Issue with extending class in TYPO3 - typo3

I saw some extension files which are in TYPO3 4.5. (class.tx_ajaxsearch_pi1.php...), looks like this way:
class tx_ajaxsearch_pi1 extends tslib_pibase {
if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['ext/ajax_search/pi1/class.tx_ajaxsearch_pi1.php']) {
I am checking this document about XCLASS:
According to this document:
Extending TYPO3s PHP classes is recommended mostly for special needs in individual projects. This is due to the limitation that a class can only be extended once. Thus, if many extensions try to extend the same class, only one of them will succeed and in turn the others will not function correctly.
But why class tslib_pibase can be extended many times by different extension classes?
Is it a good habit to put below codes in every extension scripts? Just in case the extension class needs to be extended in the future?
if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['ext/ajax_search/pi1/class.tx_ajaxsearch_pi1.php']) {

XCLASS'ing is an approach, when someone substitutes one class with another one. Sounds like inheritance in OOP, but in fact it is different, because you can XCLASS only once, since in TYPO3 global scope one class definition is substituted with another one.
So, i.e. you XCLASS t3lib_db with ux_t3lib_db - that means, taht t3lib_db will never be used in DB processing, but ux_t3lib_db
Sure, your XCLASS can extend the base class, like ux_t3lib_db extends t3lib_db, so it works with inheritance of OOP, but if someone else would like to XCLASS t3lib_db too this will fail simply because TYPO3 will not find t3lib_db in it's scope, because it is already substituted with ux_t3lib_db. So, the only winner will be the one, who XCLASS'ed first.
You can read more here.
But, general note is, that XCLASS'ing is the last option you should try. Use hooks or signals/slots (last works in ExtBase only).
Answering your second question, I can say, that yes, you can do this in 4.5, but no - you shouldn't do that from 6.0.


Any way to trigger creation of a list of all classes in a hierarchy in Swift 4?

Edit: So far it looks like the answer to my question is, "You can't do that in Swift." I currently have a solution whereby the subclass names are listed in an array and I loop around and instantiate them to trigger the process I'm describing below. If this is the best that can be done, I'll switch it to a plist so that least it's externally defined. Another option would be to scan a directory and load all files found, then I would just need to make sure the compiler output for certain classes is put into that directory...
I'm looking for a way to do something that I've done in C++ a few times. Essentially, I want to build a series of concrete classes that implement a particular protocol, and I want to those classes to automatically register themselves such that I can obtain a list of all such classes. It's a classic Prototype pattern (see GoF book) with a twist.
Here's my approach in C++; perhaps you can give me some ideas for how to do this in Swift 4? (This code is grossly simplified, but it should demonstrate the technique.)
class Base {
static set<Base*> allClasses;
Base(Base &); // never defined
Base() {
static set<Base*> getAllClasses();
virtual Base* clone() = 0;
As you can see, every time a subclass is instantiated, a pointer to the object will be added to the static Base::allClasses by the base class constructor.
This means every class inherited from Base can follow a simple pattern and it will be registered in Base::allClasses. My application can then retrieve the list of registered objects and manipulate them as required (clone new ones, call getter/setter methods, etc).
class Derived: public Base {
static Derived global; // force default constructor call
Derived() {
// initialize the properties...
Derived(Derived &d) {
// whatever is needed for cloning...
virtual Derived* clone() {
return new Derived(this);
My main application can retrieve the list of objects and use it to create new objects of classes that it knows nothing about. The base class could have a getName() method that the application uses to populate a menu; now the menu automatically updates when new subclasses are created with no code changes anywhere else in the application. This is a very powerful pattern in terms of producing extensible, loosely coupled code...
I want to do something similar in Swift. However, it looks like Swift is similar to Java, in that it has some kind of runtime loader and the subclasses in this scheme (such as Derived) are not loaded because they're never referenced. And if they're not loaded, then the global variable never triggers the constructor call and the object isn't registered with the base class. Breakpoints in the subclass constructor shows that it's not being invoked.
Is there a way to do the above? My goal is to be able to add a new subclass and have the application automatically pick up the fact that the class exists without me having to edit a plist file or doing anything other than writing the code and building the app.
Thanks for reading this far — I'm sure this is a bit of a tricky question to comprehend (I've had difficulty in the past explaining it!).
I'm answering my own question; maybe it'll help someone else.
My goal is to auto initialize subclasses such that they can register with a central authority and allow the application to retrieve a list of all such classes. As I put in my edited question, above, there doesn't appear to be a way to do this in Swift. I have confirmed this now.
I've tried a bunch of different techniques and nothing seems to work. My goal was to be able to add a .swift file with a class in it and rebuild, and have everything automagically know about the new class. I will be doing this a little differently, though.
I now plan to put all subclasses that need to be initialized this way into a particular directory in my application bundle, then my AppDelegate (or similar class) will be responsible for invoking a method that scans the directory using the filenames as the class names, and instantiating each one, thus building the list of "registered" subclasses.
When I have this working, I'll come back and post the code here (or in a GitHub project and link to it).
Same boat. So far the solution I've found is to list classes manually, but not as an array of strings (which is error-prone). An a array of classes such as this does the job:
class AClass {
class var subclasses: [AClass.Type] {
return [BClass.self, CClass.self, DClass.self]
As a bonus, this approach allows me to handle trees of classes, simply by overriding subclasses in each subclass.

