Yii - Error (and possible solution) validating form with clientValidation active, and using a custom container - forms

I was creating a CActiveForm with the ClientValidation enabled, but stepped in an error when I wrapped a RadioButtonList inside a UL container.
Whenever I submited the form I get a "field cannot be empty" message, even if the radios were checked.
My form:
$form=$this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(
And one of the RadioButtonLists I use:
<div id="drinks">
<?php echo $form->label($model,'drink_id',array('class' => 'title')); ?>
<?php echo $form->radioButtonList($model,'drink_id', CHtml::listData($drinks, 'id', 'name'), array('container'=>'ul', 'template' => '<li class="radio_row">{input}{label}</li>','separator' => '')); ?>
<?php echo $form->error($model,'drink_id'); ?>
Was I making something wrong?
I studied the code of the jquery.yiiactiveform.js and found that my problem was that in the function that gets the value of the inputs, the value was not taken correctly, because the ID used to identify the inputs was not set in a span, or in the checkboxes/radios themselves (the id was set in the UL container I defined):
var getAFValue = function (o) {
var type,
c = [];
if (!o.length) {
return undefined;
if (o[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'span') {
o.find(':checked').each(function () {
return c.join(',');
type = o.attr('type');
if (type === 'checkbox' || type === 'radio') {
return o.filter(':checked').val();
} else {
return o.val();
So I solved this adding || o[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'ul':
var getAFValue = function (o) {
var type,
c = [];
if (!o.length) {
return undefined;
if (o[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'span' || o[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'ul') {
o.find(':checked').each(function () {
return c.join(',');
type = o.attr('type');
if (type === 'checkbox' || type === 'radio') {
return o.filter(':checked').val();
} else {
return o.val();
Maybe I was just making some mistake and this solution is just a crappy workaround... but maybe this is just a bug ¿?
The HTML generated:
<form id="enrollment-form" action="/enrollment" method="post">
<div style="display:none"><input type="hidden" value="b06e1d1d796f838f30ba130f8d990034aa9fdad6" name="YII_CSRF_TOKEN" /></div>
<div id="enrollment-form_es_" class="errorSummary" style="display:none"><p>Please fix the following input errors:</p>
<div id="drinks">
<label class="title" for="EnrollmentForm_drink_id">Drinks</label>
<input id="ytEnrollmentForm_drink_id" type="hidden" value="" name="EnrollmentForm[drink_id]" />
<ul id="EnrollmentForm_drink_id">
<li class="radio_row">
<input id="EnrollmentForm_drink_id_0" value="2" type="radio" name="EnrollmentForm[drink_id]" />
<label for="EnrollmentForm_drink_id_0">Tea</label>
<li class="radio_row">
<input id="EnrollmentForm_drink_id_1" value="1" type="radio" name="EnrollmentForm[drink_id]" />
<label for="EnrollmentForm_drink_id_1">Juice</label>
<div class="errorMessage" id="EnrollmentForm_drink_id_em_" style="display:none"></div>
I noticed that if I didn't use any container when generating the RadioButtonList, Yii aplies a "class=success" to a span. And with my UL container, that class is not generated. When I've changed the Javascript, the class success is generated again.
** The HTML generated without the inputContainer option and without the last array in radioButtonList:
<div id="drinks">
<label class="title" for="EnrollmentForm_drink_id">Bebidas</label>
<input id="ytEnrollmentForm_drink_id" type="hidden" value="" name="EnrollmentForm[drink_id]">
<span id="EnrollmentForm_drink_id">
<input id="EnrollmentForm_drink_id_0" value="2" type="radio" name="EnrollmentForm[drink_id]"> <label for="EnrollmentForm_drink_id_0">Tea</label><br>
<input id="EnrollmentForm_drink_id_1" value="1" type="radio" name="EnrollmentForm[drink_id]"> <label for="EnrollmentForm_drink_id_1">Juice</label>
<div class="errorMessage" id="EnrollmentForm_drink_id_em_" style="display:none"></div>
As you can see, Yii generates a strange span that controls if the form is valid or not, by aplying to it the class "success". If I use the inputContainer UL then this class="success" is not generated (with my workaround it is generated and it works).


