciated.

I know this is old, but it still comes up when you search for the comparison. We were using Mongo, have moved almost entirely to Dynamo, which is our first choice now. Not because it has more features, it doesn't. Mongo has a better query language, you can index within a structure, there's lots of little things. The superiority of Dynamo is in what the OP stated in his comment: it's easy. You don't have to take care of any servers. When you start to set up a Mongo sharded solution, it gets complicated. You can go to one of the hosting companies, but that's not cheap either. With Dynamo, if you need more throughput, you just click a button. You can write scripts to scale automatically. When it's time to upgrade Dynamo, it's done for you. That is all a lot of precious stress and time not spent. If you don't have dedicated ops people, Dynamo is excellent.
So we are now going on Dynamo by default. Mongo maybe, if the data structure is complicated enough to warrant it, but then we'd probably go back to a SQL database. Dynamo is obtuse, you really need to think about how you're going to build it, and likely you'll use Redis in Elasticcache to make it work for complex stuff. But it sure is nice to not have to take care of it. You code. That's it.

With 500k documents, there is no reason to scale whatsoever. A typical laptop with an SSD and 8GB of ram can easily do 10s of millions of records, so if you are trying to pick because of scaling your choice doesn't really matter. I would suggest you pick what you like the most, and perhaps where you can find the most online support with.

For quick overview comparisons, I really like this website, that has many comparison pages, eg AWS DynamoDB vs MongoDB; http://db-engines.com/en/system/Amazon+DynamoDB%3BMongoDB

Short answer: Start with SQL and add NoSQL only when/if needed. (unless you don't need anything beyond very simple queries)
My personal experience: I haven't used MongoDB for queries but as of April 2015 DynamoDB is still very crippled when it comes to anything beyond the most basic key/value queries. I love it for the basic stuff but if you want query language then look to a real SQL database solution.
In DynamoDB you can query on a hash or on a hash and range key, and you can have multiple secondary global indexes. I'm doing queries on a single table with 4 possible filter parameters and sorting the results, this is supported (barely) through the use of the global secondary indexes with filter expressions. The problem comes in when you try to get the total results matching the filter, you can't just search for the first 10 items matching the filter, but rather it checks 10 items and you may get 0 valid results forcing you to keep re-scanning from the continue key - pain in the neck and consumes too much of your table read quota for a simple scenario.
To be specific about the limit problem with filters in the query, this is from the docs (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/QueryAndScan.html#ScanQueryLimit):
In a response, DynamoDB returns all the matching results within
the scope of the Limit value. For example, if you issue a Query
or a Scan request with a Limit value of 6 and without a filter
expression, the operation returns the first six items in the
table that match the request parameters. If you also supply a
FilterExpression, the operation returns the items within the
first six items in the table that match the filter requirements.
My conclusion is that queries involving FilterExpressions are only usable on very rare occasions and are not scalable because each query can easily read most or all of your of your table which consumes far too many DynamoDB read units. Once you use too many read units you'll get throttled and see poor performance.
Expert opinion: In the AWS summit on Apr 9, 2015 Brett Hollman, Manager, Solutions Architecture, AWS in his talk on scalling to your first 10 million users advocates starting with a SQL database and then using NoSQL only when and if it makes sense. Because sooner or later you'll probably need a SQL server somewhere in your stack. His slides are here: http://www.slideshare.net/AmazonWebServices/deep-dive-scaling-up-to-your-first-10-million-users
See slide 28.

We chose a combination of Mongo/Dynamo for a healthcare product. Basically mongo allows better searching, but the hosted Dynamo is great because its HIPAA compliant without any extra work. So we host the mongo portion with no personal data on a standard setup and allow amazon to deal with the HIPAA portion in terms of infrastructure. We can query certain items from mongo which bring up documents with pointers (ID's) of the relatable Dynamo document.
The main reason we chose to do this using mongo instead of hosting the entire application on dynamo was for 2 reasons. First, we needed to preform location based searches which mongo is great at and at the time, Dynamo was not, but they do have an option now.
Secondly was that some documents were unstructured and we did not know ahead of time what the data would be, so for example lets say user a inputs a document in the "form" collection like this: {"username": "user1", "email": "me#me.com"}. And another user puts this in the same collection {"phone": "813-555-3333", "location": [28.1234,-83.2342]}. With mongo we can search any of these dynamic and unknown fields at any time, with Dynamo, you could do this but would have to make a index every time a new field was added that you wanted searchable. So if you have never had a phone field in your Dynamo document before and then all of the sudden, some one adds it, its completely unsearchable.
Now this brings up another point in which you have mentioned. Sometimes choosing the right solution for the job does not always mean choosing the best product for the job. For example you may have a client who needs and will use the system you created for 10+ years. Going with a SaaS/IaaS solution that is good enough to get the job done may be a better option as you can rely on amazon to have up-kept and maintained their systems over the long haul.

