Querying sub array with $where - mongodb

I have a collection with following document:
"_id" : ObjectId("51f1fd2b8188d3117c6da352"),
"cust_id" : "abc1234",
"ord_date" : ISODate("2012-10-03T18:30:00Z"),
"status" : "A",
"price" : 27,
"items" : [{
"sku" : "mmm",
"qty" : 5,
"price" : 2.5
}, {
"sku" : "nnn",
"qty" : 5,
"price" : 2.5
I want to use "$where" in the fields of "items", so something like this:
How can I do it? It works when the field is not of array type.

You don't need a $where operator to do this; just use a query object of:
{ "items.sku": mmm }
As for why your $where isn't working, the value of that operator is executed as JavaScript, so that's not going to check each element of the items array, it's just going to treat items as a normal object and compare its sku property (which is undefined) to mmm.

You are comparing this.items.sku to a variable mmm, which isn't initialized and thus has the value unefined. What you want to do, is iterate the array and compare each entry to the string 'mmm'. This example does this by using the array method some which returns true, when the passed function returns true for at least one of the entries:
{$where:"return this.items.some(function(entry){return entry.sku =='mmm'})"}
But really, don't do this. In a comment to the answer by JohnnyHK you said "my service is just a interface between user and mongodb, totally unaware what the field client want's to store". You aren't really explaining your use-case, but I am sure you can solve this better.
The $where operator invokes the Javascript engine even though this
trivial expression could be done with a normal query. This means unnecessary performance overhead.
Every single document in the collection is passed to the function, so when you have an index, it can not be used.
When the javascript function is generated from something provided by the client, you must be careful to sanetize and escape it properly, or your application gets vulnerable to code injection.

I've been reading through your comments in addition to the question. It sounds like your users can generically add some attributes, which you are storing in an array within a document. Your client needs to be able to query an arbitrary pair from the document in a generic manner. The pattern to achieve this is typically as follows:
{k:"some user defined key",
v:"the value"},
{k: ,v:}
Note that in your case, items is attributes. Now to get the document, your query will be something like:
(index attributes.k, attributes.v)
This allows your service to provide a way to query the data, and letting the client specify what the k,v pairs are. The one caveat with this design is always be aware that documents have a 16MB limit (unless you have a use case that makes GridFS appropriate). There are functions like $slice which may help with controlling this.


MongoDB check if value exists within array

I'm using MongoDB inside a twig framework. I'm trying to determine if the user has access to a certain module.
(a part of) my DB entry looks like:
_id: "579b50a4f5092761a20f4e71",
approvedModules: [
My code looks like:
session.get('__AUTH_USER').find({ approvedModules : { '$in' : ["examplemodule"]}}, { '$exists' : true })
(the standard functions have to be in quotes).
I keeps returning false. I can only return the value if I use session.get('__AUTH_USER').approvedModules.0
I don't want to include the .0 because that might change.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!
What am I doing wrong?
Many things. The worst one is using queries to database inside a template, but it is another problem.
You misunderstood purpose of the $in operator, which is used to match a field in the database to any element of array in the query.
To match any element of array in the collection to a single value you can do simple $eq:
session.get('__AUTH_USER').find({ approvedModules : "examplemodule"})
When you are using $in operator, you need to have 2 input arguments, the first one is the value for which you are checking the array, and the second one should be the array itself.
So, your bson element should look like this:
isModuleInArray : { '$in' : ["examplemodule","$approvedModules"] }