How to create a HyperHTML custom element extended from HTMLButtonElement

I would like to have a semantic named custom element that extends from button: like fab-button
class FabButton extends HTMLButtonElement {
constructor() {
this.html = hyperHTML.bind(this);
customElements.define("fab-button", FabButton);
Extending for HTMLButtonElement doesn't seem to work.
Is there a way to extend from a non-HTMLElement with the HyperHTML "document-register-element.js"?
Codepen example:
It's difficult to answer this, because it's tough to understand where to start from.
The TL;DR solution though, is here, but it needs a lot of explanations.
Extending built-ins is a ghost in the Web specs
It doesn't matter what WHATWG says, built-ins are a de-facto death specification because Webkit strongly opposed to it and Firefox, as well as Edge, that never even shipped Custom Elements, didn't push to have them neither.
Accordingly, as starting point, it's discouraged to extend built-ins with Custom Elements V1 specification.
You might have luck with V0 though, but that's only Chrome API and it's already one of those APIs created to die (R.I.P. WebSQL).
My polyfill follows specs by definition
The document-register-element polyfill, born with V0 but revamped with V1, follows specifications as close as possible, which is why it makes extending built-ins possible, because WHATWG still has that part in.
That also means you need to understand how extending built-ins works.
It is not by defining a simple class that extends HTMLButtonElement that you get a button, you need to do at least three extra things:
// define via the whole signature
{extends: 'button'}
... but also ... allow the polyfill to work
// constructor might receive an instance
// and such instance is the upgraded one
constructor(...args) {
const self = super(...args);
self.html = hyperHTML.bind(self);
return self;
and most important, its most basic representation on the page would be like this
<button is="fab-button">+</button>
Bear in mind, with ES6 classes super(...args) would always return the current context. It's there to grant super constructors didn't return other instances as upgraded objects.
The constructor is not your friend
As harsh as it sounds, Custom Elements constructors work only with Shadow DOM and addEventListener, but nothing else, really.
When an element is created is not necessarily upgraded yet. in fact, it won't be, most likely, upgraded.
There are at least 2 bugs filed to every browser and 3 inconsistent behaviors about Custom Elements initialization, but your best bet is that once connectedCallback is invoked, you really have the custom element node content.
connectedCallback() {
this.slots = [...this.childNodes];
In that way you are sure you actually render the component once live on the DOM, and not when there is not even a content.
I hope I've answered your question in a way that also warns you to go away from custom elements built-ins if that's the beginning of a new project: they are unfortunately not a safe bet for the future of your application.
Best Regards.

