Weird behavior when changing orientation - iphone

I have a view with a pan gesture. I programmed its behavior perfectly on portrait mode, but when I change it to landscape mode its acting differently. The translation x,y are the same as in portrait mode which is what i would expect. But in many places it seems as the x and y are flipped.
Also, the width and height of the view stays the same. This is weird cause i would figure that the width should have a bigger value than the height right now. It doesn't.
I would love to give a piece of code but it looks like a general issue more than a specific bad line somewhere.
Can anyone help me figure this out?

What you describe seems like normal behaviour if you implemented the handling of the pan-gesture yourself and don't account for the orientation change in it.
The width and height of your views will stay the same if you don't have appropriate resizing masks set (or resize them in code when willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation is called).
Also, the frame of the application window ([[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]) won't change after a rotation event.
Is this what you are seeing?


UIView autoResizing works sometimes

Currently, here's what's happening. If I'm in portrait mode, and I present a new modalViewController, and then rotate to landscape, autoResizing works perfectly and everything looks great. However, if I'm in landscape, and I present a new modalViewController, autoResizing does not work and everything looks funky. Can anyone think of any possible ideas as to why this could be happening? I'm desperate I've tried everything.
Maybe a way to fix this would be to figure out what code gets called by the system when I'm in portrait and I go landscape. Maybe I can call that exact code if my modalView is presented in landscape. I've tried layoutIfNeeded and setNeedsDisplay but they don't do anything. I've also tried setting the contentMode to redraw-doesn't help.
I have this in my viewDidLoad for the modal view
NSLog(#"is landscape, width:%f", self.view.frame.size.width);
and this outputs 320, even though I'm in landscape, when it should be 480.
UIViewAutoResizingMasks are what we refer to as 'struts' and 'springs'. Consider this: you have a large square with a small square inside. In order for that square to stay perfectly centered, you must set a fixed width from each inside edge of the large square, so as to constrain it. These are struts.
Springs, on the other hand, work more like a UIView does during rotation. Let's say our view must stay on the bottom of the screen, aligned in the center. We want to keep it's Top spring flexible so that when the view rotates from 460 px to 320 px, it keeps it's same position relative to the screen's now changed dimensions.
Keeping this in mind, when a view is loaded in portrait (as all UIViewControllers are), but the actual orientation is landscape, it's possible that the view will get 'confused' and maintain a sort of messy hybrid orientation type view. If you absolutely must (and I cannot stress how last resort-ish this is) force an orientation change beforehand, use iOS 5.x's +attemptRotationToDeviceOrientarion

Scale Entire UIView Proportionately

I have a base UIView which takes up the entire iPhone screen when the it is horizontal. When the device is rotated to portrait, I want the view to basically just scale down itself and everything in it to 2/3 the size and center it on the screen so everything is shown:
I can't for the life of me figure it out though. I've messed with autoresizing, but that only seems to work if I do it for each subview, and even though it will scale okay, but because not all the elements are centered they don't end up in the right location in portrait mode.
And as far as for setting the UIViewContentMode, I can get it to work great for individual elements, but not for the view as a whole, and because I'm implementing customized drawing methods, I can't just set it for all the elements individually. Also the who placement issue comes into effect again.
Have you tried adjusting the view's transform property? If you use CGAffineTransformScale(), you should get the effect you want.

