Overriding members and lazy val - scala

I found this explanation on how to propagate overriden member values to superclass constructors by using lazy val. Unfortunately, the article does not explain why this works.
I understand than non-lazy values cannot be assigned twice and that therefore, no value is available in a super constructor since the value assignment in the super class constructor must be skiped in order to not lock the variable to another value. However, how can the println statement - which is executed in the super constructor, i.e. before the new lazy value is asigned - already know about this new value? Am I confusing something about the execution order? Or is println somehow only evaluating its argument after the object is constructed?

It's pretty simple. You just should note that all fields and lazy fields are getter methods.
val getter returns value of private[this] field. private[this] field assignment is located in primary constructor:
class Test {
val field = 1
means something like this:
class Test {
private[this] val _field: Int = _
def field = _field
{ // constructor
_field = 1
So before constructor field returns default value.
lazy val evaluates block of code using double check lock and than returns result:
class Test {
lazy val field = 1
means something like this:
class Test {
private[this] val _field: Int = _
#volatile private[this] val _flag: Boolean = _
def field = {
if (! _flag) {
synchronized {
if (! _flag) {
_field = 1 // code block
_flag = true
So lazy val has nothing with constructor, you'll get same result before and after constructor.
You could check this using scalac -Xprint:mixin test.scala.


Scala fails to initialize a val

I have found kind of a weirdness in the following Scala program (sorry to include all the code, but you'll see why I added it all) :
object md2html extends App {
private val VALID_OPTIONS = Set("editorTheme", "logo", "style")
try {
// some code 1
} catch {
case t: Throwable => t.printStackTrace(); exitWithError(t.getMessage)
// some code 2 (method definitions only)
private def parseOption(key: String, value: String) = {
println(key + " " + VALID_OPTIONS)
if (! Set("theme","editorTheme", "logo", "style").contains(key)) exitWithError(s"$key is not a valid option")
if (key == "theme") Themes(value).toMap else Map(key.drop(2) -> value)
// some code 3 (method definitions only)
If VALID_OPTIONS is defined after one of the some code..., it is evaluated to null in parseOption. I can see no good reason for that. I truncated the code for clarity, but if some more code is required I'll be happy to add it.
EDIT : I looked a bit more into it, and here is what I found.
When extending App, the val is not initialized with this code
object Test extends App {
def printTest = println(test)
val test = "test"
With a regular main method, it works fine :
object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
def printTest = println(test)
val test = "test"
I had overseen that you use extends App. This is another pitfall in Scala, unfortunately:
object Foo extends App {
val bar = "bar"
Foo.bar // null!
Foo.bar // now initialized
The App trait defers the object's initialization to the invocation of the main method, so all the vals are null until the main method has been called.
In summary, the App trait and vals do not mix well. I have fallen into that trap many times. If you use App, avoid vals, if you have to use global state, use lazy vals instead.
Constructor bodies, and this goes for singleton objects as well, are evaluated strictly top to bottom. This is a common pitfall in Scala, unfortunately, as it becomes relevant where the vals are defined if they are referenced in other places of the constructor.
object Foo {
val rab = useBar // oops, involuntarily referring to uninitialized val
val bar = "bar"
def useBar: String = bar.reverse
Foo // NPE
Of course, in a better world, the Scala compiler would either disallow the above code, re-order the initialization, or at least warn you. But it doesn't...

How does scala.Enumeration.nextName get the identifier text?