I have worked on both and kind of fan of both.
But you need to understand when to use what and for what purpose.
I don't think It's a great idea to move all your database to DynamoDB, reason being querying is difficult except on primary and secondary keys, Indexing is limited and scanning in DynamoDB is painful.
I would go for a hybrid sort of DB, where extensive query-able data should be there is MongoDB, with all it's feature you would never feel constrained to provide enhancements or modifications.
DynamoDB is lightning fast (faster than MongoDB) so DynamoDB is often used as an alternative to sessions in scalable applications. DynamoDB best practices also suggests that if there are plenty of data which are less being used, move it to other table.
So suppose you have a articles or feeds. People are more likely to look for last week stuff or this month's stuff. chances are really rare for people to visit two year old data. For these purposes DynamoDB prefers to have data stored by month or years in different tables.
DynamoDB is seemlessly scalable, something you will have to do manually in MongoDB. however you would lose on performance of DynamoDB, if you don't understand about throughput partition and how scaling works behind the scene.
DynamoDB should be used where speed is critical, MongoDB on the other hand has too many hands and features, something DynamoDB lacks.
for example, you can have a replica set of MongoDB in such a way that one of the replica holds data instance of 8(or whatever) hours old. Really useful, if you messed up something big time in your DB and want to get the data as it is before.
That's my opinion though.

Bear in mind, I've only experimented with MongoDB...
From what I've read, DynamoDB has come a long way in terms of features. It used to be a super-basic key-value store with extremely limited storage and querying capabilities. It has since grown, now supporting bigger document sizes + JSON support and global secondary indices. The gap between what DynamoDB and MongoDB offers in terms of features grows smaller with every month. The new features of DynamoDB are expanded on here.
Much of the MongoDB vs. DynamoDB comparisons are out of date due to the recent addition of DynamoDB features. However, this post offers some other convincing points to choose DynamoDB, namely that it's simple, low maintenance, and often low cost. Another discussion here of database choices was interesting to read, though slightly old.
My takeaway: if you're doing serious database queries or working in languages not supported by DynamoDB, use MongoDB. Otherwise, stick with DynamoDB.


NoSQL in a single machine

As part of my university curriculum I ended up with a real project which consists in helping a company shifting from their relational data warehouse into a NoSQL data warehouse. The thing is that what they are looking for is better performance in large jobs but so far they have used a single machine and if they indeed migrate to NoSQL they still wish to keep using a single machine for cost reasons.
As far as I know the whole point of NoSQL is to run it in a large distributed system of several machines. So I don't see the point of this migration, specially since I am pretty sure (but not entirely) that if they do install NoSQL, they will probably end having even worst performance.
But still I am not comfortable telling them this since I am still new to this area (less than a month), so I wonder, is there are any situation where using NoSQL in a single machine for a datawarehouse would be justifiable performance wise? Or is it just a plain bad idea?
The answer to your question, like the answer to so many questions, is "it depends."
Ignoring the commentary on the question, I think there may be legitimacy to your client's question. Both relational and non-relational databases ultimately hold data in key-value tuples, with indexes and such to ensure quick and speedy access to the data. The difference is that SQL/relational databases contain an incredible amount of overhead to attempt the optimal way to retrieve results given an unknown set of queries, as well as ensure stable concurrency. This overhead is both computationally expensive and rarely results in the optimal solution. As a result, SQL databases often perform significantly slower for simple repetitive queries.
No-sql databases, on the other hand, are more of a "bare-bones" database, relying on programmers and intelligent design to achieve success. They are optimized to retrieve a value for a given key very quickly, often sub-millisecond. As a result, increased up front investment in the design results in superior and near-optimal performance. It will be necessary to determine the cost-benefit of doing this up-front design, but it is all but guaranteed that the no-sql approach will perform better regardless of the number of machines involved (in fact, SQL databases are very difficult or impossible to cluster together and is one of the main reasons why NoSql was developed).
Eventually we will see relational-like solutions implemented on a no-sql platform. In fact, Mongo, Elasticsearch, and Couchbase (probably others) already have SQL-like query functionality. But right now, you are faced with this dilemma.
For a single machine if the load is write heavy e.g. your logging a lot of events you could do for cassandra. Also a good alternative is hbase but its heavy and not suggested for single node. If they expose api in json you could look into document based dbs such as couchbase, mongo db. If you have an idea about the load then selecting a nosql data store is much easier
If you're in a position where you need to pick one, I think you should look first at MongoDB. If you've never tried it, I really recommend you visit their live demo with tutorial and give it a try. If you like, download and follow the installation guide on their site. It's free, runs well on a single machine, and is incredibly easy to use.
In addition to MongoDB, I've used Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite, and HBase. I understand Cassandra should be in the list but I've not tried it. With MongoDB, I was fully deployed and executing reads and writes from an application in like two hours. I attribute most of that to their website's clear and concise instructional content. The biggest learning curve was figuring out how the queries work for things like updating a record or deleting a record without deleting the entire set of similar records.
Regarding NoSQL vs RDBMS, some points to consider:
Adding a new column to RDBMS table can lock the database in or degrade performance in another
MongoDB is schema-less so adding a new field, does not effect old documents and will be instant (think how flexible that really is - throw any dimension of data into this system without maintenance overhead)
You're less likely to require a DBA to solve your schema problems when an application changes
I think problems related to table size are irrelevant, so you won't run into a scaling problem - just a disk space problem on single machine

