scala: Error occurred during initialization of VM on Ubuntu 12.04 - scala

I tried to work with easy example of scala language.
I installed sbt successfully. When run sbt -h I see help message from sbt:
Usage: sbt [options]
-h | -help print this message
-v | -verbose this runner is chattier
-d | -debug set sbt log level to debug
-no-colors disable ANSI color codes
-sbt-create start sbt even if current directory contains no sbt project
-sbt-dir <path> path to global settings/plugins directory (default: ~/.sbt)
-sbt-boot <path> path to shared boot directory (default: ~/.sbt/boot in 0.11 series)
-ivy <path> path to local Ivy repository (default: ~/.ivy2)
-mem <integer> set memory options (default: 1536, which is -Xms1536m -Xmx1536m -XX:MaxPermSize=384m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=192m) ....
but when I tried to run in the directory with scala assignments (it's Coursera course) I caught error:
nazar_art#nazar-desctop:~/scala/example$ sbt
Detected sbt version 0.12.1
Starting sbt: invoke with -help for other options
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for object heap
but it should open the sbt command prompt. Smt like this:
shell$ cd /path/to/progfun-project-directory # This is the shell of the operating system
shell$ sbt
> _ # This is the sbt shell
After I add this following line
java -Xms64M -Xmx256M -Xss1M -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:MaxPermSize=64M -jardirname $0/sbt-launch.jar "$#"
at /usr/bin I see next output:
nazar_art#nazar-desctop:/usr/bin$ sbt
bash: /usr/bin/sbt: Permission denied
nazar_art#nazar-desctop:/usr/bin$ sudo sbt
sudo: sbt: command not found
- Why this happen?
- How to solve this issue?

First of all, The example folder name (and the folder name that you have installed sbt) cannot include "!". this probably applies to other special characters as well. Even, I recommend to install SBT in a folder that has no space on its path (and the same thing for examples folder).
For example, if you have installed SBT (or examples folder) on a path like:
/Users/dashti/My Programs/sbt-0.12.1
You can re-install it a path like:
By applying this naming change, if the error is gone, please ignore the rest of this post.
Otherwise, to fix the mentioned error, first find sbt executable script, then edit it and correct any problem in it:
If you are using a UNIX-based operating system, please follow these steps:
1- Find SBT: Open a terminal and type this command:
which sbt
and you will receive a path like:
and in this file, there is a command for executing a java program, like:
java -Xms512M -Xmx1024M -Xss1M -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:MaxPermSize=128M -jar `dirname $0`/sbt-launch.jar "$#"
2- Edit sbt script: by entering this command in terminal:
vim /Users/dashti/Documents/scala-2.10.0/bin/sbt
you will be able to edit this file and maybe you should change the memory usage arguments to a lower specification ( You should think about whether you have enough RAM to be running the sbt). For example, this one will be a better choice:
java -Xms64M -Xmx256M -Xss1M -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:MaxPermSize=64M -jar `dirname $0`/sbt-launch.jar "$#"

SBT needs more memory allocated to the JVM.
This can be done in build.sbt:
javaOptions ++= Seq(
Creating an sbt file(no extentions) and running ./sbt is better, but with the code below(#MohammadDashti's suggestion), sbt-launch.jar needs to be in the project folder.
java -Xms512M -Xmx1024M -Xss1M -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled \
-XX:MaxPermSize=128M -jar `dirname $0`/sbt-launch.jar "$#"
Later you could add javaagent:/path/to/jrebel -Drebel.remoting_plugin=true and re-deploy changes on save with a free JRebel for Scala license.


SBT command to check what memory options are on use

After modifying the sbtconfig.txt file I would like to know if there is any command in SBT that would allow me to check if this values are really in effect.
After typing "settings -V" I see lots of options but none of them seem helpful:
Try sbt -v (lowercase v)
I got this on linux:
$ sbt -v master
[process_args] java_version = '1.8.0_112'
# Executing command line:

Why does sbt compile fail with StackOverflowError?

