Find entity related to Lookup field - plugins

I have a list of field names from an entity that I know are all lookup fields. I need to know which entity they are lookups to so that I can do further processing of the data.
Is there a way in a plugin that I can find this out just from having the field name?

In a plugin, a lookup field is represented by the EntityReference type.
var lookup = entity.GetAttributeValue<EntityReference>("new_fieldname");
var entityName = lookup.LogicalName;
var entityId = lookup.Id;
var instanceName = lookup.Name;

I think this is what you are looking for:
string lookupEntityName = entity.new_lookupFieldName.LogicalName;
LogicalName will give you the name of the Entity.


Foreign Key Object Missing in LINQ GroupBy?

I am using GroupBy in my LINQ queries. My query is working fine, except my foreign key objects are missing. Then, I tried to add Include in my query. Following is my code:
public ActionResult GetEmployees()
var Emloyees = db.Employees.AsQueryable();
Emloyees.GroupBy(e=> new {e.JobTitleId, e.GenderId})
.Select(tr => new MyObject
SalaryTotal = tr.Sum(r=>r.Salary)
I am getting this exception:
The result type of the query is neither an EntityType nor a CollectionType with an entity element type. An Include path can only be specified for a query with one of these result types.
I tried to add it before GroupBy and directly in db.Employees.AsQueryable(), but nothing worked. What am I doing wrong?
The problem is that you are doing a projection with the .Select(...), after which your includes cannot be resolved. The result of that query will be a list MyObject, which does not work for includes that are actually on Employee.
So Try it like this:
.GroupBy(e=> new {e.JobTitleId, e.GenderId})
.Select(tr => new MyObject {
SalaryTotal = tr.Sum(r=>r.Salary),
JobTitle = tr.FirstOrDefault().JobTitle,
Gender = tr.FirstOrDefault().Gender
You will have to extend MyObject with 2 additional properties, but the result of your query will be what you want (I assume).

how to check a list ID exist in context and how to update it in entity framework

i have a question.
we have a list of ID. i want to search all list ID are exist in myContext.Student
and then update the status field of Student entity.
please help me how do it?
var matches = myContext.Student.Where(s => list.Contains(;
foreach(var student in matches)
student.status = newStatus;

Not able to use IN query in LINQ with Entity Framework

I am using EF Framework to retrieve the data from SQL DB.
Sub Request Table looks like below:
In this table "org_assigneddept" is foreign key to another Department Table.
I have list of Departments as Input and I want to retrieve only those rows from DB whose org_assigneddept is matching the list.
Please find my whole code:-
private List<EventRequestDetailsViewModel> GetSummaryAssignedDeptEventRequests(List<EmpRoleDeptViewModel> vmDept)
List<EventRequestDetailsViewModel> vmEventRequestDeptSummary = new List<EventRequestDetailsViewModel>();
RequestBLL getRequestBLL = new RequestBLL();
Guid subRequestStatusId = getRequestBLL.GetRequestStatusId("Open");
using (var ctxGetEventRequestSumm = new STREAM_EMPLOYEEDBEntities())
vmEventRequestDeptSummary = (from ers in ctxGetEventRequestSumm.SubRequests
where vmDept.Any(dep=>dep.DeptId == ers.org_assigneddept)
select new EventRequestDetailsViewModel
SubRequestId = ers.org_subreqid
It is giving the following error at the LINQ Query level:-
System.NotSupportedException: 'Unable to create a constant value of
type 'Application.Business.DLL.EmpRoleDeptViewModel'. Only primitive
types or enumeration types are supported in this context.'
Please let me know as how can I achieve the result
You cannot pass the department VMs to SQL, it doesn't know what those are.
// Extract the IDs from the view models.. Now a list of primitive types..
var departmentIds = vmDept.Select(x => x.DeptId).ToList();
then in your select statement...
where departmentIds.Contains(id=> id == ers.org_assigneddept)

Why I need to specify a name when I create a new model?

I'm just beginning learning MongoDB and Mongoose, I can't get the point of the first argument of model function. Why I need to specify a string as name, and what's its purpose?
// Schema
var CustomerSchema = mongoose.Schema({
name: String
// Model, that is the constructor
var Customer = mongoose.model('Customer', CustomerSchema);
// Instance, a particular customer
var john = new Customer({});
The lower-cased, pluralized version of the model name is used for the name of the MongoDB collection it's associated with (e.g. customers in this case).
It also allows your code to look up the model by name via mongoose.model('Customer').

Entity Framework and Sorting

I'm trying to sort a list of entities using a GridView in ASP.NET, but I can't seem to get it working following examples. I have a property called Name on my entity, and I'm trying to sort by a specified column if given, or the Name column if the sortExpression is empty.
public static List<Product> GetProducts(int startRowIndex, int maximumRows, string sortExpression) {
using(var context = new ShopEntities()) {
var products = context.Products;
products.OrderBy("it."+(string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortExpression) ? "Name" : sortExpression))
return products.ToList();
I can't get it to sort though. The only other option seems to be doing a switch on the property name for every property in the entity and using a lambda.
OrderBy doesn't mutate the expression. It returns a new expression, which your code ignores. Change your code to:
products = products.OrderBy("it."+ //...