Update/Deploy Sideloaded Windows Store App Remotely? - deployment

We're about to start developing a modern app (LOB) for Windows 8. I've researched how to deploy it via powershell and what I need to do to enable sideloading, etc.
My question is about the administrative process of this. Is it possible to do this remotely? If we have, say 15 devices that this app will be used on, do we need to go to each one and run the powershell script to update it?
It doesn't seem like the add-appxpackage command has any parameters to execute against a remote machine, though I might be missing something.
I've seen a few references to using System Center to do this? Is that my only option?


Use same terminal session across the devices when using vscode-remote ssh

I'm using three of the devices to develop. Desktop(Home), MacBook(Work), Laptop(Remote).
I'm developing a web project that needs to build and API server. So I'm running build steps and API server using watch parameter.
However, If I do work at remote or home, I can't start API server because that port already bound by other process that executed by work MacBook terminal. I tried to kill that process, but It restored automatically by watch parameter.
So now I want to use the same terminal session across the multiple devices. I thought maybe I can do this using tmux, but I don't know is there a better solution for this.
Is there available something to do this in vscode-server? Or just I need to use tmux or other solution?

Automate the google chrome update through scripting for every logon using powershell.

Title: Automate the google chrome update through scripting for every logon using powershell.
Anyone wants to take a shot at writing the code? If not maybe guide me towards it. I have little experience.
I need google chrome to update the moment the user logs on through a script that I can push to multiple computers at the same time.
Thanks in advance! -Albert
Automagic updates (installs) can be made, but depend upon a number of factors
1) Your level of access
2) Desired level of control over version management
3) Access to network storage resources
If you could explain your environment a bit (better), we might be better able to assist in your endeavors.
I do this sort of thing all the time, but using enterprise tools such as Group Policy, SCCM, etc.
Answer these:
What is the command string to silently UNINSTALL any given version of Chrome?
What is the command string to silently INSTALL any given version of Chrome?
Do you have an .msi installer to use for group policy or SCCM-initiated installs?
Do you have an enterprise configuration management service available for use?
Do you have a domain environment? Access to group policy?
Point being, what have you done to get where you want to be?

Can't get Direct3d app to start in Windows 7 kiosk

We run our application in a kiosk environment of sorts, replacing Explorer with our application. Everything worked fine under Windows XP, but with Windows 7 we can't get it to work.
We set the registry key WinLogon to a custom user.bat batch script (no further registry tweaking) in which we wait for several services to start (SQLServer, for example), then launch our application.
This worked great in XP. However, in 7, all needed services are detected, but when our application starts, it fails when trying to load its .fx file. It's as if some service or component related to DirectX has not been yet initialized. Any hints on troubleshooting this?
We solved this by making our program which waits for services try to play an avi (without displaying it) using DirectX. We cover that code with a try-catch block inside a loop and insist on it until it succeeds, which means DirectX is available. A nasty hack, but since the user can't see it, it's good enough for us.

Powershell/Commandline in Modern UI

Is there (or is possible) a standard Powershell or commandline in Modern UI in Win 8.x?
It would be pretty nice to have this app "docked" on a part of screen only (for SSH, etc...) and other desktop apps still could be in fullscreen.
You couldn't do this directly. The PowerShell engine isn't available on WinRT. You might be able to do something like create a WinRT app that uses sockets to communicate to a service on the localhost that executes PowerShell for you and returns the results. That would require you to build that service and install it on machines. If this is for a Windows RT device that won't work because only Microsoft can install desktop apps.

Is this a practical use of a service?

I need to run an application which processes hooks in background. The problem is that I have to start it automatically on systemstart as administrator. I've tried to use the windows task scheduler but on some systems it does not start the program as administrator which causes strange behaviours.
I've never written an windows service but would that be a solution to create windows service? And if yes: Does it start automatically as administrator on systemstart? How can i communicate with the service from an configuration program? And as last question: If I am right, I need to install a service through an installer like a msi-package. How would you create such a msi-package. Visual Studio 2012 does not support that anymore.
It would be very nice if someone could help me. Sorry for my bad English but I am giving my best. If you don't understand some parts of my question, just ask me.
1) Yes, this sounds a lot like you should write a service.
2) If you configure it so, by default they start with a special service account.
3) You can find a lot of good information about communicating with a service here: How to communicate with a windows service from an application that interacts with the desktop?
4) You don't have to. Do you use C# for example? You can then make use of a nice library called TopShelf to write your service.