How iPhone games/apps can connect to other iphones - iphone

I wonder how iphone games and apps can connect to other devices with the same app/game. Like games, where you create an account and can play with your friend. Does anyone know a site where it's briefly explained or can anyone just explain in some sentences what the "steps" are. Thanks in advance.

If you had bothered to try you would have found the very first tab "Technologies" on the very first page of Apple's developer site would take you to this page on Networking where the very first item is about GameCenter.

Check out the tutorials under Network programming at Ray Wenderlich's site. They are nicely done and should help you grasp the main concepts.


Writepad Like Application iOS

I want to create app that should let the users to write in their own handwriting. Simply it is a handwriting app.
I dont know where to start my development and what are the concepts i need to be study for this(Core Graphics or OpenGL ES).
Please give me any reference.
Thanks in advance.
Sign up as an iOS developer, and watch any of these session videos which look even remotely related to what you want to do:
They will give you an overall idea of what each API is capable of, and after that you can start researching individual topics in the documentation or here on stack overflow.
Good luck!

connect non iPhone Device using bluetooth in iPhone to display data

Is it possible to connect non iPhone device (like Blood sugar monitoring) with the iPhone to display its data.
So my First Question is:
1.Is it possible
2.If yes can you provide some links for development or Example codes.
Thanks for any kind of help in advance...
You can get the answer of your question here
P.S. The link is same as it is on the comment of the answer.. But since I didnt noticed the comment and was searching for the long time. So for the ones who havent seen Brads comment in the question. I have passed the link in answer.
Do you want code or an application? Search for Bump on the AppStore. If you want code, I'd suggest looking at the GameKit framework however I don't know if you can use that to talk to other devices or not...
I would imagine it's definitely possible. A protocol like Bluetooth or WIFI would be device-agnostic. I guess it would depend on the device that you want to interface with your iPhone. Do you have a device in mind?

Developing an iPhone app which is friendly to blind people

I've had a user send me an email to ask if I can make some modifications to my application so that it is more friendly to blind people.
Although he's explained the problems that he is having, I really have no idea on how to approach this. I can't find any guidelines from Apple. Is there any information available, or does anyone have any experience with this sort of thing? Are there some simple things I can do to buttons or images to make them friendly for the blind?
There is a WWDC 2010 video of Session 122 that covers Accessibility and how to add code to your app to help VoiceOver work better. Should be free to view for anyone with an enrolled iOS developer account.
The easiest thing to do is to at least do a setIsAccessibilityElement and setAccessibilityLabel on all your buttons, labels and imageviews (etc.) so that they say something appropriate when a blind person wants to know what they are.
Start by reading the Accessibility Programming Guide for iOS. It covers topics such as the VoiceOver technology that is useful for people with visual impairments or blindness, and how you can program your user interface to work with VoiceOver so that your users can "hear" your user interface.

iPhone UI design help

How can I learn how to design a good iPhone interface, beyond the few docs provided by Apple. Also, what the best way of testing the interface especially when the application is original?
You could try watching the videos of WWDC. They have some on both of your questions. It seems Intruments can do a lot of interface questions right now.

Porting a flash game to the iPhone

I have a Flash game that I'd like to port over to the iPhone but I don't have the time nor the patience to do it myself, I also have a limited budget.
Can anyone recommend a place to put out a tender for an iPhone developer to port my game?
You could wait for the beta of Flash CS 5, and use that to compile your Flash straight to iPhone....
If your game has an existing community and content around it, try to partner with an experienced iPhone developer. They would port the game, you would provide the content and the community, and the revenue gets split. I am in the middle of this process with my online game (
Alternatively, you could try to contract the job to a developer you found on a site like or But, iPhone games aren't quick to develop, so you'll be looking to spend a considerable amount of money that way.
I would recommend trying one of the many freelancer sites out there such as
They tend to be able to hook you up with relatively low cost developers. A google search for 'freelance software' will give you numerous good results.
You can post job offers right here on SO:
Furthermore, you could take a look at (free)
You might want to try Game Salad, a game construction kit. It looks similar to Flash game creation.