Storing a query in Mongo

This is the case: A webshop in which I want to configure which items should be listed in the sjop based on a set of parameters.
I want this to be configurable, because that allows me to experiment with different parameters also change their values easily.
I have a Product collection that I want to query based on multiple parameters.
A couple of these are found here:
within product:
"delivery" : {
"maximum_delivery_days" : 30,
"average_delivery_days" : 10,
"source" : 1,
"filling_rate" : 85,
"stock" : 0
but also other parameters exist.
An example of such query to decide whether or not to include a product could be:
"$or" : [
"delivery.stock" : 1
"$or" : [
"$and" : [
"delivery.maximum_delivery_days" : {
"$lt" : 60
"delivery.filling_rate" : {
"$gt" : 90
"$and" : [
"delivery.maximum_delivery_days" : {
"$lt" : 40
"delivery.filling_rate" : {
"$gt" : 80
"$and" : [
"delivery.delivery_days" : {
"$lt" : 25
"delivery.filling_rate" : {
"$gt" : 70
Now to make this configurable, I need to be able to handle boolean logic, parameters and values.
So, I got the idea, since such query itself is JSON, to store it in Mongo and have my Java app retrieve it.
Next thing is using it in the filter (e.g. find, or whatever) and work on the corresponding selection of products.
The advantage of this approach is that I can actually analyse the data and the effectiveness of the query outside of my program.
I would store it by name in the database. E.g.
"name": "query1",
"query": { the thing printed above starting with "$or"... }
"name" : "query1",
"query": { the thing printed above starting with "$or"... }
Which results in:
2016-03-27T14:43:37.265+0200 E QUERY Error: field names cannot start with $ [$or]
at Error (<anonymous>)
at DBCollection._validateForStorage (src/mongo/shell/collection.js:161:19)
at DBCollection._validateForStorage (src/mongo/shell/collection.js:165:18)
at insert (src/mongo/shell/bulk_api.js:646:20)
at DBCollection.insert (src/mongo/shell/collection.js:243:18)
at (shell):1:12 at src/mongo/shell/collection.js:161
But I CAN STORE it using Robomongo, but not always. Obviously I am doing something wrong. But I have NO IDEA what it is.
If it fails, and I create a brand new collection and try again, it succeeds. Weird stuff that goes beyond what I can comprehend.
But when I try updating values in the "query", changes are not going through. Never. Not even sometimes.
I can however create a new object and discard the previous one. So, the workaround is there.
{"name": "query1"},
{"$set": {
... update goes here ...
doing this results in:
"nMatched" : 0,
"nUpserted" : 0,
"nModified" : 0,
"writeError" : {
"code" : 52,
"errmsg" : "The dollar ($) prefixed field '$or' in 'action.$or' is not valid for storage."
seems pretty close to the other message above.
Needles to say, I am pretty clueless about what is going on here, so I hope some of the wizzards here are able to shed some light on the matter
I think the error message contains the important info you need to consider:
QUERY Error: field names cannot start with $
Since you are trying to store a query (or part of one) in a document, you'll end up with attribute names that contain mongo operator keywords (such as $or, $ne, $gt). The mongo documentation actually references this exact scenario - emphasis added
Field names cannot contain dots (i.e. .) or null characters, and they must not start with a dollar sign (i.e. $)...
I wouldn't trust 3rd party applications such as Robomongo in these instances. I suggest debugging/testing this issue directly in the mongo shell.
My suggestion would be to store an escaped version of the query in your document as to not interfere with reserved operator keywords. You can use the available JSON.stringify(my_obj); to encode your partial query into a string and then parse/decode it when you choose to retrieve it later on: JSON.parse(escaped_query_string_from_db)
Your approach of storing the query as a JSON object in MongoDB is not viable.
You could potentially store your query logic and fields in MongoDB, but you have to have an external app build the query with the proper MongoDB syntax.
MongoDB queries contain operators, and some of those have special characters in them.
There are rules for mongoDB filed names. These rules do not allow for special characters.
Look here: https://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/limits/#Restrictions-on-Field-Names
The probable reason you can sometimes successfully create the doc using Robomongo is because Robomongo is transforming your query into a string and properly escaping the special characters as it sends it to MongoDB.
This also explains why your attempt to update them never works. You tried to create a document, but instead created something that is a string object, so your update conditions are probably not retrieving any docs.
I see two problems with your approach.
In following query
"name" : "query1",
"query": { the thing printed above starting with "$or"... }
a valid JSON expects key, value pair. here in "query" you are storing an object without a key. You have two options. either store query as text or create another key inside curly braces.
Second problem is, you are storing query values without wrapping in quotes. All string values must be wrapped in quotes.
so your final document should appear as
"name" : "query1",
"query": 'the thing printed above starting with "$or"... '
Now try, it should work.
Obviously my attempt to store a query in mongo the way I did was foolish as became clear from the answers from both #bigdatakid and #lix. So what I finally did was this: I altered the naming of the fields to comply to the mongo requirements.
E.g. instead of $or I used _$or etc. and instead of using a . inside the name I used a #. Both of which I am replacing in my Java code.
This way I can still easily try and test the queries outside of my program. In my Java program I just change the names and use the query. Using just 2 lines of code. It simply works now. Thanks guys for the suggestions you made.
String documentAsString = query.toJson().replaceAll("_\\$", "\\$").replaceAll("#", ".");
Object q = JSON.parse(documentAsString);