How to validate inputs on each step in a multi part form in vuejs?

I have created step in each tabs which represent the steps in the form. I have used v-if condition to check which step should be displayed. As of now the steps work perfectly fine when i click the next button. Even if the inputs are empty I am able to go to the next step. I want some validation on each step that will check if the input is empty and add a class to that input say "error-class". How do I do that in vuejs?
This is my form in .vue file.
<form id="product_form" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<!-- One "tab" for each step in the form: -->
<button type="button" v-if="step === 2 || step === 3 || step === 4" id="prevBtn1" #click.prevent="prev()"></button>
<div v-if="step === 1" class="tab">
<h3>Post a product</h3>
<div class="preview" id="preview">
<div class="single-holder">
<input type="text" name="pname" id="pname" placeholder="Title*" required="true" ref="pname">
<div v-if="step === 2" class="tab">
<h3>Describe your Product</h3>
<div class="descrip">
<textarea name="description" id="description" placeholder="Description" required="true"></textarea>
<div v-if="step === 3" class="tab">
<h3>Set Inventory</h3>
<div class="fixed-width">
<div class="single-holder">
<input type="number" name="quantity" id="quantity" required="true">
<div v-if="step === 4" class="tab">
<h3>Share On</h3>
<div class="address-details-holder clearfix">
<div class="single-holder">
<input placeholder="_ _ _ _" id="zipcode" name="zipcode" maxlength="4" type="text" #keypress="onlyNumber">
This is my method in Vuejs
onlyNumber ($event) {
let keyCode = ($event.keyCode ? $event.keyCode : $event.which);
if ((keyCode < 48 || keyCode > 57) && keyCode !== 46) { // 46 is dot
prev() {
next() {
// console.log(this.$refs.name.value);
//if(this.$refs.pname.value !== null){
// this.step++;
As of now the steps work fine if i remove the if condition in the function next() in methods. But I need input validations on each step so the user has to fill out the missing data in all the form fields.
I think you can use Vee Validate . It will help you check required in each input
<input v-validate="'required'" data-vv-as="field" name="required_field" type="text">
And return error message for that input if it false
<span>{{ errors.first('email') }}</span>

Why validation is not working?

<form #f="ngForm" name="corporateProfileForm" ng-submit="corporateFrmSave(objDS, objDSCurrency)" novalidate="">
<div class="row form-group">
<div class="col-md-12" >
<input type="text" *ngIf="formData" [(ngModel)]="formData.Corporate_Id" id="corpid" title="Corporate ID" tab-index="1" name="corpid" maxlength="20" #corpid="ngModel" required/>
<label for="corp"><b>Corporate ID</b></label>
<div *ngIf="corpid.invalid && (corpid.dirty || corpid.touched)" class="alert alert-danger">
<div *ngIf="corpid.errors.required">
Name is required.
<div *ngIf="ncorpidame.errors.minlength">
Name must be at least 4 characters long.
<div *ngIf="corpid.errors.forbiddenName">
Name cannot be Bob.
Iam getting error message as
ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'invalid' of undefined
Make sure you define your variable with this structure:
TS file
export class ContactComponent implements OnInit {
myform: any;
corpid: FormControl;
constructor() {
ngOnInit() {
createFormControls() {
this.corpid= new FormControl('', Validators.required);
createForm() {
this.myform = new FormGroup({
corpid: this.corpid,
HTML file
<div class="md-form form-sm form-group"
'invalid': corpid.invalid && (corpid.dirty || corpid.touched),
'valid': corpid.valid && (corpid.dirty || corpid.touched)
<i class="fa fa-user prefix"></i>
type="text" id="corpid" class="form-control"
<label for="corpid" class="">Your corpid</label>
<div class="form-control-feedback"
*ngIf="corpid.errors && (corpid.dirty || corpid.touched)">
<p *ngIf="corpid.errors.required">corpid is required</p>
It's hard to tell because issue is not in your HTML snipped but in .ts file.
I hope my Code will be helpfull
The issue is with the *ngIf, so when that condition is checked, Angular renders the rest of the template, and while the small fraction of time while *ngIf is being evaluated, your template reference variable corpid does not exist, so it will throw an error when trying to check the validation intially.
Wrap the input field with the validation div's inside the *ngIf instead of applying it only on the input field.
<div class="row form-group" *ngIf="formData">
<input [(ngModel)]="formData.Corporate_Id" id="corpid" ... >
<!-- more code here... -->

