Image Processing with radon transform [closed] - matlab

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have divided an image into 30 blocks and I want to apply radon transform on each block but I do not know how to do that. I know the radon function in matlab but it is for whole image not for each block.
How may I use the radon function for image blocks?

If you already have the image split into blocks, just call radon() for each block.

You could use blockproc, if you have image toolbox.


How to calculate the energy of the function tri(2t+5/6) using matlab? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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How to calculate the energy of the function tri(2t+5/6) using matlab?[where tri is triangular pulse function]
Define trisqr square function and integrate over it:
trisqr=#(x) tri(x).*tri(x);

using matrix as a population in ga function of Matlab [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to use genetic algorithm in matlab. I have a matrix as a population.
how can I use a specific matrix as a population to input in ga function of Matlab?
use gaoptimset setting the 'InitialPopulation' field and pass the result to your ga as the options argument
pop = {rand(n,m)} %// The {} might not be necessary.
options = gaoptimset('InitialPopulation',pop);
x = ga(....., options)

How can I make aperture function (telescope's aperture) in Matlab? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Can anyone help me to make aperture function in Matlab? I tried by making a matrix, but it wasn't helpful.
If you have the image processing toolbox you can use fspecial:
A = fspecial('disk',10);
This will create an aperture of radius 10 pixels.
Next, you can embed this matrix in a bigger zero matrix, using padarray, for example:
A = padarray(A,[20 20]);

Bicubic Interpolation [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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My assignment question is :
"In Lecture 9 Slide No.21 There are Affine Transform based equations. Take an input gray-scale image and apply these transformations one by one. The interpolation used must be bi-cubic."
Now the equations are:
I am not understanding what exactly is meant by this question? I mean should i just apply transformation on an image or what? I am confused
I'm sure your TA could answer here...
Anyway, you have to apply the transformations to a set of coordinates (probably two coordinates per pixel if you want to transform images). Since you will get real values instead of integers (as the pixel grid requires), you have to apply bicubic interpolation to obtain the final values on the destination pixel grid.

Bicubic Interpolation in Matlab [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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What is The Algorithm For ** Bi-cubic interpolation*?
I am doing this in MATLAB ( i m new to MATLAB). I have already done * Bi-linear interpolation** but i don't know how to do bi-cubic interpolation.
If you need to implement it - read Wiki, link was posted by #robocop
If you need just the result - there is a Curve Fitting Toolbox for Matlab.
Also, I guess, bicubic stands for cubic interpolation for 2D data.
So, you can use interp2 function with method='cubic' to get things done.
Read about it here