what does A#B mean in scala - scala

I am trying to understand the following piece of code. but I don't know what the R#X mean. could someone help me?
// define the abstract types and bounds
trait Recurse {
type Next <: Recurse
// this is the recursive function definition
type X[R <: Recurse] <: Int
// implementation
trait RecurseA extends Recurse {
type Next = RecurseA
// this is the implementation
type X[R <: Recurse] = R#X[R#Next]
object Recurse {
// infinite loop
type C = RecurseA#X[RecurseA]

You may gain type from existing instance of a class:
class C {
type someType = Int
val c = new C
type t = c.someType
Or may address to the type directly without instantiating an object: C#someType This form is very usefull for type expressions where you have no space to create intermediate variables.
Adding some clarifications as it was suggested in comments.
Disclaimer: I have only partial understanding of how Scala's type system works. I'd tried to read documentation several times, but was able to extract only patchy knowledges from it. But I have rich experience in scala and may predict compilers behavior on individual cases well.
# called type projection and type projection compliments normal hierarchical type access via . In every type expression scala implicitly uses both.
scala reference gives examples of such invisible conversions:
t ə.type#t
Int scala.type#Int
scala.Int scala.type#Int
data.maintable.Node data.maintable.type#Node
As use see, every trivial usage of type projection actually works on type (that is return with .type) not on an object. The main practical difference (I'm bad with definitions) is that object type is something ephemeral as object itself is. Its type may be changed in appropriate circumstances such as inheritance of an abstract class type. In contrast type's type (the definition of the type projection) is as stable as sun. Types (don't mix them with classes) in scala are not first-class citizens and can not be overridden further.
There are different places suitable for putting type expression into. There are also some places where only stable types are allowed. So basically type projection is more constant for terms of type.


How are primitives types objects in Scala?

How are primitive types in Scala objects if we do not use the word "new" to instantiate the instances of those primitives? Programming in Scala by Martin Odersky described the reasoning as some enforcing by a "trick" that makes these value classes to be defined abstract and final, which did not quite make sense to me because how are we able to make an instance of these classes if its abstract? If that same primitive literal is to be stored somewhere let's say into a variable will that make the variable an object?
I assume that you use scala 2.13 with implementation of literal types. For this explanation you can think of type and class as synonyms, but in reality they are different concepts.
To put it all together it worth to treat each primitive type as a set of subtypes each of which representing type of one single literal value.
So literal 1 is a value and type at the same time (instance 1 of type 1), and it is subtype of value class Int.
Let's prove that 1 is subtype of Int by using 'implicitly':
implicitly[1 <:< Int] // compiles
The same but using val:
val one:1 = 1
implicitly[one.type <:< Int] // compiles
So one is kind of an instance (object) of type 1 (and instance of type Int at the same time because because Int is supertype of 1). You can use this value the same way as any other objects (pass it to function or assign to other vals etc).
val one:1 = 1
val oneMore: 1 = one
val oneMoreGeneric: Int = one
val oneNew:1 = 1
We can assume that all these vals contain the same instance of one single object because from practical perspective it doesn't actually matter if this is the same object or not.
Technically it's not an object at all, because primitives came form java (JVM) world where primitives are not objects. They are different kind of entities.
Scala language is trying to unify these two concepts into one (everything is classes), so developers don't have to think too much about differences.
But here are still some differences in a backstage. Each value class is a subtype of AnyVal, but the rest of the classes are subtype of AnyRef (regular class).
implicitly[1 <:< AnyVal] //compiles
implicitly[Int <:< AnyVal] // compiles
trait AnyTraint
implicitly[AnyTraint <:< AnyVal] // fails to compail
implicitly[AnyTraint <:< AnyRef] // compiles
And in addition, because of its non-class nature in the JVM, you can't extend value classes as regular class or use new to create an instance (because scala compiler emulates new by itself). That's why from perspective of extending value classes you should think about them as final and from perspective of creating instances manually you should think of them as abstract. But form most of the other perspectives it's like any other regular class.
So scala compiler can kind of extend Int by 1,2,3 .. types and create instances of them for vals, but developers can't do it manually.

