How to show Miller indexes in MATLAB? - matlab

I'm using MATLAB to plot XRD analyses where Miller indexes are used to identify crystallographic plane directions. These indexes contain 3 or 4 numbers and negative value is shown with bar over this number.
In LaTeX it can be written by \([1\bar{1}1]\) or \([1\overline{1}1]\) command.
For labeling spectral lines of XRD standards I'm using this command: Note that negative values are not considered.
std_text_hkl(j)=text(theta{i}(j)-r,0.1,['[' hkl{j} ']'],... % position and label
of j-th line of i-th standard; hkl{j} holds Miller index in string format
'parent',ax_std(i),... % association with axes of i-th standard
'fontname',Font); % Font holds global font setup
How can I automate creating bar over negative number without using 'Interpreter','latex' property since I would like to be able to change 'FontName'property aswell. At leat I'd like to avoid different fonts in labels and ticks.
Thanks to Magla's comment I got this idea:
Store indexes as 3 column matrix
separate label into 5 text fields
if Miller index is negative draw line over it (top line of text frame)
Actual piece of code:
rr=get(ax_std(i),'xlim'); % read x-axis limits of i-th standard
r=(rr(2)-rr(1))/150; % x-offset of Miller indexes
for j=1:size(dhkl,1)
theta{i}(j)=asin(lambda/(2*dhkl(j,1)))*360/pi(); %calculating of lines
%positions (Bragg's law)
'xdata',[theta{i}(j) theta{i}(j)],...
'ydata',[0 dhkl(j,2)],... % j-th line's reflection intensity
% Miller indexes
if theta{i}(j)>rr(1)&&theta{i}(j)<rr(2) % test if line is inside axes
'fontname',Font); % write 1st Miller index
if hkl(j,1)<0 % if negative, draw line over it
I can't fit the line length. For single digit it's too long, for two digits it fits and for more (theoretically) it's way too short. What am I doing wrong? How does MATLAB measure 'extent' property of rotated text?

Here is a piece of code that displays overlines on the top of negative digits. This solution does not use 'interpreter','latex' so that one may choose different fonts. Note that the code uses a set of single textboxes, each one having a \n or char(10) to display on the top line the underscore (char(95), or ' ' for positive digits) and on the bottom line the associated number. One can choose to have two different textboxes to set a particular distance between the underscore and its number. This piece of code does not work for all the fonts though (I would say 90% of my system fonts works fine).
The following code
%Miller indices
miller_ind = [1 -1 -2 3 -3];
%font definition
c = listfonts;
ind_perm = randperm(length(c));
font_names = {'Arial','Times','Courier New',c{ind_perm}};
font_size = 16;
figure('Color','w','Position',[10 10 600 1000]);
py = 0.05;
for ind_font = 1:12
%font name
%plot miller textbox
px = 0.6;
for ii = 1:length(miller_ind)
if miller_ind(ii)<0
text(px,py,[char(95) char(10) num2str(-1*miller_ind(ii)) ],...
text(px,py,[' ' char(10) num2str(miller_ind(ii)) ],...
px = px + 0.03;
py = py + 0.09;
gives this result
Thank to #Oleg Komarov for his comment. Picture is now directly saved as a .tiff and not via .eps.


Title over a group of subplots

I want a figure with six plots inside; I split it with subplots. For example
for i = 1:12
title(['Title plot ',num2str(i)])
I would like to add two global titles, let's say a global title for the six plots on the left hand side and another title for the six other plots on the right hand side.
I don't have 2018b version, so I cannot use sgtitle('Subplot Title');. Is it possible use suptitle('my title'); somehow?
I can use text() but resizing the window, the two labels move.
You can use annotation for that, with the location of subplots 1 and 3:
for k = 1:12
sp(k) = subplot(3,4,k);
title(['Title plot ',num2str(k)])
spPos = cat(1,sp([1 3]).Position);
titleSettings = {'HorizontalAlignment','center','EdgeColor','none','FontSize',18};
annotation('textbox','Position',[spPos(1,1:2) 0.3 0.3],'String','Left title',titleSettings{:})
annotation('textbox','Position',[spPos(2,1:2) 0.3 0.3],'String','Right title',titleSettings{:})
I did not test this, but you can get the handle to a subplot object and then perform the title method on this handle. I would also suggest to then apply the title after the loop.
for k = 1:12
h(k) = subplot(3, 4, i)
title(h(1), 'Left side')
title(h(8), 'Right side') % find out the right index yourself
Do not use i or j as iteration variable for they are already defined in the namespace of MATLAB as imaginary unit.