I am working on a Scala project that has been in existence for a few years but is new to me. My task is to upgrade it from Scala 2.9.3 to 2.11.7, along with its dependencies. I have gotten past the errors and warnings, but I cannot get the project to compile successfully in SBT. I always get a StackOverflowError in pretty much the same place. The stacktrace looks like this, but details vary with the Xss setting (currently 4M, but have tried as high as 24M):
SBT_OPTS looks like this:
-Xmx2G -Xss4M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled
I can 'make' the project successfully in Intellij, and others can pull my changes from GitHub and compile the project in sbt, so the issue seems to be local to my machine (a recent quad-core Macbook Pro with 16GB RAM). Other Scala/sbt projects compile successfully for me on this machine.
Here are other relevant details:
Scala version: 2.11.7
Java version: java version "1.8.0_66" (build 1.8.0_66-b17)
sbt version: 0.13.7 (have also tried 0.13.9)
I have completely rebuilt the ivy2 cache and cleared the lib_managed directory. The version of the scala-compiler.jar is the same as is used on at least one machine that can 'sbt compile' the code successfully. I did a clean reinstall of sbt (via brew remove sbt, manual removal of ~/.sbt directory, then brew install sbt).
I have not tried to isolate the line of source code being compiled when the error occurs. I have assumed it would be more productive to look for a configuration issue or dependency conflict somewhere.
Any suggestions for further troubleshooting will be appreciated.
[Added...] It may be helpful to add that, as an experiment, I downloaded the Scala language source code from and got the following very similar error trying to sbt compile it:
at scala.reflect.internal.Trees$class.itransform(Trees.scala:1345)
at scala.reflect.internal.SymbolTable.itransform(SymbolTable.scala:16)
at scala.reflect.internal.SymbolTable.itransform(SymbolTable.scala:16)
at scala.reflect.api.Trees$Transformer.transform(Trees.scala:2555)
at scala.reflect.internal.Trees$UnderConstructionTransformer$class.transform(Trees.scala:1693)
at scala.reflect.internal.Trees$class.itransform(Trees.scala:1347)
at scala.reflect.internal.SymbolTable.itransform(SymbolTable.scala:16)
at scala.reflect.internal.SymbolTable.itransform(SymbolTable.scala:16)
at scala.reflect.api.Trees$Transformer.transform(Trees.scala:2555)
Here is something interesting. From this post I found out about launching sbt with a -d flag for debugging info. Got the following output:
Kevins-MacBook-Pro:scala kdoherty$ sbt -d
[process_args] java_version = '1.8.0_66'
# Executing command line:
So somewhere my SBT_OPTS settings are being overridden (by defaults, I guess). Now I need to find where those defaults are coming from.
I figured it out. Once I knew that the -d flag would tell me what settings SBT was actually using, I saw that the values in my SBT_OPTS environment variable were being clobbered by other, lower settings. Where were those coming from? From my JAVA_OPTS env variable! I should have noticed them sooner, but now I know I can keep those Java options as they are and override them by adding the SBT-specific settings to my /usr/local/etc/sbtopts file, using the somewhat awkward format of
Using the values shown I was able to run sbt compile successfully on my project.
I hope someone finds this useful.
Add to the bottom of /usr/local/etc/sbtopts
All set.
I just added -Xss in my Intellij sbt properties and the issue is resolved.
Intellij SBT properties
Relevant parts from the output of sbt -h:
# jvm options and output control
JAVA_OPTS environment variable, if unset uses ""
.jvmopts if this file exists in the current directory, its contents
are appended to JAVA_OPTS
SBT_OPTS environment variable, if unset uses ""
.sbtopts if this file exists in the current directory, its contents
are prepended to the runner args
Thus, in my case I solved the problem by creating a file .sbtopts with content
in the project directory.
Note: Running sbt -d shows what settings have been used, for instance:
$ sbt -d
[addSbt] arg = '-debug'
[process_args] java_version = '8'
# Executing command line:
I was unable to get this to work via the provided answers. build.sbt settings and the sbtopts file both failed to solve this error for me. What I had to do was run sbt with the -mem flag, for example:
sbt -mem 2048 compile
and now my projects built. If using IntelliJ you can also go to
Preferences > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > sbt
and set Maximum heap size, MB to whatever target you need.
I discovered the SBT_OPT setting in the bin/sbt file of my sbt install was affecting the memory values set in my projects build.sbt
updating the existing -Xss value in this file from 1M to 8M raised the memory size of the Scalac stack to a point I stopped getting StackOverflow exceptions in the sbt-invoked compiler. This seemed odd because the sbt documented approach to setting stack size in the compiler is to do this is with the -J-Xss setting.
Sbt doesn't seem to actually enable you to set the compiler's stack memory. While a build.sbt accepts the following configuration as a valid setting, it doesn't seem to apply the value in the compiler:
scalacOptions in ThisBuild ++= Seq(-J-Xss8M)
I suspect that is a bug or non-implemented functionality
I too run into this problem recently and I discovered a working solution for it with sbt 1.3.13.
create a .sbtopts file under project root
add -J-Xss100M (or any thread stack size you think suitable) to the .sbtopts file
There are multiple Correct Answers already. But what worked for me is below,
// Created and Added a File: .jvmopts in the Project Root Folder with below Parameters.

