Facebook send dialog link gets removed in recipient's inbox - facebook

I have a site that uses the Facebook Send Dialog for users to send messages to each other. I call this:
method: 'send',
to: user.id,
link: 'http://www.nytimes.com/'
This brings up the dialog and if the user clicks send, the message is sent.
That's great but the link (what Facebook calls the attachment) does not show in the recipient's inbox. In its place is a warning box with the text
"This attachment may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it with you.".
I'm not sure why the link isn't working. I don't think there is any permission involved because the Facebook documentation says that the Send Dialog does not need permissions. Regardless my app already has the publish_actions permission. Has anyone seen this before?


Post on user facebook wall from web app

Is there a way to leave the publication (not Share) on the wall of the user visiting the website.
I know about graph api (FB.api ('/me/feed', 'post', {message: 'test'}, ...)
But such a challenge requires the rights to publish at the user's authorization.
I want the right to publish on the user's wall requid not at authorization, but when user push the button "Send message to my Wall". And when user press the button (for posting), show window(Fb api confirm) appears to confirm an action
Is that possible?
There are always hacks, but as one who has utilized hacks to make something work that shouldn't on facebook, I'm going to advise against it. When they catch you they will delete all accounts associated with that hack which may make some very unhappy customers. Doing what you are asking is forbidden by platform policy's.

items about "would like to post to Facebook for you"

I write a program that says "Program would like to post to Facebook for you"
what item should i submit for review?
is that "publish_actions"?
but Facebook just say "It looks like you haven't made any API requests to publish content with the publish_actions permission in the last 30 days. You, or any account from Roles, needs to test this app with this permission before you can submit it for review."
Then I add my account to testers and test the program,but nothing changed, why?
what should i do?
The message "Program would like to post to Facebook for you" appears because you're requesting the publish_actions permission during login. It sounds like your app doesn't actually make use of this permission though.
Keep in mind that if you're using a dialog or button to share content (for example the Share Dialog, Like Button, Send Button or Message Dialog), the publish_actions permission is not used as the actual sharing is done by the Facebook app. The publish_actions permission is only used if you're directly posting to Facebook from your app via the Graph API by calling /me/feed or a similar endpoint.
If you're only using dialogs or buttons to share, you don't need to request the publish_actions permission during login and your app doesn't need to be reviewed for this permission.

Request for Permission box does not appear when user accepts my application

My facebook friend cannot successfully accept my application.
I created an application in facebook. When I invite a friend to my application the following happens:
1 - My friends receives an invite to my app.
2 - In my friend's page he is given a choice to either "accept" or hit "x" to decline.
3 - When my friend hits the "accept" button, the request disappears. the application is not added in his list of applications and he is not taken to the "Request for Permission" box.
When we checked his privacy settings, my application was not listed as an application he allowed permission to, even though he accept the application.
Why is this so?
The invite happens on my website with this call:
FB.ui({method: 'apprequests',filters: ['app_non_users'],
message: 'You should learn more about this awesome game.',
data: 'tracking information for the user'});
I copied this from the FB site: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/dialogs/requests/
I ended up using an intermediate page which sent a request permission call to facebook.

Facebook Send - How to find out who message recipients are

I'm building a site that I've integrated with FB Send. Is there any callback that will tell me who the messages were sent to if a user on my site uses FB Send?
At this time there is no callback from Facebook for the FB Send button you referenced. There is not currently any way to retrieve the list of recipients for which a user has just messaged via send button, sorry.

Sending Facebook apprequests without dialog

As it is possible to post on users wall without the request dialog using FB.api('Id/feed...), is it possible to send users an apprequests through the FB.api? and not FB.ui(apprequests...).
Thank you for your answer. I really need help on this I have been looking around for weeks...
You can send apprequests from user to user and app to user.
The apprequests from user to user are initiated with the Requests dialog box
App to User Requests can be used to re-engage a user in your app and can only be sent to users that have installed the app. For example, notifying a user that something has changed since their last visit, "10 of your friends are now online".
You can post a apprequest for a user by issuing an HTTP POST request to /USER_ID/apprequests with the app's access_token.
It is currently not possible to send *apprequest*s without the dialog.