When to use CouchDB over MongoDB and vice versa

I am stuck between these two NoSQL databases.
In my project, I will be creating a database within a database. For example, I need a solution to create dynamic tables.
So users can create tables with columns and rows. I think either MongoDB or CouchDB will be good for this, but I am not sure which one. I will also need efficient paging as well.
Of C, A & P (Consistency, Availability & Partition tolerance) which 2 are more important to you? Quick reference, the Visual Guide To NoSQL Systems
MongodB : Consistency and Partition Tolerance
CouchDB : Availability and Partition Tolerance
A blog post, Cassandra vs MongoDB vs CouchDB vs Redis vs Riak vs HBase vs Membase vs Neo4j comparison has 'Best used' scenarios for each NoSQL database compared. Quoting the link,
MongoDB: If you need dynamic queries. If you prefer to define indexes, not map/reduce functions. If you need good performance on a big DB. If you wanted CouchDB, but your data changes too much, filling up disks.
CouchDB : For accumulating, occasionally changing data, on which pre-defined queries are to be run. Places where versioning is important.
A recent (Feb 2012) and more comprehensive comparison by Riyad Kalla,
MongoDB : Master-Slave Replication ONLY
CouchDB : Master-Master Replication
A blog post (Oct 2011) by someone who tried both, A MongoDB Guy Learns CouchDB commented on the CouchDB's paging being not as useful.
A dated (Jun 2009) benchmark by Kristina Chodorow (part of team behind MongoDB),
I'd go for MongoDB.
The answers above all overcomplicate the story.
If you plan to have a mobile component, or need desktop users to work offline and then sync their work to a server you need CouchDB.
If your code will run only on the server then go with MongoDB
That's it. Unless you need CouchDB's (awesome) ability to replicate to mobile and desktop devices, MongoDB has the performance, community and tooling advantage at present.
Very old question but it's on top of Google and I don't quite like the answers I see so here's my own.
There's much more to Couchdb than the ability to develop CouchApps. Most people use CouchDb in a classical 3-tiers web architecture.
In practice the deciding factor for most people will be the fact that MongoDb allows ad-hoc querying with a SQL like syntax while CouchDb doesn't (you've got to create map/reduce views which turns some people off even though creating these views is Rapid Application Development friendly - they have nothing to do with stored procedures).
To address points raised in the accepted answer : CouchDb has a great versionning system, but it doesn't mean that it is only suited (or more suited) for places where versionning is important. Also, couchdb is heavy-write friendly thanks to its append-only nature (writes operations return in no time while guaranteeing that no data will ever be lost).
One very important thing that is not mentioned by anyone is the fact that CouchDb relies on b-tree indexes. This means that whether you have 1 "row" or 20 billions, the querying time will always remain below 10ms. This is a game changer which makes CouchDb a low-latency and read-friendly database, and this really shouldn't be overlooked.
To be fair and exhaustive the advantage MongoDb has over CouchDb is tooling and marketing. They have first-class citizen tools for all major languages and platforms making the on-boarding easy and this added to their adhoc querying makes the transition from SQL even easier.
CouchDb doesn't have this level of tooling - even though there are many libraries available today - but CouchDb is exposed as an HTTP API and it is therefore quite easy to create a wrapper in your favorite language to talk with it. I personally like this approach as it avoids bloat and allows you to only take what you want (interface segregation principle).
So I'd say using one or the other is largely a matter of comfort and preference with their paradigms. CouchDb approach "just fits", for certain people, but if after learning about the database features (in the exhaustive official guide) you don't have your "hell yeah" moment, you should probably move on.
I'd discourage using CouchDb if you just want to use "the right tool for the right job". because you'll find out that you can't just use it that way and you'll end up being pissed and writing blog posts such as "Where are joins in CouchDb ?" and "Where is transaction management ?". Indeed Couchdb is - paradoxically - very transparent but at the same time requires a paradigm shift and a change in the way you approach problems to really shine (and really work).
But once you've done that it really pays off. I'd personally need very strong reasons or a major deal breaker on a project to choose another database, but so far I haven't met any.
Update December 2022:
Since this post is still getting a lot of views, I felt important to inform people that I have recently moved to using MongoDB as my daily driver, while keeping CouchDB in my toolbelt for specialized cases where this database makes more sense (namely cases where views are not needed). There were multiple reasons for this choice, the most important ones were:
Performance: While precomputed indexes are a powerful asset, the main limitation of CouchDB is its QueryServer architecture. Every time a document is updated, it has to be serialized and processed by every view (even though this happens in a deferred manner, namely when the view is accessed). But more importantly, every time a view is updated (for example to add filtering logic for a new field added as part of the implementation of a new feature), ALL documents of the database must be sent to the view. This becomes a big deal when you have millions of documents in the database. You start worrying about the impact of updating your views and it becomes a distraction. Should you decide to create one database per data type to bypass this limitation, you'd then lose the ability to map/reduce across all your documents since views are scoped per database. MongoDB avoids this by segmenting documents into collections (ie. data types) so that when an index is updated only a subset of the data of the database is impacted. Moreover, MongoDB uses a binary format making these operations way more performant (while CouchDB uses JSON sent to the view server in plain text). This point may not be important if you do not design products needing to operate at large scale (hundreds of thousands of daily users or more).
the tooling available with MongoDB is comprehensive and mature, whether we are talking about the drivers officially supported for various programming languages, or integration with IDEs.
