mongodb fetch hundreds of data out of millions of data - mongodb

In my database, I have millions of documents. Each of them has a time stamp. Some have the same time stamp. I want to get some points (a few hundreds or potentially more like thousands) to draw a graph. I don't want all the points. I want every n points I pick 1 point. I know there's aggregation framework and I tried that. The problem with that is since my data is huge. When I do aggregation work, The result exceeds document maximum size, 16MB, easily. There's also a function called skip in mongodb but it only skips first n documents. Are there good ways to achieve what I want? Or is there way to make aggregation result bigger? Thanks in advance!

I'm not sure how you can do this with either A/F or M/R - just skipping so that you have (f.e.) each 10th point is not something M/R allows you to do—unless you select each point based on a random value with a 10% change... which is probably not what you want. But that does work:;;
map = function() {
// rand does 0-1, so < 0.1 means 10%
if (Math.random() < 0.1) {
emit(this._id, this);
reduce = function(key, values) {
return values;
} map, reduce, { out: 'output' } );
Which outputs something line:
"result" : "output",
"timeMillis" : 4,
"counts" : {
"input" : 23,
"emit" : 3,
"reduce" : 0,
"output" : 3
"ok" : 1,
> db.output.find();
{ "_id" : ObjectId("51ffc4bc16473d7b84172d85"), "value" : { "_id" : ObjectId("51ffc4bc16473d7b84172d85"), "date" : ISODate("2013-08-05T15:24:45Z") } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("51ffc75316473d7b84172d8e"), "value" : { "_id" : ObjectId("51ffc75316473d7b84172d8e") } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("51ffc75316473d7b84172d8f"), "value" : { "_id" : ObjectId("51ffc75316473d7b84172d8f") } }
> map, reduce, { out: 'output' } );
"result" : "output",
"timeMillis" : 19,
"counts" : {
"input" : 23,
"emit" : 2,
"reduce" : 0,
"output" : 2
"ok" : 1,
> db.output.find();
{ "_id" : ObjectId("51ffc4bc16473d7b84172d83"), "value" : { "_id" : ObjectId("51ffc4bc16473d7b84172d83"), "date" : ISODate("2013-08-05T15:24:25Z") } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("51ffc4bc16473d7b84172d86"), "value" : { "_id" : ObjectId("51ffc4bc16473d7b84172d86"), "date" : ISODate("2013-08-05T15:25:15Z") } }
Depending on a random factor.


MongoDB MapReduce, second argument of reduce function is multidimensional array

I tried to use mapReduce for my collection. Just for debug I returned vals value passed as second argument do reduce function, like this:
"map":function() {
emit( {,
registeredPeriod:Math.floor(( - 1399240800)/604800)
count:Math.ceil((this.lla -
"reduce":function(k, vals) {
return {
And I got result like this:
"results" : [
"_id" : {
"country_code" : "1",
"distribution" : 405,
"installationPeriod" : 0
"value" : {
"count" : [
"count" : 37
"count" : 38
"_id" : {
"country_code" : "1",
"distribution" : 405,
"installationPeriod" : 1
"value" : {
"count" : 36
"_id" : {
"country_code" : "1",
"distribution" : 405,
"installationPeriod" : 4
"value" : {
"count" : [
"count" : [
"count" : 16
"count" : 16
"count" : 15
"timeMillis" : 38,
"counts" : {
"input" : 130,
"emit" : 130,
"reduce" : 5,
"output" : 6
"ok" : 1
I really don't know why I got multidimensional array as second argument for my reduce function. I mean about this part of result:
"_id" : {
"country_code" : "1",
"distribution" : 405,
"installationPeriod" : 4
"value" : {
"count" : [
"count" : [ // <= Why is this multidimensional?
"count" : 16
Why is this multidimensional? And why key of embedded array is same like returned from reduce function?
The reason is because this is mapReduce works. From the documentation point:
MongoDB can invoke the reduce function more than once for the same key. In this case, the previous output from the reduce function for that key will become one of the input values to the next reduce function invocation for that key.
And a later point:
the type of the return object must be identical to the type of the value emitted by the map function to ensure that the following operations is true:
So even though you have not "changed the signature" as that documentation points to, you are still only processing n items at once in one reduce pass and then another n items in the next pass. What happens in the eventual processing of this is that the array that was returned in one fragment is combined with the array from another fragment.
So what happened is your reduce returns an array, but it is not "all" of the items you emitted for the key, just some of them. Then another reduce on the same "key" processes more items. Finally those two arrays (or probably more) are again sent to the reduce, in an attempt to actually "reduce" those items as is intended.
That is the general concept, so it is no surprise that when you are just pushing back the array then that is what you get.
Short version, mapReduce processes the ouput "keys" in chunks and not all at once. Better to learn that now before it becomes a problem for you later.