scala.Enumerator.nextName and .nextNameOrNull currently read:
/** The string to use to name the next created value. */
protected var nextName: Iterator[String] = _
private def nextNameOrNull =
if (nextName != null && nextName.hasNext) nextName.next() else null
nextNameOrNull is subsequently called to get the name to use for the item being created in the Enumeration.
How does this code actually achieve this?
When I copy-paste it into a simple example:
class MyBaseClass extends Serializable {
/** The string to use to name the next created value. */
protected var nextName: Iterator[String] = _
private def nextNameOrNull =
if (nextName != null && nextName.hasNext) nextName.next() else null
protected final def Value(): Val = Val(nextNameOrNull)
case class Val(name:String)
object MyObject extends MyBaseClass {
val myValue = Value
println("Hello from MyObject, myValue: " + myValue)
it prints: Hello from MyObject, myValue: Val(null) instead of the hoped for Val(myValue)
What do I need to add to make it work?
In Scala JVM, Enumeration uses reflection to get the name of the val to which a Value was assigned to if nextNameOrNull returns null.
In Scala.js, we do not have this luxury (no reflection support). Therefore, the Scala.js compiler special cases scala.Enumeration, so that code that uses it can work.
If you want to implement some method that knows the name of the val it is assigned to, have a look at sbt's project macro. Scala's Enumerations could have been implemented that way starting 2.10, but are older.
nextNameOrNull isn't not working anymore even for original Scala - as passing a sequence of names to constructor is deprecated and removed.
Here is the execution for 2.11.2 using original scala's Enumeration (not the replaced one from scala-js):
scala> object MyObject extends Enumeration {
| val MyValue1, MyValue2 = Value
| println("nextName: " + nextName)
| }
defined object MyObject
scala> MyObject
nextName: null //still null
In 2.10.x nextName used inside one of constructor to specify names explicitly as sequence (which is removed in 2.11.x):
#deprecated("Names should be specified individually or discovered via reflection", "2.10.0")
def this(initial: Int, names: String*) = {
this.nextName = names.iterator
Now this constructor is removed and nextName is just a dead code. Scala uses populateNameMap() to provide names for nameOf (if they're not specified:
private def populateNameMap() {
val fields = getClass.getDeclaredFields
def isValDef(m: JMethod) = fields exists (fd => fd.getName == m.getName && fd.getType == m.getReturnType)
// The list of possible Value methods: 0-args which return a conforming type
val methods = getClass.getMethods filter (m => m.getParameterTypes.isEmpty &&
classOf[Value].isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType) &&
m.getDeclaringClass != classOf[Enumeration] &&
methods foreach { m =>
val name = m.getName
// invoke method to obtain actual `Value` instance
val value = m.invoke(this).asInstanceOf[Value]
// verify that outer points to the correct Enumeration: ticket #3616.
if (value.outerEnum eq thisenum) {
val id = Int.unbox(classOf[Val] getMethod "id" invoke value)
nmap += ((id, name))
So it uses reflection by default. You can explicitly specify the name for every value as it's described here.
I think same for ScalaJs, excluding that it has no populateNameMap() method as there is no such kind of reflection for JavaScript - so result for non-explicitly named parameters is:
override def toString() =
if (name != null) name //only if you did `Value("explicitName")` somwhere inside enumeration
// Scala.js specific
else s"<Unknown name for enum field #$i of class ${getClass}>"
But again, nextNameOrNull is dead in both Scala and Scala-Js - it always returns null.

"Error occurred in an application involving default arguments" when trying to use Scala's copy method

I'm trying to write a convenience function that replaces the left tree of an immutable binary tree, and I'm getting "Error occurred in an application involving default arguments" in the following replaceL method:
abstract class AbNode {
val key = null
val value = null
val leftTree:AbNode = NullNode
val rightTree:AbNode = NullNode
case class Node[K <:Ordered[K],V](k:K, v:V, lT:AbNode, rT:AbNode) extends AbNode {
val key:K = k
val value:V = v
val leftTree:AbNode = lT
val rightTree:AbNode = rT
object Node {
def replaceL[K <: Ordered[K],V](newTree:AbNode, node:Node[K,V]): Node[K,V] =
node.copy(leftTree = newTree) //<< Error occurs here
case object NullNode extends AbNode {
val key = null
val value = null
val leftTree = NullNode
val rightTree = NullNode
The copy method (and default parameters in general) use the name used in the constructor, not the field name that you assign it to (I don't know why this didn't click sooner).
In the case of a case class, the assigned fields are useless; as far as I can tell, they're simply holding a copy of a reference to the constructor value (not my original intent). I think my confusion stemmed from the fact that in C-style languages, the variables given to a constructor are later assigned to a field. In other words, the way I have my classes set-up is non-sensical, they shouldn't have any fields.
My Node class should be simply:
case class Node[K <:Ordered[K],V](k:K, v:V, leftTree:AbNode, rightTree:AbNode) extends AbNode
Which allows copy to see the value I'm referring to.

How to create a Scala class with private field with public getter, and primary constructor taking a parameter of the same name

