(Quickblox) Receiving Video Calls from anywhere in the App - iphone

This applies to iOS programming specifically using QuickBlox's API for video calls.
Obviously you don't want users to receive video calls in just one view controller in the app, so you need to make users be able to receive calls anywhere in the app.
Before I spend hours figuring out how to do this, I'm wondering how to tackle this issue.
I'm guessing that it has something to do with the - (void) chatDidReceiveCallRequestFromUser function in the AppDelegate, and having an alert view pop up over any view in the apps.
How do you make QuickBlox video calls receivable while being in any view of the app?

In my application I created singleton class which conform QBChatDelegate protocol. In this class I implemented all needed methods and created #property with my viewController in which I realized all video chat code. So when call request coming I make all needed operation and call viewController's QBChatDelegate methods and if I need - present view controller by using TabBarController or in any other way.


How do I tie up appDelegate to the rest of the app?

I am a relative beginner to iOS development, but I managed to get my app to do everything I want it to. However, I have some questions about tying the app up together.
The only code I have currently inside my appDelegate handles remote notifications; when I receive a remote notification I send out the alerts, messages, and so on to the user. I also generate notifications for the notification center which cause different methods to run inside different view controllers.
What about all the different functions in the appDelegate? DidEnterBackground, WillEnterForeground, etc.? My app starts on one view (view1), which creates an object (stream1), which has a method stopStream. I have buttons to start and stop the streams ([self.stream1 stopStream]). My question in, how do I call these methods to stop that particular instance of the object in one of the appDelegate methods? Do I need to create a notification for the notification center inside the appDelegate, and handle it triggering in the view? Or is there a simpler method? Or am I doing things completely wrong and not according to best practices?
Any help would be appreciated! Also a link to a guide about the architecture of apps, or a link to your favorite book about building apps in iOS would be great!
Your app delegate only needs to implement the various app delegate methods if the app delegate actually needs to do something with those events.
If a given view controller or other class is interested in the various app delegate notifications (such as enter background, or return to foreground, etc.), then the view controller or other class should register for the corresponding notification. See the docs for UIApplication for the different notifications.
Do not have the app delegate method post a custom notification.
All the methods you're looking for can be found listed here in the docs.
As for what to do about them thats definitely up to your app. It is best practice to handle at least going in and out of the background properly so at least use the methods for those and take the appropriate action in your app.
Its very common for apps to simply blast out NSNotifications like you mention. Its perfectly acceptable in most circumstances.

iOS view "redirect"

I'm a web developer tasked with building a basic iOS app for internal use. A number of functions in the app require authentication, and I've successfully built the login view/controller which calls a webservice, authenticates the user etc etc.
I can currently load the "LoginView" with a button click and after authenticating the user, dismiss the view from the view stack returning to the original view, now with established credentials. None of that is my issue.
Now I'm looking for the equivalent of doing a 'redirect' as I would in developing for the web. I need to load the LoginView from any function in my application where authentication is required, and on success, load some other view which would be "passed in" (on the web I would provide a redirect Url) to the LoginView. I feel like this is a simple thing, and must be done all the time, but can not find a good example or explanation of this. I'm certain my obvious newbiness is preventing me from even searching for the right terms.
Hopefully someone can decipher my poor, yet best attempt at explaining what I am looking for. Thank you in advance.
One pattern I have used is to pass a success handler block to the authentication view controller.
This has an advantage over the delegate system in that you can set it to perform any action, including moving to any view controller, without modifying each and every view controller to match the delegate protocol.
For instance, one thing I might want to do after successfully authenticating is to pop the view controller stack back to the main menu, or to continue to process a web service request that was already underway. The delegate system doesn't really allow for this, while blocks are more flexible as you can pass in any code you want.
This is the perfect job for delegates. In your login view controller interface (please note I'm writing this off the top of my head so there might be a few typos/missing semi-colons etc:
#protocol LoginControlDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)loginDidSucceed:(BOOL)success
#interface ...
#property (nonatomic, assign) id<LoginControlDelegate> delegate;
And then in your implementation file, once you have established that the webservice has responded to the login request, you can call:
if (self.delegate != nil)
{self.delegate loginDidSucceed:<YES/NO depending on the webservice response>]
So every time you create an instance of your login view controller, you can assign the "parent" view controller as the delegate and then conform to the <LoginControlDelegate> by implementing the method loginDidSucceed:
LoginViewController *vc = [[LoginViewController alloc] init....];
vc.delegate = self;
[self presentModalViewController:vc animated:YES];
[vc release];
And the loginDidSucceed method:
- (void)loginDidSucceed:(BOOL)success
if (success)
// Logged in successfully, push the appropriate view
} else {
// Login failed...
Developing for mobile is not the same as developing for the web. In general, apps will have a user login once and then never gain (or at least only when the app is opened, like Mint). If possible, consider changing the design of the app to accommodate mobile design conventions rather than borrowing from the web world. It's a different ball game and your users will appreciate it.
That said, I might attack this by building a custom UIView based off of apple's design for the UIAlertView. Give it a delegate protocol and when it returns with an authenticated user, the controller from which you called it can make the appropriate changes to itself using the delegate method.
What #Rog posted will all work fine as stated. I would only suggest that if you already have something akin to a WebRequestManager which dispatches the calls to your web service (creates the connection, manages errors, returns the data) to not worry about delegation of the login, but instead manage that login view in the manager, isolating all of your views from needing this sort of delegate (which becomes a maintenance headache).
This way your views just initiate the request thru the manager and just expect the data to be returned, regardless if a login is required. Notably, the app doesn't even need to (or may not) know what requests require a login, only discovering that as a response from the server. At which point you can launch the login view, get the credentials, and then restart the request with the valid credentials.
And at that point I would keep the credentials, at least for the current run session, so any future requests do not require another login.

