How to deploy a GWT application in the Ibm Websphere 7 - gwt

We have created gwt application on eclipse juno 4.2 and gwt 2.5.1 and exported the application as war file using GWT Web App Export. Added the war file to the EAR project
of the eclipse.
If I deploy it on the websphere through eclipse it gets deployed. But if I try to deploy the same ear file through the admin console of WAS , the process hangs, I have tried all
the suggestions available over the net but all in vain.
Can anybody throw some light on this and provide guidence.

Now I am able to deploy it through Websphere console.
Thanks for (fnt) by specifying about the size of the application.
When I posted the question the size of the war/ear was 111MB ,I removed
all the jar files and placed it in Websphere app servers ext foloder and
I build the war file through GWT compiler to contain only the binary codes of sources required for the application. The size was reduced to 7MB (the previous war file was
having jasper jars which was accounting for the most of the size)
Then I deployed the ear file through the admin console. Still It almost took
more than 20 minutes to deploy it through the admin console and I am
successfully able to deploy it and aceess the GWT application.


How can I deploy a Java-Spring Maven Application on Tomcat v8.0 (Restful WebService)

I am unable to deploy the Spring-Maven Restful WebService on Tomcat v8.0. My OS is windows 7. When I deploy it through Tomcat App Manager then I get a screen with the link "Click To Enter", although I have not created any links like that. Please see the image below.
This is exactly how it is supposed to work. When you create a new "Simple Spring Web Maven" project in Eclipse (I guess this is what you did), the wizard creates a working Maven project that can be immediately built with Maven. The created WAR can be, in turn, deployed to Tomcat (i.e. copy the WAR file to the webapp folder of Tomcat) or whatever container you are using.
As I said in the comment, it looks like you actually managed to deploy the WAR and what you are seeing is the default home page corresponding to the "index.jsp" file, that is created by the wizard.

How to run two WAR files in same worklight server?

I want to run two different WAR files in same Worklight server. I came know it is possible from this link. But want to know how to achieve this?
How to change the context root path of war file while
This link explains only to change the context root for local development environment. But i want to run it in one of the testing servers.
Do i need to mention context root while deploying? -
Currently after building ill send the war files to other team to
deploy. They do have a ant script to deploy the war into server.
Let me know do i need to take care of anything else while running 2 wars in same server.
In Eclipse Worklight Studio you will have 2 Worklight projects. Each Worklight project will have its own .war file (in the \bin folder). By default, the context root of each project is the name of the project.
These .war files are separate of each other. They run separate of each other whether you are running in Worklight Studio or outside of it.
Outside of Eclipse Worklight Studio, you are not deploying the .war files to the Worklight Server.
You are deploying the .war files to the application server (WAS, Liberty, Tomcat) that Worklight Server is also deployed to it.
So pointing to http://worklightserver/contextRootA will be the first project, and pointing to http://worklightserver/contextRootA will be the second project

Can we deploy the war file of ADF fusion application into web logic server?

I have created a ADF fusion application deployed in Jdev. When I deploy it as war file in Integrated weblogic server - works fine. When I deployed that as war in standalone weblogic server - it gives me error 500.
In the console (startweblogic.cmd) "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/adf/model/RegionBinding"
So I found on internet that deploying it as EAR the whole application would solve. Yes. It indeed was solved. My application runs fine in standalone weblogic.
Can we not deploy it as war in standalone weblogic?
The war file is working fine in integrated but not in stand alone.
P.S.: I installed ADF runtime, prepared the deployment profile to deploy as a web application.
I think you should make a quick research on the difference between these two types of archives EAR and WAR, then it should be clear to you.
Anyways, the fact is that you are trying to deploy a Fusion application, which includes in itself two different projects: the ViewController project and the Model one. The reason why on the standalone version it can only work if you deploy as an EAR is that this type of archive can contain several WARs, JARs (and other types of archives). While a WAR can contain only one of the projects (you can create a WAR for each, the Model and the ViewController project) and related jars. But they would be separate, so they would not have access to each-others files. I bet you've tried to deploy the ViewController.war only. This is the reason why you should deploy an .ear on the standalone version.
Instead, the integrated version, if an EAR file is deployed at the application level, and it has dependencies on a JAR file in the data model project and dependencies on a WAR file in the view-controller project. (It means, you are not deploying just the war from JDeveloper, it internally creates an EAR).
I hope this link would be useful.

