PowerShell Cmdlets .length attribute for one element result - powershell

I am using a Cmdlet which can return one or more elements:
PS C:\Users\admin> $x = Get-myObjects
PS C:\Users\admin> $x
ComputerName : test-2
Description : n/a
Id : cbcb1ece-99f5-4478-9f02-65a622df8a98
IsActive :
MinNum : 0
Name : scom-test2-mp
modeType : 1
PSComputerName :
If I use length attribute I get nothing.
PS C:\Users\admin> $x.length
PS C:\Users\admin>
Yet, if the Get-myObjects cmdlet returns 2 or more, then it is a collection and I can get .length attribute.
How can I get the .length to work if the Get-myObjects cmdlet returns a single object for one object value?

You can always force the result into an array, either when assigning the return value of your cmdlet to a variable:
$x = #(Get-myObjects)
or "on-demand":
$x = Get-myObjects

Use the Measure-Object cmdlet. It's a little clunky here because you can't just get the count in an elegant way.
$x = Get-myObjects
$x | measure-object
Count : 1
Average :
Sum :
Maximum :
Minimum :
Property :
If you just want the count:
$x | measure-object | select -ExpandProperty Count

I noticed that in this case it is better to use the foreach loop of powershell.
reference of logical loops in PowerShell
foreach($i in $x)
Write-Host $i.Name
The above example works for both when $x has one element or more.


Powershell Select-String: Get results by named regex group

I have this Select-String using a regex containing a named group
$m=Select-String -pattern '(?<mylabel>error \d*)' -InputObject 'Some text Error 5 some text'
Select-String does its job:
PS > $m.Matches.groups
Groups : {0, mylabel}
Success : True
Name : 0
Captures : {0}
Index : 10
Length : 7
Value : Error 5
Success : True
Name : mylabel
Captures : {mylabel}
Index : 10
Length : 7
Value : Error 5
I can get the value of the matching named group by using the index of the group, no problem:
PS > $m.Matches.groups[1].Value
Error 5
But I have no success in getting the same result by using the named regex group (mylabel). I found statements like $m.Matches.groups["mylabel"].Value but that doesn't work on my machines (W10/W2012, PS 5.1)
You got one correct answer in the comment above, but here is how to do it without using the 0 match index:
$m.Matches.groups | ? { $_.Name -eq 'mylabel' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value

