Use page <title/> in surrounding template in Lift - lift

I know that in my /page.html I can do:
<body class="lift:content_id=main">
<div id="main" class="lift:surround?with=default;at=content">
<title class="lift:head">TITLE_GOES_HERE</title>
... but it would be much more transparent for designers to be able to just put <title/> in the <head/> of a /page.html.
Would it be possible for a <title/> snippet used in /templates-hidden/default.html to somehow read the regular head <title/> in currently used /page.html?

I think the answer is rather "no", because Lift reads only the data inside id="???" in page.html. This is an architecture choice AFAIK.
You should ask on the mailing list, I think, if you propose any changes to the Lift architecture.
BTW, do you know that the title is overridden (inserted) if you use the SiteMap?:


XForms: Possible to modify HTML element attribute ? (I'm using XSLTForms)

Does XForms have a mechanism for manipulating attributes of the resultant HTML?
I guess I mean emitting HTML dynamically and setting the attributes as part of that.
I know that using a xf:repeat - you can effectively emit HTML elements, but I can't work out if this would stretch to attributes?
I'm using XSLTForms as the implementation - so maybe this support hooks for Javascript to do this if there isn't a built-in way?
The reason to ask specifically - I would like to work with the audio element (and some other HTML5 elements).
Yes, it is named AVT for Attribute Value Template. As in XSLT, just wrap XPath expressions into curly braces like in <div class="proto{$myclass}">.
Thanks to the help from Alain Couthures - I was able to put together the following. Sharing in case others find it interesting.
<?xml-stylesheet href="xsltforms/xsltforms.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
<title>Podcast Player</title>
<xf:instance xmlns="">
<xf:instance id="feed" src=""/>
* { font-family: arial; background-color:black; color: white }
<h1><xf:output ref="instance('feed')/channel/title"/></h1>
<blockquote><xf:output ref="instance('feed')/channel/description"/></blockquote>
<xf:select1 ref="url" appearance="full">
<xf:itemset nodeset="instance('feed')/channel/item">
<xf:label ref="title"/>
<xf:value ref="enclosure/#url"/>
<audio src="{url}" controls="true"/>
The relevant bit to this post is the "audio" tag and in particular the "{url}" attribute template.
Here's a screenshot:
For those that wish to try this example, you'll need XSLTForms : , other XForms implementations are available.
Note: save the file with the extension '.xhtml' and place behind a webserver of your choice.
For instance using test HTTP servers: php, python etc.

Declarative support questions

I am trying to add an htmlview (which is using declarative support according to SAP's docs) to an index page that is also using declarative support. Using data-sap-ui-type="ui.MyView" makes me to ask two questions:
Is there any equivalent to sap.ui.localResources in declarative support?
data-ui-type is not adding the view.html suffix to the view that should be laoded. Is there a special pattern for MVC in declarative support or is there currently no way to implement it?
Kind regards,
find some basic samples here:
First of all I believe that you always have to set sap.ui.localResources in code.
As you can see instanciating a HTMLView from an HTMLView goes like this:
<div data-sap-ui-type="sap.ui.core.mvc.HTMLView" id="MyHTMLView" data-view-name="example.mvc.test2"></div>
This will load example.mvc.test2.view.html and place it into your parent view.
Generally speaking the JS API translates into HTMLViews like this:
new sap.ui.AnyControl("myId", {
aLittleProperty: "10",
property: false,
press: functionInMyController,
morePress: a.static.myFunction,
defaultAggregation: [
new sap.ui.OtherControl("otherId1"),
new sap.ui.OtherControl("otherId2")
anotherAggregation: new sap.ui.OtherControl("otherId3")
<div data-sap-ui-type="sap.ui.AnyControl"
<div data-sap-ui-type="sap.ui.OtherControl" id="otherId1"></div>
<div data-sap-ui-type="sap.ui.OtherControl" id="otherId2"></div>
<div data-sap-ui-aggregation="anotherAggregation">
<div data-sap-ui-type="sap.ui.OtherControl" id="otherId3"></div>
Note that:
The id and CSS classes are set with the regular HTML attributes
Property names translate from camelCase to lower-case separated with "-" (due to the fact that HTML is not case-sensitive)
No matter what type the property is you of course have to put it in quotes in HTML
Whatever you put directly inside a HTML-defined control is considered to belong into it's default aggregation

Zend Frameword 2: How to set a html link (img) in a legend of the fieldset?

I used zf2 to design a website.
And the form is something like this:
'label'=> 'title1'))
And finally it shows like this:
Now, I wanna add a link or an image after the title1, for example:
<legend>title1<a href=''>link</a></legend>
How can I do this?
You can't. Well, at least not without overwriting the specific ViewHelper (probably formCollection()). In ZF2 all Labels are run through the Zend\View\Helper\EscapeHtml ViewHelper. Therefore using any sort of HTML inside Labels is not supported in any way.
While going by specification it may be allowed to use inline-elements inside the <legend> Element, semantically it looks a little different. The <legend> shall do nothing but to describe the contents of the <fieldset>.
Anyways, opinions aside, as i've mentioned, you'll have to overwrite the ViewHelper and then skip the use of the EscapeHtml ViewHelper, as it's done in this line of the formCollection() Code

Adding items to a resource restfully using OpenRasta

I'm using OpenRasta to create a Survey application.
I have a SurveyResource that is accessible at /surveys/{id} and editable at /surveys/{id}/edit
I'd now like to add questions to the survey, as that is the point of a survey, but I'm not sure what the most restful way of doing this is and how to set it up in OR.
I'm thinking I should have a QuestionResource (that has details of the question type, question text, etc) and it should be posted to /surveys/{id}/questions and handled by a question handler, but I can't work out how to configure OR.
I've pushed my project onto github at
Can anyone help me?
it depends on the way you want to model your resources. It's perfectly possible that you'd never explicitly provide access to a single question, and would modify the entire survey document, like so:
PUT /surveys/123
<link rel="update" href="/surveys/123" method="PUT"
type="application/vnd.mycorp.survey+xml" />
<question id="age">
<label>How old are you?</label>
<option>0 - 5</option>
<option>6 - 10</option>
<option>10 - 13</option>
If you go this route, you could even use HTML, or HTML 5 for your content so it's easy to consume by clients. Now you're just modifying the entire survey document at once.
Alternatively, you might want to separately address each question, giving them an individual URI, which I think is what you're talking about, like so:
GET /survey/123
<link rel="add-question" href="/survey/123/questions"
type="application/vnd.mycorp.surveyquestion+xml" method="POST" />
<link rel="delete" href="/questions/123-age" method="DELETE" />
<link rel="update" href="/questions/123-age" type="application/vnd.mycorp.surveyquestion+xml" method="PUT" />
<label>How old are you?</label>
<option>0 - 5</option>
<option>6 - 10</option>
<option>10 - 13</option>
Neither of these is more RESTful than the other, the difference is only in granularity of call. If you need the granularity of the latter, then configure yourself a separate handler per resource as in

Extract part of HTML in C/Objective-C

I need to extract the detail content of a website while preserve all formatting of the division. The section I wish to extract is:
<div class="detailContent"><p>
<P dir=ltr><STRONG>Hinweis</strong>: Auf ... </p>
My current solution is to use HTMLParser from libxml2 and xpath to find the nodes and walk through all the nodes to reconstruct this piece of HTML. This is a long an complicated code.
I' just wondering if there is an easier solution to extract part of HTML?
Simple Javascript solution: document.getElementsByClassName("detailContent")
Combine that with UIWebView's support for running Javascript and you might have a more concise solution.