How to enable powershell on azure web role? - powershell

I want to remote PowerShell connection.
How to enable PowerShell on windows azure web role ?
...or, Is it possible ?

You will need to enable website diagnostic logging and then you can use Powershell CMDLets to save or get the latest parts of the log file. How to enable Diagnostics Logging for Azure Web Sites.
These are the cmdlets you'll need to use inside Powershell to get the log files from your website:
Get-AzureWebSiteLog -Name webappname -Tail
Save-AzureWebSiteLog -Name webappname


Enter Office 365 Shell Multi-Factor Authentication credentials inside Powershell

I've been trying to find a way to enter the username, password and token code for the Office 365 shell directly into the terminal and not have the normal secondary GUI window pop-up. Currently I have a basic script that logs in with:
Import-Module $((Get-ChildItem -Path $($env:LOCALAPPDATA + "\Apps\2.0\") -Filter Microsoft.Exchange.Management.ExoPowershellModule.dll -Recurse).FullName | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "_none_"} | Select-Object -First 1)
Import-PSSession (New-ExoPSSession -UserPrincipalName USER#domain.tld) -AllowClobber -DisableNameChecking
Is it even possible to use strictly the TUI over the GUI for entering credentials?
Don't guess at how to do X or Y. It will just lead you down a very frustrated path. Always look to the help files and online docs.
What you are trying to do is a common practice, these days, and fully documented from Microsoft and many other web resources. There are specific module to assist with this use case.
Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell using multi-factor authentication
Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell by using MFA
1.On your local computer, open the Exchange Online Remote PowerShell Module ( Microsoft Corporation > Microsoft Exchange Online Remote
PowerShell Module).
2.The command that you need to run uses the following syntax:
Connect-EXOPSSession -UserPrincipalName <UPN> [-ConnectionUri <ConnectionUri> -AzureADAuthorizationEndPointUri <AzureADUri>]
Connect to Office 365 PowerShell
Step 2: Connect to Azure AD for your Office 365 subscription
> To connect to Azure AD for your Office 365 subscription with an
account name and password or with multi-factor authentication (MFA),
run one of these commands from a Windows PowerShell command prompt (it
does not have to be elevated).
Exchange Online PowerShell Module has been around since circa 2016 from the MFA PowerShell team
There is even a script from the gallery, that specifically for EXO using MFA.
Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell using multi-factor authentication (MFA)
If you want to use multi-factor authentication (MFA) to connect to
Exchange Online PowerShell, you can't use the instructions at regular
Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell to use remote PowerShell to
connect to Exchange Online.
Download : MFA.ps1

How to transfer a html file from Azure VM via Azure powershell or Azure CLI to a local machine

I am working on developing a Automated QA script for my project for my organisation. My goal is to execute pester scripts through custom script extension feature of azure vms. I got the Pester executed and result exported as a nunit xml. I would like to fetch the xml back from VM to my local machine. One way of doing that is by uploading the xml into blob storage from VMs. but since it requires azure connection to be established in VM using SP account. I dont prefer this method.
I would like to know the best way to retrive pester results and get it outside VM.
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks .
I'd use a shared access signature token for that (link). that way your script doesnt really need SP, it just needs the token. that token would limit permissions to only upload file to specific container (or even blob).
$sascontext = New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName accountname -SasToken '?tokenvalue'
Set-AzureStorageBlobContent -File path -Container name -Context $sascontext -Force
You can create new token with New-AzureStorageBlobSASToken or New-AzureStorageContainerSASToken
Your only requirement would be to install Azure.Storage module before hand.

How to use PowerShell Azure cmdlets to log into my Azure subscription and use `Get-AzureRmResource`

In a PS console I can do the following to get all of the Azure resources for a subscription.
I want to do this in a Azure function, but Login-AzureRmAccount is an interactive prompt.
You will need to log in using a service principal instead of interactive login. See for details on setting that up.

Powershell Azure : The term 'Get-AutomationConnection' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program

I am trying to connect to an Azure Run As connection, as part of a Powershell script that does a backup of a database.
This script attempts to call Get-AutomationConnection
As seen in the screenshot, Get-Module does return that Azure / Azure.Storage and AzureRM shows.
What module should I import in addition for this to work?
If you want to connect to an Azure Run As connection from Windows PowerShell, you should use New-AzureRmAutomationConnection.
$ConnectionAssetName = "AzureRunAsConnection"
$ConnectionFieldValues = #{"ApplicationId" = $Application.ApplicationId; "TenantId" = $TenantID.TenantId; "CertificateThumbprint" = $Cert.Thumbprint; "SubscriptionId" = $SubscriptionId}
New-AzureRmAutomationConnection -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName -Name $ConnectionAssetName -ConnectionTypeName AzureServicePrincipal -ConnectionFieldValues $ConnectionFieldValues
You are able to use the script to create the connection asset because when you create your Automation account, it automatically includes several global modules by default along with the connection type AzurServicePrincipal to create the AzureRunAsConnection connection asset.
Get-AutomationConnection runs in Azure runbook internally.
Please refer to connection assets in Azure Automation.
If you want similar functionality to runbooks on-premise, you can install AzureAutomationAuthoringToolkit. It will give you very similar functionality. I have one script that logs in using the service principal, whether it is running on-premise or in an Azure runbook. It uses the resources provided by AAATK when running on-premise, that simulate a runbook.
I did try using the version of Get-AutomationConnection that comes with the "Microsoft Monitoring agent" (Hybrid worker), but I have since read that it is different to the one that comes with AzureAutomationAuthoringToolkit, detailed in the "Known Issues" in the GitHub readme. I couldn't get it to work, so I reverted to AAATK's version.

How to get some file from smb share in DSC script?

I am trying to copy one file from share in my custom dsc script. This code below works great in powershell, but not working in dsc resource.
PS C:\Users\user> $wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
PS C:\Users\user> $wc.DownloadFile("\\DC1\Downloads\en_sql_server_2012_enterprise_edition_with_service_pack_2_x64_dvd_
4685849.iso", "C:\SQL2012SP2.iso")
Powershell 4/5 has native commandlets for get files from smb share? Or any variants?
As #arco444 alluded to, the way you're doing this is bananas. Why not use Copy-Item?
That aside, I think you would have the problem with Copy-Item as well.
DSC runs under the context of SYSTEM, so you should make sure that your share allows access from the machine account of the machine on which the DSC is to be executed.
Alternatively, you can grant read access to Authenticated Users (which includes all other users as well), or Domain Computers if you're in a domain and want all of the computers to be able to read the contents.
The Credential parameter in file resource is used to connect to the source - so you can specify credentials for the share.
However make sure that credentials are secured as described in this article - [link]