Advanced querying: A wide range of data types and advanced query capabilities are available out of the box (geo types, GridFS allowing one to store files of arbitrary size directly in the DB etc...). Having easy access to powerful query aggregation capabilities made me realize how much CouchDB had been inhibiting my productivity.
Seamless support for resharding: resharding is easy with MongoDB, while it is a dangerous operation involving moving files by hands with CouchDB.
Many other small items that improve quality of life and really add up.
I have been a big CouchDB fan but I have to admit that moving to MongoDB as a daily driver felt a lot like moving back to civilization in terms of productivity and quality of life improvement. Now I only consider CouchDB for key-value store scenarios (in which no map-reduce views are required and all that is needed is getting a document by key - CouchDB shines quite a lot for this), and advanced situations in which having per-user like databases is needed (for example to support advanced synchronization between devices).
The only drawback I see with MongoDB is that it consumes a lot of memory to the point that I cannot install it on development machines having low specs (while by comparison couchdb is launched at startup without me noticing and consumes almost no resource). However I feel this is worth it considering the time saved and the features provided.
As a long-time CouchDB user, the value I see in MongoDB is quite different from the items highlighted in the other answers promoting MongoDB so I felt it was important for me to provide this update (and also out of intellectual honestly when I remembered this post). CouchDB gave me quite a boost in productivity back in the days compared to the SQL products and ORMs I had been using, and at that time there were a lot of horror stories circulating regarding the reliability of MongoDB.
However, as of now, the few concerns I could have (and that were probably given disproportionate importance by internet folks - they essentially all boiled down to defaults whose reliability tradeoffs may surprise new users in a number of scenarios) no longer stand.
At this point, as a long-time CouchDB user in a great position to compare both products, I would recommend MongoDB to people needing a productive and scalable software development experience for their web app and advise to only pick CouchDB for specific needs.
CouchDB had momentum back in the days which probably influenced my perception, but development has stalled, no meaningful features have been introduced for a long-time, otherwise it would probably have caught up with MongoDB in terms of quality of life. I see two possible reasons for this: the way a now aborted rewrite of CouchDB has diverted resources for a long-time, and maybe early architectural decisions (such as the Query Server architecture) that may very well have restricted its future from the start. None of these aspects seem to be the priority of the core team.
I do not totally regret choosing CouchDB because it has been massively helpful and the mindset it has taught me is extremely helpful to allow me to write performant code in MongoDB (writing performant code in MongoDB is a breeze compared to the discipline one has to observe to solve business problems using CouchDB). However if I had to do it again today, I would have transitioned to MongoDB as my daily driver MUCH sooner. I'm usually quite good at picking the winning horse when technologies popup, but this time it seems I haven't played the game that well. Hope this helps.
Ask this questions yourself? And you will decide your DB selection.
Do you need master-master? Then CouchDB. Mainly CouchDB supports master-master replication which anticipates nodes being disconnected for long periods of time. MongoDB would not do well in that environment.
Do you need MAXIMUM R/W throughput? Then MongoDB
Do you need ultimate single-server durability because you are only going to have a single DB server? Then CouchDB.
Are you storing a MASSIVE data set that needs sharding while maintaining insane throughput? Then MongoDB.
Do you need strong consistency of data? Then MongoDB.
Do you need high availability of database? Then CouchDB.
Are you hoping multi databases and multi tables/ collections? Then MongoDB
You have a mobile app offline users and want to sync their activity data to a server? Then you need CouchDB.
Do you need large variety of querying engine? Then MongoDB
Do you need large community to be using DB? Then MongoDB
I summarize the answers found in that article:
MongoDB: Better querying, data storage in BSON (faster access), better data consistency, multiple collections
CouchDB: Better replication, with master to master replication and conflict resolution, data storage in JSON (human-readable, better access through REST services), querying through map-reduce.
So in conclusion, MongoDB is faster, CouchDB is safer.
Also: http://nosql.mypopescu.com/post/298557551/couchdb-vs-mongodb
Be aware of an issue with sparse unique indexes in MongoDB. I've hit it and it is extremely cumbersome to workaround.
The problem is this - you have a field, which is unique if present and you wish to find all the objects where the field is absent. The way sparse unique indexes are implemented in Mongo is that objects where that field is missing are not in the index at all - they cannot be retrieved by a query on that field - {$exists: false} just does not work.
The only workaround I have come up with is having a special null family of values, where an empty value is translated to a special prefix (like null:) concatenated to a uuid. This is a real headache, because one has to take care of transforming to/from the empty values when writing/quering/reading. A major nuisance.
I have never used server side javascript execution in MongoDB (it is not advised anyway) and their map/reduce has awful performance when there is just one Mongo node. Because of all these reasons I am now considering to check out CouchDB, maybe it fits more to my particular scenario.
BTW, if anyone knows the link to the respective Mongo issue describing the sparse unique index problem - please share.
I'm sure you can with Mongo (more familiar with it), and pretty sure you can with couch too.
Both are documented oriented (JSON-based) so there would be no "columns" but rather fields in documents -- but they can be fully dynamic.
They both do it you may want to look at other factors on which to use: other features you care about, popularity, etc. Google insights and indeed.com job posts would be ways to look at popularity.
You could just try it I think you should be able to have mongo running in 5 minutes.

