Buttons with image on IOS6 - iphone

I have multiple buttons in an outlet collection with no image defined on any of them in the inspector. I use a for loop and the following line of code to set the image on each button after each interaction.
[button setImage:(UIImage *)image forState:(UIControlState)UIControlStateNormal];
When the application starts in the simulator, some of the buttons have the image neatly fit in the button, the others have a tall, skinny version of the image. If I understand how this works, at the beginning the code to set the image has not been executed.
How is the image being displayed at the beginning?
How do some buttons have the correct image and others are screwy?

It sounds like your buttons may not be all using the same contentMode. Look at the view in interface builder and go to the attributes inspector and under "View" you should see a "Mode" drop down with values like "Scale to fill", "Aspect Fit", "Aspect Fill". You should make sure this value is the same for all your buttons. (Obviously use the value from whichever buttons are displaying the way you want). You can see what each mode option does here:

Use this if you don't have a background.
[button setBackgroundImage:image forState:UIControlStateNormal];
The background image is scaled to fill the bounds, but the image is not.


How to create a gray overlay for a UIButton in touched state programmatically?

I would like to make a generic class that when tapped, makes the element grayish.
Facebook's app is the perfect example of what I want to achieve. All their links and images become gray when tapped.
I can only guess that they are subclassing UIButton.
I have made my button's style UIButtonTypeCustom to get rid of the rounded border. Beyond this, I don't know how to have the gray overlay because I see no such property in the documentation.
Its simple:
#define TAG_GRAYVIEW 5671263 // some random number
// add the gray overlay
UIView *grayView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:button.bounds];
grayView.backgroundColor = [UIColor grayColor];
grayView.tag = TAG_GRAYVIEW;
[button addSubview:grayView];
// remove the gray overlay
UIView *grayView = [button viewWithTag:TAG_GRAYVIEW];
[grayView removeFromSuperview];
I think you need to use a semi transperant grey image PNG file. You need to then set Image of button in Highlighted state.
Also note that both the images for Normal State and Highlighted State need to have the images with titles on them.
As once we set the image to button, btn.titleLabel.text won't be displayed.
So you can have a image with transperant background and title on it for Normal state. And an grey image with title on it for Highlighted State.
Code for doing it programmatically is
[btn setImage:#"Transperant.png" forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[btn setImage:#"Grey.png" forState:UIControlStateHighlighted];
Hope this helps you.
The default UIButton masks the opaque content using a gray highlight. For example when using a transparent png, only the parts that contain non-transparent pixels will be grayed out on touch. The default UIButton highlight has no effect on subviews/sublayers, and will only work on provided images. What you see in the Facebook app is probably just a UIWebView highlight, possibly customized using css.
To create something similar using your own control (to prevent the overhead of a UIWebView) you should probably create your own UIControl subclass and highlight the content on touch using a transparent CALayer. You can even mask the CALayer to only highlight the actual contents, instead of a rectangular shape.
Also see my stackoverflow post on creating custom controls for iOS by subclassing UIControl.
Try setting the button up something like this.
*mind you I didn't create the image for this example.
Set your button type to custom, and in "State Config" select "Highlighted" from there you will want to set the image of the button to be a semi-transparent grey image. There are probably several other ways to achieve this same effect but this one should be nice and simple.

Question on iPhone Development Custom UI

So on the App Store, what I'm seeing a lot is a custom UI that still looks like the native Apple ones, but is some how "spruced up" in look. How exactly would I create something like that, as in say a button that is a hexagon or something instead of a rounded rectangle?
Draw any image you want, using your favorite art program.
Don't forget to make pressed and "up" states.
Create your button (in IB or code.)
Make the button of type UIButtonTypeCustom (IB or code.)
In IB, set the button's image to your image.
Set the image separately for NORMAL and HIGHLIGHTED states (IB or code.)
Example in code:
[myButton setImage: myImage forState: UIControlStateNormal];
They are probably either subclass' of UIView/UIWhatever or images with a transparent UIButton over top of the image. Is there something specific you want to implement?
Some examples:
Subclassing a UIView
UIView subclass dialog window

UIButton with changing images when pressed - but unattractive effect when changing them

I have a button that changes its image to different images depending on what modus we are in.
The images are set with:[modusBtn setImage:cx forState:UIControlStateNormal];
The images have round corners and the button is of Type "Custom".
Now when the button is pressed one can see another image in the upper and lower edge background.
Really weird - the buttons ALL have round corners - but for example when the blue modus is on and shows the blue image and one presses the blue button now - one can see red little edges only on the left two corners.
I already played around with all the button attribute settings in IB, but no luck.
Did anyone have a similar experience when changing button images?
So far all my button images where 100% rectangular and did not have round corners - therefore I never experienced this before.
Many thanks!
Use this UIButton's propriety for your button.
avatarButton.clipsToBounds = YES;
Whenever you set an image for custom button make sure to set
yourButton.backgroundColor=[UIColor clearColor];
The effect was happening as your button was using default background transitions during changing the state.

UIBarButtonItem Taking Entire Width of UIToolbar

I have a UIToolbar with a UIBarButtonItem that I created in Interface Builder. The UIBarButtonItem is a bordered button that contains a custom image.
The button takes up the entire length of the toolbar. I have tried using different images, changing the width of the button... I don't know what else to do. It stretches across the entire toolbar.
If I use one the provided "Identifiers" (camera, trash, compose...) the button appears a normal size.
How it looks in Interface Builder
How it looks when I run it on the iPhone
After some more tinkering, here is what I found: if I create a new UIToolbar and add custom image to the UIBarButtonItem, it works fine - but as soon as I connect the UIBarButtonItem to an IBOutlet, it goes large. I had to then specify the UIBarButtonItem's width in the code, via the IBOutlet.
Try adding a UIBarButtonSystemItemFlexibleSpace on the right of the camera bordered item.
I'm not an expert, but I think it might have to do with how the frame is defined in the "sizing inspector", could you maybe show a screenshot of the settings?

how to show active button in iphone app

I am developing an application in which there are 7 buttons in every view.
We can switch on any view with respective to button clicked.
Now I want to enable(by change color or background or any thing) the clicked button, means all buttons should remain as it is only the clicked button should look different.
you can use
[button setImage: forState:];
This will help if u are using images for the button
[button setBackgroundImage: forState:];
You have two images like "selectedImg.png" and "unselectedImg.png" and change them according to the selection.To change the image use the following setter method,
[selectedButton setBackgroundImage:selectedImg.png forState:(UIControlState)state]
In the case of "setImage:" the image size will not resized for your button size.But in "setBackgroundImage:" will resize and set that as background.