Compiler optimization to reduce bytes of executable code - plugins

Is it possible for a Compiler (for ex. javac) to scan your whole project for unused methods and variables before compilation and then compiles the project without those unused methods and variables such that you end up with fewer bytes of executable code.
If this would be a compiler optimization, I would create one huge library that contains all my helper methods and import it in all my projects and not worry that it being so huge could effect my Software size.
I understand this could be impossible, if you do not have the source code of those libraries you are using(importing), but I am speaking of the case where you have the source code.
Is there a tool/IDE plugin that does something similar? I would think this could be also done in one step ahead of the compilation.

Java's compiler doesn't do this natively, but you can use a tool like ProGuard or any number of other Java optimizers to remove unused code.
But, in your case, why don't you just compile your big software library once and put it on your classpath? That way you don't have to duplicate it at all.


Is there a difference in linking standard and custom dynamic library?

I don't get how standard library like libc is linked.I use MingW compiler.
I see that there is no libc.dll file in its bin folder.Then how libc is linked?
How does compiler know difference between custom and dynamic library?
We use build tools because they are a practical way to compile code and create executables, deployables etc.
For example. Consider that you have a large Java application consisting of thousands of separate source files split over multiple packages. Suppose that it has a number of JAR file dependencies, some of them for libraries that you have developed, and others for external libraries that can be downloaded from standard places.
You could spend hours manually downloading external JAR files and putting them in the right place. Then you could manually run javac for each of the source files, and jar in multiple times. Each time in the correct directory with the correct command line arguments ... and in the correct order.
And each time you change the source code ... repeat the relevant parts of the above process.
And make sure you don't make a mistake which will cause you to waste time finding test failures, runtime errors, etc caused by not building correctly.
Or ... you could use a build tool that takes care of it all. And does it correctly each time.
In summary, the reasons we use build tools are:
They are less work than doing it by hand
They are more accurate
The results are more reproducible.
I want to know why compiler can't do it?
Because compilers are not designed to perform the entire build process. Just like your oven is not designed to cook a three course meal and serve it up at the dinner table.
A compiler is (typically) designed to compile individual source code files. There is more to building than doing that.

What can I do to my scala code so it will compile faster?