Scala type alias with companion object

I'm a relatively new Scala user and I wanted to get an opinion on the current design of my code.
I have a few classes that are all represented as fixed length Vector[Byte] (ultimately they are used in a learning algorithm that requires a byte string), say A, B and C.
I would like these classes to be referred to as A, B and C elsewhere in the package for readability sake and I don't need to add any extra class methods to Vector for these methods. Hence, I don't think the extend-my-library pattern is useful here.
However, I would like to include all the useful functional methods that come with Vector without having to 'drill' into a wrapper object each time. As efficiency is important here, I also didn't want the added weight of a wrapper.
Therefore I decided to define type aliases in the package object:
package object abc {
type A: Vector[Byte]
type B: Vector[Byte]
type C: Vector[Byte]
However, each has it's own fixed length and I would like to include factory methods for their creation. It seems like this is what companion objects are for. This is how my final design looks:
package object abc {
type A: Vector[Byte]
object A {
val LENGTH: Int = ...
def apply(...): A = {
Everything compiles and it allows me to do stuff like this:
val a: A = A(...)
a map {...} mkString(...)
I can't find anything specifically warning against writing companion objects for type aliases, but it seems it goes against how type aliases should be used. It also means that all three of these classes are defined in the same file, when ideally they should be separated.
Are there any hidden problems with this approach?
Is there a better design for this problem?
I guess it is totally ok, because you are not really implementing a companion object.
If you were, you would have access to private fields of immutable.Vector from inside object A (like e.g. private var dirty), which you do not have.
Thus, although it somewhat feels like A is a companion object, it really isn't.
If it were possible to create a companion object for any type by using type alias would make member visibility constraints moot (except maybe for private|protected[this]).
Furthermore, naming the object like the type alias clarifies context and purpose of the object, which is a plus in my book.
Having them all in one file is something that is pretty common in scala as I know it (e.g. when using the type class pattern).
No pitfalls, I know of.
And, imho, no need for a different approach.

Scala: Using representation types

Because traits with representation types are self-referential, declaring that a variable holds an instance of that trait is a little difficult. In this example I simply declare that a variable holds an instance of the trait, declare that a function takes and returns and instance of that trait, and call that function with the variable:
trait Foo[+A <: Foo[A]]
case class Bar() extends Foo[Bar]
case class Grill() extends Foo[Grill]
// Store a generic instance of Foo
val b: Foo[_] = if(true) {
} else {
// Declare a function that take any Foo and returns a Foo of the same type
// that "in" has in the calling context
def echoFoo[A <: Foo[A]](in: A): A = in
// Call said function
val echo = echoFoo(b)
It fails with the error:
inferred type arguments [this.Foo[_$1]] do not conform to method
echoFoo's type parameter bounds [A <: this.Foo[A]]
val echo = echoFoo(b)
Now, this makes sense because [_] is like Any (in ways I don't fully understand). What it probably wants is something like Foo[Foo[_]], so that the type parameter conforms to the bounds of A <: Foo[A]. But now there's an inner Foo that has a non-conforming type parameter, suggesting that the solution is something like Foo[Foo[Foo[Foo[..., which is clearly not correct.
So my question can probably be distilled down to: What is the Scala syntax for "This variable holds any legal Foo"?
Self-referential type parameters like this are a bit problematic, because they're not sound. For example, it's possible to define a type like the following:
case class BeerGarden extends Foo[Grill]
As you can see, the A <: Foo[A] bound isn't sufficiently tight. What I prefer in situations like this is to use the cake pattern, and abstract type members:
trait FooModule {
type Foo <: FooLike
def apply(): Foo
trait FooLike {
def echo: Foo
Now you can use the Foo type recursively and safely:
object Foos {
def echo(foo: FooModule#Foo) = foo.echo
Obviously, this isn't an ideal solution to all the problems you might want to solve with such types, but the important observation is that FooLike is an extensible trait, so you can always continue to refine FooLike to add the members that you need, without violating the bound that the type member is intended to enforce. I've found that in every real-world case where the set of types I want to represent is not closed, this is about the best that one can do. The important thing to see is that FooModule abstracts over both the type and the instance constructor, while enforcing the "self-type." You can't abstract over one without abstracting over the other.
Some additional information on this sort of thing (and a bit of a record of my own early struggles with recursive types) is available here:
While I agree the problem of propagating generics exists, when you hit this problem you should see a big WARNING on your screen because its typically a sign of a bad design. These are general suggestions on the topic.
If you use generics, the type parameter is there for a reason. It lets you interact with a Foo[A] in a type-safe manner by passing in or receiving parameters of type A and allows to put you constraint on A. If you lose the type information, you lose the type-safety and in that case so there is no point of writing a generic class if you do not need the generic anymore: you can change all your signatures to Any and do pattern matching.
In most of the cases, recursive types can be avoided by implementing something like the CanBuildFrom approach for collections, using a "typeclass"
Finally,type-projection (FooModule#Foo) has little application and you might want to look to path-dependent types. However, these have little application as well.