AS3 targeting controller class variable using string

I'm looking for a way of condensing some of my AS3 code to avoid almost duplicate commands.
The issue is that I have multiple variables with almost the same name e.g. frenchLanguage, englishLanguage, germanLanguage, spanishLanguage
My Controller class contains public static variables (these are accessed across multiple classes) and I need a way to be able to call a few of these variables dynamically. If the variables are in the class you are calling them from you can do this to access them dynamically:
In AS3 it's not possible to write something like:
Is there any way to achieve this? Although everything is working I want to be able to keep my code as minimal as possible.
It is possible to access public static properties of a class this way (assuming the class name is Controller as in your example:
I'm not sure how this helps to have "minimal code", but this would be a different topic/question, which might need some more details on what you want to achive.
Having said that, I like the approach DodgerThud suggests in the comments of grouping similar values in a (dynamic) Object or Dictonary and give it a proper name.
Keep in mind, that if the string you pass in as the key to the class or dynamic object is created from (textual) user input you should have some checks for the validity of that data, otherwise your programm might crash or expose other fields to the user.
It would make sense to utilize a Dictionary object for a set of variables inherited: it provides a solid logic and it happens to work...
I do not think this is what you are trying to accomplish. I may be wrong.
Classes in AS3 are always wrapped within a package - this is true whether you have compiled from Flash, Flex, Air, or any other...
Don't let Adobe confuse you. This was only done in AS3 to use Java-Based conventions. Regardless, a loosely typed language is often misunderstood, unfortunately. So:
... is technically reliable because the compiler avoids dot notation but at runtime it will collect a lot of unnecessary data to maintain those types of calls.
If efficiency becomes an issue..
package packages {
import flash.*.*:
class This implements ISpecialInterface {
// Data Objects and Function Model
// for This Class
package packages {
class ISpecialInterface extends IEventDispatcher

Is it ok to put methods/fields to base class that will only be used by some of the derived classes

This is a bit of a generic software design question. Suppose you have a base class and lots of classes that derive from it (around 10).
There is some common functionality that is being shared between some of the classes (3-4 of derived classes need it). Basically a field for a UI control, an abstract method to create a UI control and the common code that uses the abstract method to recycle the UI piece (8-9 lines of code) using the abstract method. Something like this:
class BaseClass {
protected UIControl control;
protected abstract UIControl CreateUI();
protected void RecycleUI() {
if (/* some condition is met */) {
if (this.control != null) {
this.control = this.CreateUI();
Do you think it is OK to put this to base class instead of replicating the code in derived classes.
Drawback is that this piece of code is only used for some of the base classes and completely irrelevant for the other classes.
One alternative is to create an intermediate class that derives from BaseClass and use it as the base to the ones that need the functionality. I felt like creating a derived class for a couple line of code for a very specific purpose felt heavy. It doesn't feel like it is worth interrupting the inheritance tree for this. We try to keep the hierarchy as simple as possible so that it is easy to follow and understand the inheritance tree. Maybe if this was C++ where multiple inheritance is an option, it wouldn't be a big issue but multiple inheritance is not available.
Another option is to create a utility method and an interface to create/update the UI control:
interface UIContainer {
UIControl CreateUIControl();
UIControl GetUIControl();
void SetUIControl(UIControl control);
class UIControlUtil {
public void RecycleUI(UIContainer container) {
if (/* some condition is met */) {
if (container.GetUIControl() != null) {
UIControl control = container.CreateUI();
I don't like this option because it bleeds UI logic externally which is less secure as its UI state can be manipulated externally. Also derived classes have to implement getter/setter now. One advantage is that there is another class outside of the aforementioned inheritance tree and it needs this functionality and it can use this utility function as well.
Do you have any other suggestions? Should I just suppress the urges that brew inside me to have common code not repeated?
One alternative is to create an intermediate class that derives from
BaseClass and use it as the base to the ones that need the
Well, this is what I thought is the most appropriate. But it depends. The main question here is the following: are objects, that require UI recycling and really different from those, that do not? If they are really different, you have to create a new base class for them. If difference is really negligible, I think it's ok to leave things in a base class.
Do not forget about LSP.
We try to keep the hierarchy as simple as possible so that it is easy
to follow and understand the inheritance tree
I think more important here is to keep things not only simple, but also close to your real world things so that modeling new entities would be easy. Seeming easiness now may cause real troubles in the future.

Single Responsibility Principle: do all public methods in a class have to use all class dependencies?

