Eclipse: Edit code parser - eclipse

I am using a plugin for Eclipse (The Eclipse plugin of SDCC).
This works fine (so far) but the problem is the inline assembly..
it is pretty annoying that the parser marks this code as syntax error
and furthermore that it marks symbols which are defined in a header file.
Therefore I want to extend the plugin a little bit such that the parser(s)
ignore the inline assembly part since the SDCC compiler will complain about it
anyway if it finds an error.
I've seen that there is an error parse since CDT 7.0 but I am not sure if this is
the right place to look at.
Can anyone help?

Place mouse pointer over highlighted code, then press F2 to have focus in popup suggestion window. At left corner of this window exists icon, click on such icon opens problematic item.
By setting/removing checkbox 'Text As', editor with highlighted code will be change view as well.
Usually they are all accessible through Window->Preferences->General->Editors->-Text Editors-> Annotations.
I used it on kepler CDT.


Eclipse Disable Warnings inside Java Editor

Usually, Eclipse shows the warning light bulbs on the left side of the Java editor.
That is fine.
Now, suddenly I see the light bulb and the warning also INSIDE THE CODE of text editor, what is sort of annoying. I must have changed some configuration, but I can remember which one.
Any idea of how to remove the warning from the editor?
The following Eclipse forum thread talks about this: .
If you follow the link to the page to , it shows how to turn it off.

Double clicking a resource in Eclipse Project Explorer does not open the second file

In an Eclipse based application (RCP), when double clicking on a file that appears in the project explorer, for the first file this will work – the associated editor will open. However, when double clicking again on a file, it will not open. If you click somewhere out of the Project Explorer and then return to the Project Explorer, then the second double click will work.
Note that right-clicking on the resource and selecting “Open” always works. In addition, in Package Explorer it always works.
I believe this is related to eclipse bugs 285239 and 256761.
Does anyone know of a way that I can overcome this problem, as the RCP developer. The file editor is a custom editor in one of my plugins.
The problem does not seem to happen to me with java files in standard eclipse for java development.
I solved the problem by implementing a setFocus method on the editor class. In the setFocus, I set the focus to some component. (To be precise in my case the editor was a subclass of SharedHeaderFormEditor so I set the focus to the active page).
The truth is that the specification of the setFocus method in IWorkbenchPart requires you to "assign the focus to one of the controls contained in the part's parent composite". It seems that the default implementation of setFocus in some cases did not do that (I don't know why, maybe I was missing something or for other reason).
Note that also setting focus explicitly to a control from within editor initializing partialy solves the problem.

Lost column/line fields in the status bar using Eclipse

I used to see the line and column (character count) in the status bar of Eclipse (actually Precision32's version of Eclipse), but somehow it went away. According to the Eclipse UI guidelines it's supposed to be there:
Editors with source lines of text should show the current line and
optionally column numbers the status line. It's optional for the
editor to show line numbers for each line in the editor itself.
But I can't find anything that tells how to turn it on. I didn't update my editor, AFAIK.
The editor is active.
I have no idea what happened, but it started working again. Might be when I installed Juno eclipse, maybe some register settings in common were touched? I hate doing a re-install to fix a problem as you lose settings and it isn't getting to the root cause, but for this round I'll have to accept it.

Does Komodo Edit list variables?

I'm using Komodo Edit as an IDE for PERL. Is there a way to show all the declared variables on the side panel? I know it keeps track of it since there is a red wiggly line if I use a variable that has not been previously declared - would be nice if there was a list somewhere. Plugins would be cool too but I can't seem to find any. thanks in advance!
No, that is not possible in Komodo Edit. See the comparrisson page for the additional features the IDE has that Edit doesn't have. The one you want here is called Code Browser.
In Komodo IDE however, it is: It is called Code Explorer and you can move it between the left and right panel. You get it by clicking the button which is blue in my screenshot abouve the Text-2.txt file tab, as it starts out being on the right.
Note that it does not recognize methods introduced by Moo(se) or variables that are imported through use.

Eclipse IDE lost popup menu suggestions

I've seem to have lost the ability in my Eclipse to auto-correct errors in my source code lines.
For example, a line like this:
Date date = new Date();
has red jagged lines beneath the Date() part. Previously I could mouse hover over it see a popup menu of options to fix it. Now I all I ever get is a popup with the text "Cannot resolve to a type".
The only change I can think of that I've made and I don't know if it has anything to do with this problem, is that I started editing my .java files with an outside editor. Then focusing back into Eclipse I get a popup saying the source has changed and do I want to update so I say OK.
Sometimes I will edit inside Eclipse and sometimes i will edit the source outside of Eclipse. I'm not sure if this is a bad practice or not?
Its your wish to edit Java files outside or inside eclipse. But Java editor has many features which are very helpful to developers. I suggest to edit Java files inside eclipse only.If you find other editors are good or you used to it then no problem you can edit Java files out side eclipse also. The problem you mentioned in not related to it. But make sure that changes are applied before building project in eclipse.
This occurs whenever there are multiple classes are available with the same name in you build path then eclipse don't know which one to import by default. So keep the caret on the error line and press Ctrl+1. Then a eclipse gives options to user to import one among these. See the picture below. Choose the right one then error will disappear.