Jenkins SBT plugin fails with classpath error

I'm trying to get the Jenkins SBT plugin working, which involves referencing the launcher jar, rather than the full SBT install.
This results in "class not found errors", which I believe is because the manifest does not contain the appropriate classpath to allow the launcher to be run like this:
java -Xms512M -Xmx1536M -Xss1M -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -Dsbt.log.noformat=true -jar /path-to/sbt/sbt-launch.jar package
However, this is exactly how the manual installation instructions at say it should run.
Have I missed something, or should I be filing a bug report (either with the jenkins SBT plugin team or with SBT)?
EDIT: On closer inspection, it's actually failing due to " Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream". I'll investigate this further and update my own question, as I have seen a few other people run into this same problem with SBT.
java -Xms512M -Xmx1536M -Xss1M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -Dsbt.log.noformat=true -jar /path-to/sbt/sbt-launch.jar
If you create own file use (bash script):
java -Xms512M -Xmx1536M -Xss1M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -Dsbt.log.noformat=true -jar /path-to/sbt/sbt-launch.jar "$#"
-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled is only valid for CMS Garbage collector. If you use java 7+ you can remove it. For java 8 remove also -XX:MaxPermSize=256M

Which version of Java does SBT use?

How to find out, which version of JDK SBT uses?
My laptop has both JDK 1.6 and JDK 1.7 installed, so I was just wondering.
You can use eval at the sbt prompt with the appropriate system properties:
> eval System.getProperty("java.version")
[info] ans: String = 1.7.0_45
> eval System.getProperty("java.home")
[info] ans: String = /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home/jre
(The other answers are fine too, this is just another method.)
Just run sbt console and you'll get something like this:
Welcome to Scala version 2.10.2 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.6.0_45).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.
Which shows you the version of Java being used.
It's actually easy.
Find the command line of SBT (cat `which sbt`) and see which Java it is.
For example, my SBT command line begins with:
/usr/bin/java -Xmx512M
And /usr/bin/java -version tells the Java version, in my case it is 1.7.
sbt -v is another way:
# sbt -v
[process_args] java_version = '1.7.0_121'
# Executing command line:
[info] Loading project definition from /root/.sbt/0.13/staging/a6d8e5030b69785a9763/build/project
[info] Set current project to xx (in build file:/build/)
Here's a batch file method I created to get that info immediately from the command line (Windows only, but you can do something similar in a shell script):
#echo off
sbt "eval System.getProperty(\"java.version\")" "eval System.getProperty(\"java.home\")"
#echo on

How to specify JVM maximum heap size "-Xmx" for running an application with "run" action in SBT?

