Crystal Reports book for formulas or charts - crystal-reports

I have completed Crystal Reports 2011 for developers and i am ready to move onto the next stage
I would like to learn ways of doing complicated reports ( as that is my job now ).
Is there a good advanced or intermediate book out there on formulas
and one on charts , these are the two areas i wish to develop
any help would be appreciated
Thank you so much

I am in charge of all metrics reporting where I work. I write and maintain all of our Crystal Reports. Here are two books you should look at.
Crystal Reports XI: The Complete Reference (Osborne Complete Reference Series)
No Stress Tech Guide To Crystal Reports XI For Beginners (2nd Edition)
Both of these books have good sections on formulas. The second book has a pretty good section on Charts. The rest of it might be a little basic for you, but it's a fairly good reference book.
Both can be found on
If you want to get even deeper on the formulas, learn visual basic. Just search visual basic for crystal reports and you'll find a wealth of resources.
Good luck!


Recommendations on where to get a basic understanding of how to build BI and Crystal Reports?

The current company I work for has been without a Crystal Reports and BI report developer for over a year now and I have been asked to be trained in the two subjects. I am looking for anywhere I can get a basic understanding of what I am getting in to before the training. I believe the training will mainly focus on developing reports along with just having a small understand with what happens on the back end. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Some handy formulas and overall viewKen Hamady
Pluralsight guide is pretty good. ( paid but check microsoft dev essentials)
General tips: save often, backup, supress sections or fields on condition, use the lines on both rulers to help with formating. Also keep in mind the requriments for the specific report, where information can grow in the future, test diferent scenarios.

Porting enterprise one reports from Crystal Reports to JasperReports framework

My employer is considering migrating our e1 reporting from crystal reports 10 to another solution.
I want to use jasper server and I was wondering if there is a standard migration path or standard report package that we could use to make the task easier/faster. Also, any experience shared about creating the user objects for jasper business intelligence portal would be appreciated.
It is interesting for my employer too.
I researched a lot about it, it seems there is no way to do achieve this in a (semi) automatic approach.
I'm currently working in my own Report Generator, to replace Crystal Reports in my company.
Let me know it it interest you.

What is the Best Software for Create Report for .Net Application?

I want design and use reports for my .NET windows application. I use Crystal Reports to design reports, but Crystal Reports is very slow when my report shows.
What is the best software to design and view reports for .NET application?
I'm looking for design-time software and not runtime reporting tools.
The fact that your report displays slowly has nothing to do with the ease of use, at design or runtime, of a reporting tool.
You should look at what indexes are present and whether you can simplify the underlying data query.
The 'best' anything depends somewhat on your requirements.
That all said, I personally prefer Active Reports over Crystal.
Please take a look at Windward Reports (I'm the CTO at Windward). With Windward you design the reports in Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint so layout/formatting is very fast & easy. And because you can place the tags for the data anywhere, it gives you the ability to do things that Crystal, SSRS, etc. find difficulty to impossible.
As to performance issues, there are some good general rules of thumb at How to Turbo-Charge your Report Speed.
thanks - dave

Adding Crystal Reports support into LAMP product

We have a newly documented feature request, from sales and support, to integrate Crystal Reports into our LAMP product. (It's more like LAPP, really, with Postgres and PHP.)
I have to admit, although I've heard about it from time to time, I've never even seen Crystal Reports in the wild. But the buzz is that it will help sales tremendously if we can support it.
So the question is about what we can do to satisfy the request. Are there APIs and SDKs, protocols and conventions we can use to get tight with Crystal Reports?
I'm not sure about the protocols and conventions, but there are indeed APIs and SDKs available for Crystal Reports, both for web app and windows app usage. I've been using Crystal Reports with my apps for a decade now, and generally it integrates pretty well.
You can get a free 30 trial of Crystal Reports 2008 here. If you want to deploy things, you may need the Developer Advantage licensing.

What are Crystal Reports for .NET?

I've heard of "Crystal Reports" for years, but I'm really confused why a small ActiveX type of component that just displays and prints out data from databases (does it?) should be considered a whole product within the VS suite of products.
Is it something better, like something for Windows Server that lets you generate report server-side as PDFs or similar which is why its considered so important?
Enlighten me.
Crystal Reports is a very robust (and in many developers' opinions, complicated and painful) tool to build complex reports. It's much more than simply printing what's in the database - taking relational data and transforming it into massive corporate reports with hundreds or thousands of conditions is very time-consuming and difficult. For example, what if the report needs to have product summary sections which can be formatted completely differently based on the qualities or attributes of the product? CR has a scripting model that permits pretty much any transformation imaginable.
To replace Crystal Reports with something you seem to be imagining, would require a data transformation engine; an end-user-friendly UI to write transformation rules and design reports; and a presentation engine to format the reports in a print-friendly way. That definitely sounds like a full-fledged product to me.
The worst thing about CR is that there isn't anything better at what it does.
If what you want to do is what it "likes" to do--dump data from the DB into a formatted page--it's dead simple. If you're willing to tolerate pain & frustration, you can make it do all sorts of fancy things.
It's definitely more than just "an ActiveX control".
It's a whole product because it is supplied as such by the developer, and is installed only optionally. It enables support for Crystal Report files.
And no, it's not a small ActiveX type of component. It comes with a full-fledged report designer and runtime component and is a complete report solution, much like SSRS (SQL Server Report Services, or something - is that what you meant with the thing for Windows Server?). Have look at their web page for more information.
The Crystal Reports that come with Visual Studio are a 'lite' version of the suite of products , see this page for comparison of features between the full and lite versions of 2008
You should try Stimulsoft Reports.Net its better than CR.NET.In this solution there are no ActiveX involved and no merge module and runtimes....
One of the cool things they added was support for binding to .NET and other data providers. This company has been bought by so many companies in the past it has really hurt the product IMO.
Crystal Report is a third part "Reprot Creation" tool.
This comes as build-in with Visual Studio IDE, and using this tool you can create reports in your application.
Its a reporting tool that has a stand alone application for generating reports or reports can be integrated into a .net application.