"Parameter type in structural refinement may not refer to an abstract type defined outside that refinement"

When I compile:
object Test extends App {
implicit def pimp[V](xs: Seq[V]) = new {
def dummy(x: V) = x
I get:
$ fsc -d aoeu go.scala
go.scala:3: error: Parameter type in structural refinement may not refer to an abstract type defined outside that refinement
def dummy(x: V) = x
one error found
(Scala: "Parameter type in structural refinement may not refer to an abstract type defined outside that refinement" doesn't really answer this.)
It's disallowed by the spec. See 3.2.7 Compound Types.
Within a method declaration in a structural refinement, the type of any value parameter may only refer to type parameters or abstract types that are contained inside the refinement. That is, it must refer either to a type parameter of the method
itself, or to a type definition within the refinement. This restriction does not apply
to the function’s result type.
Before Bug 1906 was fixed, the compiler would have compiled this and you'd have gotten a method not found at runtime. This was fixed in revision 19442 and this is why you get this wonderful message.
The question is then, why is this not allowed?
Here is very detailed explanation from Gilles Dubochet from the scala mailing list back in 2007. It roughly boils down to the fact that structural types use reflection and the compiler does not know how to look up the method to call if it uses a type defined outside the refinement (the compiler does not know ahead of time how to fill the second parameter of getMethod in p.getClass.getMethod("pimp", Array(?))
But go look at the post, it will answer your question and some more.
Hello list.
I try to define structural types with abstract datatype in function
parameter. ... Any reason?
I have heard about two questions concerning the structural typing
extension of Scala 2.6 lately, and I would like to answer them here.
Why did we change Scala's native values (“int”, etc.) boxing scheme
to Java's (“java.lang.Integer”).
Why is the restriction on parameters for structurally defined
methods (“Parameter type in structural refinement may not refer
to abstract type defined outside that same refinement”) required.
Before I can answer these two questions, I need to speak about the
implementation of structural types.
The JVM's type system is very basic (and corresponds to Java 1.4). That
means that many types that can be represented in Scala cannot be
represented in the VM. Path dependant types (“x.y.A”), singleton types
(“a.type”), compound types (“A with B”) or abstract types are all types
that cannot be represented in the JVM's type system.
To be able to compile to JVM bytecode, the Scala compilers changes the
Scala types of the program to their “erasure” (see section 3.6 of the
reference). Erased types can be represented in the VM's type system and
define a type discipline on the program that is equivalent to that of
the program typed with Scala types (saving some casts), although less
precise. As a side note, the fact that types are erased in the VM
explains why operations on the dynamic representation of types (pattern
matching on types) are very restricted with respect to Scala's type
Until now all type constructs in Scala could be erased in some way.
This isn't true for structural types. The simple structural type “{ def
x: Int }” can't be erased to “Object” as the VM would not allow
accessing the “x” field. Using an interface “interface X { int x{}; }”
as the erased type won't work either because any instance bound by a
value of this type would have to implement that interface which cannot
be done in presence of separate compilation. Indeed (bear with me) any
class that contains a member of the same name than a member defined in
a structural type anywhere would have to implement the corresponding
interface. Unfortunately this class may be defined even before the
