Callback on widget attached and all images are loaded - gwt

I want execute some logic after the moment when widget is attached and all images inside this widget are loaded. This widget show a block of html prepared in CMS (so the number of images is dynamic).
What have I tried:
override Widget.onAttach() or Widget.onLoad(). Unfortunately both of them are executed before the moment when all images are loaded.
I found gwt-image-loader library which can add a callback per image. I wan't use it due to dynamic nature of the content.
In JavaScript there is this option which works great:
$('selector').waitForImages(function() {
// do some logic
Maybe I missed some GWT way to do the same thing?

You can try GWT's Image.addLoadHandler()

onLoad and onAttach methods are there to inform you that the <img> tag is attached to your document and that is it. This helps in setting image attributes such as height, width, position and so on. What you are asking is, after the image is attached to document you want an handler after the image is rendered. This is not possible with the current version of GWT as per my experience. Further rendering of image depends on the network you are in, the server you are connected and so on. So instead of wanting for a render callback, try to do the work in onLoad or onAttach methods or add a loadHandler for the same


Change defaultModel inside onAfterRender

I have a Panel and a Image inside this Panel.
In onAfterRender I want to change the defaultModel of the Image.
protected void onAfterRender() {
previewImage.setDefaultModel(new Model<String>(newUrl));
But this has no effect. The purpose is to display a placeholder and when the Panel is rendered, then change its src
onAfterRender() is a callback executed right after the current Component has been rendered, i.e. it has contributed its part of the final HTML sent to the browser.
It is not very clear what you want to achieve with this placeholder.
In case you want to show a placeholder and then lazily load the real image then you can use AjaxLazyLoadPanel from wicket-extensions. Or you can use JavaScript to replace the placeholder once the image is loaded by the browser (img.addEventListener('load', ...).
onAfterRender() is usually used to render something right after the content/body rendered by this Component, but it cannot be used to change it.

Reloading an iframe in GWT

I am currently working on a GWT project where I am displaying an HTML file within an iframe in my application. This HTML file is actually being written to as it is getting displayed, and I am hoping to be able to reload the frame so that the changes made to the HTML file are reflected on screen. I am able to do this two different ways that both work when running in development mode, however neither seem to work when the project is deployed.
The first method I tried was setting the frame's URL to itself:
The second method I tried using JSNI:
public native void refresh() /*-{
if($doc.getElementById('__reportFrame') != null) {
$doc.getElementById('__reportFrame').src =
When deployed, the frame gets displayed in a Window, and when the file is finished being written to, a call to either of these refresh methods is made, and the frame refreshes to contain the finished HTML file. When I am deployed, the call to refresh does not reload the contents of the frame, however if I bring up the frame's context menu (in Firefox), then go into 'This Frame', and click Reload, it successfully reloads the frame to contain the finished HTML file. I have tested this on multiple versions of Firefox without any luck.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Why would the behavior be different from one mode to the other?
wow, google is really fast with his search^^
You can use some JSNI to do this. Create a method such as
protected native void reloadIFrame(Element iframeEl) /-{
iframeEl.contentWindow.location.reload(true); }-/;
Then call it with your iFrame element
so your question you posted twice was already answerd here
We had a requirement where one GWT application(parent) had another GWT application(child) loaded in an iframe. The child application had to refresh the iframe after it performs certain DB operations. We used JSNI to accomplish the same.
private native void refreshChild(String url)/*-{
In case, if the child frame needs to be redirected to another webpage, the url can be modified accordingly.
We did try to use the reload() method, but it did not help.
The above piece of code, of course needs to be written in the child application.

Woodwing: how to trigger the ModalViewController using custom web/html embedded content

Using Woodwing, we have a page that has custom html in it, using the custom web widget.
That widget has an anchor tag, that when tapped, opens a page in safari.
However, if we create the same page using the HTML widget, and a link overlay, that triggers a ModalView to display.
I'm assuming this has something to do with WoodWing's (un)documented protocols for the anchor tags, that are captured by the WoodWing shell application and used to trigger the "ModalView" display. Since everything in Woodwing generates an XML that is parsed when the app is loaded, and I've done numerous applications, this seems reasonable. However, there is very little technical documentation.
My question is: does anyone know any documentation on those protocols, or a way I can use custom-html to trigger the ModalView? I've tried replacing "http" with "ww" but no dice. It's possible it's javascript but I'm suspecting protocols...
The UIWebViewDelegate defines the webView:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:navigationType: method that your view controller can implement. In this implementation, your code shoudl decide if it wants to handle the request (user click) or let the UIWebView handle it normally.
For displaying a modal as a result of a click, this method would display the modal and return NO.
The default HTML widget implementation doesn't support this out of the box. There are two ways that you can do to achieve this;
Implement what they call a 'custom object'. They documented this feature, if you have access to their documentation this should be relatively easy to figure out. It allows you to write native objects and inject them into both the .ofip format and the application.
Implement a modal dialog within the widget (in HTML). This is less convenient but possible to do (if you have a fullscreen widget).
Create the specific URL for open as you mention in your comment(ww://string.string).
Then in UIWebView Delegate method (webView: shouldStartLoadWithRequest: navigationType:) get the redirect URL. If redirect URL is equal to you mention before then perform your action.
Let me know if this answer help you.

Creating reusable widgets

I`m using mvc 2.0 and trying to create reusable web site parts, that can be added at any page dynamically.
The problem I have is how to load a partial view with all related js and data? Ive tried the following ways to do that:
Use partial view and put all the js into it. In main view use render partial. But to initialize partial view I need to add model to current action method model to be able to make RenderPartial("MyPartialView", Model.PartialViewModel).
Also I do not have a place to put additional data I need to fill my form(like drop down lists values, some predefined values etc).
Use RenderAction, but it seems it have same problems as RenderPartial, except for I do not need to add anything to any other model.
Any other oprions are greatly appreciated.
As I understand it, RenderAction performs the full pipeline on the action, then renders the result - so what is rendered is the same as what you'd see if you'd browsed to the action.
I've used RenderAction to render 'widgets' throughout a site, but in my view they should be independent of the page rendering them, otherwise they're not really widgets and should be part of the rendering page's code instead. For instance, if there's a log in form, you will always take the user to a page that can process the information, no matter what page they are currently on, so this makes for a good widget. Other ways I've used it is to show a shopping basket or advertising. Neither of which are dependent on the page being shown.
Hope this helps a little!

How to render element in gwt?

From last few months I am working on gwt-ext.In that I am using a doLayout() method of Container class.Here is description of it.
Force this container's layout to be recalculated. A call to this function is required after adding a new component to an already rendered container. If you are not dynamically adding and removing components after render, this function will generally not need to be called.
Do this method is basically used to render container.
Now I am using core gwt 2.3. Is there any method to render the container in gwt.or any other way to achieve this ???
Thanks in advance
AFAIK, GWT does not require this. Just call .add() on any Panel to add children. They should be immediately visible.