Say I have a class that looks like the following:
internal class SomeClass
IDependency _someDependency;
internal string SomeFunctionality_MakesUseofIDependency()
And then I want to add functionality that is related but makes use of a different dependency to achieve its purpose. Perhaps something like the following:
internal class SomeClass
IDependency _someDependency;
IDependency2 _someDependency2;
internal string SomeFunctionality_MakesUseofIDependency()
internal string OtherFunctionality_MakesUseOfIDependency2()
When I write unit tests for this new functionality (or update the unit tests that I have for the existing functionality), I find myself creating a new instance of SomeClass (the SUT) whilst passing in null for the dependency that I don't need for the particular bit of functionality that I'm looking to test.
This seems like a bad smell to me but the very reason why I find myself going down this path is because I found myself creating new classes for each piece of new functionality that I was introducing. This seemed like a bad thing as well and so I started attempting to group similar functionality together.
My question: should all dependencies of a class be consumed by all its functionality i.e. if different bits of functionality use different dependencies, it is a clue that these should probably live in separate classes?
When every instance method touches every instance variable then the class is maximally cohesive. When no instance method shares an instance variable with any other, the class is minimally cohesive. While it is true that we like cohesion to be high, it's also true that the 80-20 rule applies. Getting that last little increase in cohesion may require a mamoth effort.
In general if you have methods that don't use some variables, it is a smell. But a small odor is not sufficient to completely refactor the class. It's something to be concerned about, and to keep an eye on, but I don't recommend immediate action.
Does SomeClass maintain an internal state, or is it just "assembling" various pieces of functionality? Can you rewrite it that way:
internal class SomeClass
internal string SomeFunctionality(IDependency _someDependency)
internal string OtherFunctionality(IDependency2 _someDependency2)
In this case, you may not break SRP if SomeFunctionality and OtherFunctionality are somehow (functionally) related which is not apparent using placeholders.
And you have the added value of being able to select the dependency to use from the client, not at creation/DI time. Maybe some tests defining use cases for those methods would help clarifying the situation: If you can write a meaningful test case where both methods are called on same object, then you don't break SRP.
As for the Facade pattern, I have seen it too many times gone wild to like it, you know, when you end up with a 50+ methods class... The question is: Why do you need it? For efficiency reasons à la old-timer EJB?
I usually group methods into classes if they use a shared piece of state that can be encapsulated in the class. Having dependencies that aren't used by all methods in a class can be a code smell but not a very strong one. I usually only split up methods from classes when the class gets too big, the class has too many dependencies or the methods don't have shared state.
My question: should all dependencies of a class be consumed by all its functionality i.e. if different bits of functionality use different dependencies, it is a clue that these should probably live in separate classes?
It is a hint, indicating that your class may be a little incoherent ("doing more than just one thing"), but like you say, if you take this too far, you end up with a new class for every piece of new functionality. So you would want to introduce facade objects to pull them together again (it seems that a facade object is exactly the opposite of this particular design rule).
You have to find a good balance that works for you (and the rest of your team).
Looks like overloading to me.
You're trying to do something and there's two ways to do it, one way or another. At the SomeClass level, I'd have one dependency to do the work, then have that single dependent class support the two (or more) ways to do the same thing, most likely with mutually exclusive input parameters.
In other words, I'd have the same code you have for SomeClass, but define it as SomeWork instead, and not include any other unrelated code.
A Facade is used when you want to hide complexity (like an interface to a legacy system) or you want to consolidate functionality while being backwards compatible from an interface perspective.
The key in your case is why you have the two different methods in the same class. Is the intent to have a class which groups together similar types of behavior even if it is implemented through unrelated code, as in aggregation. Or, are you attempting to support the same behavior but have alternative implementations depending on the specifics, which would be a hint for a inheritance/overloading type of solution.
The problem will be whether this class will continue to grow and in what direction. Two methods won't make a difference but if this repeats with more than 3, you will need to decide whether you want to declare it as a facade/adapter or that you need to create child classes for the variations.
Your suspicions are correct but the smell is just the wisp of smoke from a burning ember. You need to keep an eye on it in case it flares up and then you need to make a decision as how you want to quench the fire before it burns out of control.