UITableView overlaps status bar on iOS7 beta 4 - iphone

Here is a UITableView that worked fine in iOS6 overlapping the status bar in iOS7. What is the best way to solve this problem? Using iOS7 beta 4. This behavior existed since beta 1.
Complain about me disobeying NDA to Apple directly at 800-275-2273 or Stack Overflow at 212-232-8294; or help me solve this problem here which is clearly superior to Apple's forums.

If you're happy to have the "Language" section title to not overlap but don't mind the content overlapping once you scroll past it you can try this in your ViewController's viewDidLoad:
[self.tableView setContentInset:UIEdgeInsetsMake(20,

One answer is described here https://devforums.apple.com/message/830042#830042 (yes, you need to be a paid developer to access it). All answers are various levels of hackery. Given how bad this situation is, there will probably be a different solution in the final version.
As per the rant thread (https://devforums.apple.com/thread/197429?tstart=0 "We all are royally screwed!!!") I do really think Apple should be using its own resources for beta testing rather than leaning on its vendors. In a FOSS project we would call this a community, but Apple is closed so we are vendors.

Starting with iOS 7, this is the expected behavior for a UITableView that's managed by a UITableViewController which is not inside a UINavigationController.


UICollectionView in ios 5

I just learned about UICollectionView after creating the same functionality in a custom class. So I am thinking about using deleting all that code I wrote and just using UICollectionView.
I know my app gets a lot of installs on iOS 5. And I know a lot non tech savvy friends and family still have it installed.
I googled this and it says I can use some other's guys library(another thing I should have known before writing my custom class). But the answer was not definitive.
So my question is, does Apple include a bridge for iOS 5 or will my app just fail if I use UICollectionView?
I have my target deployment set to 5.0 and it is not giving me any warnings.
UICollectionView is iOS6 only. You can include extra code to check for iOS6 and use your custom class on iOS5. But there is no way to use an actual UICollectionView in iOS5.'
Thats what that "other guy's library" does. It has an iOS5 compliant clone of UICollectionView and checks based on the OS which to use.
Maybe you want to try this as an alternative:

IB z-order on simulator 6.0

Consider the above's IB objects listing. Siblings further down the list should be on top of the siblings listed further up when rendered on the screen.
Under Xcode 4.5.2, everything is ok if iphone simulator 5.1 is used. But for simulator 6.0 the map just covers everything. The same if using actual devices (phones) for testing.
Hope that somebody knowledgeable could help.
Please also add comments if you do not (or do) find such a problem on simulator 6.0. Chances are the problem is related to how my project is setup.
Update :
Have setup a new test project with iOS 6 map view myself. There seems to be no problem with z-order at all. So the problem could relate to my code. Unfortunately, quite a lot have already been written, there wouldn't be enough time to go over everything for the time being. I suspect that it has something to do with the rootViewController property. My project initially followed a older scheme in which rootViewController was not used ...
I dont know if that order is reliable at all -- in the past definitly not and I am not conviced it is today :D. (even though apple claims it :D)
see: IPhone Interface Builder: Z-Index, Z-order of a button, image, ui element, etc?
(the 3rd answer currently. 7 votes)
The problem is solved by calling Window's bringSubviewToFront method. But I believe a better and more proper solution can be found given enough time.

UIScrollView as a means of navigation using a container UIViewController in iOS5

I've accomplished a similar setup to this stackoverflow challenge.
Except it seems to break the UIViewControllers, because they don't receive certain messages properly (eg. viewDidAppear)
Further research reveals that the solution rests in iOS5 by using some container UIViewControllers.
Has anyone accomplished this successfully with UIScrollView?
I watched the WWDC2011 video on it and it's still confusing me on how I exactly replace my UIScrollView:subviews with full UIViewControllers. :/
With enough persistence (aka. Googling), and some luck with timing, I solved this challenge by using Tom Fewster's code ("Using UIPageControl as a container UIViewController").
Thank you Tom. :)
I implemented something along these lines a little while ago.
It supports x number of views, as well as overlay views that allow for the tracking, addition and removal of on screen content.
it supports iOS4+ and uses iOS 5 containment when available.

Is iAd Suite (tabbed banner) buggy?

After implementing iAds in my app using the Apple example of the tabbed banner. I noticed that I am getting the "banner has an add but may be obscured warning". So because of my relative noobish status i tried to find my mistake. After much searching I couldn't find an answer, and in desperation, i ran the Apple sample code on its own in the simulator, and it too gives the "banner may be obscured warning". Am I missing something. Is this a bug?
I think iAd gives you the "may be obscured" warning if the iAd is not the frontmost view in the current view hierarchy. I haven't thoroughly tested this assertion though.
If you are using Interface Builder you can bring the iAd to the front by moving it lower down on the list of objects on your view controller. In code you would add the Banner Ad last.
Edit: nix this theory - the message reappeared.
Means banner has a part which is not fully or partly visible.
Search google or stackoverflow there is plenty answers on this question

UISplitview - not from the appdelegate

I am trying to do an IPad app that needs to use UISPlitview. I have found a lot of examples of how to do this but they all come from the starting point of using the AppDelegate. Does anyone have a sample where it is used in the view pushed from a previous view?
In my searches for answers to basic splitviewcontroller questions I have come across your question. It is a little old now but I thought I would provide an answer for the next person that finds the question in the forum.
If I understand your question you have views and at some stage through user selection you would like to display a splitview on the window, is this correct?
You really have to understand the theory of a splitviewcontroller and also the wishes of Apple on that theory. When you understand this you will know that what you want to do is not really (or at least at the beginning of 3.2) what Apple would like. The Splitview should be the rootview of your app. Thus always there and not pushed or added later.
Now if you google long enough you will find examples where people have worked around this. Look at for example "Splitview in tabbarcontroller". But there are others.
As for a nice tutorial or example on this, I have not seen one but there are lots of forum questions and answers of workarounds of doing this.