get undefined value in mongodb MapReduce

I tried to use twice MapReduce aggregation to get unique user number per month.
The first MR function work out a mr_buyer_payment collection, like this:
{ "_id" : { "u" : "01329f19-27b0-435b-9ca1-450984024a31", "tid" : ISODate("2013-09-01T00:00:00Z") }, "value" : { "payment" : 38, "count_pay" : 1 } }
{ "_id" : { "u" : "264dd104-b934-490b-988e-5822fd7970f6", "tid" : ISODate("2013-09-01T00:00:00Z") }, "value" : { "payment" : 4.99, "count_pay" : 1 } }
{ "_id" : { "u" : "27bb8f72-a13e-4676-862c-02f41fea1bc0", "tid" : ISODate("2013-09-01T00:00:00Z") }, "value" : { "payment" : 11.98, "count_pay" : 2 } }
The second MR function works well with small data set , but when query grows more than 100 records, it gets wrong result , some value is NaN.
The debug log shows some value in Reduce function like v.payment, v.count_user became undefine.
date:Sun Jun 30 2013 17:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT) value:undefined / 162 / undefined
And the MR result info is wired:
"result" : "mr_buyer_all",
"timeMillis" : 29,
"counts" : {
"input" : 167,
"emit" : 167,
"reduce" : 6, // it should be 3, as same as "output" number
"output" : 3
"ok" : 1,
This is 2nd MR function:
var key = this._id.tid;
var value = {
if (value.count_pay>0)
print("date:"+key+" u:"+this._id.u+"value:"+value.payment+" / "+value.count_pay+" / "+value.count_user);
var result = {revenue:0,count_pay:0,user:0};
if (!v.count_user)
print("date:"+key+" "+"value:"+v.payment+" / "+v.count_pay+" / "+v.count_user);
} else
result.revenue += v.payment;
result.count_pay += v.count_pay;
result.user += v.count_user;
return result;
The sub-document in Reduce function should use same format as one in Map function. So the solution is :
// the following key must be as same as the object in map
var r = {payment:0,count_pay:0,count_user:0}
r.payment += v.payment;
r.count_pay += v.count_pay;
r.count_user += v.count_user;
return r;

MongoDB MapReduce producing different results for each document

This is a follow-up from this question, where I tried to solve this problem with the aggregation framework. Unfortunately, I have to wait before being able to update this particular mongodb installation to a version that includes the aggregation framework, so have had to use MapReduce for this fairly simple pivot operation.
I have input data in the format below, with multiple daily dumps:
"_id" : "daily_dump_2013-05-23",
"authors_who_sold_books" : [
"id" : "Charles Dickens",
"original_stock" : 253,
"customers" : [
"time_bought" : 1368627290,
"customer_id" : 9715923
"id" : "JRR Tolkien",
"original_stock" : 24,
"customers" : [
"date_bought" : 1368540890,
"customer_id" : 9872345
"date_bought" : 1368537290,
"customer_id" : 9163893
I'm after output in the following format, that aggregates across all instances of each (unique) author across all daily dumps:
"_id" : "Charles Dickens",
"original_stock" : 253,
"customers" : [
"date_bought" : 1368627290,
"customer_id" : 9715923
"date_bought" : 1368622358,
"customer_id" : 9876234
I have written this map function...
function map() {
for (var i in this.authors_who_sold_books)
author = this.authors_who_sold_books[i];
emit(, {customers: author.customers, original_stock: author.original_stock, num_sold: 1});
...and this reduce function.
function reduce(key, values) {
sum = 0
for (i in values)
sum += values[i].customers.length
return {num_sold : sum};
However, this gives me the following output:
"_id" : "Charles Dickens",
"value" : {
"customers" : [
"date_bought" : 1368627290,
"customer_id" : 9715923
"date_bought" : 1368622358,
"customer_id" : 9876234
"original_stock" : 253,
"num_sold" : 1
{ "_id" : "JRR Tolkien", "value" : { "num_sold" : 3 } }
"_id" : "JK Rowling",
"value" : {
"customers" : [
"date_bought" : 1368627290,
"customer_id" : 9715923
"date_bought" : 1368622358,
"customer_id" : 9876234
"original_stock" : 183,
"num_sold" : 1
{ "_id" : "John Grisham", "value" : { "num_sold" : 2 } }
The even indexed documents have the customers and original_stock listed, but an incorrect sum of num_sold.
The odd indexed documents only have the num_sold listed, but it is the correct number.
Could anyone tell me what it is I'm missing, please?
Your problem is due to the fact that the format of the output of the reduce function should be identical to the format of the map function (see requirements for the reduce function for an explanation).
You need to change the code to something like the following to fix the problem, :
function map() {
for (var i in this.authors_who_sold_books)
author = this.authors_who_sold_books[i];
emit(, {customers: author.customers, original_stock: author.original_stock, num_sold: author.customers.length});
function reduce(key, values) {
var result = {customers:[] , num_sold:0, original_stock: (values.length ? values[0].original_stock : 0)};
for (i in values)
result.num_sold += values[i].num_sold;
result.customers = result.customers.concat(values[i].customers);
return result;
I hope that helps.
Note : the change num_sold: author.customers.length in the map function. I think that's what you want