structural type is known to exist.
Instead, any reference to a structurally defined member is implemented
as a reflective call, completely bypassing the VM's type system. For
example def f(p: { def x(q: Int): Int }) = p.x(4) will be rewritten
to something like:
def f(p: Object) = p.getClass.getMethod("x", Array(Int)).invoke(p, Array(4))
And now the answers.
“invoke” will use boxed (“java.lang.Integer”) values whenever the
invoked method uses native values (“int”). That means that the above
call must really look like “...invoke(p, Array(new
Integer values in a Scala program are already often boxed (to allow the
“Any” type) and it would be wasteful to unbox them from Scala's own
boxing scheme to rebox them immediately as java.lang.Integer.
Worst still, when a reflective call has the “Any” return type,
what should be done when a java.lang.Integer is returned? The called
method may either be returning an “int” (in which case it should be
unboxed and reboxed as a Scala box) or it may be returning a
java.lang.Integer that should be left untouched.
Instead we decided to change Scala's own boxing scheme to Java's. The
two previous problems then simply disappear. Some performance-related
optimisations we had with Scala's boxing scheme (pre-calculate the
boxed form of the most common numbers) were easy to use with Java
boxing too. In the end, using Java boxing was even a bit faster than
our own scheme.
“getMethod”'s second parameter is an array with the types of the
parameters of the (structurally defined) method to lookup — for
selecting which method to get when the name is overloaded. This is the
one place where exact, static types are needed in the process of
translating a structural member call. Usually, exploitable static types
for a method's parameter are provided with the structural type
definition. In the example above, the parameter type of “x” is known to
be “Int”, which allows looking it up.
Parameter types defined as abstract types where the abstract type is
defined inside the scope of the structural refinement are no problem
def f(p: { def x[T](t: T): Int }) = p.xInt
In this example we know that any instance passed to “f” as “p” will
define “x[T](t: T)” which is necessarily erased to “x(t: Object)”. The
lookup is then correctly done on the erased type:
def f(p: Object) = p.getClass.getMethod("x", Array(Object)).invoke(p,
Array(new java.lang.Integer(4)))
But if an abstract type from outside the structural refinement's scope
is used to define a parameter of a structural method, everything breaks:
def f[T](p: { def x(t: T): Int }, t: T) = p.x(t)
When “f” is called, “T” can be instantiated to any type, for example:
f[Int]({ def x(t: Int) = t }, 4)
f[Any]({ def x(t: Any) = 5 }, 4)
The lookup for the first case would have to be “getMethod("x",
Array(int))” and for the second “getMethod("x", Array(Object))”, and
there is no way to know which one to generate in the body of
“f”: “p.x(t)”.
To allow defining a unique “getMethod” call inside “f”'s body for
any instantiation of “T” would require any object passed to “f” as the
“p” parameter to have the type of “t” erased to “Any”. This would be a
transformation where the type of a class' members depend on how
instances of this class are used in the program. And this is something
we definitely don't want to do (and can't be done with separate
Alternatively, if Scala supported run-time types one could use them to
solve this problem. Maybe one day ...
But for now, using abstract types for structural method's parameter
types is simply forbidden.
Discovered the problem shortly after posting this: I have to define a named class instead of using an anonymous class. (Still would love to hear a better explanation of the reasoning though.)
object Test extends App {
case class G[V](xs: Seq[V]) {
def dummy(x: V) = x
implicit def pimp[V](xs: Seq[V]) = G(xs)