NoSQL & AdHoc Queries - Millions of Rows

I currently run a MySQL-powered website where users promote advertisements and gain revenue every time someone completes one. We log every time someone views an ad ("impression"), every time a user clicks an add ("click"), and every time someone completes an ad ("lead").
Since we get so much traffic, we have millions of records in each of these respective tables. We then have to query these tables to let users see how much they have earned, so we end up performing multiple queries on tables with millions and millions of rows multiple times in one request, hundreds of times concurrently.
We're looking to move away from MySQL and to a key-value store or something along those lines. We need something that will let us store all these millions of rows, query them in milliseconds, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, use adhoc queries where we can query any single column, so we could do things like:
FROM leads WHERE country = 'US' AND user_id = 501 (the NoSQL equivalent, obviously)
FROM clicks WHERE ad_id = 1952 AND user_id = 200 AND country = 'GB'
Does anyone have any good suggestions? I was considering MongoDB or CouchDB but I'm not sure if they can handle querying millions of records multiple times a second and the type of adhoc queries we need.
With those requirements, you are probably better off sticking with SQL and setting up replication/clustering if you are running into load issues. You can set up indexing on a document database so that those queries are possible, but you don't really gain anything over your current system.
NoSQL systems generally improve performance by leaving out some of the more complex features of relational systems. This means that they will only help if your scenario doesn't require those features. Running ad hoc queries on tabular data is exactly what SQL was designed for.
CouchDB's map/reduce is incremental which means it only processes a document once and stores the results.
Let's assume, for a moment, that CouchDB is the slowest database in the world. Your first query with millions of rows takes, maybe, 20 hours. That sounds terrible. However, your second query, your third query, your fourth query, and your hundredth query will take 50 milliseconds, perhaps 100 including HTTP and network latency.
You could say CouchDB fails the benchmarks but gets honors in the school of hard knocks.
I would not worry about performance, but rather if CouchDB can satisfy your ad-hoc query requirements. CouchDB wants to know what queries will occur, so it can do the hard work up-front before the query arrives. When the query does arrive, the answer is already prepared and out it goes!
All of your examples are possible with CouchDB. A so-called merge-join (lots of equality conditions) is no problem. However CouchDB cannot support multiple inequality queries simultaneously. You cannot ask CouchDB, in a single query, for users between age 18-40 who also clicked fewer than 10 times.
The nice thing about CouchDB's HTTP and Javascript interface is, it's easy to do a quick feasibility study. I suggest you try it out!
Most people would probably recommend MongoDB for a tracking/analytic system like this, for good reasons. You should read the „MongoDB for Real-Time Analytics” chapter from the „MongoDB Definitive Guide” book. Depending on the size of your data and scaling needs, you could get all the performance, schema-free storage and ad-hoc querying features. You will need to decide for yourself if issues with durability and unpredictability of the system are risky for you or not.
For a simpler tracking system, Redis would be a very good choice, offering rich functionality, blazing speed and real durability. To get a feel how such a system would be implemented in Redis, see this gist. The downside is, that you'd need to define all the „indices” by yourself, not gain them for „free”, as is the case with MongoDB. Nevertheless, there's no free lunch, and MongoDB indices are definitely not a free lunch.
I think you should have a look into how ElasticSearch would enable you:
Blazing speed
Schema-free storage
Sharding and distributed architecture
Powerful analytic primitives in the form of facets
Easy implementation of „sliding window”-type of data storage with index aliases
It is in heart a „fulltext search engine”, but don't get yourself confused by that. Read the „Data Visualization with ElasticSearch and Protovis“ article for real world use case of ElasticSearch as a data mining engine.
Have a look on these slides for real world use case for „sliding window” scenario.
There are many client libraries for ElasticSearch available, such as Tire for Ruby, so it's easy to get off the ground with a prototype quickly.
For the record (with all due respect to #jhs :), based on my experience, I cannot imagine an implementation where Couchdb is a feasible and useful option. It would be an awesome backup storage for your data, though.