How do I iterate through JSON array in powershell

How do I iterate through JSON array which is converted to PSCustomObject with ConvertFrom-JSON? Using foreach does not work.
$jsonArray ='[{"privateKeyLocation" : "C:\\ProgramData\\docker\\certs.d\\key.pem"},
{"publicKeyLocation" : "C:\\ProgramData\\docker\\certs.d\\cert.pem"},
{"publicKeyCALocation" : "C:\\ProgramData\\docker\\certs.d\\ca.pem"}]'
$json = convertfrom-json $jsonArray
$json | foreach {$_}
Enumerator though says there are 3 members of array
The problem that you are having is not specific to it being a JSON array, it has to do with how custom objects in an array are displayed by default. The simplest answer is to pipe it to Format-List (or FL for short).
PS C:\Users\TMTech> $JSON|FL
privateKeyLocation : C:\ProgramData\docker\certs.d\key.pem
publicKeyLocation : C:\ProgramData\docker\certs.d\cert.pem
publicKeyCALocation : C:\ProgramData\docker\certs.d\ca.pem
Aside from that, when PowerShell outputs an array of objects it bases the columns that it displays upon the properties of the first object in the array. In your case that object has one property named 'privateKeyLocation', so that is the only column that appears, and since the other two objects do not have that property it does not display anything for them. If you want to keep it as a table you could gather all potential properties, and add them to the first item with null values, and that would allow you to display it as a table, but it still wouldn't look very good:
$json|%{$_.psobject.properties.name}|select -Unique|?{$_ -notin $json[0].psobject.Properties.Name}|%{Add-Member -InputObject $JSON[0] -NotePropertyName $_ -NotePropertyValue $null}
Then you can output as a table and get everything:
PS C:\Users\TMTech> $json
privateKeyLocation publicKeyLocation publicKeyCALocation
------------------ ----------------- -------------------
Edit: To get the value of each object in this case is tricky, because the property that you want to expand keeps changing for each object. There's two ways to do this that I can think of, what I would consider the right way, and then there's the easy way. The right way to do it would be to determine the property that you want to expand, and then reference that property directly:
$JSON |%{
$PropName = $_.PSObject.Properties.Name
That'll do what you want, but I think easier would be to pipe to Format-List, then Out-String, wrap the whole thing in parenthesis, split on new lines and replace everything up to : which should just leave you with the paths you want.
($JSON|FL|Out-String) -split '[\r\n]+' -replace '(?m)^.+ : '|?{$_}
Interesting enough. I responded to this exact question from the same OP on another forum. Though my response was just RegEx and be done with it, with no additional conversion.
Of course there are several ways to do this. The below is just what I came up with.
$jsonArray = '[{"privateKeyLocation" : "C:\\ProgramData\\docker\\certs.d\\key.pem"},
{"publicKeyLocation" : "C:\\ProgramData\\docker\\certs.d\\cert.pem"},
{"publicKeyCALocation" : "C:\\ProgramData\\docker\\certs.d\\ca.pem"}]'
([regex]::Matches($jsonArray,'(?<=\").:\\[^\"]+(?=\")').Value) -replace '\\\\','\' `
| ForEach {
If (Test-Path -Path $_)
{"path $_ found"}
Else {Write-Warning "Path $_ not found"}
WARNING: Path C:\ProgramData\docker\certs.d\key.pem not found
WARNING: Path C:\ProgramData\docker\certs.d\cert.pem not found
WARNING: Path C:\ProgramData\docker\certs.d\ca.pem not found
So, maybe not as elegant as what was posted here, but it would get the OP where they wanted to be.