What are type classes in Scala useful for?

As I understand from this blog post "type classes" in Scala is just a "pattern" implemented with traits and implicit adapters.
As the blog says if I have trait A and an adapter B -> A then I can invoke a function, which requires argument of type A, with an argument of type B without invoking this adapter explicitly.
I found it nice but not particularly useful. Could you give a use case/example, which shows what this feature is useful for ?
One use case, as requested...
Imagine you have a list of things, could be integers, floating point numbers, matrices, strings, waveforms, etc. Given this list, you want to add the contents.
One way to do this would be to have some Addable trait that must be inherited by every single type that can be added together, or an implicit conversion to an Addable if dealing with objects from a third party library that you can't retrofit interfaces to.
This approach becomes quickly overwhelming when you also want to begin adding other such operations that can be done to a list of objects. It also doesn't work well if you need alternatives (for example; does adding two waveforms concatenate them, or overlay them?) The solution is ad-hoc polymorphism, where you can pick and chose behaviour to be retrofitted to existing types.
For the original problem then, you could implement an Addable type class:
trait Addable[T] {
def zero: T
def append(a: T, b: T): T
//yup, it's our friend the monoid, with a different name!
You can then create implicit subclassed instances of this, corresponding to each type that you wish to make addable:
implicit object IntIsAddable extends Addable[Int] {
def zero = 0
def append(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b
implicit object StringIsAddable extends Addable[String] {
def zero = ""
def append(a: String, b: String) = a + b
The method to sum a list then becomes trivial to write...
def sum[T](xs: List[T])(implicit addable: Addable[T]) =
//or the same thing, using context bounds:
def sum[T : Addable](xs: List[T]) = {
val addable = implicitly[Addable[T]]
The beauty of this approach is that you can supply an alternative definition of some typeclass, either controlling the implicit you want in scope via imports, or by explicitly providing the otherwise implicit argument. So it becomes possible to provide different ways of adding waveforms, or to specify modulo arithmetic for integer addition. It's also fairly painless to add a type from some 3rd-party library to your typeclass.
Incidentally, this is exactly the approach taken by the 2.8 collections API. Though the sum method is defined on TraversableLike instead of on List, and the type class is Numeric (it also contains a few more operations than just zero and append)
Reread the first comment there:
A crucial distinction between type classes and interfaces is that for class A to be a "member" of an interface it must declare so at the site of its own definition. By contrast, any type can be added to a type class at any time, provided you can provide the required definitions, and so the members of a type class at any given time are dependent on the current scope. Therefore we don't care if the creator of A anticipated the type class we want it to belong to; if not we can simply create our own definition showing that it does indeed belong, and then use it accordingly. So this not only provides a better solution than adapters, in some sense it obviates the whole problem adapters were meant to address.
I think this is the most important advantage of type classes.
Also, they handle properly the cases where the operations don't have the argument of the type we are dispatching on, or have more than one. E.g. consider this type class:
case class Default[T](val default: T)
object Default {
implicit def IntDefault: Default[Int] = Default(0)
implicit def OptionDefault[T]: Default[Option[T]] = Default(None)
I think of type classes as the ability to add type safe metadata to a class.
So you first define a class to model the problem domain and then think of metadata to add to it. Things like Equals, Hashable, Viewable, etc. This creates a separation of the problem domain and the mechanics to use the class and opens up subclassing because the class is leaner.
Except for that, you can add type classes anywhere in the scope, not just where the class is defined and you can change implementations. For example, if I calculate a hash code for a Point class by using Point#hashCode, then I'm limited to that specific implementation which may not create a good distribution of values for the specific set of Points I have. But if I use Hashable[Point], then I may provide my own implementation.
[Updated with example]
As an example, here's a use case I had last week. In our product there are several cases of Maps containing containers as values. E.g., Map[Int, List[String]] or Map[String, Set[Int]]. Adding to these collections can be verbose:
map += key -> (value :: map.getOrElse(key, List()))
So I wanted to have a function that wraps this so I could write
map +++= key -> value
The main issue is that the collections don't all have the same methods for adding elements. Some have '+' while others ':+'. I also wanted to retain the efficiency of adding elements to a list, so I didn't want to use fold/map which create new collections.
The solution is to use type classes:
trait Addable[C, CC] {
def add(c: C, cc: CC) : CC
def empty: CC
object Addable {
implicit def listAddable[A] = new Addable[A, List[A]] {
def empty = Nil
def add(c: A, cc: List[A]) = c :: cc
implicit def addableAddable[A, Add](implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[Add, A, Add]) = new Addable[A, Add] {
def empty = cbf().result
