SCM: Storing Credentials - version-control

It is generally recommended not to store credentials in a repository. The question is, where should they be stored then, so all developers have access to the same configuration?

The question is subjective - different practices may be applied. For me, the approach that worked best is utilisation of some form of "Single Sign-On" where possible and provision of personal logins to every system to developers. This also has an advantage of being able to find out who was responsible for a destructive action (which sometimes happens).
You can also take the approach as described here: store the credentials in the SCM, but in encrypted form. This will allow to maintain versioning, yet not allow access "for everyone". I'd say, best option is to combine these two approaches (and store only developer-environment "service" credentials - encrypted - in the SCM)

I stored the config files in a private S3 bucket and manage access via IAM. The configuration updates and revisions are handled by a small script using the AWS gem. That way anybody with sufficient privileges can access them, and we also can issue access credentials for each developer separately.


how to safely use config files and environments in Xcode

my question starts from this article here. I followed it along, but this passage:
Security Considerations
Since these files will potentially contain secure information, such as
API_KEY, I’d recommend not checking them into version control and
instead using a secure file storage system like 1Password to contain
copies of Development.xcconfig, Staging.xcconfig and
makes me wonder what writer is talking about. Configs file are needed be in the app to work, I don't think I could put them aside. if someone could help I need to understand
how to handle those files in safety
how should use this config files, should I put them different (id present) endpoint based on environment? could I put there different things such images names, default values for variables etch?
I also wonder how this could be handled, putting them in some 1Password storage.
If you feel unsafe by checking in those files (why would you? Anyone who accesses the source code needs to somehow access some API using some key), you could
Handle this by .gitignore
Create a softlink from your repositiory to some outside "safe" area in your file system, protected by file system access rights
Handle those secrets by means of the keychain / secure enclave, see here
Anyhow, the biggest / only security risk I see is if you plan to publish your repository and dont't want your secrets to go public. In that case, you would replace those API keys by some text like "[enter your api key here]", which could easily be done by some awk/sed scripting.

Google Cloud Platform IAM setting to allow project level RO access to buckets

I want to give a service account read-only access to every bucket in my project. What is the best practice for doing this?
The answers here suggest one of:
creating a custom IAM policy
assigning the Legacy Bucket Viewer role on each bucket
using ACLs to allow bucket.get access
None of these seem ideal to me because:
Giving read-only access seems too common a need to require a custom policy
Putting "Legacy" in the name makes it seem like this permission will be retired relatively soon and any new buckets will require modification
Google recommends IAM over ACL and any new buckets will require modification
Is there some way to avoid the bucket.get requirement and still access objects in the bucket? Or is there another method for providing access that I don't know about?
The closest pre-built role is Object Viewer. This allows listing and reading objects. It doesn't include storage.buckets.get permission, but this is not commonly needed - messing with bucket metadata is really an administrative function. It also doesn't include storage.buckets.list which is a bit more commonly needed but is still not part of normal usage patterns for GCS - generally when designing an app you have a fixed number of buckets for specific purposes, so listing is not useful.
If you really do want to give a service account bucket list and get permission, you will have to create a custom role on the project. This is pretty easy, you can do it with:
gcloud iam roles create StorageViewerLister --project=$YOUR_POJECT --permissions=storage.objects.get,storage.objects.list,storage.buckets.get,storage.buckets.list
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $YOUR_PROJECT --member=$YOUR_SERVICE_ACCOUNT --role=StorageViewerLister

Can I read Vaults secrets?

I understand the whole idea behind Hashi Vault is to store secrets securely. But for debugging purposes, is there a way to view or print the dynamic secrets generated by the transit or AWS secrets engines and others ?
This question was asked a while ago, but:
In general, it depends, but a likely no; the vault is designed to be very restrictive with its secrets, but implementation will vary based on engine
To the two engines you mentioned,
The transit engine does support exportable keys so that maybe one way to get the desired output. But you would also need the data to decrypt.
The AWS requires configuration to connect to AWS, so it may be possible to Query the config to the info. However, I am not sure as I do not make use of the AWS secret engine much.
Both these methods will need access with significant "sudo" permissions or root vault user.
Finally, if you have enough of the unseal keys, access to Vault's back end, and an understanding of vaults inner workings, you could directly look at vaults storage.