IBM Worklight 6.0 - .war file deployment fails

I've installed IBM Worklight v6.0 Consumer Edition with WAS Liberty Profile 8.5.5 on a linux server and an oracle database.
I've built a .war with IBM Worklight Studio v6.0 and deployed it in my Liberty apps' directory /worklightServer/apps.
Then I changed server.xml with the following:
<!-- Configuration for Test app -->
<application id="TestApp" name="TestApp" location="TestProjectWL6.war" type="war">
<classloader delegation="parentLast">
<fileset dir="${shared.resource.dir}/lib" includes="worklight-jee-library.jar"/>
The .war file does not get deployed because of following errors in messages.log:
[7/5/13 14:42:47:289 CEST] 00000012 E
CWWKZ0021E: Application TestApp at location TestProjectWL6.war is
How to make the .war valid? I followed the IBM Worklight and WebSphere Information Centers on how to deploy, but it's not working.
The error identifier CWWKZ0021E suggests a problem with the "archive or directory at the specified location". I would make sure that
The file usr/servers/worklightServer/apps/TestProjectWL6.war exists (file name case being significant),
It is really a file, not a directory.
Its access rights don't prevent the Liberty server process from reading it. Use ls -l .../usr/servers/worklightServer/apps/TestProjectWL6.war to check it.
It is not truncated (i.e. unzip -l .../usr/servers/worklightServer/apps/TestProjectWL6.war gives a reasonable listing of its contents).
The server.xml you modified is really the one in usr/servers/worklightServer/ and not the one belonging to a different server.
This all sounds stupid, but these kinds of things occasionally are wrong when manual application server configuration is performed. Configuration through the Ant task <configureApplicationServer> is more reliable.
How did you install IBM Worklight v6.0?
How did you deploy your project's .war file?
Did you use the supplied Ant scripts that are copied to disk when using the IBM Worklight Installation Manager?
The process of installing Worklight Server as well as deploying a .war file in IBM Worklight v6.0 is much different than it was in v5.
Make sure you follow the updated documentation:
Installing Worklight Server
Deploying an IBM Worklight project
I am willing to bet you did not use the Ant scripts to deploy the .war file; Most likely you are pointing to the wrong location of the Worklight JEE .jar file. You will need to correct the path.
I suggest using the supplied Ant scripts.
i've cleaned all my environment: remove all applications config in server.xml (including application center console installed with worklight server installation), remove every war from apps & dropins directory.
then i built with ant task, and now it's ok.

Eclipse Redeploy/Undeploy Web Project without Restarting the Server

In my eclipse web application I made a Web Project and a Library Project. The Web Project referenced the Library Project.
When I started the Server, every time I change a code in the Library Project and build it. The server wants to restart and it does not redeploy by the Web Project only. I do not want to restart the server because it takes a lot of time waiting the startup of the server.
Another is I am developing portlets using Liferay Portal and every time I change the Library Project, the auto-deploy of Liferay comes in but the Library Project Jar is locked and resulted to crash the portlet and did not deploy it until I restart the server.
Please Help!!!
In Java EE perspective find "Servers" tab at the bottom, delete your EAR out of there.
Try JavaRebel
If you install the nightly build of Liferay IDE (eclipse plugins for Liferay) it has support for delta-deployment where after the initial deployment (full deploy) it will only deploy the delta or just the individual files that you change as you save them (a single JSP or CSS file, etc).