How to make a legend continue onto more rows when no room?

I have a plot with mutliple lines and I want to display the legend below the box (southoutside). The problem is that currently my legend is too long to fit on a single line. Therefore the question is how do I get a line break in my legend?
Currently I generate the legend as follows:
hLegend = legend([l1,l2,l3,l4], 'This is a very, very long legend text', 'Test2', ...
'A bit longer', 'This is quite long');
set(hLegend,'Fontsize',8,'Location', 'southoutside', 'Orientation','horizontal');
then this occurs:
As you can see I have four lines (there might come more) and the first one has a very long name.
I want to keep the orientation this way to reduce figure space needed and I want to put an automatic line break if the legend exceeds the picture width (i.e. before l3 or l4, here illustrated by the yellow or purple line).
Any ideas on this? I am using a plot width of 15.75 cm.
Thanks a lot for the answers so far. Although both of the answers provide some opportunities in splitting the legend into two lines, my main problem still occurs. If assuming now that the plot had more then four lines, lets say 20 and I want to have the legend southside horizontal in a way that it uses the least space, is there a way to split the legend not within one legend text, but after one entry. I generated a new figure generally depicting what I am looking for (its made in Paint so it really just shows the general idea).
Edit 2
The columnlegend package available in the Matlab File Exchange unfortunately does not support legends outside of the figure (at least the options are not specified in the description it only names the following possible locations: 'NorthWest', 'NorthEast', 'SouthEast', 'SouthWest'
Help is appreciated.
Here's a proof-of-concept of legend text wrapping, using some undocumented outputs of legend and the MATLAB -> python interface. I will first show the code and then provide a brief explanation of why/how it works.
This is done in MATLAB 2016a.
function q39456339
%% Definitions:
%% Plot something:
x = 1:10;
figure('Position',[450 400 800 270]);
%% Using python's TextWrapper to wrap entries:
% web(fullfile(docroot, 'matlab/matlab_external/call-python-from-matlab.html'))
switch OPTION
case 1
[~,hT] = legend({'This is a very, very long legend text', 'Test2', 'A bit longer', ...
'This is quite long'},'Location', 'SouthOutside', 'Orientation','Horizontal',...
texts = hT(arrayfun(#(x)isa(x,''),hT));
case 2
hL = legend({'This is a very, very long legend text', 'Test2', 'A bit longer', ...
'This is quite long'},'Location', 'SouthOutside', 'Orientation','Horizontal',...
TEX_NEWLINE = '\newline';
addNewlinesThroughPython(hL, MAX_LENGTH_IN_CHARS, TEX_NEWLINE);
%% Helper functions:
function wrapLegendTexts(textObjs,maxlen)
tw = py.textwrap.TextWrapper(pyargs('width', int32(maxlen)));
for ind1 = 1:numel(textObjs)
wrapped = cellfun(#char,cell(wrap(tw,textObjs(ind1).String)), 'UniformOutput', false);
textObjs(ind1).Text.String = reshape(wrapped,[],1);
function addNewlinesThroughPython(hLeg, maxlen, newlineStr)
tw = py.textwrap.TextWrapper(pyargs('width', int32(maxlen)));
for ind1 = 1:numel(hLeg.PlotChildren)
hLeg.PlotChildren(ind1).DisplayName = char(...
Option 1:
Option 2:
Explanation (Option 1):
First, let's look at the signature of legend:
>> dbtype legend 1
1 function [leg,labelhandles,outH,outM] = legend(varargin)
We can see that the 2nd output returns some sort of handles. When we investigate further:
arrayfun(#class, hT, 'UniformOutput', false)
ans =
ans =
Text (This is a very, very long legend text) with properties:
String: 'This is a very, very long legend text'
FontSize: 9
FontWeight: 'normal'
FontName: 'Helvetica'
Color: [0 0 0]
HorizontalAlignment: 'left'
Position: [0.0761 0.5128 0]
Units: 'data'
Show all properties
Aha! This is the first legend text entry. We see several interesting properties in the above list (more here), but what we care about is String.
Then it's a question of how to wrap said string. Fortunately, this is exactly the example provided in the MATLAB documentation for using the python interface, so I will not go into any details of that. Here's a link to the docs of python's textwrap. The correct version of the page (selectable by a dropdown on the top left) should correspond to your local python version (see output of pyversion).
The rest of my code is just a wrapper around the python interface, to process all legend entries.
Explanation (Option 2):
Here we don't use any extra outputs of legend, and instead modify hLeg.PlotChildren.DisplayName. This property doesn't accept cell arrays of strings (the way for multi-line strings are usually defined in MATLAB), so we need to insert newline "marks" based on syntax the interpreter recognizes (..or character 10 - the ASCII value of a "newline", as shown in excaza's answer). Finding the correct positions for the line break is still done using python, but this time the strings are joined (with the newline mark in between) instead of being converted to a cell column.
The 1st option probably provides more control at the expense of some additional required tweaking. One may need to play around with the Texts' Position parameters after wrapping the strings to make the legend look a bit nicer
Assigning the 2nd output of legend changes it behavior slightly (you can see it from the overlapping legend entries in the top figure).
For an automated approach that does not require a local Python installation you can specify a maximum character width and use a regular expression to wrap your text strings accordingly.
For example:
function testcode
x = 1:10;
y1 = x;
y2 = 2*x;
y3 = 3*x;
y4 = 4*x;
l = plot(x, y1, x, y2, x, y3, x, y4);
maxwidth = 20; % Maximum character width of each legend string line
ls = {'This is a very very long legend text', 'Test2', 'A bit longer', 'This is quite long'};
ls = cellfun(#(x)wrapstr(x,maxwidth), ls, 'UniformOutput', false);
legend([l(1),l(2),l(3),l(4)], ls, 'Location', 'SouthOutside', 'Orientation', 'horizontal');
function [output] = wrapstr(s, width)
% Split input string s into:
% \S\S{width-1,}: sequences of 1 non-whitespace character followed by
% width-1 or more non-whitespace characters OR
% .{1, width}: sequences of 1 to width of any character.
% (?:\\s+|$): Each group is followed by either whitespace or the end of the string
exp = sprintf('(\\S\\S{%u,}|.{1,%u})(?:\\s+|$)', width-1, width);
tmp = regexp(s, exp, 'match');
output = strjoin(deblank(tmp), '\n');
Which produces:
The regexp matches Steve Eddin's FEX submission: linewrap