Minimum overhead for ASP.NET MVC authentication

I want to keep things as simple as possible and I don't want a complicated security mechanism. Basically I need for a user an ID and an e-mail address and I really don't want to bother about other things. Also, I was a minimum overhead in terms of security (if there is anoter provider who can do it for me, that's even better).
What is the simplest way to do this? I was thinking about incorporating LiveID or OpenID by I don't know what are the advantages/disadvantages.
I am working with the Azure SDK.
If you use the Windows Azure Access Control Service, you can basically outsource all identity management. Take a look at the Windows Azure Platform Training Kit - there's a lab called "Introduction to the AppFabric Access Control Service 2.0" that will get you up and running quickly. Currently, you can choose any combination of the following identity providers:
Windows Live ID
"Simple" for whom?
The simplest strategy for you would probably be to use ASP.NET's standard SQL-based authentication provider. You just run a script against your database to set up all the tables, and then you use ASP.NET's built-in utility methods to authenticate. Give your user-specific tables a foreign key reference to that user's ID, and you're good to go. We've done this, and never had any trouble with it. It's a tried and well-used system, so you know you won't be introducing any security invulnerabilities by hacking your own solution together. (see SqlMembershipProvider vs a custom solutions)
If you want something simple for the user, then an OpenId solution would be my pick. Set up something like StackOverflow has, where you can let users choose an account from a number of trusted providers to allow them to log in. From the user's perspective, it's really nice not to have to remember one more username and password for one more site.

Using Postgresql as middle layer. Need opinion

I need some opinions.
I'm going to develop a POS and inventory software for a friend. This is a one man small scale project so I want to make the architecture as simple as possible.
I'm using Winform to develop the GUI (web interface doesn't make sense for POS software). For the database, I am using Postgresql.
The program will control access based on user roles, so either I have to develop a middle tier, using a web server, to control user access or I can just set user priveleges directly in Postgresql.
Developing a middle tier will be time consuming, and the maintenance will be more complex. So I prefer to set access control directly in the database.
Now it appears that using database to control user access is troublesome. I have to set priveleges for each role. Not to mention that for some tables, the priveleges are at column level. This makes reasoning about the security very hard.
So what I'm doing now is to set all the tables to be inaccessible except by superusers. The program will connect to the database using public role. Because the tables are inaccessible by public, I'm going to make publicly accessible stored functions with SECURITY DEFINER (with superuser role). The only way to access the tables is by using these functions.
I'll put the user roles and passwords in a table. Because the user table itself is inaccessible by non-superuser, I'll make a login function, let's call it fn_login(username, password). fn_login will return a session key if login is successful.
To call other functions, we need to supply session key for the user, e.g.: fn_purchase_list(session_key), fn_purchase_new(session_key, purchase_id, ...).
That way, I'm treating the stored functions as APIs. Adding new user will be easier as I only need to add new rows in the user table rather than adding new Postgresql roles. I won't need to set priveleges at column level. All controls will be done programmatically.
So what do you think? Is this approach feasible and scalable? Is there a better way to do it?
I believe there is a better way to do it. But since you haven't discussed what type of security you need, I cannot elaborate on specifics.
Since you are developing the application code in .NET, that code needs to be trusted (unlike a web application). Therefore, why don't you simply implement your roles and permissions in the application code, rather than the database?
My concern with your stated approach is the human overhead of stored procedures. Would much rather see you write the stated functions in C#, rather than in PostgreSQL. Then, standard version control and software development techniques could apply.
If you wait until somebody has at your database to check security, I think you'll be too late. That's a client/server mentality that went out at the end of the 90s. It's part of the reason why n-tier architectures came into vogue. Client/server can't scale horizontally as well as an n-tier solution.
I'd advise that you take better advantage of the middle tier. Security should be a cross-cutting concern that's further up the stack than your persistence layer.
If the MANAGEMENT of the database security is the issue, then you should add the task of automating that management. That means that you can store higher level data with the database tables, and then your application can convert that data in to the appropriate details and artifacts that the database requires.
It sounds like the database has the detail that you need, you just need to facilitate the management of that detail, and roll that in to your app.
My honest advice: Do not invent POS and inventory software. Take one of existing projects and make it better.