My form is not populating when there is some validation error in the input data. Laravel Collective

Hope yo are all doing great.
I am using Laravel 5.3 and a package LaravelCollective for form-model binding.
I have subjects array that I want to validate and then store in database if there is no error in the input data.
The following snippets show the partial view of form, other views, rules for validations and controller code.
<!-- Panel that Adds the Subject - START -->
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="panel panel-default" id="add_Subject_panel">
<div class="panel-heading">Add Subject(s):</div>
<div class="panel-body">
{!! Form::open( array('method'=>'post', 'url'=>route('user.store.subject', 1)) ) !!}
#include('user.partials.subjects', ['buttonText'=>'Add Subject(s)'])
{!! Form::close() !!}
<!-- Panel that Adds the Subject - END -->
#if (count($errors) > 0)
<div class="alert alert-danger">
#foreach ($errors->all() as $error)
<li>{{ $error }}</li>
<div class="subject-list">
<div class="input-group subject-input">
<input type="text" name="name[]" class="form-control" value="" placeholder="Subject" />
<span class="input-group-btn">
<span class="btn btn-default">Primary subject</span>
<div class="text-right">
<br />
<button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-sm btn-add-subject"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> Add Subject</button>
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-4 text-right">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">
{{ $buttonText }} <i class="fa fa-btn fa-subject"></i>
{{-- <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.4.min.js" integrity="sha256-BbhdlvQf/xTY9gja0Dq3HiwQF8LaCRTXxZKRutelT44=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> --}}
<script src="{{ asset('scripts/jquery-2.2.4.min.js') }}" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" async defer></script>
$(document.body).on('click', '.btn-remove-subject', function(){
var index = $('.subject-input').length + 1;
'<div class="input-group subject-input" style="margin-top:20px; margin-bottom:20px;">'+
'<input type="text" name="name['+index+']" class="form-control" value="" placeholder="Subject" />'+
'<span class="input-group-btn">'+
'<button class="btn btn-danger btn-remove-subject" type="button"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span></button>'+
I want to validate all the subjects passed as an array to the controller using a custom created form request. the following is the code for that form request
namespace App\Http\Requests;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;
class SubjectRequest extends FormRequest
* Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
* #return bool
public function authorize()
return true;
* Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
* #return array
public function rules()
// dd("Rules Area");
foreach($this->request->get('name') as $key => $val)
$rules['name.'.$key] = 'required|min:5|max:50';
// dd($rules);
return $rules;
public function messages()
// dd('Message Area. . .');
$messages = [];
foreach($this->request->get('name') as $key => $val)
$messages['name.'.$key.'.required'] = ' Subject Name '.$key.'" is required.';
$messages['name.'.$key.'.min'] = ' Subject Name '.$key.'" must be atleast :min characters long.';
$messages['name.'.$key.'.max'] = ' Subject Name '.$key.'" must be less than :max characters.';
// dd($messages);
return $messages;
the following is the code for controller method I am using to store inputted array data to database.
public function storeSubjects(SubjectRequest $request)
$data = $request->all();
// save logic
My form is not populating when there is some validation error in the input data.
After getting validation errors, my input fields are blank.
In subject.blade.php, your code looks like
<input type="text" name="name[]" class="form-control" value="" placeholder="Subject" />
Your fields are not populating because you have left value attribute blank.
Pass the old value to solve your problem.
<input type="text" name="name[]" class="form-control" value="{{old('name[]')}}" placeholder="Subject" />
Use Form Model Binding instead
{{ Form::model($user, [....]) }}
{{ Form::text('firstname', null, [...]) }}
{{ Form::close() }}