Flip order of elements function in MATLAB R2011a

I am using MATLAB version R2011a, a friend of mine is using R2014b which contains the function "Flip", which flips the order of elements, this function is vital to our program that compares Matrix'es.
My problem is R2011a does not have this function, it has fliplr,flipud and flipdim. I have tried using fliplr and then flipud to try and recreate the same function but eventually it doesn't work since i'm using the function corr which requires using that it's two arguments be the same dimensions.
I need advise on how to create the flip function that is available on R2014b.
The function that is problematic:
%This function gets the DNA signiture with the relative freq of each perm at
%the refernce text, the DNA signiture with the relative freq of each perm at
%the compare text, and the MaxPerm, and return the relative editor distance
%between the 2 texts.
function [distance]=EditorDistance2 (RefDNAWithFreq,CmpDNAWithFreq,MaxPerm)
if MaxPerm>2
str='Editor Distance compare begun';
for PermLength=1:MaxPerm
%create an ordered matrix of all the perms with length "PermLength"
%in the ref text
%create an ordered matrix of all the perms with length "PermLength"
%in the cmp text
%initiate first row of the first stirng
for i=2:len1
%initiate first column of the second stirng
for i=2:len2
%start algoritem
for i=2:len2
for j=2:len1
if OrderedRefCurPerms(j-1,:)==OrderedCmpCurPerms(i-1,:)
if (i>2 & j>2 & OrderedRefCurPerms(j-1,:)==OrderedCmpCurPerms(i-2,:) & RefDNAWithFreq(j-2)==CmpDNAWithFreq(i-1) )
matrix(i,j)= min([matrix(i-1,j)+1,... deletion
matrix(i,j-1)+1,... insertion
matrix(i-2,j-2)+1,... substitution
matrix(i-1,j-1)+edit... transposition
matrix(i,j) = min([matrix(i-1,j)+1,... deletion
matrix(i,j-1)+1,... insertion
matrix(i-1,j-1)+edit... substitution
%The Distance is the last elment of the matrix.
if i~=1
tempdistance = matrix( floor( len2 / 3 ) , floor( len1 / 3 ) );
tempdistance = matrix( len2,len1 );
tempdistance= tempdistance/len2;
distance=[distance tempdistance];
I will further explain myself, the function which I am trying to use is A=flip(A)
The function that causes me problems is this one
%This function gets the DNA signiture with the relative freq of each perm at
%the refernce text, the DNA signiture with the relative freq of each perm at
%the compare text, and the MaxPerm, and return the corralation between the 2 texts.
function [Corvector]=CorrelationCompare(RefDNAWithFreq,CmpDNAWithFreq,MaxPerm)
str='corraltion compare begun';
%this vector will contain the corralation between the freqs of
%each perms vector(each length)
for PermLength=1:MaxPerm
%Cor is correlation between the 2 texts
Corvector =[Corvector tempCor];
% making a graph of the perms, and the relative freq of the texts.
x=ZeroCutter ( RefDNAWithFreq(:,PermInitial:permEnd) );
ylabel('Perm frequency');
TitleOfGraph=sprintf('comapre between reference text to the compared, %d letters perm\n correlation=%f',PermLength,Corvector(PermLength));
The Error that I recieve when using a diffrent flip command is
??? Error using ==> corr at 102
X and Y must have the same number of rows.
Error in ==> CorrelationCompare at 27
I apologize for the long codes but it's hard to explain it all since it's a big project and a lot of it was done by my partner
This should work for you -
function out = flip_hacked(A,dim)
%// Get an array of all possible dimensions
dims = 1:ndims(A);
%// Interchange first dimension and dim
dims(dim) = 1;
dims(1) = dim;
A1 = permute(A,[dims]);
