Facebook Mobile page tab error: This page is for an app that doesn't work on mobile devices (tried ref=ts) - facebook

Previously I was able to get to my app on my Page Tab on mobile devices by appending ?ref=ts to the end of the app url on the page tab. Suddenly this has stopped working and i am now getting the following error message when trying on the iphone/android facebook apps:
"This page is for an app that doesn't work on mobile devices. Please try visiting it the next time you use Facebook on your computer"
Has anyone come across this issue and does anyone know what I can do to solve this problem please.

I've used this in the past as well and just realized it was no longer working. I found a little work around but who knows how long it'll work.... I created a bitly link and redirect through there. Worked for me.


Facebook browser CORS issue

Trying to figure out an issue that popped up in Sentry today.
I've never seen the 'Facebook' browser come up before, but here it is, all seem to be ios devices:
I don't really understand how there could be an origin issue here as the url listed has the same root domain. Has anyone run into this before?
This means someone is opening your url within the facebook app. Facebook app has its own browser shell to open the link within the app.
You will be able to replicate this issue if you open it from within the facebook app.

Facebook Sharer on mobiles not working

I have a website http://coolfuzz.com
when I share any article through desktop, laptop it is working fine. But when I am trying to share it through mobile, I am getting an error.
The page you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be
temporarily unavailable, the link you have clicked on may be broken or
expired, or you may not have permissions to view this page.
My traffic is 90% mobile driven so I am losing a lot of visitors. I have tried installing different plugins but no benefit. I have gone through the code for one full day but no reason why it is giving me this error?
Please tell me how to solve this issue?
The page, if anyone want to try for the use case could be http://coolfuzz.com/what-if-ms-dhoni-would-be-an-it-project-manager/
Thanks in Advance.
I encountered the same problem in which sharer works on desktop version but throws "temporarily unavailable" on mobile (m.facebook.com).
Then, I made the Facebook App live, and the problem is solved.
Go to your app at developers.facebook.com > Status & Review.
Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public? Yes.

Facebook Single Sign On - Stopped opening application with no explanation

I integrated Facebook SSO in my Windows Phone 8 app yesterday and it was working properly. I tested it several times and on multiple devices and all was working. I submitted the code to my repository and today when I ran the code on the device the SSO wasn't working properly.
It starts off by starting the Facebook App as usual but then it shows me the dialog that it usually shows in the browser (with the typical message asking if I don't wish to install the Facebook application on my phone, which is installed) and even if I sign on it doesn't go back to my app.
I have not changed a single line of code since yesterday so I really have no idea of what must be happening. I checked if the Facebook App had been updated but it wasn't.
Does anyone have any idea of what might be happening?
It was an issue with the Facebook app which they seem to have resolved by today. Now everything is working properly again.

How can I make Facebook App page visible on mobile?

On my client's Fanpage, a third party app is running for a contest. How can I make this FB contest page available on mobile? I read the answer here:
Facebook SDK : Page Tab App returns not found in mobile Facebook App
I do not understand it clearly.
Is the query parameter ?ref-ts which we have to add at the end of URL?
What does it mean by "It helps in the browser but not the app itself."?
Will it help to see the App on mobile and click on it to go to the contest page on FB?
Also, I found this answer:
Works as advertised! Thank you. I was getting 404, but simply adding
ref=ts in my redirect URLs (I force users to use my app as a page tab)
fixed it! – Guillaume Boudreau
under the first link above but what is forcing users to use app as a page tab?
How can I set App as a page tab?
little bit confused.
I searched the web vigorously but did not get any clear explanation.
My observations about this issue:
Seems like it's an ANDROID issue, Work OK on iPhone's
Work with the link redirection services like Bit.ly (where the bit.ly link included the ref=ts)
I sent an email to Facebook for ANDROID developers.
my iPhone's user colleagues can open links to page tab app with ref=ts
parameters but on Android we can't ;-(
The only way we've been able to do it is when the link to the app is
under a bit.ly redirection link
The problem is only when the links are open through the Facebook App.
Let us know
You can access to your app using the next link https://apps.facebook.com/YOUR-APP-ID
In this way, you can access from a desktop or a mobile with no problem.

Tab App (FB) wont show on Facebook iPhone App

I created a facebook and placed it on my facebook brand page, I also created a post on the wall of that page with the link to the app.
all works well until people started calling me saying that when accessing using FB iPhone app it will redirect to an error page "the page your requested was not found"
I tried adding a link (same page) to the "Mobile Web" link of my app in the FB Developer App.
it still doesn't work..
I need people accessing the app page to get some content.. I know it is possible but cant find how..
thanks for your help
Tabs aren't supported via the app or mobile site. Best you could do is add the query parameter "ref=ts" to prevent the page from going switching to mobile. It helps in the browser but not the app itself.
So add ?ref=ts to the end of your app url and at least mobile users can see it in their browser.