In Perl, why does variable interpolation fail for a hexadecimal escape sequence? - perl

In Perl, if I run the code:
print "Literal Hex: \x{50} \n";
I get this: "Literal Hex: P"
However, if I run the code:
my $hex_num = 50;
print "Interpolated Hex: \x{$hex_num}";
The variable does not interpolate properly and I get this: "Interpolated Hex:"
Similar failure results when I attempt to use variable interpolation in unicode and octal escape sequences.
Is it possible to use escape sequences (e.g. \x, \N) with interpolated string variables? I was under the impression that a $variable contained within double quotes is always interpolated, but is this the exception?
Note: Thanks to this question, I am aware of the workaround: chr(hex($hex_num)), but my above questions regarding variable interpolation for escape sequences still stand.

Interpolation is not recursive, everything is interpolated just once, from left to right. Therefore, when \x{$hex} is being processed, the following applies (cited from perlop):
If there are no valid digits between the braces, the generated character is the NULL
character ("\x{00}").
Zero is really there:
perl -MO=Deparse -e '$h=50;print "<\x{$h}>"'
$h = 50;
print "<\000>";
-e syntax OK

You should put in your variable the complete scape sequence:
my $hex_num = "\x50";
print "Interpolated Hex: $hex_num", "\n";

The issue I had was adding an escaped var into another variable such as:
$MYVAR = "20";
$myQuery = "\x02\x12\x10\x$MYVAR\x10";
Tried a number of \\x, \Q\x and various other escape sequences to no avail!!!
My workaround was not a direct escape but converting the var prior to adding to the string.
$MYVAR = chr(hex(20));
Did quite a bit of searching for a direct regex solution but had to run with this in the end.


Perl: quoting correctly all special characters [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I prevent Perl from interpreting double-backslash as single-backslash character?
(3 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have this sample string, containing 2 backslashes. Please don't ask me for the source of the string, it is just a sample string.
my $string = "use Ppppp\\Ppppp;";
print $string;
Both, double quotes or quotes will print
use Ppppp\Ppppp;
my $string = "\Quse Ppppp\\Ppppp;\E";
print $string;
will print
use\ Ppppp\\Ppppp\;
adding those extra backslashes to the output.
Is there a simple solution in perl to display the string "literally", without modifying the string like adding extra backslashes to escape?
I have this sample string, containing 2 backslashes. ...
my $string = "use Ppppp\\Ppppp;";
Sorry, but you're mistaken - that string only contains one backslash*, as \\ is a escape sequence in double-quoted (and single-quoted) strings that produces a single backslash. See also "Quote and Quote-like Operators" in perlop. If your string really does contain two backslashes, then you need to write "use Ppppp\\\\Ppppp;", or use a heredoc, as in:
chomp( my $string = <<'ENDSTR' );
use Ppppp\\Ppppp;
If you want the string output as valid Perl source code (using its escaping), then you can use one of several options:
my $string = "use Ppppp\\Ppppp;";
# option 1
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper($string);
# option 2
use Data::Dump;
dd $string;
# option 3
use B;
print B::perlstring($string);
Each one of these will print "use Ppppp\\Ppppp;". (There are of course other modules available too. Personally I like Data::Dump. Data::Dumper is a core module.)
Using one of these modules is also the best way to verify what your $string variable really contains.
If that still doesn't fit your needs: A previous edit of your question said "How can I escape correctly all special characters including backslash?" - you'd have to specify a full list of which characters you consider special. You could do something like this, for example:
use 5.014; # for s///r
my $string = "use Ppppp\\Ppppp;";
print $string=~s/(?=[\\])/\\/gr;
That'll print $string with backslashes doubled, without modifying $string. You can also add more characters to the regex character class to add backslashes in front of those characters as well.
* Update: So I don't sound too pedantic here: of course the Perl source code contains two backslashes. But there is a difference between the literal source code and what the Perl string ends up containing, the same way that the string "Foo\nBar" contains a newline character instead of the two literal characters \ and n.
For the sake of completeness, as already discussed in the comments: \Q\E (aka quotemeta) is primarily meant for escaping any special characters that may be special to regular expressions (all ASCII characters not matching /[A-Za-z_0-9]/), which is why it is also escaping the spaces and semicolon.
Since you mention external files: If you are reading a line such as use Ppppp\\Ppppp; from an external file, then the Perl string will contain two backslashes, and if you print it, it will also show two backslashes. But if you wanted to represent that string as Perl source code, you have to write "use Ppppp\\\\Ppppp;" (or use one of the other methods from the question you linked to).

Cannot get correct return value in sprintf function call

My problem is that the return value im printing is not being translated into a value.
I have the following code in a test file.
#!/usr/bin/perl -I/srv/www/jonathan/m/www
my $var = sprintf("$%.1f lbs",(77*2.20462));
print $var;
Its returning: 0.1f instead of the value i need to see.
What am i doing incorrectly here? I'm a perl newbie.
Your problem is that Perl interprets "$%.1f" as the variable $% followed by ".1f". $% is a special Perl variable containing "The current page number of the currently selected output channel" (see perlvar) and that has the value 0, so what gets printed is the string "0.1f".
There are a few ways round this.
You can remove the dollar sign: sprintf("%.1f lbs",(77*2.20462)). But that changes the string that you display.
You can escape the dollar to tell Perl that it's not special: sprintf("\$%.1f lbs",(77*2.20462)).
But I think there's a better solution. Perl treats dollar signs as special characters in double-quoted strings. But there's no reason for your string to be double-quoted. So just change your format string to use single quotes: sprintf('$%.1f lbs',(77*2.20462)).
That last one is the solution I'd use.
Perl uses dolar($) symbol to declare a scalar variable, you need to remove the $ symbol from the sprintf.
corrected code
my $var = sprintf("%.1f lbs",(77*2.20462));
print $var;
169.8 lbs