So, consolidating everything TheMadTechnician gave and what the OP is after, and attempting to make it as concise as possible, would give the OP the below (I added a element to show a positive response):
($jsonArray = #'
[{"privateKeyLocation" : "C:\\ProgramData\\docker\\certs.d\\key.pem"},
{"publicKeyLocation" : "C:\\ProgramData\\docker\\certs.d\\cert.pem"},
{"publicKeyCALocation" : "C:\\ProgramData\\docker\\certs.d\\ca.pem"},
{"publicKeyTestFileLocation" : "D:\\Temp\\test.txt"}]
'# | ConvertFrom-Json | Format-List | Out-String) -split '[\r\n]+' -replace '(?m)^.+ : '`
| Where-Object {$_} | ForEach {
If(Test-Path -Path $_){"The path $_ was found"}
Else{Write-Warning -Message "The path $_ was not found}"}
WARNING: The path C:\ProgramData\docker\certs.d\key.pem was not found}
WARNING: The path C:\ProgramData\docker\certs.d\cert.pem was not found}
WARNING: The path C:\ProgramData\docker\certs.d\ca.pem was not found}
The path D:\Temp\test.txt was found
Which one is more to his liking is a matter of the OP choice of course.
The performance between the two varied on each test run, but the fastest time using the straight RegEx approach was:
Days : 0
Hours : 0
Minutes : 0
Seconds : 0
Milliseconds : 43
Ticks : 439652
TotalDays : 5.08856481481481E-07
TotalHours : 1.22125555555556E-05
TotalMinutes : 0.000732753333333333
TotalSeconds : 0.0439652
TotalMilliseconds : 43.9652
and the fastest on the consolidated version here was:
Days : 0
Hours : 0
Minutes : 0
Seconds : 0
Milliseconds : 54
Ticks : 547810
TotalDays : 6.34039351851852E-07
TotalHours : 1.52169444444444E-05
TotalMinutes : 0.000913016666666667
TotalSeconds : 0.054781
TotalMilliseconds : 54.781
Updating to add iRon's take on this topic
So this...
$jsonArray ='[{"privateKeyLocation" : "C:\\ProgramData\\docker\\certs.d\\key.pem"},
{"publicKeyLocation" : "C:\\ProgramData\\docker\\certs.d\\cert.pem"},
{"publicKeyCALocation" : "C:\\ProgramData\\docker\\certs.d\\ca.pem"}]'
$json = convertfrom-json $jsonArray
$json | ForEach {
$Key = $_.psobject.properties.name;
"Testing for key " + $_.$Key
Test-Path -Path $_.$Key
Testing for key C:\ProgramData\docker\certs.d\key.pem
Testing for key C:\ProgramData\docker\certs.d\cert.pem
Testing for key C:\ProgramData\docker\certs.d\ca.pem
... and this:
('[{"privateKeyLocation" : "C:\\ProgramData\\docker\\certs.d\\key.pem"},
{"publicKeyLocation" : "C:\\ProgramData\\docker\\certs.d\\cert.pem"},
{"publicKeyCALocation" : "C:\\ProgramData\\docker\\certs.d\\ca.pem"}]' `
| convertfrom-json) | ForEach {
$Key = $_.psobject.properties.name;
"Testing for key " + $_.$Key
Test-Path -Path $_.$Key
Testing for key C:\ProgramData\docker\certs.d\key.pem
Testing for key C:\ProgramData\docker\certs.d\cert.pem
Testing for key C:\ProgramData\docker\certs.d\ca.pem
Most simple way, should be like this
$ret ='[your json]'
$ret | ConvertFrom-Json
$data = $ret | ConvertFrom-Json
foreach($data in $ret | ConvertFrom-Json) {
Write-Host $data;
You can index into the array. Check out $json.GetType()
$jsonArray ='[{"privateKeyLocation" : "C:\\ProgramData\\docker\\certs.d\\key.pem"},
{"publicKeyLocation" : "C:\\ProgramData\\docker\\certs.d\\cert.pem"},
{"publicKeyCALocation" : "C:\\ProgramData\\docker\\certs.d\\ca.pem"}]'
$json = convertfrom-json $jsonArray
foreach($i in 0..($json.Count-1)){
$json[$i] | out-host
You can use ForEach-Object i.e:
$json | ForEach-Object -Process { Write-Hoste $_; }
That's I believe the simplest way and gives you easy access to properties if array contains objects with other properties.