If your working set can fit in the memory, and you index the right fields in the document, you'd be all set. Your ask is not something very typical and I am sure with proper hardware, right collection design (denormalize!) and indexing you should be good to go. Read up on Mongo querying, and use explain() to test the queries. Stay away from IN and NOT IN clauses that'd be my suggestion.
It really depends on your data sets. The number one rule to NoSQL design is to define your query scenarios first. Once you really understand how you want to query the data then you can look into the various NoSQL solutions out there. The default unit of distribution is key. Therefore you need to remember that you need to be able to split your data between your node machines effectively otherwise you will end up with a horizontally scalable system with all the work still being done on one node (albeit better queries depending on the case).
You also need to think back to CAP theorem, most NoSQL databases are eventually consistent (CP or AP) while traditional Relational DBMS are CA. This will impact the way you handle data and creation of certain things, for example key generation can be come trickery.
Also remember than in some systems such as HBase there is no indexing concept. All your indexes will need to be built by your application logic and any updates and deletes will need to be managed as such. With Mongo you can actually create indexes on fields and query them relatively quickly, there is also the possibility to integrate Solr with Mongo. You don’t just need to query by ID in Mongo like you do in HBase which is a column family (aka Google BigTable style database) where you essentially have nested key-value pairs.
So once again it comes to your data, what you want to store, how you plan to store it, and most importantly how you want to access it. The Lily project looks very promising. The work I am involved with we take a large amount of data from the web and we store it, analyse it, strip it down, parse it, analyse it, stream it, update it etc etc. We dont just use one system but many which are best suited to the job at hand. For this process we use different systems at different stages as it gives us fast access where we need it, provides the ability to stream and analyse data in real-time and importantly, keep track of everything as we go (as data loss in a prod system is a big deal) . I am using Hadoop, HBase, Hive, MongoDB, Solr, MySQL and even good old text files. Remember that to productionize a system using these technogies is a bit harder than installing MySQL on a server, some releases are not as stable and you really need to do your testing first. At the end of the day it really depends on the level of business resistance and the mission-critical nature of your system.
Another path that no one thus far has mentioned is NewSQL - i.e. Horizontally scalable RDBMSs... There are a few out there like MySQL cluster (i think) and VoltDB which may suit your cause.
Again it comes to understanding your data and the access patterns, NoSQL systems are also Non-Rel i.e. non-relational and are there for better suit to non-relational data sets. If your data is inherently relational and you need some SQL query features that really need to do things like Cartesian products (aka joins) then you may well be better of sticking with Oracle and investing some time in indexing, sharding and performance tuning.
My advice would be to actually play around with a few different systems. However for your use case I think a Column Family database may be the best solution, I think there are a few places which have implemented similar solutions to very similar problems (I think the NYTimes is using HBase to monitor user page clicks). Another great example is Facebook and like, they are using HBase for this. There is a really good article here which may help you along your way and further explain some points above. http://highscalability.com/blog/2011/3/22/facebooks-new-realtime-analytics-system-hbase-to-process-20.html
Final point would be that NoSQL systems are not the be all and end all. Putting your data into a NoSQL database does not mean its going to perform any better than MySQL, Oracle or even text files... For example see this blog post: http://mysqldba.blogspot.com/2010/03/cassandra-is-my-nosql-solution-but.html
I'd have a look at;
MongoDB - Document - CP
CouchDB - Document - AP
Redis - In memory key-value (not column family) - CP
Cassandra - Column Family - Available & Partition Tolerant (AP)
HBase - Column Family - Consistent & Partition Tolerant (CP)
Hadoop/Hive - Also have a look at Hadoop streaming...
Hypertable - Another CF CP DB.
VoltDB - A really good looking product, a relation database that is distributed and might work for your case (may be an easier move). They also seem to provide enterprise support which may be more suited for a prod env (i.e. give business users a sense of security).
Any way thats my 2c. Playing around with the systems is really the only way your going to find out what really works for your case.