I have a large scala code base. (
It's like 70K lines of scala code. We are on scala 2.11.7
Development is getting difficult because compilation - the edit-compile-test-debug cycle is too long for small changes.
Incremental recompile times can be a minute, and this is without optimization turned on. Sometimes longer. And that's with not having edited very many changes into files. Sometimes a very small change causes a huge recompilation.
So my question: What can I do by way of organizing the code, that will improve compilation time?
E.g., decomposing code into smaller files? Will this help?
E.g., more smaller libraries?
E.g., avoiding use of implicits? (we have very few)
E.g., avoiding use of traits? (we have tons)
E.g., avoiding lots of imports? (we have tons - package boundaries are pretty chaotic at this point)
Or is there really nothing much I can do about this?
I feel like this very long compilation is somehow due to some immense amount of recompiling due to dependencies, and I am thinking of how to reduce false dependencies....but that's just a theory
I'm hoping someone else can shed some light on something we might do which would improve compilation speed for incremental changes.
Here are the phases of the scala compiler, along with slightly edited
versions of their comments from the source code. Note that this
compiler is unusual in being heavily weighted towards type checking
and to transformations that are more like desugarings. Other compilers
include a lot of code for: optimization, register allocation, and
translation to IR.Some top-level points:
There is a lot of tree rewriting. Each phase tends to read in a tree
from the previous phase and transform it to a new tree. Symbols, to
contrast, remain meaningful throughout the life of the compiler. So
trees hold pointers to symbols, and not vice versa. Instead of
rewriting symbols, new information gets attached to them as the phases
Here is the list of phases from Global:
analyzer.namerFactory: SubComponent,
analyzer.typerFactory: SubComponent,
superAccessors, // add super accessors
pickler, // serializes symbol tables
refchecks, // perform reference and override checking,
translate nested objects
liftcode, // generate reified trees
uncurry, // uncurry, translate function values to anonymous
tailCalls, // replace tail calls by jumps
explicitOuter, // replace C.this by explicit outer pointers,
eliminate pattern matching
erasure, // erase generic types to Java 1.4 types, add
interfaces for traits
lambdaLift, // move nested functions to top level
constructors, // move field definitions into constructors
flatten, // get rid of inner classes
mixer, // do mixin composition
cleanup, // some platform-specific cleanups
genicode, // generate portable intermediate code
inliner, // optimization: do inlining
inlineExceptionHandlers, // optimization: inline exception handlers
closureElimination, // optimization: get rid of uncalled closures
deadCode, // optimization: get rid of dead cpde
if (forMSIL) genMSIL else genJVM, // generate .class files
some work around with scala compiler
Thus scala compiler has to do a lot more work than the Java compiler, however in particular there are some things which makes the Scala compiler drastically slower, which include
Implicit resolution. Implicit resolution (i.e. scalac trying to find an implicit value when you make an implicit declartion) bubbles up over every parent scope in the declaration, this search time can be massive (particularly if you reference the same the same implicit variable many times, and its declared in some library all the way down your dependancy chain). The compile time gets even worse when you take into account implicit trait resolution and type classes, which is used heavily by libraries such as scalaz and shapeless.
Also using a huge number of anonymous classes (i.e. lambdas, blocks, anonymous functions).Macros obviously add to compile time.
A very nice writeup by Martin Odersky
Further the Java and Scala compilers convert source code into JVM bytecode and do very little optimization.On most modern JVMs, once the program bytecode is run, it is converted into machine code for the computer architecture on which it is being run. This is called the just-in-time compilation. The level of code optimization is, however, low with just-in-time compilation, since it has to be fast. To avoid recompiling, the so called HotSpot compiler only optimizes parts of the code which are executed frequently.
A program might have different performance each time it is run. Executing the same piece of code (e.g. a method) multiple times in the same JVM instance might give very different performance results depending on whether the particular code was optimized in between the runs. Additionally, measuring the execution time of some piece of code may include the time during which the JIT compiler itself was performing the optimization, thus giving inconsistent results.
One common cause of a performance deterioration is also boxing and unboxing that happens implicitly when passing a primitive type as an argument to a generic method and also frequent GC.There are several approaches to avoid the above effects during measurement,like It should be run using the server version of the HotSpot JVM, which does more aggressive optimizations.Visualvm is a great choice for profiling a JVM application. It’s a visual tool integrating several command line JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities.However scala abstracions are very complex and unfortunately VisualVM does not yet support this.parsing mechanisms which was taking a long time to process like cause using a lot of exists and forall which are methods of Scala collections which take predicates,predicates to FOL and thus may pass entire sequence maximizing performance.
Also making the modules cohisive and less dependent is a viable solution.Mind that intermediate code gen is somtimes machine dependent and various architechures give varied results.
An Alternative:Typesafe has released Zinc which separates the fast incremental compiler from sbt and lets the maven/other build tools use it. Thus using Zinc with the scala maven plugin has made compiling a lot faster.
A simple problem: Given a list of integers, remove the greatest one. Ordering is not necessary.
Below is version of the solution (An average I guess).
def removeMaxCool(xs: List[Int]) = {
val maxIndex = xs.indexOf(xs.max);
xs.take(maxIndex) ::: xs.drop(maxIndex+1)
It's Scala idiomatic, concise, and uses a few nice list functions. It's also very inefficient. It traverses the list at least 3 or 4 times.
Now consider this , Java-like solution. It's also what a reasonable Java developer (or Scala novice) would write.
def removeMaxFast(xs: List[Int]) = {
var res = ArrayBuffer[Int]()
var max = xs.head
var first = true;
for (x <- xs) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
if (x > max) {
max = x
} else {
Totally non-Scala idiomatic, non-functional, non-concise, but it's very efficient. It traverses the list only once!
So trade-offs should also be prioritized and sometimes you may have to work things like a java developer if none else.
Some ideas that might help - depends on your case and style of development:
Use incremental compilation ~compile in SBT or provided by your IDE.
Use sbt-revolver and maybe JRebel to reload your app faster. Better suited for web apps.
Use TDD - rather than running and debugging the whole app write tests and only run those.
Break your project down into libraries/JARs. Use them as dependencies via your build tool: SBT/Maven/etc. Or a variation of this next...
Break your project into subprojects (SBT). Compile separately what's needed or root project if you need everything. Incremental compilation is still available.
Break your project down to microservices.
Wait for Dotty to solve your problem to some degree.
If everything fails don't use advanced Scala features that make compilation slower: implicits, metaprogramming, etc.
Don't forget to check that you are allocating enough memory and CPU for your Scala compiler. I haven't tried it, but maybe you can use RAM disk instead of HDD for your sources and compile artifacts (easy on Linux).
You are touching one of the main problems of object oriented design (over engineering), in my opinion you have to flatten your class-object-trait hierachy and reduce the dependecies between classes. Brake packages to different jar files and use them as mini libraries which are "frozen" and concentrate on new code.
Check some videos also from Brian Will, who makes a case against OO over-engineering
i.e (you can take the good points)
I don't agree with him 100% but it makes a good case against over-engineering.
Hope that helps.
You can try to use the Fast Scala Compiler.
Asides minor code improvements like (e.g #tailrec annotations), depending on how brave you feel, you could also play around with Dotty which boasts faster compile times among other things.

