Autohotkey autocomplete limit to certain windows - autocomplete

I am trying to use the Autohotkey autocomplete script here: but limit it to certain windows. Enclosing the entire script within #IfWinActive does not seem to work. I really like this completion script but would not want it showing up all over the place. Is there a way to limit the autocompletion to specific windows?

A quick study of the source code showed that every keypress results in a call of the Suggest subroutine. This seems to be a good place to check for the active window. I've implemented a minimal change in the source, you can check it out here.
First, you have to define which windows you want to exlude from the functionality, I achieved this by defining a window group:
GroupAdd, excludedWins, ahk_class CabinetWClass ; windows explorer
GroupAdd, excludedWins, ahk_class DV2ControlHost ; start menu search bar
GroupAdd, excludedWins, ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass ; console
Please note that I'm using Windows 7; maybe, the windows have other identifiers in other versions.
Second, you need to tell the Suggest subroutine to ignore these windows:
IfWinActive, ahk_group excludedWins
It seems to work, but I only tested very superficially and didn't investigate the source code dependencies. Let me know how it works for you.


How to start a program if not already started, put on focus if already started?

I would like to make a ahk script to start apps if they are not currently started and maximize them if they are. Is it possible using AHK ?
CapsLock & w::
Run firefox.exe
Something like this but make it so that if I press CapsLock & w and then minimize firefox, pressing CapsLock & w would bring it back maximized / in focus. Any ideas? Thanks!
Sure, this is very easy and doable with AHK.
Here's a very easy and straight forward example
CapsLock & w::
if (WinExist("ahk_exe notepad.exe"))
WinActivate, ahk_exe notepad.exe
WinMaximize, ahk_exe notepad.exe
Run, notepad.exe
ahk_exe (docs) is used to refer to windows by their process. It's very convenient.
The code that you are looking for is somewhat similar to the example they give in the docs for WinActivate
So modifying that example for your purpose, and adding conditionals would give you:
CapsLock & w::
if WinExist("ahk_exe firefox.exe")
if WinActive("ahk_exe firefox.exe")
Run firefox.exe
Take note that this script will currently only minimize a Firefox window if it is the currently active window. If you need it to minimize a Firefox in the background, the script would potentially be a bit more complex since you could possibly have multiple Firefox windows open, and you would need to provide conditions and logic to handle cases like those. However, if you need this functionality, describe what behavior you would like to occur if this condition occurs, and I can work on it.

How to find OneNote windows 10 in AutoHotKey's if winexist?

I'm trying to build a script that allows me to open and use OneNote (The store app not OneNote 2016) with a hotkey, but I would like to use the same hotkey to switch the the app from another window. I have accomplished this with many other programs, but never with windows store app. Here is the code I'm trying to use.
#If WinExist("OneNote ahk_class ApplicationFrameWindow", "OneNote")
Run, C:\Users\ChrisCochrun\Documents\OneNote
Unfortunately it's not detecting that the window exists and it'll only just launch a new instance of onenote. I've looked for answers, but I'm having trouble making it so that AHK actually sees the window already running and jumping to it.
Thanks very much for any help at all!
If the window's title doesn't start with "OneNote", you need to use
SetTitleMatchMode 2.
The #If-directive is only used for creating context-sensitive hotkeys and hotstrings.
F1:: ; or a hotkey of your choise
SetTitleMatchMode 2
If WinExist("OneNote ahk_class ApplicationFrameWindow", "OneNote")
Run, C:\Users\ChrisCochrun\Documents\OneNote
SetTitleMatchMode 2
If WinExist("OneNote for Windows 10")
WinActivate return
;If I use rshift to activate Onenote for Windows 10

