get Path of Subsystem - simulink

For documentation I need ca. 100 times a day the path of the selected/current subsystem.
That means I need some field where I can copy and past the path to use it in a document.
I just know and find the way with the Model Browser. But I have to typ the whole path.

As already stated, the currently selected block or subsystem can be retrieved by using gcb. But it is also possible to copy this directly into the clipboard. Therefore select the to be copied block and use the clipboard command:
clipboard('copy', gcb);
You can also create a Matlab shortcut (right click on the "Shortcut" toolbar and select "New Shortcut") or even a Simulink menu entry with according keyboard shortcut (search Simulink documentation for "sl_customization") for this command, if you use it that frequently.


Codesys ScriptEngine tool/key binding

I have created some scripts in (Iron)Python that help me with the generation of a lot of the boilercode in my project. However, every thime I change something in some part of my project, I have to rerun those scripts. Right now, every thime I have to go to the menu -> Tools -> Scripting -> Execute script File... and navigate to the script in the File Explorer.
However, I go into Tools -> Customize... I can see that there are listings for Script0, Script1 and etc. They are also available in the keyboard shorcut bindings. This suggests to me that there must be a way toadd ToolMenu entries and key shortcuts to run predefined scripts, however all of them have "(unavailable)" written next to them, and I can't figure any way to configure them and make them do something.
Does anybody know how to make use of them?
Follow this instruction:
What you see in "Add commands" under "Scripting Commands" is a alphabetic index list of your script file names. That means if no scripts are active linked in config.json then the count of maximal possible 32 scripts are listed under alphabetic index "S" as "Script0(unavailable)" to "Script31(unavailable)". If linked one script in config.json then is listed under alphabetic index and "Script0(unavailable)" is hidden.

Programmatically highlight dialog option in Simulink

In Simulink, certain error messages provide clickable links to the origin of the error.
See, for example, the following error:
If I click one of the three links in the message, say, Parent setting, Simulink opens the code generation settings dialog and indicates the specific setting(s) using a blue border:
As a user, can I achieve the same highlighting programmatically (using a .m-script)? If so, how?
Yes, this is possible, but it requires the use of Simulink internal support functions. Their API is undocumented and may therefore be unstable. Use at your own risk.
The highlighting in the question is achieved as follows:
slprivate('modelref_highlight_configset_setting', 'rtwdemo_capi', 'RTWCAPISignals')
slprivate is a .m-function that ships with Simulink. There is no help entry for the function. Its only mention in the help is on the 'Set Simulink Preferences' help page. Its implementation is simple: it is a wrapper around feval. The implementation can be opened by executing the command >> edit slprivate from the Matlab Command window.
The function's documentation is as follows:
slprivate is a gateway for internal support functions used by Simulink.
In the usage above, the first parameter 'modelref_highlight_configset_setting', is the Simulink internal support function. In this case, it is the function that does the highlighting.
The second parameter 'rtwdemo_capi', is the name of the Simulink model whose Configuration Parameters window should be opened for highlighting.
The third parameter, 'RTWCAPISignals', is the name of the configuration option to highlight. In this case, that single option highlights two UI elements.
Names of configuration options can be found as follows:
Open the model's Configuration Parameters window (e.g. in Simulink: menu Simulation -> Model Configuration Parameters, or Ctrl + E)
Right-click on (or, rather, next to) the option
In the context menu that appears, click What's This?
In the help window that appears, scroll down to Command-Line Information. The name of the option is given in the Parameter field.
The way I figured this out may be useful for other internal functions, so I'll leave that here as well. If the build is started from the Command Window (>> rtwbuild('rtwdemo_capi')) instead of from the GUI, warning and error messages are printed to the command window as well, including the clickable links. If one then hovers over such a link with the mouse pointer, the corresponding command is shown in the Matlab status bar (at the bottom of the main Matlab window).

editing objects from MongoDB with an external editor doesn't update the object

I'm using the Mongo shell. I've set my EDITOR to my notepad++ path. I create an object and then I use the EDIT command to edit the obeject using notepad++ but it doesn't update the object.
// mongo shell
var pow = { name: "teest" };
edit pow
// notepad++ opens a document called 'mongo_edit141225123.js' that resides
// in C:\users\...\Appdata\local\temp
// I edit the object, save and close notepad++
pow // object isn't updated :(
what am I missing?
There seem to be a few caveats here. But I can describe how I got this working:
Set the PATH environment variable to include the path to the notepad++ executable. Note to both "apply" this change and not have an existing command line window when doing so. Or at least open a new one once this step is complete.
Specify an EDITOR variable in your command shell window, or otherwise set that under the same system properties as setting the PATH environment variable. Since the program directory is in the PATH just set the executable name:
set EDITOR="notepad++"
Launch your mongo shell and go to edit a variable:
> edit something
This will launch the specified editor, with an "undefined" variable at first. Type in something "valid", as any invalid JavaScript declaration will be discarded. Now for the important part. After your edit and when "closing" click the "tab close" icon and do not close the entire editor as shown:
That last part seems to be the most important. If you are prompted to save (and you likely will be ) then do so. Only "after" the tab has been closed (and saved) should you then close the editor itself.
If you then subsequently issue the same edit something from the mongo shell, then the editor will open with the content that you edited before.
If you don't follow this and just close the editor window first, then you should see an additional tab opened and the original tab with the content that you had before. But subsequent changes will be lost as the shell is now tracking a different temporary file.
So follow those steps and you should be right. I would expect there are similar issues with other external editors that will actually resolve in a similar way.