Mongodb Map/Reduce - Multiple Group By

I am trying to run a map/reduce function in mongodb where I group by 3 different fields contained in objects in my collection. I can get the map/reduce function to run, but all the emitted fields run together in the output collection. I'm not sure this is normal or not, but outputting the data for analysis takes more work to clean up. Is there a way to separate them, then use mongoexport?
Let me show you what I mean:
The fields I am trying to group by are the day, user ID (or uid) and destination.
I run these functions:
map = function() {
day = (this.created_at.getFullYear() + "-" + (this.created_at.getMonth()+1) + "-" + this.created_at.getDate());
emit({day: day, uid: this.uid, destination: this.destination}, {count:1});
/* Reduce Function */
reduce = function(key, values) {
var count = 0;
values.forEach(function(v) {
count += v['count'];
return {count: count};
/* Output Function */, reduce, {query: {destination: {$ne:null}}, out: "TMP"});
The output looks like this:
{ "_id" : { "day" : "2012-4-9", "uid" : "1234456", "destination" : "Home" }, "value" : { "count" : 1 } }
{ "_id" : { "day" : "2012-4-9", "uid" : "2345678", "destination" : "Home" }, "value" : { "count" : 1 } }
{ "_id" : { "day" : "2012-4-9", "uid" : "3456789", "destination" : "Login" }, "value" : { "count" : 1 } }
{ "_id" : { "day" : "2012-4-9", "uid" : "4567890", "destination" : "Contact" }, "value" : { "count" : 1 } }
{ "_id" : { "day" : "2012-4-9", "uid" : "5678901", "destination" : "Help" }, "value" : { "count" : 1 } }
When I attempt to use mongoexport, I can not separate day, uid, or destination by columns because the map combines the fields together.
What I would like to have would look like this:
{ { "day" : "2012-4-9" }, { "uid" : "1234456" }, { "destination" : "Home"}, { "count" : 1 } }
Is this even possible?
As an aside - I was able to make the output work by applying sed to the file and cleaning up the CSV. More work, but it worked. It would be ideal if I could get it out of mongodb in the correct format.
MapReduce only returns documents of the form {_id:some_id, value:some_value}
see: How to change the structure of MongoDB's map-reduce results?

MongoDB: _id Cannot Be An Array

I have a large dataset (about 1.1M documents) that I need to run mapreduce on.
The field to group on is an array named xref. Due to the size of the collection and the fact I'm doing this in a 32-bit environment, I'm trying to reduce the collection to another collection in a new database.
First, here's a data sample:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4ec6d3aa61910ad451f12e01"),
"bii" : -32.9867,
"class" : 2456,
"decdeg" : -82.4856,
"lii" : 297.4896,
"name" : "HD 22237",
"radeg" : 50.3284,
"vmag" : 8,
"xref" : ["HD 22237", "CPD -82 65", "-82 64","PPM 376283", "SAO 258336",
"CP-82 65","GC 4125" ] }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4ec6d44661910ad451f78eba"),
"bii" : -32.9901,
"class" : 2450,
"decdeg" : -82.4781,
"decpm" : 0.013,
"lii" : 297.4807,
"name" : "PPM 376283",
"radeg" : 50.3543,
"rapm" : 0.0357,
"vmag" : 8.4,
"xref" : ["HD 22237", "CPD -82 65", "-82 64","PPM 376283", "SAO 258336",
"CP-82 65","GC 4125" ] }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4ec6d48a61910ad451feae04"),
"bii" : -32.9903,
"class" : 2450,
"decdeg" : -82.4779,
"decpm" : 0.027,
"hd_component" : 0,
"lii" : 297.4806,
"name" : "SAO 258336",
"radeg" : 50.3543,
"rapm" : 0.0355,
"vmag" : 8,
"xref" : ["HD 22237", "CPD -82 65", "-82 64","PPM 376283", "SAO 258336",
"CP-82 65","GC 4125" ] }
Here are the map and reduce functions (right now I'm only lii and bii fields):
function map() {
try {
emit(this.xref, {lii:this.lii, bii:this.bii});
} catch(e) {
function reduce(key, values) {
var result = {xref:key, lii: 0.0, bii: 0.0};
try {
values.forEach(function(value) {
if (value.lii && value.bii) {
result.lii += value.lii;
result.bii += value.bii;
result.bii /= values.length;
result.lii /= values.length;
} catch(e) {
return result;
Unfortunately, running this eventually comes up with an error message:
db.catalog.mapReduce(map, reduce, {out:{replace:"catalog2", db:"astro2"}});
Wed Nov 23 10:12:25 uncaught exception: map reduce failed:{
"assertion" : "_id cannot be an array",
"assertionCode" : 10099,
"errmsg" : "db assertion failure",
"ok" : 0
The xref field IS an array, but all values are equal in that array. Is it trying to use that array as the id field in the new collections?
Yes it is not possible to set _id as an array, because it has a special behavior for indexing.
The key you emit by is used as _id in the output collection.
Potentially this could work only with an "inline" output mode if the result is small, since it wont go to a collection.
But ideally you would translate the array into a string (for example concat the values) and use that as _id, or make it a sub-object instead of an array.
Also note that the result of your reduce function should not include the key.
Just return {lii: .., bii: ..}