MongoDB: Find document given field values in an object with an unknown key

I'm making a database on theses/arguments. They are related to other arguments, which I've placed in an object with a dynamic key, which is completely random.
_id : "aeokejXMwGKvWzF5L",
text : "test",
relations : {
cF6iKAkDJg5eQGsgb : {
type : "interpretation",
originId : "uFEjssN2RgcrgiTjh",
ratings: [...]
Can I find this document if I only know what the value of type is? That is I want to do something like this:
db.theses.find({relations['anything']: { type: "interpretation"}}})
This could've been done easily with the positional operator, if relations had been an array. But then I cannot make changes to the objects in ratings, as mongo doesn't support those updates. I'm asking here to see if I can keep from having to change the database structure.
Though you seem to have approached this structure due to a problem with updates in using nested arrays, you really have only caused another problem by doing something else which is not really supported, and that is that there is no "wildcard" concept for searching unspecified keys using the standard query operators that are optimal.
The only way you can really search for such data is by using JavaScript code on the server to traverse the keys using $where. This is clearly not a really good idea as it requires brute force evaluation rather than using useful things like an index, but it can be approached as follows:
db.theses.find(function() {
var relations = this.relations;
return Object.keys(relations).some(function(rel) {
return relations[rel].type == "interpretation";
While this will return those objects from the collection that contain the required nested value, it must inspect each object in the collection in order to do the evaluation. This is why such evaluation should really only be used when paired with something that can directly use an index instead as a hard value from the object in the collection.
Still the better solution is to consider remodelling the data to take advantage of indexes in search. Where it is neccessary to update the "ratings" information, then basically "flatten" the structure to consider each "rating" element as the only array data instead:
"_id": "aeokejXMwGKvWzF5L",
"text": "test",
"relationsRatings": [
"relationId": "cF6iKAkDJg5eQGsgb",
"type": "interpretation",
"originId": "uFEjssN2RgcrgiTjh",
"ratingId": 1,
"ratingScore": 5
"relationId": "cF6iKAkDJg5eQGsgb",
"type": "interpretation",
"originId": "uFEjssN2RgcrgiTjh",
"ratingId": 2,
"ratingScore": 6
Now searching is of course quite simple:
db.theses.find({ "relationsRatings.type": "interpretation" })
And of course the positional $ operator can now be used with the flatter structure:
{ "relationsRatings.ratingId": 1 },
{ "$set": { "relationsRatings.$.ratingScore": 7 } }
Of course this means duplication of the "related" data for each "ratings" value, but this is generally the cost of being to update by matched position as this is all that is supported with a single level of array nesting only.
So you can force the logic to match with the way you have it structured, but it is not a great idea to do so and will lead to performance problems. If however your main need here is to update the "ratings" information rather than just append to the inner list, then a flatter structure will be of greater benefit and of course be a lot faster to search.

