Generate dynamic web app structure J2EE - eclipse

Is there any Method or API that will help me to generate the structure of dynamic web app in eclipse?
I want to generate the whole structure: /src; /WebContent/WEB-IN,.. and the web.xml.
I am trying to develop an app that takes the Model Class and generates all the basic web app for those Model Class.

That's what M2T-JET was designed for. It's a template-based generator (think JSP in Eclipse). Use these tags in the main.jet template:
ws:project creates an eclipse project with the specified name
ws:folder creates an eclipse folder with the specified path
ws:file creates a file with the given path using content derived from applying the input model to a specified .jet template
The input model is usually XML, but there are loaders in JET that can use other sources as models: Eclipse itself, EMF models and - of more interest to you - java source files. This java loader takes java source, parses it into an AST model and then passes that model on to the main.jet template.

You shoul try this development accelerator
(different examples with Spring MVC, Spring Data, etc )


How to generate a class diagram in Dart?

Is there a tool to generate a diagram of Dart classes in a project?
Not necessarily a strict UML diagram, I just want to visually represent the hierarchy of existing modules and see how they are interconnected.
I've found the dcdg package that is doing exactly what I want.
It generates PlantUML file which in order can be transformed into PNG or SVG image using PLantUML's demo web server or using other third-party tools.

How to create xhtml files in an Eclipse plug-in?

Hello I´m writting a plug-in for Eclipse and part of the work of its work is to add new xhtml files in a JSF project.
I wonder what's the best way here. Is there a particular and recommended API for this case or I just have to treat this kind of file as a non-particular one and handle all the contents by myself?
There are a number of model-to-text generators (one of them mine, in full disclosure) that can help you if there is some boilerplate you want generated around your structure. An example of this is how Eclipse can generate getters and setters for Java instance variables.
If you're not familiar with those. though, or if the file content is relatively simple then you might want to just treat your generated xhtml as simple text files and use the basic resource methods to create them.

how to integrate generated web services stubs file into Xcode

I am doing a project where iphone or ipad is a client side..
problem here is using WSDL file we have generated stubs using a software...
the generated stubs are in the format .h and .m file
but how to run this file in xcode or integrate with the xcode....
I am not getting any links or tutorial to do so please suggest me how to do.
Thank u
Depends on a software that you have used to generate proxy classes from wsdl. We have successfully used, and just added generated files to project (project->add existing files). Bear in mind that those are just proxy classes, project structure and code to consume the webservice you have to write on your own.
Its depend upon the type of web service are generated. If its XML outputted web service , then you need to use nsxmlparser to parse the XML web-service.And if its outputted as JSON then you had to use JSON parser etc. Therefore its depends upon type of your web-service is, then you can use suitable parser to parse the web service. There are several links available on internet.

Is there an API to read an EDMX file

If I have an .edmx file, is there a way to programmatically access it? I could use XDocument but maybe there is already an api for this?
EDMX file is only for designer. It is even not distributed with your application as is. EDMX contains four components - SSDL, MSL, CSDL and designer information. First three components are extracted during building application and are stored either as resource XML files in the assembly or shipped as external XML files. These files can be read as any other XML files. The only API (present in .NET) which can load them is EntityConnection / MetadataWorkspace in EF.
Library for Object access to edmx
This worked for me fairly well to loop through the entities and generate code tiers from their definitions.. It's really a gold mine for code generation though I wish the built in EF stuff was open source. I can't quite figure out how to create C# objects based on stored procedure results the way EF does.

Set up own DBpedia server to create new mappings

I want to extend the mappings database of DBpedia. Therefore I want to run my own extraction framework instance on my computer. Although the latter is simply done I cannot figure how to feed the framework with newly created mappings.
What I found out so far:
In "" I can define my own dump-folder.
Some output directory can be defined as well. But what exactly is stored there?
In "Configuration.scala" the url of a mappings page is defined. Does that mean that the framework expects a web page as input which will then be searched for mappings?
My goal is to define some mappings in a plain text file and then tell the extraction framework somehow to use this file as the source of all mappings.
If everything works smoothly I am going to contribute my results to the dbpedia team.
Thanks for your help!
Some output directory can be defined as well. But what exactly is stored there?
The extraction framework outputs N-Triples and N-Quads of all the extracted data, mapping-based and others (see also the files at
In "Configuration.scala" the url of a mappings page is defined. Does that mean that the framework expects a web page as input which will then be searched for mappings?
The Mappings are loaded from which is a wiki for creating and editing mappings. You can get an account and editor rights there and write your own mappings. They will then be loaded when you run the extraction framework (and the data using the mappings will be available in the next release).
My goal is to define some mappings in a plain text file and then tell the extraction framework somehow to use this file as the source of all mappings. If everything works smoothly I am going to contribute my results to the dbpedia team.
You could go ahead and make the framework read the wiki code of mappings from local text files, but I think it would be better to edit them directly on the wiki. Your contribution will be instantly available.