Example of a task that a NoSQL database can't handle (if any)

I would like to test the NoSQL world. This is just curiosity, not an absolute need (yet).
I have read a few things about the differences between SQL and NoSQL databases. I'm convinced about the potential advantages, but I'm a little worried about cases where NoSQL is not applicable. If I understand NoSQL databases essentially miss ACID properties.
Can someone give an example of some real world operation (for example an e-commerce site, or a scientific application, or...) that an ACID relational database can handle but where a NoSQL database could fail miserably, either systematically with some kind of race condition or because of a power outage, etc ?
The perfect example will be something where there can't be any workaround without modifying the database engine. Examples where a NoSQL database just performs poorly will eventually be another question, but here I would like to see when theoretically we just can't use such technology.
Maybe finding such an example is database specific. If this is the case, let's take MongoDB to represent the NoSQL world.
to clarify this question I don't want a debate about which kind of database is better for certain cases. I want to know if this technology can be an absolute dead-end in some cases because no matter how hard we try some kind of features that a SQL database provide cannot be implemented on top of nosql stores.
Since there are many nosql stores available I can accept to pick an existing nosql store as a support but what interest me most is the minimum subset of features a store should provide to be able to implement higher level features (like can transactions be implemented with a store that don't provide X...).
This question is a bit like asking what kind of program cannot be written in an imperative/functional language. Any Turing-complete language and express every program that can be solved by a Turing Maching. The question is do you as a programmer really want to write a accounting system for a fortune 500 company in non-portable machine instructions.
In the end, NoSQL can do anything SQL based engines can, the difference is you as a programmer may be responsible for logic in something Like Redis that MySQL gives you for free. SQL databases take a very conservative view of data integrity. The NoSQL movement relaxes those standards to gain better scalability, and to make tasks that are common to Web Applications easier.
MongoDB (my current preference) makes replication and sharding (horizontal scaling) easy, inserts very fast and drops the requirement for a strict scheme. In exchange users of MongoDB must code around slower queries when an index is not present, implement transactional logic in the app (perhaps with three phase commits), and we take a hit on storage efficiency.
CouchDB has similar trade-offs but also sacrifices ad-hoc queries for the ability to work with data off-line then sync with a server.
Redis and other key value stores require the programmer to write much of the index and join logic that is built in to SQL databases. In exchange an application can leverage domain knowledge about its data to make indexes and joins more efficient then the general solution the SQL would require. Redis also require all data to fit in RAM but in exchange gives performance on par with Memcache.
In the end you really can do everything MySQL or Postgres do with nothing more then the OS file system commands (after all that is how the people that wrote these database engines did it). It all comes down to what you want the data store to do for you and what you are willing to give up in return.
Good question. First a clarification. While the field of relational stores is held together by a rather solid foundation of principles, with each vendor choosing to add value in features or pricing, the non-relational (nosql) field is far more heterogeneous.
There are document stores (MongoDB, CouchDB) which are great for content management and similar situations where you have a flat set of variable attributes that you want to build around a topic. Take site-customization. Using a document store to manage custom attributes that define the way a user wants to see his/her page is well suited to the platform. Despite their marketing hype, these stores don't tend to scale into terabytes that well. It can be done, but it's not ideal. MongoDB has a lot of features found in relational databases, such as dynamic indexes (up to 40 per collection/table). CouchDB is built to be absolutely recoverable in the event of failure.
There are key/value stores (Cassandra, HBase...) that are great for highly-distributed storage. Cassandra for low-latency, HBase for higher-latency. The trick with these is that you have to define your query needs before you start putting data in. They're not efficient for dynamic queries against any attribute. For instance, if you are building a customer event logging service, you'd want to set your key on the customer's unique attribute. From there, you could push various log structures into your store and retrieve all logs by customer key on demand. It would be far more expensive, however, to try to go through the logs looking for log events where the type was "failure" unless you decided to make that your secondary key. One other thing: The last time I looked at Cassandra, you couldn't run regexp inside the M/R query. Means that, if you wanted to look for patterns in a field, you'd have to pull all instances of that field and then run it through a regexp to find the tuples you wanted.
Graph databases are very different from the two above. Relations between items(objects, tuples, elements) are fluid. They don't scale into terabytes, but that's not what they are designed for. They are great for asking questions like "hey, how many of my users lik the color green? Of those, how many live in California?" With a relational database, you would have a static structure. With a graph database (I'm oversimplifying, of course), you have attributes and objects. You connect them as makes sense, without schema enforcement.
I wouldn't put anything critical into a non-relational store. Commerce, for instance, where you want guarantees that a transaction is complete before delivering the product. You want guaranteed integrity (or at least the best chance of guaranteed integrity). If a user loses his/her site-customization settings, no big deal. If you lose a commerce transation, big deal. There may be some who disagree.
I also wouldn't put complex structures into any of the above non-relational stores. They don't do joins well at-scale. And, that's okay because it's not the way they're supposed to work. Where you might put an identity for address_type into a customer_address table in a relational system, you would want to embed the address_type information in a customer tuple stored in a document or key/value. Data efficiency is not the domain of the document or key/value store. The point is distribution and pure speed. The sacrifice is footprint.
There are other subtypes of the family of stores labeled as "nosql" that I haven't covered here. There are a ton (122 at last count) different projects focused on non-relational solutions to data problems of various types. Riak is yet another one that I keep hearing about and can't wait to try out.
And here's the trick. The big-dollar relational vendors have been watching and chances are, they're all building or planning to build their own non-relational solutions to tie in with their products. Over the next couple years, if not sooner, we'll see the movement mature, large companies buy up the best of breed and relational vendors start offering integrated solutions, for those that haven't already.
It's an extremely exciting time to work in the field of data management. You should try a few of these out. You can download Couch or Mongo and have them up and running in minutes. HBase is a bit harder.
In any case, I hope I've informed without confusing, that I have enlightened without significant bias or error.
RDBMSes are good at joins, NoSQL engines usually aren't.
NoSQL engines is good at distributed scalability, RDBMSes usually aren't.
RDBMSes are good at data validation coinstraints, NoSQL engines usually aren't.
NoSQL engines are good at flexible and schema-less approaches, RDBMSes usually aren't.
Both approaches can solve either set of problems; the difference is in efficiency.
Probably answer to your question is that mongodb can handle any task (and sql too). But in some cases better to choose mongodb, in others sql database. About advantages and disadvantages you can read here.
Also as #Dmitry said mongodb open door for easy horizontal and vertical scaling with replication & sharding.
RDBMS enforce strong consistency while most no-sql are eventual consistent. So at a given point in time when data is read from a no-sql DB it might not represent the most up-to-date copy of that data.
A common example is a bank transaction, when a user withdraw money, node A is updated with this event, if at the same time node B is queried for this user's balance, it can return an outdated balance. This can't happen in RDBMS as the consistency attribute guarantees that data is updated before it can be read.
RDBMs are really good for quickly aggregating sums, averages, etc. from tables. e.g. SELECT SUM(x) FROM y WHERE z. It's something that is surprisingly hard to do in most NoSQL databases, if you want an answer at once. Some NoSQL stores provide map/reduce as a way of solving the same thing, but it is not real time in the same way it is in the SQL world.