def add(c: A, cc: Add) = (cbf(cc) += c).result
Here I defined a type class Addable that can add an element C to a collection CC. I have 2 default implementations: For Lists using :: and for other collections, using the builder framework.
Then using this type class is:
class RichCollectionMap[A, C, B[_], M[X, Y] <: collection.Map[X, Y]](map: M[A, B[C]])(implicit adder: Addable[C, B[C]]) {
def updateSeq[That](a: A, c: C)(implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[M[A, B[C]], (A, B[C]), That]): That = {
val pair = (a -> adder.add(c, map.getOrElse(a, adder.empty) ))
(map + pair).asInstanceOf[That]
def +++[That](t: (A, C))(implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[M[A, B[C]], (A, B[C]), That]): That = updateSeq(t._1, t._2)(cbf)
implicit def toRichCollectionMap[A, C, B[_], M[X, Y] <: col
The special bit is using adder.add to add the elements and adder.empty to create new collections for new keys.
To compare, without type classes I would have had 3 options:
1. to write a method per collection type. E.g., addElementToSubList and addElementToSet etc. This creates a lot of boilerplate in the implementation and pollutes the namespace
2. to use reflection to determine if the sub collection is a List / Set. This is tricky as the map is empty to begin with (of course scala helps here also with Manifests)
3. to have poor-man's type class by requiring the user to supply the adder. So something like addToMap(map, key, value, adder), which is plain ugly
Yet another way I find this blog post helpful is where it describes typeclasses: Monads Are Not Metaphors
Search the article for typeclass. It should be the first match. In this article, the author provides an example of a Monad typeclass.
The forum thread "What makes type classes better than traits?" makes some interesting points:
Typeclasses can very easily represent notions that are quite difficult to represent in the presence of subtyping, such as equality and ordering.
Exercise: create a small class/trait hierarchy and try to implement .equals on each class/trait in such a way that the operation over arbitrary instances from the hierarchy is properly reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.
Typeclasses allow you to provide evidence that a type outside of your "control" conforms with some behavior.
Someone else's type can be a member of your typeclass.
You cannot express "this method takes/returns a value of the same type as the method receiver" in terms of subtyping, but this (very useful) constraint is straightforward using typeclasses. This is the f-bounded types problem (where an F-bounded type is parameterized over its own subtypes).
All operations defined on a trait require an instance; there is always a this argument. So you cannot define for example a fromString(s:String): Foo method on trait Foo in such a way that you can call it without an instance of Foo.
In Scala this manifests as people desperately trying to abstract over companion objects.
But it is straightforward with a typeclass, as illustrated by the zero element in this monoid example.
Typeclasses can be defined inductively; for example, if you have a JsonCodec[Woozle] you can get a JsonCodec[List[Woozle]] for free.
The example above illustrates this for "things you can add together".
One way to look at type classes is that they enable retroactive extension or retroactive polymorphism. There are a couple of great posts by Casual Miracles and Daniel Westheide that show examples of using Type Classes in Scala to achieve this.
Here's a post on my blog
that explores various methods in scala of retroactive supertyping, a kind of retroactive extension, including a typeclass example.
I don't know of any other use case than Ad-hoc polymorhism which is explained here the best way possible.
Both implicits and typeclasses are used for Type-conversion. The major use-case for both of them is to provide ad-hoc polymorphism(i.e) on classes that you can't modify but expect inheritance kind of polymorphism. In case of implicits you could use both an implicit def or an implicit class (which is your wrapper class but hidden from the client). Typeclasses are more powerful as they can add functionality to an already existing inheritance chain(eg: Ordering[T] in scala's sort function).
For more detail you can see https://lakshmirajagopalan.github.io/diving-into-scala-typeclasses/
In scala type classes
Enables ad-hoc polymorphism
Statically typed (i.e. type-safe)
Borrowed from Haskell
Solves the expression problem
Behavior can be extended
- at compile-time
- after the fact
- without changing/recompiling existing code
Scala Implicits
The last parameter list of a method can be marked implicit
Implicit parameters are filled in by the compiler
In effect, you require evidence of the compiler
… such as the existence of a type class in scope
You can also specify parameters explicitly, if needed
Below Example extension on String class with type class implementation extends the class with a new methods even though string is final :)
* Created by nihat.hosgur on 2/19/17.
case class PrintTwiceString(val original: String) {
def printTwice = original + original
object TypeClassString extends App {
implicit def stringToString(s: String) = PrintTwiceString(s)
val name: String = "Nihat"
This is an important difference (needed for functional programming):
consider inc:Num a=> a -> a:
a received is the same that is returned, this cannot be done with subtyping
I like to use type classes as a lightweight Scala idiomatic form of Dependency Injection that still works with circular dependencies yet doesn't add a lot of code complexity. I recently rewrote a Scala project from using the Cake Pattern to type classes for DI and achieved a 59% reduction in code size.