How to implement AutoCompleteExtender OnclientPopulated behaviour? - autocomplete

I am trying to implement an autocomplete list using the Ajax toolkit: AutoCompleteExtender
How to achieve the following behaviours using Ajax toolkit: AutoCompleteExtender?
Can provide any code examples also?
Like google search, when the autocomplete list if display base on the inputs. When the mouse is move out or focus on other area. The autocomplete list is still showing base on the input value.
If user enter abc and system display autocompletelist like abcd, abcde. When user move the mouse out and then click back the same input abc system should again display the autocomplete list.
Can anyone advise?

I personally prefer using jQuery UI Autocomplete.
Demo & Code:
jQuery UI Autocomplete
Sample JS Code:
$(function() {
function log( message ) {
$( "<div>" ).text( message ).prependTo( "#log" );
$( "#log" ).scrollTop( 0 );
$( "#city" ).autocomplete({
source: function( request, response ) {
url: "",
dataType: "jsonp",
data: {
featureClass: "P",
style: "full",
maxRows: 12,
name_startsWith: request.term
success: function( data ) {
response( $.map( data.geonames, function( item ) {
return {
label: + (item.adminName1 ? ", " + item.adminName1 : "") + ", " + item.countryName,
minLength: 2,
select: function( event, ui ) {
log( ui.item ?
"Selected: " + ui.item.label :
"Nothing selected, input was " + this.value);
open: function() {
$( this ).removeClass( "ui-corner-all" ).addClass( "ui-corner-top" );
close: function() {
$( this ).removeClass( "ui-corner-top" ).addClass( "ui-corner-all" );

Your first point is the ajax ACE (Auto Complete Extender) default behavior.
the second one, you can use jquery .mouseleave() and .mouseenter() event to shave your contextKey in a hidden field on mouse leave and fill it again in mouse enter.


How do I extend loader widget in Magento 2 so that a background image is shown everytime the loader appears

I have been trying to extend magento 2's $.mage.loader widget. I have have a requirejs-config.js file with the following lines
var config = {
map: {
'*': {
'mage/loader' : 'Youssuph_Bakerscheckout/js/custom-mage-loader'
And the content of custom-mage-loader.js file is
function ($, mageTemplate) {
'use strict';
$.widget("bakers.loader", $.mage.loader, {
options: {
icon: '',
texts: {
loaderText: $.mage.__('Please wait...'),
imgAlt: $.mage.__('Loading...')
'<div class="loading-mask" data-role="loader">' +
'<div class="loader">' +
'<img alt="<%- data.texts.imgAlt %>" src="'+loadingBakersLogo+'">' +
'<p><%- data.texts.loaderText %></p>' +
'</div>' +
return $.bakers.loader;
i have confirmed that this file loads in the browser but it just doesn't work. The loader works normally during page load and I see error message -
Base is not a function
What am I doing wrong?
Your requirejs-config.js it's right, but your js file no, change the params like this:
function ($) {
$.widget('your_namespace.loader', $.mage.loader, {
options: {
texts: {
loaderText: $.mage.__('Foo')
'<div>Your template</div>'
return $.your_namespace.loader;
Now use: jQuery('body').loader('show') and see your new custom loader!
Its been a while but if anybody else stumbles upon this answer.
vjurado is not correct. The mistake lays in requirejs-config.js. Correct will be a reference withouth the "mage/", like this:
var config = {
map: {
'*': {
'loader' : 'Youssuph_Bakerscheckout/js/custom-mage-loader'
The custom-mage-loader.js is correct as posted in the initial question. deeplink not working as expected in ionic 3

I have integrated deeplink in my ionic 3 application. I have successfully generated the link and the link opens up the app. But, I wanted to open a particular page instead of the homepage of the app.
So, I integrated the below code to the desired page:
// only on devices
if (!'cordova')) { return }
const Branch = window['Branch'];
//only canonicalIdentifier is required
let properties = {
canonicalIdentifier: 'content/123',
canonicalUrl: '',
title: 'Content 123 Title',
contentDescription: 'Content 123 Description ' +,
price: 12.12,
currency: 'GBD',
contentIndexingMode: 'private',
contentMetadata: {
custom: 'data',
testing: 123,
this_is: true
//create a branchUniversalObj variable to reference with other Branch methods
let branchUniversalObj = null
Branch.createBranchUniversalObject(properties).then(function (res) {
branchUniversalObj = res
// optional fields
}).catch(function (err) {
alert('Error: ' + JSON.stringify(err))
let message = 'Check out this link'
Branch.initSession(function(data) {
if (data['+clicked_branch_link']) {
// read deep link data on click
alert('Deep Link Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data))
}).then(function(res) {
// create deep link
var analytics = {
var properties = {}
branchUniversalObj.generateShortUrl(analytics, properties).then(function (res) {
alert('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(res.url))
}).catch(function (err) {
alert('Error: ' + JSON.stringify(err))
branchUniversalObj.onLinkShareResponse(function (res) {
alert('Goosebumps:' + JSON.stringify(res))
And I added the function to a button click. But, still it opens up the app home page when I click the created link.
It doesn't looks like you are using the correct setup for your deep link routing. Please reference this Branch documentation for best results:

jQuery BBQ Plugin Selector doesn't work

I'm loading a PHP Page with BBQ Plugin:
var cache = {
'': $('.bbq-default')
$(window).bind( 'hashchange', function() {
var url = $.param.fragment();
$( 'a.bbq-current' ).removeClass( 'bbq-current' );
$( '.bbq-content' ).children( ':visible' ).hide();
url && $( 'a[href="#' + url + '"]' ).addClass( 'bbq-current' );
if ( cache[ url ] && url == "") {
cache[ url ].show();
} else {
$('.bbq-loading' ).show();
cache[ url ] = $( '<div class="bbq-item"/>' )
.appendTo( '.bbq-content' )
.load('session.php', {url: url}, function(){
// Content loaded, hide "loading" content.
$( '.bbq-loading' ).hide();
$(window).trigger( 'hashchange' );
It's just the example code from the plugin.
With the session.php I have a navigation menu through the different data sets of my MySQL DB. On every side which is loaded via the BBQ Plugin I have a comment field <textarea id='comment'></textarea>
I want to submit the input from the textarea with AJAX to my database, but the selector $("textarea#comment").val(); just works when the page has been initialy loaded with the URL. When I navigate with the links generated of my php file the selector outputs nothing (tested with firebug console) whether I wrote in the textarea or not. (When the value of the textarea is prepopulated the selector works, but not when I change the contents)

jquery ui autocomplete js error on keydown

i've included the jquery ui automcomplete plugin into the following structure:
<li class="search">
<input type="text" class="searchfield" name="searchfield" value="Search for Products" />
my javascript for this input field looks like:
<script type="text/javascript">
function addSearchFieldFunctionality() {
var availableTags = [
$('.searchfield').each(function () {
source: availableTags,
minLength: 1
}).data("autocomplete")._renderItem = function(ul, item) {
var a = $('<a>', {
href: item.value,
text: item.label,
"class" : "mySearchClass"
var b = $('<a>', {
href: item.value,
text: "Add", style: "float:right"});
var $li = $('<li></li>', {style:"width:100%"});
return $li.add(a).appendTo(ul);
I'm loading that function on document ready. for some reason, if a start typing e.g. the first three letters of a item, i get a resultlist. as soon as i push the keydown push button on the keyword, i get the following error in the chrome (latest version) console:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'top' of null
a.widget.activate jquery-ui.min.js:12
a.widget.move jquery-ui.min.js:12 jquery-ui.min.js:12
a.widget._move jquery-ui.min.js:12
a.widget._create.element.addClass.attr.attr.bind.bind.d jquery-ui.min.js:12
f.event.dispatch jquery-1.7.1.min.js:3
i'm using version 1.7.1 of jQuery and Version 1.8.12 of jquery UI
On the demo page of jquery ui autocomplete the keydown works well.
Any ideas what's going wrong with my constellation?
It doesn't make a difference to use remote or local data.
Best regards,
I really can make your code working. So I tried to rewrote it in a more simplier way. The problem is render functions only accept strings, not html element. So I add a listener to render the list after its generation (fired on keydown() event).
My thought is you are doing it the wrong way.
why adding another class on those items ? they have already one, so they can be styled.
why transforming them into a nodes ? just add a click() event on them
Could you explain your functional goal ?
// Your list of links
var redirectLinks = {'Ruby': '', 'Asp': ''};
function redirect(url) {
// TODO implement window.location=url or whatever you like
if(redirectLinks[url] != undefined) {
alert('redirecting to '+url+' => '+redirectLinks[url]);
$('.searchfield').each(function () {
$(this).autocomplete(availableTags, {
minLength: 1,
change: function(event, ui) {
console.log('this change event doesnt seem to be fired');
select: function(event, ui) {
console.log('this select event doesnt seem to be fired');
// After the list construction
if (e.which == 13) { // typing enter validates the input => autocompletechange
console.log('validating input '+$(this).val());
var $list = $('.ac_results:first ul').find('li');
$ { // adding an event on suggestion => autocompleteselect
console.log('clicking on suggestion '+$(this).text());

populate a 2nd filtering select based on the first - ZF and dojo

I have the response json string returned from the first FS(filteringSelect) with the contents of the second , but i can't make it load it. I've tried with store.clearOnClose , but it doesn't work , my javascript is valid. How do you do this ?
Here is the code from my form with the 2 filteringSelects:
$category=new Zend_Dojo_Form_Element_FilteringSelect("category");
var cat=dojo.query('#category ')[0].value;
url: 'getsubcategories',
handleAs: 'text',
content: { category:cat } ,
load: function(data, ioArgs) {
error: function(data,ioArgs) {
if(typeof data== 'error'){
$subCategory=new Zend_Dojo_Form_Element_FilteringSelect("subCategory");
$subCategory->setLabel("Sub Category")
I've red on the net that this is the way to do it , get the element of the 2nd dropdown and
passed it values when 1st changes. Am i Wrong ?
Tnx for your attention.
i dont know about zf, but this is how we do in js :
new dijit.form.FilteringSelect({
id: "country",
name: "country",
store: countryStore,
required: false,
onChange: function(country) {
dijit.byId('state').query.countryId = country ;
searchAttr: "name"