Ableton Issue while trying to control click

Even though I have read the docs and watched tutorials I am a complete beginner so I apologize If its a silly question. I have tried for quite a while to do this with no results.
I want to have NUMPAD0 key to press the global recording button in Ableton Live but I do not want to do it through mouse coordinates (1. Because the windows might be minimized when I need to record and 2. Because I want to implement this in the future in order to be able to press the recording button also on individual tracks as I create them, which might range from 1 to 80 new tracks for example)
The thing is that the Windows class dynamically changes and the Control ID is not shown in winspy.
This is what I have been doing:
GroupAdd, Live, ahk_class
GroupAdd, Live, ahk_class
GroupAdd, Live, ahk_class
GroupAdd, Live, ahk_class
curMode := 1
SetControlDelay -1
controlclick, ahk_group Live0,,,,,NA
So, my issues are these: 1. In the GroupAdd command I have put the window classes that I have seen yet I believe there might be more classes, that appear everytime I open a new Ableton window. 2. In the Control Click command, I havent put the control ID because I couldnt find it.
Any advice on how to finish this code or change it to a different it in order to press that Record button in Ableton, without using coordinates?
This is the code Im trying now, following suggestions but I havent got any results yet:
SetTitleMatchMode, Regex
SetTitleMatchMode, Slow
#IfWinActive, .*als
And this is the 2 version of that, which is not working either
SetTitleMatchMode, Regex
SetTitleMatchMode, Slow
#IfWinActive, Afx:0000000140000000
While I've never used GroupAdd, if there's a finite number of Class permutations, it seems to me you could RegExMatch against those and then form your group inside that. The GroupAdd spec seems to make all parameters optional beyond the GroupName, so perhaps you could skip the Class declaration after confirming you've got the right window.
WinGetTitle, Title, A
WinGetClass, Class, A
if (RegExMatch(Title, "Ableton Live.*") AND (RegExMatch(Class, "(AbletonClass1|AbletonClass2|AbletonClass3)")))
; Do stuff

Autohotkey winclose just wont work

I just want to have a simple function where Ctrl+F8 kills sublime text 3.
This is what i have so far, which doesn't work.
WinClose, "C:\Users\Eduardo\My Programs\Execs\Sublime Text 3\sublime_text.exe"
I've also tried:
Winclose, Sublime Text 3
WinClose, Sublime Text
Please help me with this. Ive looked at other examples and can't find what I am doing wrong.
WinClose command works with the window, not with the process. If you want to use WinClose command then you have to specify WinTitle and/or WinText of window you want to close. Also it is convenient to use SetTitleMatchMode command with WinClose. SetTitleMatchMode command sets the matching behavior of the WinTitle parameter of several commands, including WinClose. Particularly SetTitleMatchMode, 2 allows us to match not exact WinTitle for WinClose command. In that case a WinTitle can contain any part of actual WinTitle to be matched. Here is working example for notepad:
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
WinClose, Notepad
To work with process you can use Process command. Particularly, Process, close, notepad.exe will close notepad.exe process. Here is code:
Process, close, notepad.exe
If my examples are not working for you:
Use AutoHotkey and its documentation from . You should always use AutoHotkey and its documenatation from (current uptodate version, new official website)! AutoHotkey and its documentation from is outdated and you may have some problems using them!
Run it with administrator privileges.
Make sure you saved script before running it.

How can I make AutoHotkeys's functions stop working as soon as the .exe is closed?

I'm testing AutoHotkeys as a way to block user's usage of Ctrl, Alt and Windows Key while an application is running. To do this, I compiled the code:
into an .exe using the compiler that comes with AutoHotkeys.
My problem is that normally when I close the .exe file (either by code using TerminateProcess(,) or manually) the keys are not released immediately. The Windows Key, for example, may take something like 10 seconds to be finely "unlocked" and become able to be used again, and for me this is unacceptable.
So I got two questions:
Is there a way to fix this problem? How can I make the keys to be released as soon as the .exe is closed?
Would there be any improvement if I tryed to get the same functionality by code? Or if I create the hooks by myself I would get the same problem I'm having with AutoHotkeys?
AutoHotkey has a built-in command ExitApp for terminating your scripts.
This example makes Esc your termination hotkey:
It seems like the delay you are experiencing might be related to how long it's taking the process to close.
You could try making the hotkeys conditional with the #If command*
(i.e. they are only blocked when Flag = 1).
Then you can have the script quickly change the context just before ExitApp by using OnExit. The OnExit subroutine is called when the script exits by any means (except when it is killed by something like "End Task"). You can call a subroutine with a hotkey by using the GoSub command.
Flag := 1
OnExit, myExit
Esc::GoSub, myExit
#If Flag
Flag := 0
* The #If command requires Autohotkey_L.
The other option that will be more verbose, but work for AHK basic, is the hotkey command.
Another option is to have AutoHotkey run the target application, and upon application exit, AutoHotkey exits as well. Here's an example with Notepad. When the user closes Notepad, the script gracefully exits.
RunWait, Notepad.exe
ExitApp ; Run after Notepad.exe closes
I would use winactive to disable these keys. In this example the modyfier keys are disabled for "Evernote". As soon as you switch to another program the keys are restored and when you switch back to Evernote the modifier keys are disabled again.
SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ; Find the string Evernote anywhere in the windows title
#ifWinActive Evernote