Bind F1 to a user function in Matlab

By default, Matlab binds F1 to the doc command. I'd like to change that binding to doc2, which is a function of mine. Unfortunately, the documentation is not very helpul with that matter.
Is there a simple way to achieve this ?
Thank you.
No, you can't do that, and MATLAB does not at all bind F1 to the doc command.
By default, F1 is bound to a few different things, depending on what desktop component you're using at the moment, and whether you have anything selected. In the MATLAB desktop, if nothing is selected, it will open up the Help Browser; but if something is selected, it will do Help on Selection instead, and if you're in the Genome Browser from Bioinformatics Toolbox, it will do something different again, specific to that tool.
You can modify those bindings in the MATLAB Preferences (Keyboard->Shortcuts); but you can only remap the bindings for existing actions, not create your own.
When the default action of opening up the Help Browser is carried out by a keyboard shortcut, it is not done by calling the doc command (that would be a bad idea, as the user may have modified or replaced the doc command to do something unrelated to help).

Where is startup.m supposed to be?

I've been chasing the answer to this question in the MATLAB documentation for a long time...
For example, at the bottom of
it says
Use the startup.m file to specify the startup folder...
...which is plainly absurd, since elsewhere the documentation says that startup.m is to be found in the so-called "startup folder". So therefore there's no way for this file to specify where this folder should be.
Etc., etc., etc. This sort of circularity pervades everything I've found in the docs on startup.m.
What I want to know is: can I or can't I customize the location of the "startup folder" in a way that is persistent, and if so, where is this persistent information stored?
The best method, I find, is this. Let's say you want MATLAB to start up in mystartupdir, and you've placed startup.m in that directory.
On Windows, make a shortcut icon to MATLAB, then right-click on it and select Properties. Edit the field Start In. Now, use this icon whenever you want to start MATLAB.
On other platforms, you can run MATLAB with the -sd flag to specify the startup directory:
matlab -sd mystartupdir
If you don't specify a startup directory, MATLAB will use the default specified by the userpath command. You can place your startup.m file there.
According to this page in the docs, you should create your own startup.m in the "startup directory" which, if you follow the link, leads to this page explaining the definition of "startup directory" in this context.
You can retrieve this "startup directory" with the userpath function which returns, on my system:
>> userpath
ans =
Personally, I just set the "Start In" in the shortcut to whatever I want - but obviously this won't work if you're not on Windows; if you're not on Windows or prefer not to rely on the shortcut you should create a startup.m with a call to cd in whatever directory userpath returns.
The docs also say you can modify the userpath function, if you so desire, or the matlabrc.m file in matlabroot/toolbox/local (but you can only do the latter if you're a MathWorks engineer or a system administrator, otherwise MathWorks will rain fiery hell down on you from above, or something...).
On Mac OS X, you may put your startup.m file in /matlabrootfolder/toolbox/local/. For example, this path might look like the following for Matlab 2012: /Applications/
To prevent the file from being removed after upgrading Matlab, you may use a symlink to the file. If your startup file is stored at $HOME/myDir/startup.m, for example (in Bash):
cd /Applications/
ln -s ~/myDir/startup.m .
This is meant as a pointer for Lx users (as confused as I was at first...). I work on Debian based boxes, but the same should apply to the CentOS system lineup, etc.
Check that after install you do have the directory/ies: ~/.matlab/<yr_release(s)>
Note that you may have several releases there as is my case. matlab actually permits that.
Create ~/.matlab/startup.m Incidentally I also created my directory Workspace there. That's completely optional
In your Matlab window's Home tab find the menu iten/icon Set Path, click on it and add a "matlab search path" with the button Add folder top left. Add ~/.matlab as a new search path. Change should take effect immediately.
Restart Matlab to check that the content of ~/.matlab/startup.m is correctly taken into account at launch time.
I hate GUIs... I thought you might want to know ;-) HTH.
As read in :
Changing the Startup Folder
Starting in R2014b, you can change the startup folder using the
General Preferences panel. On the Home tab, in the Environment
section, click Preferences. Select MATLAB > General. Choose an option
for the Initial working folder.
By default, the initial working folder is set to Location based on
MATLAB startup rules.
I wish it did not involve the graphical desktop interface, though. By looking closely in the file matlab.setting, which under Linux should lie in ~/.matlab/<your_release>/, you can find the lines
<key name="UserPath">
where you can certainly specify manually the startup directory.
For me (I'm using Linux) it worked to put the "startup.m" to the home directory. Apparently, the home directory is by default on the matlab path. Strangely, it also worked when I put the "startup.m" into a newly created "matlab" (must be all lower-case) folder in the home directory. Let me know whether it also works on your system.