Get-Member doesn't show Count member on a (Start-Job) object?

As far as I know Get-Member can display all the members of an object, but I'm seeing a Count member that I can't explain:
PS> $job = start-job {dir c:\ }
PS> $job | get-member -Force -View All -MemberType All | select-string Count
# outputs nothing
PS> $job.Count
Where is the Count member coming from?
This is a synthetic property that was added in V3:
You can now use Count or Length on any object, even if it didn’t have
the property. If the object didn’t have a Count or Length property,
it will will return 1 (or 0 for $null). Objects that have Count or
Length properties will continue to work as they always have.
PS> $a = 42
PS> $a.Count

How to use the "-Property" parameter for PowerShell's "Measure-Object" cmdlet?

Why does
$a = GPS AcroRd32 | Measure
work, when
GPS AcroRd32 | Measure -Property Count
The first example returns a value of 2, which is what I want, an integer.
The second example returns this:
Measure-Object : Property "Count" cannot be found in any object(s) input.
At line:1 char:23
+ GPS AcroRd32 | Measure <<<< -Property Count
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Measure-Object], PSArgumentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : GenericMeasurePropertyNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MeasureObjectCommand
This Scripting Guy entry is where I learned how to use the "Count" Property in the first code sample.
The second code sample is really confusing. In this Script Center reference, the following statement works:
Import-Csv c:\scripts\test.txt | Measure-Object score -ave -max -min
It still works even if it's re-written like so:
Import-Csv c:\scripts\test.txt | Measure-Object -ave -max -min -property score
I don't have too many problems with accepting this until I consider the Measure-Object help page. The parameter definition for -Property <string[]> states:
The default is the Count (Length) property of the object.
If Count is the default, then shouldn't an explicit pass of Count work?
GPS AcroRd32 | Measure -Property Count # Fails
The following provides me the information I need, except it doesn't provide me with an integer to perform operations on, as you'll see:
PS C:\Users\Me> $a = GPS AcroRd32 | Measure
PS C:\Users\Me> $a
Count : 2
Average :
Sum :
Maximum :
Minimum :
Property :
PS C:\Users\Me> $a -is [int]
So, why does Dot Notation ($a.count) work, but not an explicitly written statement (GPS | Measure -Property Count)?
If I'm supposed to use Dot Notation, then I will, but I'd like to take this opportunity to learn more about how and *why PowerShell works this way, rather than just building a perfunctory understanding of PowerShell's syntax. To put it another way, I want to avoid turning into a Cargo Cult Programmer/ Code Monkey.
Because the COUNT property is a property of the OUTPUT object (i.e. results of Measure-Object), not the INPUT object.
The -property parameter specifies which property(ies) of the input objects are to be evaluated. None of these is COUNT unless you pass an array or arrays or something.
I think what you want is something like this:
gps AcroRd32 | measure-object | select -expand Count
One thing you need to know is that in PowerShell generally, and particulary in CmdLets you manipulate objects or collection of objects.
Example: if only one 'AcroRd32' is running Get-Process will return a [System.Diagnostics.Process], if more than one are running it will return a collection of [System.Diagnostics.Process].
In the second case you can write:
(GPS AcroRd32).count
Because a collection has a count property. The duality object collection is also valid in CmdLets parameters that most of the time supports objects or list of objects (collection built with the operator ,).
PS C:\> (gps AcroRd32) -is [object[]]
Just use the Get-Member cmdlet:
PS C:\> (gps AcroRd32) | Get-Member
TypeName: System.Diagnostics.Process
Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
Handles AliasProperty Handles = Handlecount
... ...
PS C:\> Get-Member -InputObject (gps AcroRd32)
TypeName: System.Object[]
Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
Count AliasProperty Count = Length
... ...
If you're just looking for the count you can do the following:
$a = GPS AcroRd32
$a.Count = 2
$a = GPS AcroRd32 sets $a to an array of process objects. The array has a member call, Count, that will allow you to determine the number of elements already.
The Measure-Object commandlet (with alias measure) is used to measure the average, maximum, minimum, and sum values of a property. So you could do something like $a | measure -property Handles -sum and get a count of the total number of open handles.