Scala Metaprogramming at Runtime

I'm building a tool that will receive unpredictable data structure, and I want to generate case class to accomplish the structure of the received data.
I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to generate case class at runtime? This structure will be know only at runtime.
It's something similar to what macro does, but in runtime.
I've found this project on the internet
Which is very close to what I want to do ,but I couldn't find if it was successful of not.
Another way of doing it is generate the code, compile and put the result in the classpath, like IScala is doing to use the code in an iterative way. But I don't think that this will scale.
Does anybody has already done something like runtime code generation?
This question was also posted in scala-user mailing list
UPDATE: (as per the comments)
If all you want is throw-away code generated at runtime to be fed into to a library that cannot work with just lists and maps, and not code to be stored and used later, it would make sense to look for solutions to this problem for Java or JVM. That is, unless the library requires some Scala specific features not available to vanilla JVM bytecode (Scala adds some extras to the bytecode, which Java code doesn't need/have).
what is the benefit of generating statically typed code dynamically? as opposed to using a dynamic data structure.
I would not attempt that at all. Just use a structure such as nested lists and maps.
Runtime code generation is one of the purposes of the Mars Project. Mars is under development, at the moment there is no release version. Mars requires its own toolchain to expand macros at runtime and should use several features unique to scala.meta (, for example, AST interpretation and AST persistence. Currently we are working on ASTs typechecking in scala-reflect, required for runtime macros expansion.

When, exactly, does Scala code perform heap allocations?

I've written a lot of high-performance Java code, and past experience has taught me that one of the most important things for getting peak performance is to be fully aware of the load you're putting on the garbage collector, and work to reduce that load in critical loops. For example, cryptographic hash functions should be written in such a way that they never allocate any memory.
Prior to Java 1.5 it was very easy to know exactly when Java code would be compiled into JVM bytecodes that performed heap allocation: only the "new" keyword in Java source code would result in a heap allocation. Post-Java-1.5 you can just look at the "desugaring" of the new language features (like int->Integer autoconversion).
I'm having a really, really, really hard time finding an equivalent answer for Scala, and this is a problem. Did I miss it? Where can I find a clear, comprehensive explanation of exactly when the Scala compiler will produce heap-allocating bytecodes? And no, the scala compiler source code isn't an answer since it changes over time -- I'm asking about the language rather than one specific compiler.
Edit: forgot to mention that the Java primitive "+" applied to Strings is a language-level construct that incurs heap allocation. So pre-Java-1.5 it should be "new and +-on-String".
I highly recommend getting to know the program JD-GUI, which decompiles .class files into java-ish code and lets you inspect it. I've learned a lot about how Scala code is compiled from looking at that.

intellij idea 11, scala slow execution [duplicate]