trouble with rotating view (and resizing elements within) in ipad application

I'm having a nightmare with the rotation on iPad. I've searched all over the place for some tutorials, but nothing seems to really be for what I want. (Possibly not searching for the right thing?!)
I have a portrait view by default which is an image and a button inside the view. When I rotate, I detect this can work out if it's landscape. I then try to set the frame size of the uiview to fit nicely on the screen.
If I let it autoresize, it simply stretches and fills the screen. This I don't want.
but the trouble is, when I resize, the button gets resized too, but not in the same ratio as the image.
My question is: What's the best way to resize the view. I wanted to simply reduce the uiview by say 60% and it resizes EVERYTHING in that view with the same 60%. The only way I see this is working at the moment is to create two views... but that's twice the work and maintenance!
I've tried messing with the autosizing arrows in Interface builder, but that again seems to screw things up more!
I'm completely lost here!! Thanks for any info
The problem you have there is that the view is automatically resized to the screen ratio. On an iPad in Portrait Orientation the screen size is 1024x768. After the rotation to Landscape the origin rotates too and your screen content is skewed or stretched to 768x1024.
What you need to do is to override the
-(void)willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration
message of the UIViewController of the view which rotates. This message is called within the animation block of the rotation. You just set the framesize of your subviews (the button) to whatever is best for you. Once i had a problem with rotating an OpenGL view. The content of the view was stretched when rotating to landscape. Since it is not possible to alter any OpenGL matrices within the animation block the only solution i found was to make the view quadratic and to set the origin behind the bounds of the screen (in -x direction). You have to override the message also to reset the origin above the screen (in -y direction) bounds in landscape mode, to keep the viewport in the middle of the screen. That way the view kept its ratio. Whatever solution is best for you, overriding this message should work out.
Have you tried disabling the autoresizesSubviews property on your UIView? It should prevent any size changes on the subviews when you resize your view.

Inactive area after device rotation

I don't understand what's wrong in my very simple application with device rotation :
I built my view with interface builder. (See screen capture here)
I specified <key>UIInterfaceOrientation</key><string>UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight</string> in my info.plist file.
I had a (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation {return YES;} in my root view controller.
The area on the left (shown in red on the capture), around 20 pixel width, keeps inactive (nothing append if I hit a button in this area). In fact the full screen is active only in portrait mode, in landscape right mode there is this 20 pixels width inactive area, in landscape left mode this inactive area is on the right, in portrait upside down mode this area is on the bottom.
I read lots of posts and documentation about UIView rotation, but I did not find anything to solve this problem (I tried to play with view.frame and view.bounds without any success).
Anybody has an idea ?
Thanks a lot.
One of your views is probably not autoresized correctly.
After rotation, it still has its old bounds of, for example, 320 x 460. Since views normally don't clip their contained views you don't see a difference.
Events on the other hand are only delivered to views that are contained in their superviews bounds.

Maintaining proportions when autorotating custom UIView

This is probably either real easy, real dumb, or my google fu has taken a serious turn for the worse. Anyway, I'm implementing custom view for my app, which is using pure CGContext drawing, no subviews (for now at least). The thing is, I want it to autorotate, so I have shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation return YES, and voila, the view rotates. But in doing so it's not actually redrawing the content (which I assume is rendered into a texture somewhere in the framework and splashed onto a rect, but that's not really relevant here), the rect is simply stretched, squishing the content. How can I get it to simply issue a draw of a bigger area while rotating? That is, my content is bigger than the screen, and I'd simply like the viewport to change during the rotation.
I've tried setting the view's contentMode to UIViewContentModeRedraw, but that didn't do anything, I've tried playing around with the autoresizeMask stuff, but didn't seem to help either. I've also tried inserting a setNeedsDisplay in willRotateToInterfaceOrientation, however that only caused it to redraw using the new bounds (i.e. squishing it first, and then stretching it out to the right size during the rotation), which is also not what I'd like to see.
Does anyone have any idea how I might go about getting this to work?
As it turns out, it's a mix of dumb and easy. I'm posting it here if anyone should care to read it someday. They way I managed to solve it was actually sandwiching a view between window and my view (I suppose you might be able to go to work on the window directly, but it felt more intuitive this way). That is, I added my view as a child view to that view, which I'll call the frame.
The frame is a resizing as normal, however, I turn OFF resizing of child views, and make my own view LARGER than the viewing area (square actually, 480x480, so it can cover the entire screen either way). Problem solved, basically.
Now I'm playing around with animating the offset of the view in the frame during willRotateToInterfaceOrientation, to have it appear to be rotating around the center, rather than the upper left corner, but that's a different question.