How to test for $null array in PowerShell

I'm using an array variable in PowerShell 2.0. If it does not have a value, it will be $null, which I can test for successfully:
PS C:\> [array]$foo = $null
PS C:\> $foo -eq $null
But when I give it a value, the test for $null does not return anything:
PS C:\> [array]$foo = #("bar")
PS C:\> $foo -eq $null
PS C:\>
How can "-eq $null" give no results? It's either $null or it's not.
What is the correct way to determine if an array is populated vs. $null?
It's an array, so you're looking for Count to test for contents.
I'd recommend
$foo.count -gt 0
The "why" of this is related to how PSH handles comparison of collection objects
You can reorder the operands:
$null -eq $foo
Note that -eq in PowerShell is not an equivalence relation.
if($foo -eq $null) { "yes" } else { "no" }
help about_comparison_operators
displays help and includes this text:
All comparison operators except the
containment operators (-contains,
-notcontains) and type operators (-is, -isnot) return a Boolean value when the input to the operator (the value
on the left side of the operator) is a
single value (a scalar). When the
input is a collection of values, the
containment operators and the type
operators return any matching values.
If there are no matches in a
collection, these operators do not
return anything. The containment
operators and type operators always
return a Boolean value.
If your solution requires returning 0 instead of true/false, I've found this to be useful:
PS C:\> [array]$foo = $null
PS C:\> ($foo | Measure-Object).Count
This operation is different from the count property of the array, because Measure-Object is counting objects. Since there are none, it will return 0.
The other answers address the main thrust of the question, but just to comment on this part...
PS C:\> [array]$foo = #("bar")
PS C:\> $foo -eq $null
PS C:\>
How can "-eq $null" give no results? It's either $null or it's not.
It's confusing at first, but that is giving you the result of $foo -eq $null, it's just that the result has no displayable representation.
Since $foo holds an array, $foo -eq $null means "return an array containing the elements of $foo that are equal to $null". Are there any elements of $foo that are equal to $null? No, so $foo -eq $null should return an empty array. That's exactly what it does, the problem is that when an empty array is displayed at the console you see...nothing...
PS> #()
The array is still there, even if you can't see its elements...
PS> #().GetType()
IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType
-------- -------- ---- --------
True True Object[] System.Array
PS> #().Length
We can use similar commands to confirm that $foo -eq $null is returning an array that we're not able to "see"...
PS> $foo -eq $null
PS> ($foo -eq $null).GetType()
IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType
-------- -------- ---- --------
True True Object[] System.Array
PS> ($foo -eq $null).Length
PS> ($foo -eq $null).GetValue(0)
Exception calling "GetValue" with "1" argument(s): "Index was outside the bounds of the array."
At line:1 char:1
+ ($foo -eq $null).GetValue(0)
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : IndexOutOfRangeException
Note that I am calling the Array.GetValue method instead of using the indexer (i.e. ($foo -eq $null)[0]) because the latter returns $null for invalid indices and there's no way to distinguish them from a valid index that happens to contain $null.
We see similar behavior if we test for $null in/against an array that contains $null elements...
PS> $bar = #($null)
PS> $bar -eq $null
PS> ($bar -eq $null).GetType()
IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType
-------- -------- ---- --------
True True Object[] System.Array
PS> ($bar -eq $null).Length
PS> ($bar -eq $null).GetValue(0)
PS> $null -eq ($bar -eq $null).GetValue(0)
PS> ($bar -eq $null).GetValue(0) -eq $null
PS> ($bar -eq $null).GetValue(1)
Exception calling "GetValue" with "1" argument(s): "Index was outside the bounds of the array."
At line:1 char:1
+ ($bar -eq $null).GetValue(1)
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : IndexOutOfRangeException
In this case, $bar -eq $null returns an array containing one element, $null, which has no visual representation at the console...
PS> #($null)
PS> #($null).GetType()
IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType
-------- -------- ---- --------
True True Object[] System.Array
PS> #($null).Length
How do you want things to behave?
If you want arrays with no elements to be treated the same as unassigned arrays, use:
[array]$foo = #() #example where we'd want TRUE to be returned
#($foo).Count -eq 0
If you want a blank array to be seen as having a value (albeit an empty one), use:
[array]$foo = #() #example where we'd want FALSE to be returned
$foo.PSObject -eq $null
If you want an array which is populated with only null values to be treated as null:
[array]$foo = $null,$null
#($foo | ?{$_.PSObject}).Count -eq 0
NB: In the above I use $_.PSObject over $_ to avoid [bool]$false, [int]0, [string]'', etc from being filtered out; since here we're focussed solely on nulls.
Watch out for switch. It will never run with a null array, for example as the output of an empty directory.
switch ( $null ) { default { 'yes' } }
switch ( #() ) { default { 'yes' } } # no output
mkdir foo
switch ( dir foo ) { default { 'yes' } } # no output
Not all of these answers work for me. I ended up doing this, treating it like a boolean.
$foo = #()
if (! $foo) { 'empty array' }
empty array
Actually, I came across an arraylist inside an object.
[pscustomobject]#{config = [Collections.ArrayList]#()} | ? { ! $_.config }