Meteor - Data saving issue

I have this template:
<Template name="nuevoEjercicio">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" class="form-control input-lg" name="ejercicio" placeholder="Ejercicio?"/>
<input type="number" class="form-control" name="repeticiones" placeholder="Repeticiones?" />
<input type="number" class="form-control" name="peso" placeholder="Peso?" />
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success" >
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span>
that I use to capture and save to the database.
Then on my .js file I am trying to get the data and save it:
'click .btn btn-success': function (event) {
var ejercicio = event.target.ejercicio.value;
var repeticiones = event.target.repeticiones.value;
var peso = event.target.peso.value;
// Clear form
event.target.ejercicio.value = "";
event.target.repeticiones.value = "";
event.target.peso.value = "";
// Prevent default form submit
return false;
as I understand, when I click on any object that has the btn btn-success style....but is not the case. For some obscure reason -for me- is not working.
Can you check it and give me some advice?
First of all, there's an error in you selector. It's 'click .btn.btn-success', not 'click .btn btn-success'.
Also you can't do that event.target.ejercicio.value thing. event.target is the element that was clicked. You'll have to do something like this:
'click .btn.btn-success': function (event, template) {
var ejercicio = template.$('[name=ejercicio]').val()
What after wasting hours and hours the solution is:
1- on the html file give your input an id:
<input type="number" class="form-control" **id="peso"** placeholder="Peso?" />
<button type="submit" class="btn .btn-success" id="**guardar**" />
so now you want to save data on the input when the button is clicked:
2- You link the button with the funcion via the id
'click **#guardar**': function (event, template) {
var ejercicio = template.$("**#peso**").val();
and get the value linking using the input id.

Angular form validation: ng-show when at least one input is ng-invalid and ng-dirty

I have the following form in an Angular partial:
<form name="submit_entry_form" id="submit_entry_form" ng-submit="submit()" ng-controller="SubmitEntryFormCtrl" novalidate >
<input type="text" name="first_name" ng-model="first_name" placeholder="First Name" required/><br />
<input type="text" name="last_name" ng-model="last_name" placeholder="Last Name" required/><br />
<input type="text" name="email" ng-model="email" placeholder="Email Address" required/><br />
<input type="text" name="confirm_email" ng-model="confirm_email" placeholder="Confirm Email Address" required/><br />
<span ng-show="submit_entry_form.$invalid">Error!</span>
<input type="submit" id="submit" value="Submit" />
The trouble I'm having is with the span at the bottom that says "Error!". I want this to show ONLY if one of the inputs is both "ng-dirty" and "ng-invalid". As it is above, the error will show until the form is completely valid. The long solution would be to do something like:
<span ng-show="submit_entry_form.first_name.$dirty && submit_entry_form.first_name.$invalid || submit_entry_form.last_name.$dirty && submit_entry_form.last_name.$invalid || submit_entry_form.email.$dirty && submit_entry_form.email.$invalid || submit_entry_form.confirm_email.$dirty && submit_entry_form.confirm_email.$invalid">Error!</span>
Which is UGLY. Any better way to do this?
Method 1: Use a function on $scope set up by your controller.
So with a better understanding of your problem, you wanted to show a message if any field on your form was both $invalid and $dirty...
Add a controller method:
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.anyDirtyAndInvalid = function (form){
for(var prop in form) {
if(form.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
if(form[prop].$dirty && form[prop].$invalid) {
return true;
return false;
and in your HTML:
<span ng-show="anyDirtyAndInvalid(submit_entry_form);">Error!</span>
Here is a plunker to demo it
Now all of that said, if someone has entered data in your form, and it's not complete, the form itself is invalid. So I'm not sure this is the best usability. But it should work.
Method 2: Use a Filter! (recommended)
I now recommend a filter for this sort of thing...
The following filter does the same as the above, but it's better practice for Angular, IMO. Also a plunk.
app.filter('anyInvalidDirtyFields', function () {
return function(form) {
for(var prop in form) {
if(form.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
if(form[prop].$invalid && form[prop].$dirty) {
return true;
return false;
<span ng-show="submit_entry_form | anyInvalidDirtyFields">Error!</span>