Search full document in mongodb for a match

Is there a way to match a value with every array and sub document inside the document in mongodb collection and return the document
"_id" : "2000001956",
"trimline1" : "abc",
"trimline2" : "xyz",
"subtitle" : "www",
"image" : {
"large" : 0,
"small" : 0,
"tiled" : 0,
"cropped" : false
"Kytrr" : {
"count" : 0,
"assigned" : 0
for eg if in the above document I am searching for xyz or "ab" or "xy" or "z" or "0" this document should be returned.
I actually have to achieve this at the back end using C# driver but a mongo query would also help greatly.
Please advice.
You could probably do this using '$where'
I'm converting the whole record to a big string and then searching to see if your element is in the resulting string. Probably won't work if your xyz is in the fieldnames!
You can make it iterate through the fields to make a big string and then search it though.
This isn't the most elegant way and will involve a full tablescan. It will be faster if you look through the individual fields!
While Malcolm's answer above would work, when your collection gets large or you have high traffic, you'll see this fall over pretty quickly. This is because of 2 things. First, dropping down to javascript is a big deal and second, this will always be a full table scan because $where can't use an index.
MongoDB 2.6 introduced text indexing which is on by default (it was in beta in 2.4). With it, you can have a full text index on all the fields in the document. The documentation gives the following example where a text index is created for every field and names the index "TextIndex".
{ "$**": "text" },
{ name: "TextIndex" }

Mongo indexing on object arrays vs objects

I'm implementing a contact database that handles quite a few fields. Most of them are predefined and can be considered bound, but there are a couple that aren't. We'll call one of these fields 'groups'. The way we currently implement it is (each document/contact has 'groups' field):
'groups' : {
152 : 'hi',
111 : 'group2'
but after some reading I've it would seem I should be doing it:
'groups' : [
{ 'id' : 152, 'name' : 'hi' },
{ 'id' : 111, 'name' : 'group2' }
and then apply the index db.contact.ensureIndex({'groups.id':1});
My question is in regard to functionality. What are the differences between the 2 structures and how is the index actually built (is it simply indexing within each document/contact or is it building a full-scale index that has all the groups from all the documents/contacts?).
I'm kind of going in under the assumption that this is structurally the best way, but if I'm incorrect, let me know.
Querying will certainly be a lot easier in the second case, where 'groups' is an array of sub-documents, each with an 'id' and a 'name'.
Mongo does not support "wildcard" queries, so if your documents were structured the first way and you wanted to find a sub-document with the value "hi", but did not know that the key was 152, you would not be able to do it. With the second document structure, you can easily query for {"groups.name":"hi"}.
For more information on querying embedded objects, please see the documentation titled "Dot Notation (Reaching into Objects)" http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Dot+Notation+%28Reaching+into+Objects%29
The "Value in an Array" and "Value in an Embedded Object" sections of the "Advanced Queries" documentation are also useful:
For an index on {'groups.id':1}, an index entry will be created for every "id" key in every "groups" array in every document. With an index on "groups", only one index entry will be created per document.
If you have documents of the second type, and an index on groups, your queries will have to match entire sub-documents in order to make use of the index. For example, given the document:
{ "_id" : 1, "groups" : [ { "id" : 152, "name" : "hi" }, { "id" : 111, "name" : "group2" } ] }
The query
db.<collectionName>.find({groups:{ "id" : 152, "name" : "hi" }})
will make use of the index, but the queries
will not.
The index(es) that you create should depend on which queries you will most commonly be performing.
You can experiment with which (if any) indexes your queries are using with the .explain() command. http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Explain The first line, "cursor" will tell you which index is being used. "cursor" : "BasicCursor" indicates that a full collection scan is being performed.
There is more information on indexing in the documentation:
The "Indexing Array Elements" section of the above links to the document titled "Multikeys":
Hopefully this will improve your understanding of how to query on embedded documents, and how indexes are used. Please let us know if you have any follow-up questions!