Frequent large, multi-record updates in MongoDB, Lucene, etc

I am working on the high-level design of a web application with the following characteristics:
Millions of records
Heavily indexed/searchable by various criteria
Variable document schema
Regular updates in blocks of 10K - 200K records at a time
Data needs to remain highly available during updates
Must scale horizontally effectively
Today, this application exists in MySQL and we suffer from a few huge problems, particularly that it is challenging to adapt to flexible schema, and that large bulk updates lock the data for 10 - 15 seconds at a time, which is unacceptable. Some of these things can be tackled by better database design within the context of MySQL, however, I am looking for a better "next generation" solution.
I have never used MongoDB, but its feature set seemed to most closely match what I am looking for, so that was my first area of interest. It has some things I am excited about, such as data sharding, the ability to find-update-return in a single statement, and of course the schema flexibility of NoSQL.
There are two things I am not sure about, though, with MongoDB:
I can't seem to find solid
information about the concurrency of
updates with large data sets (see my
use case above) so I have a hard
time understanding how it might
I do need open text search
That second requirement brought me to Lucene (or possibly to Solr if I kept it external) as a search store. I did read a few cases where Lucene was being used in place of a NoSQL database like MongoDB entirely, which made me wonder if I am over-complicating things by trying to use both in a single app -- perhaps I should just store everything directly in Lucene and run it like that?
Given the requirements above, does it seem like a combination of MongoDB and Lucene would make this work effectively? If not, might it be better to attempt to tackle it entirely in Lucene?
Currently with MongoDB, updates are locking at the server-level. There are a few JIRAs open that address this, planned for v1.9-2.0. I believe the current plan is to yield writes to allow reads to perform better.
With that said, there are plenty of great ways to scale MongoDB for super high concurrency - many of which are simiar for MySQL. One such example is to use RAID 10. Another is to use master-slave where you write to master and read from slave.
You also need to consider if your "written" data needs to be 1) durable and 2) accessible via slaves immediately. The mongodb drivers allow you to specify if you want the data to be written to disk immediately (or hang in memory for the next fsync) and allow you to specify how many slaves the data should be written to. Both of these will slow down MongoDB writing, which as noted above can affect read performance.
MongoDB also does not have nearly the capability for full-text search that Solr\Lucene have and you will likely want to use both together. I am currently using both Solr and MongoDB together and am happy with it.