%// Reshape A1 into a 2D matrix and then flip along the first dimension,
%// which would correspond to the flipping along dim and then interchange dim
%// and first dim again to keep the size of data same as input and elements
%// being flipped along dim for the desired output
A2 = reshape(A1,size(A1,1),[]);
out = permute(reshape(A2(end:-1:1,:),size(A1)),dims);
It follows the same syntax as the official flip function that's stated in the official documentation as follows -
B = flip(A,dim) reverses the order of the elements in A along
dimension dim. For example, if A is a matrix, then flip(A,1) reverses
the elements in each column, and flip(A,2) reverses the elements in
each row.
In addition to the generic solution provided by Divakar you could simply use:
flip = #(A) A(end:-1:1, :);
A = flip(A);
To reverse the elements in each column of a matrix A. Even simpler:
A = A(end:-1:1, :);

count words in cell array matlab

I have a 500x1 cell aray and each row has a certain word in it. How can I count how many occurences of words there is and display it and also display the percentage of each occurence.
For example
The occurence of these words is:
Ans =
200 Green
200 Red
100 Blue
The percentage of these words:
Ans =
40% Green
40% Red
20% Blue
The idea is that strcmpi compares cell matrices elementwise. This can be used to compare the input names to the unique names in the input. Try the code below.
% generate some input
% find the unique elements in the input
% use string comparison ignoring the case
% count the occurences
%pretty printing
for i=1:length(counts)
disp([uniqueNames{i} ': ' num2str(counts(i))])
I leave the percentage calculation to you.
First find the unique words in the data:
% set up sample data:
data = [{'red'}; {'green'}; {'blue'}; {'blue'}; {'blue'}; {'red'}; {'red'}; {'green'}; {'red'}; {'blue'}; {'red'}; {'green'}; {'green'}; ]
uniqwords = unique(data);
then find the occurences of this unique words in the data:
Then simply count how many times each unique word is found:
uniq_word_num = arrayfun(#(x) sum(uniq_id==x),1:numel(uniqwords));
To get percentages, divide by the sum of total number of data samples:
uniq_word_perc = uniq_word_num/numel(data)
Here is my solution, should be quite fast.
% example input
example = 'This is an example corpus. Is is a verb?';
words = regexp(example, ' ', 'split');
%your program, result in vocabulary and counts. (input is a cell array called words)
vocabulary = unique(words);
n = length(vocabulary);
counts = zeros(n, 1);
for i=1:n
counts(i) = sum(strcmpi(words, vocabulary{i}));
%process results
[val, idx]=max(counts);
most_frequent_word = vocabulary{idx};
tricky way without using explicit fors..
close all
clear all
AlphabetFlag=Paragraph>=97 & Paragraph<=122; % finding alphabets
DelimFlag=find(AlphabetFlag==0); % considering non-alphabets delimiters
WordLength=[DelimFlag(1), diff(DelimFlag)];
Paragraph(DelimFlag)=[]; % setting delimiters to white space
Words=mat2cell(Paragraph, 1, WordLength-1); % cut the paragraph into words
[SortWords, Ia, Ic]=unique(Words); %finding unique words and their subscript
Bincounts = histc(Ic,1:size(Ia, 1));%finding their occurence
[SortBincounts, IndBincounts]=sort(Bincounts, 'descend');% finding their frequency
FreqWords=SortWords(IndBincounts); % sorting words according to their frequency
FreqWords(1)=[];SortBincounts(1)=[]; % dealing with remaining white space
Freq=SortBincounts/sum(SortBincounts)*100; % frequency percentage
%% plot
pie([Freq(1:NMostCommon); 100-sum(Freq(1:NMostCommon))], [FreqWords(1:NMostCommon), {'other words'}]);