Behavior of . and , operators in Perl for concatenation and parsing

I was trying to play with the . and , operators in Perl and got something weird which I was unable to figure out:
If I run this:
print hello . this,isatest, program
the output is:
What I could understand is that it is treating both the text before and after the dot operator as string and concatenating them.
But what about the commas? Why is it getting omitted and not concatenated?
First period (.) is treated as concatenation operator. Subsequent commas separate multiple parameters of print. The result is the same - all parts are concatenated. If you want to print literal commas, enclose this,isatest, program in quotes - "this,isatest, program" to form single argument.
I think this is what you want:
perl -e 'print "hello"." this,isatest,program"."\n"'
Run above code and check the output. If it gives you desired output then I guess we have an explanation.

Perl string sub

I want to replace something with a path like C:\foo, so I:
But that is invalid.
Do I need to escape some chars?
Two problems that I can see.
Your first problem is that your s/// replacement is not terminated:
s/hello/c:\foo # fatal syntax error: "Substitution replacement not terminated"
s/hello/c:\foo/ # syntactically okay
s!hello!c:\foo! # also okay, and more readable with backslashes (IMHO)
Your second problem, the one you asked about, is that the \f is taken as a form feed escape sequence (ASCII 0x0C), just as it would be in double quotes, which is not what you want.
You may either escape the backslash, or let variable interpolation "hide" the problem:
s!hello!c:\\foo! # This will do what you want. Note double backslash.
my $replacement = 'c:\foo' # N.B.: Using single quotes here, not double quotes
s!hello!$replacement!; # This also works
Take a look at the treatment of Quote and Quote-like Operators in perlop for more information.
If I understand what you're asking, then this might be something like what you're after:
$path = "hello/there";
$path =~ s/hello/c:\\foo/;
print "$path\n";
To answer your question, yes you do need to double the backslash because \f is an escape sequence for "form feed" in a Perl string.
The problem is that you are not escaping special characters:
would solve your problem. \ is a special character so you need to escape it. {}[]()^$.|*+?\ are meta (special) characterss which you need to escape.
Additional reference:

How do I escape special characters for a substitution in a Perl one-liner?

Is there some way to replace a string such as #or * or ? or & without needing to put a "\" before it?
perl -pe 'next if /^#/; s/\#d\&/new_value/ if /param5/' test
In this example I need to replace a #d& with new_value but the old value might contain any character, how do I escape only the characters that need to be escaped?
You have several problems:
You are using \b incorrectly
You are replacing code with shell variables
You need to quote metacharacters
From perldoc perlre
A word boundary ("\b") is a spot between two characters that has a "\w" on one side of it
Neither of the characters # or & are \w characters. So your match is guaranteed to fail. You may want to use something like s/(^|\s)\#d\&(\s|$)/${1}new text$2/
(^|\s) says to match either the start of the string (^)or a whitespace character (\s).
(\s|$) says to match either the end of the string ($) or a whitespace character (\s).
To solve the second problem, you should use %ENV.
To solve the third problem, you should use the \Q and \E escape sequences to escape the value in $ENV{a}.
Putting it all together we get:
export a='#d&'
export b='new text'
echo 'param5 #d&' |
perl -pe 'next if /^#/; s/(^|\s)\Q$ENV{a}\E(\s|$)/$1$ENV{b}$2/ if /param5/'
Which prints
param5 new text
As discussed at perldoc perlre:
...Today it is more common to use the quotemeta() function or the "\Q" metaquoting
escape sequence to disable all metacharacters' special meanings like this:
Beware that if you put literal backslashes (those not inside interpolated variables) between "\Q" and "\E", double-quotish backslash interpolation may
lead to confusing results. If you need to use literal backslashes within "\Q...\E", consult "Gory details of parsing quoted constructs" in perlop.
You can also use a ' as the delimiter in the s/// operation to make everything be parsed literally:
my $text = '#';
$text =~ s'#'1';
print $text;
In your example, you can do (note the single quotes):
perl -pe 's/\b\Q#f&\E\b/new_value/g if m/param5/ and not /^ *#/'
The other answers have covered the question, now here's your meta-problem: Leaning Toothpick Syndrome. Its when the delimiter and escapes start to blur together:
The solution is to use a different delimiter. You can use just about anything, but balanced braces work best. Most editors can parse them and you generally don't have to worry about escaping.
Here's your regex with braced delimiters.
Much easier on the eyeholes.
If you really want to avoid typing the \s, put your search string into a variable and then use that in your regex instead. You don't need quotemeta or \Q ... \E in that case. For example:
my $s = '#d&';
If you must use this in a one-liner, bear in mind that you will have to escape the $s if you use "s to contain your perl code, or escape the 's if you use 's to contain your perl code.
If you have a string like
my $var1 = abc$123
and you want to replace it with abcd then you have to use \Q \E. If you don't then no matter what perl doesn't replace the string.
This is the only thing that worked for me.
my $var2 = s/\Q$var1\E/abcd/g;