I've been programming in Scala for a while and I like it but one thing I'm annoyed by is the time it takes to compile programs. It's seems like a small thing but with Java I could make small changes to my program, click the run button in netbeans, and BOOM, it's running, and over time compiling in scala seems to consume a lot of time. I hear that with many large projects a scripting language becomes very important because of the time compiling takes, a need that I didn't see arising when I was using Java.
But I'm coming from Java which as I understand it, is faster than any other compiled language, and is fast because of the reasons I switched to Scala(It's a very simple language).
So I wanted to ask, can I make Scala compile faster and will scalac ever be as fast as javac.
There are two aspects to the (lack of) speed for the Scala compiler.
Greater startup overhead
Scalac itself consists of a LOT of classes which have to be loaded and jit-compiled
Scalac has to search the classpath for all root packages and files. Depending on the size of your classpath this can take one to three extra seconds.
Overall, expect a startup overhead of scalac of 4-8 seconds, longer if you run it the first time so disk-caches are not filled.
Scala's answer to startup overhead is to either use fsc or to do continuous building with sbt. IntelliJ needs to be configured to use either option, otherwise its overhead even for small files is unreasonably large.
Slower compilation speed. Scalac manages about 500 up to 1000 lines/sec. Javac manages about 10 times that. There are several reasons for this.
Type inference is costly, in particular if it involves implicit search.
Scalac has to do type checking twice; once according to Scala's rules and a second time after erasure according to Java's rules.
Besides type checking there are about 15 transformation steps to go from Scala to Java, which all take time.
Scala typically generates many more classes per given file size than Java, in particular if functional idioms are heavily used. Bytecode generation and class writing takes time.
On the other hand, a 1000 line Scala program might correspond to a 2-3K line Java program, so some of the slower speed when counted in lines per second has to balanced against more functionality per line.
We are working on speed improvements (for instance by generating class files in parallel), but one cannot expect miracles on this front. Scalac will never be as fast as javac.
I believe the solution will lie in compile servers like fsc in conjunction with good dependency analysis so that only the minimal set of files has to be recompiled. We are working on that, too.
The Scala compiler is more sophisticated than Java's, providing type inference, implicit conversion, and a much more powerful type system. These features don't come for free, so I wouldn't expect scalac to ever be as fast as javac. This reflects a trade-off between the programmer doing the work and the compiler doing the work.
That said, compile times have already improved noticeably going from Scala 2.7 to Scala 2.8, and I expect the improvements to continue now that the dust has settled on 2.8. This page documents some of the ongoing efforts and ideas to improve the performance of the Scala compiler.
Martin Odersky provides much more detail in his answer.
You should be aware that Scala compilation takes at least an order of magnitude longer than Java to compile. The reasons for this are as follows:
Naming conventions (a file XY.scala file need not contain a class called XY and may contain multiple top-level classes). The compiler may therefore have to search more source files to find a given class/trait/object identifier.
Implicits - heavy use of implicits means the compiler needs to search any in-scope implicit conversion for a given method and rank them to find the "right" one. (i.e. the compiler has a massively-increased search domain when locating a method.)
The type system - the scala type system is way more complicated than Java's and hence takes more CPU time.
Type inference - type inference is computationally expensive and a job that javac does not need to do at all
scalac includes an 8-bit simulator of a fully armed and operational battle station, viewable using the magic key combination CTRL-ALT-F12 during the GenICode compilation phase.
The best way to do Scala is with IDEA and SBT. Set up an elementary SBT project (which it'll do for you, if you like) and run it in automatic compile mode (command ~compile) and when you save your project, SBT will recompile it.
You can also use the SBT plug-in for IDEA and attach an SBT action to each of your Run Configurations. The SBT plug-in also gives you an interactive SBT console within IDEA.
Either way (SBT running externally or SBT plug-in), SBT stays running and thus all the classes used in building your project get "warmed up" and JIT-ed and the start-up overhead is eliminated. Additionally, SBT compiles only source files that need it. It is by far the most efficient way to build Scala programs.
The latest revisions of Scala-IDE (Eclipse) are much better atmanaging incremental compilation.
See "What’s the best Scala build system?" for more.
The other solution is to integrate fsc - Fast offline compiler for the Scala 2 language - (as illustrated in this blog post) as a builder in your IDE.
But not in directly Eclipse though, as Daniel Spiewak mentions in the comments:
You shouldn't be using FSC within Eclipse directly, if only because Eclipse is already using FSC under the surface.
FSC is basically a thin layer on top of the resident compiler which is precisely the mechanism used by Eclipse to compile Scala projects.
Finally, as Jackson Davis reminds me in the comments:
sbt (Simple build Tool) also include some kind of "incremental" compilation (through triggered execution), even though it is not perfect, and enhanced incremental compilation is in the work for the upcoming 0.9 sbt version.
Use fsc - it is a fast scala compiler that sits as a background task and does not need loading all the time. It can reuse previous compiler instance.
I'm not sure if Netbeans scala plugin supports fsc (documentation says so), but I couldn't make it work. Try nightly builds of the plugin.
You can use the JRebel plugin which is free for Scala. So you can kind of "develop in the debugger" and JRebel would always reload the changed class on the spot.
I read some statement somewhere by Martin Odersky himself where he is saying that the searches for implicits (the compiler must make sure there is not more than one single implicit for the same conversion to rule out ambiguities) can keep the compiler busy. So it might be a good idea to handle implicits with care.
If it doesn't have to be 100% Scala, but also something similar, you might give Kotlin a try.
-- Oliver
I'm sure this will be down-voted, but extremely rapid turn-around is not always conducive to quality or productivity.
Take time to think more carefully and execute fewer development micro-cycles. Good Scala code is denser and more essential (i.e., free from incidental details and complexity). It demands more thought and that takes time (at least at first). You can progress well with fewer code / test / debug cycles that are individually a little longer and still improve your productivity and the quality of your work.
In short: Seek an optimum working pattern better suited to Scala.