Difference between AppDelegate.m and View Controller.m

Could anyone tell me when we use the AppDelegate.m and AppDelegate.h during iPhone programming? I have used only the ViewController.m and ViewController.h for basic learning. I just want to know when and why AppDelegate is used.
Both define classes, but the classes are used for different things. ViewController.h/m define a view controller class that manages a hierarchy of views -- basically, one screen of an application. You might have multiple screens that each have their own view controller.
AppDelegate.h/m define a class that manages the application overall. The app will create one instance of that class and send that object messages that let the delegate influence the app's behavior at well-defined times. For example, -application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: is sent when the app has finished launching and is ready to do something interesting. Take a look at the UIApplicationDelegate reference page for a list of messages that the app delegate can implement to modify the behavior of the application.
I would like to add the following to #Caleb's answer.
If care is not taken, the AppDelegate could easily become one of the most accessed objects in the application. I usually refrain from calling methods in the AppDelegate from any of my ViewControllers. Unless, something needs to be reported to the AppDelegate that would influence the behaviour of the whole application.
I keep my AppDelegate for the following:
initialization: whatever needs to be done on the very first launch (after an install or an update)
data migration from version to version (e.g. if you use CoreData and migrations)
configuration of objects linked via IBOutlets from MainWindow.xib
determining the initial orientation to launch in
saving uncommitted data / state prior to the application being terminated or entering background mode
registering for the Apple Push Notification Service and sending the device token to our server
opening one of the supported application URLs (e.g. maps://)
For other use case scenarios and a more thourough description of the AppDelegate, see the iOS Application Programming Guide.
The view-controller. h/m is responsible of controlling the connection between your model and your view (more on MVC here).
AppDelegate. h/m is responsible for the life-cycle of your application. What to do when the user press the home button and exit your app, what to do when the app enter background. Things like this.

How to receive application wide events with multiview application

I am developing an iPhone application with multiviews (Nav controller), but i like to receive an event if user touches in any view of the view. I understand it can be done by subclassing application delegate? If that's true how can i do it? My requirement is, i like to receive an event as soon as user touches any where in any view within my application.
Thanks for your help and time.
Your reference to subclassing UIApplication will work. Read down through the comments and it covers a somewhat quirky IMO way to implement it (by having the AppDelegate be a subclass of UIApplication). Myself, I would create a separate class to be the UIApplication subclass, rather than having the app delegate do both jobs, but I see the merit of either way.
That said, this is a very large and unusual stick and may suggest a design failure. What problem are you solving with this?
A way to do it is to use a Singleton class (which acts as an observer/mediator), which the application is an example of, in which you have viewControllers subscribe to when they are intersted in the touch events of a certain view. When the touch occurs the Singleton class is informed of the event as a result it informs all subscribers to the event of the event.
Here is an example
#interface MyEventClass
-(void)subscribeToTouchEvent:(id)delegate selector(selector):sel
Above is the singleton class
now this is an example of what the view touchesBegan method might look like
[[MyEventClass sharedInstance] TouchEventDidOccur];
and how one would subscribe to the event
[[MyEventClass sharedInstance] subscribeToTouchEvent:self selector:#selector(receiveTouchEvent:)]
hope this helps
What's wrong with using notifications? If you have disconnected classes across your application, it's trivial to have them listen for a particular notification, then have your views or view controllers post that notification when a touch event happens. All of the observers will take action on the notification.

Application Design and AppDelegate

I am developing an iPhone app for some sweet undergrad research I've been working on. Sadly, my school doesn't offer software engineering / design classes so when it comes to questions of best practices in OO Design, I do a lot of reading.
My Dilemma:
My application loads a view (v1) where, upon user's button click, v1's controller class executes an action method. This action method should fill an array with objects. After that, the user will either execute the action again or click a different tab to load another view. Other views in the application will use the array that v1 populated.
So, where should this shared array be declared? Right now, it's in the AppDelegate class from when I was testing features without a GUI. Should I grab the AppDelegate singleton and add items to it in the v1ViewController? Should it be declared as static?
Thanks for the help!
Follow-up Question: When interacting with a singleton, which is the better way to talk to it:
[[MyAwesomeSingleton sharedInstance] gimmeSomePizza];
MySingleton *s = [MySingleton sharedInstance];
[s gimmeSomePizza];
I guess what I'm wondering is, do you make the sharedInstance method call every time or do you define a pointer to the sharedInstance and then reference the pointer?
Using the app delegate to store data that's shared between views and view controllers is reasonable and appropriate.
In my apps, I view the app delegate as the controller part of MVC, with UIViews and view controllers all being part of the "view". I prefer to use a variant of MVC called Passive View that keeps the model and view parts of my app strictly segregated with only the controller connecting them.
I'm assuming that the array of objects you're storing is your app's model, so storing them on your app delegate makes sense. As Daniel D said, there's no need to make it static.
The app delegate is really the heart of your program. You create and initialize your model and views in your -applicationDidFinishLaunching: method and save your model data and view state in -applicationWillTerminate:. When your view controllers receive events that changes your model, you can call methods on your app delegate to make those changes.
You could store it in an ivar in the app delegate. You don't need to make it static since the app delegate is a singleton anyways (there's never more than 1 instance).
If the app delegate is getting a bit complicated, you can factor out the data storage into a separate model object or perhaps use Core Data.