My application does large data arrays processing and needs more memory than JVM gives by default. I know in Java it's specified by "-Xmx" option. How do I set SBT up to use particular "-Xmx" value to run an application with "run" action?
For forked processes you should look at Build.scala
To modify the java options for forked processes you need to specify them in the Build.scala (or whatever you've named your build) like this:
val buildSettings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++ Seq(
javaOptions += "-Xmx1G",
This will give you the proper options without modifying JAVA_OPTS globally, and it will put custom JAVA_OPTS in an sbt generated start-script
For non forked processes it's most convenient to set the config via sbtopts or sbtconfig depending on your sbt version.
Since sbt 0.13.6 .sbtconfig is deprecated. Modify /usr/local/etc/sbtopts along these lines:
You can also create an .sbtopts file in the root of your SBT project using the same syntax as in the /usr/local/etc/sbtopts file. This makes the project self-contained.
Before sbt 0.13.6 you could set the options in .sbtconfig for non forked processes:
Check where sbt is:
$ which sbt
Look at the contents:
$ cat /usr/local/bin/sbt
test -f ~/.sbtconfig && . ~/.sbtconfig
exec java ${SBT_OPTS} -jar /usr/local/Cellar/sbt/0.12.1/libexec/sbt-launch.jar "$#"
Set the correct jvm options to prevent OOM (both regular and PermGen):
$ cat ~/.sbtconfig
SBT_OPTS="-Xms512M -Xmx3536M -Xss1M
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:MaxPermSize=724M"
If you want to set SBT_OPTS only for the current run of sbt you can use env SBT_OPTS=".." sbt as suggested by Googol Shan. Or you can use the option added in Sbt 12: sbt -mem 2048. This gets unwieldy for longer lists of options, but it might help if you have different projects with different needs.
Note that CMSClassUnloadingEnabled in concert with UseConcMarkSweepGC helps keep the PermGen space clean, but depending on what frameworks you use you might have an actual leak on PermGen, which eventually forces a restart.
In sbt version 12 onwards there is an option for this:
$sbt -mem 2048
If you run sbt on linux shell, you can use:
env JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx512m" sbt run
This is my usually used command to run my sbt project.
.sbtconfig is deprecated starting with SBT 0.13.6. Instead, I configured these options in /usr/local/etc/sbtopts in the following way:
Try this:
class ForkRun(info: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultProject(info) {
override def fork = Some(new ForkScalaRun {
override def runJVMOptions = super.runJVMOptions ++ Seq("-Xmx512m")
override def scalaJars = Seq(buildLibraryJar.asFile, buildCompilerJar.asFile)
There's one way I know of. Set the environment variable JAVA_OPTS.
I have not found a way to do this as a command parameter.
Use JAVA_OPTS for setting with environment variable.
Use -J-X options to sbt for individual options, e.g. -J-Xmx2048 -J-XX:MaxPermSize=512
Newer versions of sbt have a "-mem" option.
The javaOptions += "-XX:MaxPermSize=1024" in our build.sbt as referenced by #iwein above worked for us when we were seeing a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError thrown while running Specs2 tests through sbt.
The environment variable is _JAVA_OPTIONS, which needs to be set.
Once you set _JAVA_OPTIONS, and when you sbt, sbt will show the message using JAVA_OPTIONS and the values.
Alternatively you could set javaOption in the sbt or .scala file
javaOptions += "-Xmx1G"
From sbt shell you could run show javaOptions to see the values that are set.
sbt lets you list the JVM options you need to run your project on a file named
in the root of your project.
then add the java options that you want
cat .jvmopts
it is tested and works in windows 10
javaOptions in Test += "-Xmx1G"
This sets the JVM options for tests. Works also with jvm forking (fork in Test := true).