iOS Font closest to MS Song font - iphone

What font on iOS is closest to the MS Song font on Windows? I'm trying to create a cross platform program, but I want it to be able to format nicely so i'm looking for a similar font.
Thanks in advance!

You can use any font in iOS app.
To use any font you need .TTF file.
You can get font file for MS song font from this link: MS Song Font
Click on Download button and you will get .ZIP file which contan .TXT and .TTF file
You can use this .ttf file with just two step
Make configuration in info.plist to add this .ttf file
Use That Added File in creating UIFont Object
To see how to do this two step in detail visit : Use custom fonts in iPhone App

To use this font please download its ttf file from here . Add it to the main bundle.
Check the following links and tutorials on how to add custom fonts.
Custom Fonts Tutorial
How to use custom fonts in iPhone SDK?
Can I embed a custom font in an iPhone application?


font suitcase to ttf issue

I used Mac OS Font Book to export fonts from it. I got 2 fonts files: Font Suitcase and PostScriptType.
Then I want to use these fonts in my iOS application, but to do that I need to convert them to, for example, ttf. But how?
May be someone faced this problem?
I don't need advices how to use custom fonts (such as ttf), I need advice how to use Font Suitcase and PostScriptType of fonts (may be how to convert it to ttf)
This solution doesn't require Fondu or Rosetta, but it does involve a little cut-and-paste into macOS's Terminal app.
Pretty simple, and free. And it works on macOS Mojave.
Try to use these steps.
1) Add your custom font files into your project using Xcode as a resource
2) Add a key to your Info.plist file called "Fonts provided by application".
3) Make this key an array
4) For each font you have, enter the full name of your font file (including the extension) as items to the UIAppFonts array
5) Save Info.plist
6) Now in your application you can simply call [UIFont fontWithName:#"CustomFontName" size:12] to get the custom font to use with your UILabels etc…
Also: Make sure the fonts are in your Copy Bundle Resources.

Custom font in Blackberry 10

Hi I am new to blackberry10 platform and I am stuck with adding custom font in blackberry10. Please anybody tell me how to add custom font in blackberry 10.
According to BlackBerry, custom fonts can only be added using an OpenGL project. There is a sample project bundled with the SDK (sdkdir\target_10_0_9_2318\qnx6\usr\share\samples\ndk\GoodCitizen).
In the main.c file, change the path of the font sent to the bbutil_load_font function to that of your font file.
We can add custom fonts in QML.
link below provides a sample for the same :
Download the font file (ttf) you need and that can be packaged in the assets folder.
Adding a custom font in C++ is not supported as of now.

Loading Custom UIFonts in xCode

So I'm having a couple of problems actually. The first is that I want to use a "Font Suitcase" file as a custom font in an iOS app and haven't been able to get it to work. Not only that, but I haven't been able to properly use a .ttf file either. Here are the steps that I've taken to try and make it work:
Imported the file into my supporting files in xCode.
Added the file name, e.g. "badaboom.TTF" into the Info.plist file
Called UIFont *myFont = [UIFont fontWithName:#"Badaboom" size:20.0];
I also used the code found here to see if the font was even being loaded and it doesn't appear either. This applies for both ttf and font suitcase files.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
You have to add your fonts as resources.
So do the following steps:
Go to your project settings
Select your target
Go to Build Phases
Add the custom font to Copy Bundle Resources
With this and the code you posted you should now be able to load custom fonts
Double click on the TTF file in Finder. Look at the title bar. The name inside preview has to be exactly the same as what is in your quote [UIFont fontWithName:#"" size:20.0];
It's case sensitive.

how to use corbel and calibri font in Xcode

i need to use corbel and caliber font in textview , textfield and label in my new application. I have searched for it in google but i did not got any solutions . Can any one please help me. Thanks in advance.
Follow these steps:
1) Add desired fonts to Xcode as resource.
2) Open info.plist file. Now create a key called UIAppFonts and make it an array. Add the filename of the font as a value.
3) Save info.plist FILE.
4) To use the font in your application add this line.
[UIFont fontWithName:#"corbel" size:32.0]
Courtesy :
Can I embed a custom font in an iPhone application?
P.S. But to determine the exact name of font put temporary line of code as even small case sensitivity might cause a problem loading fonts.
NSLog(#"%#",[UIFont familyNames]);
This will print names of all the fonts on the device. Find the one that matches your font.Whatever the font name you get use it in the line in Step 4.
Courtesy: How do I include a font with my iPhone application?
You can add custom fonts to Xcode, I think this article can help you out doing so. I also found this video. As for the caliber and corbel files, a quick search in google will get what you want: corbel caliber tff.
Install same font in Mac OSX and try to find same font name in textedit application.
type exact spelling (with case sensitivity) in Xcode.
some time it happens font file name is different and we type it differently.
put the exect file name in plist file... but use the installed font name in application (Xcode.)

Iphone,how to install new font to iphone by using objective-c?

i have a pdf with a font that is not installed on iphone by default.
so,i want my application can install this font by using objective-c before my customer view this pdf.
any advice will be appreciate,thanks.
In your applications .plist file, add a new property. In the list of properties, there should be something called "Fonts provided by application" - list any fonts that you have added to your app's resources folder. That should get you started :)