Search results so far have led me to believe this is impossible without either a non-primary constructor
class Foo { // NOT OK: 2 extra lines--doesn't leverage Scala's conciseness
private var _x = 0
def this(x: Int) { this(); _x = x }
def x = _x
val f = new Foo(x = 123) // OK: named parameter is 'x'
or sacrificing the name of the parameter in the primary constructor (making calls using named parameters ugly)
class Foo(private var _x: Int) { // OK: concise
def x = _x
val f = new Foo(_x = 123) // NOT OK: named parameter should be 'x' not '_x'
ideally, one could do something like this:
class Foo(private var x: Int) { // OK: concise
// make just the getter public
public x
val f = new Foo(x = 123) // OK: named parameter is 'x'
I know named parameters are a new thing in the Java world, so it's probably not that important to most, but coming from a language where named parameters are more popular (Python), this issue immediately pops up.
So my question is: is this possible? (probably not), and if not, why is such an (in my opinion) important use case left uncovered by the language design? By that, I mean that the code either has to sacrifice clean naming or concise definitions, which is a hallmark of Scala.
P.S. Consider the case where a public field needs suddenly to be made private, while keeping the getter public, in which case the developer has to change 1 line and add 3 lines to achieve the effect while keeping the interface identical:
class Foo(var x: Int) {} // no boilerplate
class Foo { // lots of boilerplate
private var _x: Int = 0
def this(x: Int) { this(); _x = x }
def x = _x
Whether this is indeed a design flaw is rather debatable. One would consider that complicating the syntax to allow this particular use case is not worthwhile.
Also, Scala is after all a predominantly functional language, so the presence of vars in your program should not be that frequent, again raising the question if this particular use case needs to be handled in a special way.
However, it seems that a simple solution to your problem would be to use an apply method in the companion object:
class Foo private(private var _x: Int) {
def x = _x
object Foo {
def apply(x: Int): Foo = new Foo(x)
val f = Foo(x = 3)
Here is a solution similar to what you originally requested, but that changes the naming a bit:
class Foo(initialX: Int) {
private var _x = initialX
def x = _x
val f = new Foo(initialX = 3)
The concept you are trying to express, which is an object whose state is mutable from within the object and yet immutable from the perspective of other objects ... that would probably be expressed as an Akka actor within the context of an actor system. Outside the context of an actor system, it would seem to be a Java conception of what it means to be an object, transplanted to Scala.
import akka.actor.Actor
class Foo(var x: Int) extends Actor {
import Foo._
def receive = {
case WhatIsX => sender ! x
object Foo {
object WhatIsX
Not sure about earlier versions, but In Scala 3 it can easily be implemented like follows:
// class with no argument constructor
class Foo {
// prive field
private var _x: Int = 0
// public getter
def x: Int = _x
// public setter
def x_=(newValue: Int): Unit =
_x = newValue
//auxiliary constructor
def this(value: Int) =
_x = value
Any definition within the primary constructor makes the definition public, unless you prepend it with private modifier
Append _= after a method name with Unit return type to make it a setter
Prepending a constructor parameter neither with val nor with var, makes it private
Then it follows:
val noArgFoo = Foo() // no argument case
println(noArgFoo.x) // the public getter prints 0
val withArgFoo = Foo(5) // with argument case
println(withArgFoo.x) // the public getter prints 5
noArgFoo.x = 100 // use the public setter to update x value
println(noArgFoo.x) // the public getter prints 100
withArgFoo.x = 1000 // use the public setter to update x value
println(withArgFoo.x) // the public getter prints 1000
This solution is exactly what you asked; in a principled way and without any ad hoc workaround e.g. using companion objects and the apply method.

How to start the object

i need help with this code.
object test {
var list : Vector[MyType] = null
object foo extends MyType { // Mytype is a trait
println("TEST ")
def myfunc() { //need to define this as this is there in the trait
// i do some operations
object Bar extends MyType { // Mytype is a trait
println("TEST ")
def myfunc(){
// i do some operations
now i want to go through the list and call myfunc() for all the objects that are extending MyType.
test.list foreach( t2 => t2.myfunc() )
the value's are not getting added to the list. Can someone let me know what i am doing wrong. Its not working. Is there a way to get that print statement working?
Your problem is, that the object is not constructed as a class, so that the code is called automatically. You could do two things. Either you extend App and call main or you write a function.
trait X
object test {
var list = Vector.empty[X]
object Foo extends App with X {
test.list :+= Foo
override def toString() = "Foo"
object Bar extends X {
def add() {
test.list :+= Bar
override def toString() = "Bar"
test.list foreach println
This code prints:
Extending App only adds a main methode to an object, containing all the code in the object.
You need to initialize test with an empty Vector rather than null. The way to do that in Scala is to use the factory method from the Vector object, and let type-inference do its job. For example:
var list = Vector.empty[MyType]
As you get the practice of doing that, you'll find yourself more focused on creating the data than on declaring its type, which in this case would have resolve this error before it happened.
Next the operation
will not update test.list because, since Vector is immmutable, this method just returns a new updated copy and cannot affect the reference of list.
Try instead
test.list = test.list.:+(foo)
// or (with more idiomatic operator notation)
test.list = test.list :+ foo
// or (using syntactic sugar)
test.list :+= foo