Regarding REST application ACL - rest

I'm trying to look at ways of controlling ACL for REST URIs.
What I'm looking for is
Define a user
Define a role
Define an organization (User owns the org)
Now i would like to dynamically restrict/allow access to resources( REST URI) for authorized users only usin the platforms API.
I know some of the commercial products have such feautres. I'm looking for a (Apache/MIT/BSD/LGPL) licensed open source product which does this.
I've looked at Apache Syncope.It does what i need except for the requirement to control access to RESt URIs. It only treats LDAP and DB connections as resoureces and not REST URIs.
Need to figure out a solution or a tool which would do all this for me.


Is it possible to have multiple Keycloak realmsconnect to the same icCube server?

use case
in icCube
one server instance
icCube users only need to access the reporting
icCube is used to for a standard reporting solution for an industry vertical and can be used by multiple clients, each having their own (copy of the) structures that work with their own data
a client can grant one or more users access to their own dashboards in icCube
authorization requirement
it should be possible to link authorization to the client's identity
management system (such as AD)
for others, it should be possible to assign a local admin at the client that can give access to their own environment to whom they wih
for the rest, it should be possible for a centralized admin to maintain access
a perfect job for ...
keycloak needs for each of the requirements a seperate realm with client (see picture)
The icCube documentation only makes mention of one Realm & client.
the question
Is it possible to use multiple keycloak realms & clients with one instance of icCube?
See also icCube documentation on keycloak integration
Right now this is not possible.
The keycloak.json file is used to connect to a Keycloak server that is going to authenticate the HTTP request. So you would need somehow a way to determine which keycloak.json file to use based on the HTTP request before using it meaning having different URL and/or URLs with a specific parameter.
Possibly the multi-tenant support could be extended to be able to configure an authentication logic per tenant with the same constraint about the URL value.
Hope that helps.

Role Activity & Access Level

I have developed a web application with following architecture:
Frontend : Angular 6
Backend : Java REST APIs with Springboot
I want to add authentication and authorization to it. For that I'm looking for some open source application (e.g. KeyCloak, Gluu etc.). I would like to know in which tool the below scenarios are supported.
There will be predefined set of Activities on UI (e.g. Add, Edit,
Delete etc)
There will be predefined Access Levels (e.g. Read, Write, No Access)
I should be able to create Roles, then assign activities and access levels to those roles and assign those roles to user.
Can you please help me to find out a tool which supports my above scenario?
I tried something for KeyCloak, but i couldn't find a way to add activities, access levels and map roles to it. I think everything there is governed by Role only.
I just realized that I need Activity based authorization and not Role based authorization. Please help me find some tool for that.
I'm not sure what is meant by activity based authorization but i suspect you actually mean permission based authorization, in example: Grant permissions to users to perform certain actions.
Shiro offers you permissions and role based authorization out of the box.
You can create roles, add permissions to these roles and assign them to a user. Supported are implicit and explicit roles, whereas one role can hold any number of permissions. You can even work with wildcards and group the permissions.
For more information you should take a look at the official Shiro entry and especially the web documentation for your project in particular. Shiro offers full support for Spring-Boot applications, you can find a HowTo here.
Shiro fully supports your described scenario.

How might I apply multiple security mechanisms to a Swagger-generated REST service?

I have generated JAX-RS stubs for a REST service using Swagger and want to set up the security.
The security side is very new to me and I would like to use standards as far as possible. (In the past, for other J2EE applications, I have used Filters to handle Authentication which put User objects into a Session. As I understand it, Sessions should be avoided for REST.)
There are 4 types of user who will access the services
Customers and business partners (Authentication via oAuth or similar)
Employees (Authentication via NTLM & LDAP)
Developers (Mock authentication/authorisation of some kind)
Integration test (JUnit with pre-defined users and roles)
Is it possible to define a security mechanism which would handle all of these users?
How would I use the Swagger security directives?
Am I making this more complicated than it needs to be?
You could use an open source API gateway like Tyk? Here’s a link to some handy info on API Security in the tyk docs.
And here is a blog post that describes taking a layered approach to API Security that goes beyond the gateway.
Disclosure: I work for Tyk!

Custom filter in apache shiro

I have two set of users one is anonymous and another is valid users (authenticated using cas server). So for anonymous I don't have ticket but for users I have the ticket. But I want to make the resource available to both with some nifty feature will be provided to valid users. My resources are available as REST services. Therefore between two calls (say /foo and /bar. here /foo must be called before /bar) I have to check whether the calling user is same or not?
Therefore I would like to generate a ticket for anonymous user also. so that in /bar, I can check same anonymous user has actually request /bar.
Can anyone suggest how can I solve the above problem using apache shiro.
Also as I have very little knowledge about Apache shiro, I would like to know which one is better apache shiro or spring security (in case of REST services developed using jersey 2)

Allowing access to an MVC site using Windows Authentication Via groups via username

I have an MVC2 site that now allows access to it via windows authentication and uses Role provider to provide authorization. I am trying to come up with a way for the site to allow the user access to the site if his username is a member of certain groups so I won't have to sign up user in sql, but just sign up a group with access. Anybody have any idea how to do this? Is there a quick and dirty way? So far in my internet perusals I haven't found a quick and dirty way to do this? Any help would be great.
Looking up Role/Group information for a User
ASP.NET provides a useful “Role Management” capability, which allows developers to map users into logical “Roles” that can then be used to better control end-user capabilities and authorization access. For example, as a developer I could create a role called “managers” for my web application, and then limit access to portions of the site to only those users within the “managers” role (note: I will be posting additional recipes in the future that discuss how to fully use the Role Management authorization and capabilities features more).
When using Windows Authentication, ASP.NET allows developers to create and populate roles from multiple sources. For example, a developer could setup the built-in ASP.NET 2.0 SqlRoleProvider to map Windows users to custom application roles that are store within a database. This approach is very useful for scenarios where there might be application-specific role mappings that don’t make sense to push into a centralized Active Directory tree/store.
ASP.NET also makes it easy to access central Windows and Active Directory group mappings from within an application as well. For example, if there is a Windows group on the Active Directory network called “DOMAIN\managers”, an ASP.NET application could lookup whether the current Windows authenticated user visiting the ASP.NET site belongs to this group by writing code like this:
If User.IsInRole("DOMAIN\managers") Then
Label1.Text = User.Identity.Name & " is a manager"
Label1.Text = User.Identity.Name & " is not a manager"
End If
Note that the role/group look-up is done via the “User.IsInRole(rolename)” method that is a peer of the User.Identity.Name property.