MSMQ Outgoing Queue Timout Duration for failed transmissions - msmq

Most systems have default timeout durations if expected behavior is not achieved. For example, SQL Server has a connection timeout and a command time out. Web services typically have a time out period waiting for a response.
For MSMQ, when I attempt to send a message to an invalid host, I see the message in the originating host's outgoing queue with a state of 'Waiting to connect' and history showing 'Name resolution failed...'.
How long will this stay in the outgoing queues area? Will it ever move to a dead-letter queue? Are there controls to define this duration?

You want message timers.
Time To Reach Queue controls when message goes to Dead Letter Queue.


What is the flow of a request to a server with a queue in the middle?

I'm trying very hard to understand the flow of a web request to a server which has a queue or message broker in the middle, but I can't find information about when and where the reply is given.
Imagine this use case:
Client A:
sends a invoice order request
the invoice is enqueued
the request is processed and dequeued.
at which time the client will receive a response?
right after the message is received by the queue?
right after the message is processed and dequeued? Other?
I'm asking because if the reply only comes after the message being processed the client might wait a long time. Imagine the message takes 3 minutes to process, would the client need to keep requesting the server to see if it is processed? or a connection is maintained using something like long polling?
I'm interested in scenarios using RabbitMq and kafka.
Advantage of having a messaging system is to ensure the frontend webserver and backend processing is decoupled. Best practice is Web server should publish the message and just wait for the messaging system to acknowledge receiving the message.

hornetq guarantee that the message reached the queue

I am using org.hornetq.api.core.client
how can I guarantee the message that I am sending actually reached the queue (not the client, just the queue) ?
please note that the queue is a valid queue .
this similar question is referring to invalid queue. other ones such as this one is relevant to the delivery to the client .
It really depends on how you are sending.
First question of yours was about
First of all, on JMS you have to way to send to an invalid queue since the producer will validate the queue's existence. On HornetQ core api you send to an address (not to a queue), and you may have an unbound queue. So you have to query if the address has queues or not.
Now, for confirmation the message was received:
Scenario I, persistent messages, non transactionally
Every message is sent blocked. The client will unblock as soon as the server acknowledged receiving the message. This is done automatically.. you don't have to do anything.
Scenario II, non persistent messages, non transactionally
There are no confirmations by default. The message is sent asynchronously. We assume the message is transient and it's not a big deal if you lost it. you can change that by setting block-on-non-persistent-send on the ServerLocator.
Scenario III, transactionally (either persistent or not).
As soon as you call commit the message is on the queues.
Scenario IV, Confirmation send
You set a callback and you get a method call as soon as the server acked it on the queues. Look on the manual for confirmation callback. There's also the same feature on JMS2.

How can I get sendmail to drop messages instead of retrying them?

We have a server that collects email alert messages. We use sendmail on a Linux system to send the alert messages to that server. Sometimes that server is down for maintenance and we do not care if the alert messages are not collected. Is there a way to configure sendmail to try delivery one time and then drop/delete a message if it cannot be delivered?
Currently sendmail just queues the messages for delivery. The queues can get very large if the server is down for a long while. So we would rather just delete the queued messages automatically.

MSMQ: incoming traffic, but messages don't show up in the queue

I'm transferring our web application to new infrastructure and I'm stuck at the MSMQ part.
1st screenshot: Server A sends messages to server B. I see the outgoing messages appear on server A.
2nd screenshot: Server B shows incoming traffic, but the messages don't appear in the queue.
The service picking up the messages at server B is not running!
Any ideas how to debug this situation?
The status of the outgoing queue is connected but the messages aren't moving. Likely to be that the acknowledgement messages are not being sent back successfully from server B. As server A never sees the acknowledgements, it is stuck in a permanent state of retrying to send awaiting a response. There should be an outgoing queue on server B pointing back to server A. Check its status. It is very likely that the IP address of the outgoing queue is incorrect.
If the messages are queuing in your outgoing queue on server A that means that they are definitely not being sent to the destination queue on server B.
If you have messages arriving on server B but not being delivered then this is probably due to queue permissions. However, based on your assertion that messages queue up on the outbound queue I can't see how server B can be receiving any messages.

MSMQ messages disappear from outbound queue but never arrive in the inbound queue

I have a strange issue setting up an existing application on our new internal Cloud.
I have a simple messaging system that pushes a message from one server (Server1) onto a MSMQ on another server (Server2). The messages disappear off the outbound but never appear in the inbound queue.
When I take Server2 msmq off line the messages build up on Server1. Restarting Msmq on Server2 causes the messages in the outbound queue on Server1 to disappear - but the message still never arrives at Server2.
The details:
MSMQ is set up in Workgroup mode, as that's the virtual networks requirement.
Queues are private.
Permissions are set to allow certain users access.
Has anybody any ideas on why this is happening or how I could track down the issue.
It could be that the remote private queue is a transactional queue and you send the message as non-transactional or vice versa. If the transaction setting on the queue and the message does not match, the message will disappear!
I have seen this in the past with the direct format name where it was set to something like
where I should have specified DIRECT=TCP:\PRIVATE$\MyQueue
#John Breakwell had noted here
Server name used to address message doesn't match destination machine
When MSMQ receives a message from over the wire, it always validates that this machine is the correct recipient. This is to ensure that something like a DNS misconfiguration does not result in messages being delivered to the wrong place. The messages are, instead, discarded unless the IgnoreOSNameValidation registry value is set appropriately. You may want to do this with an Internet-facing MSMQ server, for example, where the domain and server names visible to MSMQ clients on the Internet often bear no resemblance to the real ones (for good security reasons).
It sounds like a permissions or addressing issue.
Try to enable the event log under Applications and Services Logs -> Microsoft -> Windows -> MSMQ called End2End.
This log should tell you exactly what is going wrong with the delivery of messages to the expected destination queue.
Nope: For every successful delivery there should be three events raised in this log:
Message with ID blah came over the network (ie, message has arrived from a remote sender)
Message with ID blah was sent to queue blah (ie, message forwarded to local queue)
Message with ID blah was put into queue blah (ie, message arrives in local queue)
Assumes you are using Server 2008 and above.
You can add Negative Source Journaling to the sending application code to find out exactly what the root cause is. Most likely one of the two answers you have already received.
Are the messages arriving in the dead-letter queue on Server 2?