MATLAB - Labeling Curves During Iteration

I want to show the p value that was used to generate each curve next to each of the curves plotted. Note that since there is a plot of E and -E, the same p value should be next to both. I've been attempting this for a while and I have not come across anything super useful.
t = -3.1;%coupling
a = 1;%distance between r1 and r3
n = 5;%latice vector span in a1 direction
m = 1;%latice vector span in a2 direction
i = -7;%unique axial vector t_hat direction
j = 11;%unique axial vector c_hat direction
max_p = abs((n*(i+j/2)-j*(m+n/2)));%# of unique p values
La = sqrt(3)*sqrt(m^2+n*m+n^2)*a/gcd(2*n+m,2*m+n);%unit cell length
C = sqrt(n^2+n*m+m^2);%circumference of the nanotube
hold on;
for p=0:1:max_p
kt = -pi/La:.05:pi/La;
kc = 2*pi*p/C;
ka1 = kc*a*.5*(2*n+m)/C + kt*a*sqrt(3)*.5*m/C;
ka2 = kc*a*.5*(n+2*m)/C - kt*a*sqrt(3)*.5*n/C;
E = abs(t+t*exp(1i*ka2)+t*exp(1i*ka1));
title_ = sprintf('(%d,%d) Carbon Nanotube Dispersion Diagram',n,m);
ylabel('Energy (eV)');
There is a command named text that writes comments into the figures,
with if you can't solve it with that and the to string operation i misunderstood the question
First, do you need to plot both E and -E? Since these are the same except for their sign you don't really add any information to the plot by having -E there as well. However, if you do need both lines, then just construct an array of strings for the legend, during the loop, which has each string included twice (once for E and once for -E).
... Initial calculations ...
hold on;
for p=0:1:max_p
kt = -pi/La:.05:pi/La;
kc = 2*pi*p/C;
ka1 = kc*a*.5*(2*n+m)/C + kt*a*sqrt(3)*.5*m/C;
ka2 = kc*a*.5*(n+2*m)/C - kt*a*sqrt(3)*.5*n/C;
E = abs(t+t*exp(1i*ka2)+t*exp(1i*ka1));
% Construct array containing legend text
legend_text{2*(p+1)-1} = strcat('p=', num2str(p));
legend_text{2*(p+1)} = strcat('p=', num2str(p));
title_ = sprintf('(%d,%d) Carbon Nanotube Dispersion Diagram',n,m);
ylabel('Energy (eV)');
I am sure there is a more elegant way of constructing the legend text, but the above code works. Also, notice that I moved the calls to xlabel, ylabel and title to outside of the loop. This way they are only called once and not for each iteration of the loop.
Finally, you need to take care to ensure that each iteration of the loop plots with a different line colour or line style (see edit below). You could colour/style each pair of E and -E lines the same for a given iteration of the loop and just display the legend for E (or -E), which would obviously halve the number of legend entries. To do this you will need to hide one of line's handle visibility - this prevents it from getting an item in the legend. To do this use the following in your loop:
plot(kt, E);
plot(kt,-E, 'HandleVisibility', 'off');
% Construct array containing legend text
legend_text{p+1} = strcat('p=', num2str(p));
Finally, it is best to include clear all at the top of your Matlab scripts.
Edit: To have each plotted line use a different colour for each iteration of your loop use something like the following
... initial calculations ...
cmap = hsv(max_p); % Create a max_p-by-3 set of colors from the HSV colormap
hold on;
for p = 0:1:max_p
plot(kt, E, 'Color', cmap(p,:)); % Plot each pair of lines with a different color
plot(kt, -E, 'Color', cmap(p,:));