Charts not showing on Crystal Reports Viewer in WebForm - crystal-reports

After days of struggling, I finally have the viewer showing the images on it's icons and buttons, and showing the report nicely. However, as soon as it comes to a chart, all it it shows is a border and that little icon that shows there is supposed to be an image. Inspecting the image URL and trying to show that image in its own tab yields as little success.
What could I look at or do to get my charts showing properly?

Found this response on SAP's forum, related to a similar-sounding issue:
Since your dynamic images are okay it is likely the sscsdk80.dll (our
charting engine) which is the problem. You'll find this in the bin or
win32_x86 directory with the rest of your Crystal Reports dlls. It
needs to be registered with regsvr32.dll because it is a COM dll. Try
registering it to see if it helps.
If not, use Process Monitor to watch your system. Filter the results
for your application (likely w3wp.exe because it is a web app). Then
show only the results for Process and Thread activity. You'll want to
look at the Load Image entries and look for stuff that never
successfully loads - such as the sscsdk80.dll.
Source: Charts not showing on report
Also relevant: Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2005 deployment trouble

have you tried assigning the "NETWORK SERVICE" account write permissions to C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\dynamic_images ?
is this row present in your web.config ?
<add verb="GET" path="CrystalImageHandler.aspx" type="CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalImageHandler, CrystalDecisions.Web, Version=13.0.2000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304"/>


Failed to load databse information: SAP Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer when create Dataset

I am having this issue again and again after applying multiple solutions like update web.config with code:
. But not working.
As i want to add database fields to report using ADO.Net datasets it give this error message. Screen shot is attached...enter image description here

AutoOpen taskpanes only open on computer where the document is created

Currently I am developing a Word add-in that uses the new Javascript API's for Office. The add-in consists of some basic functionalities and a number templates. The templates (plain documents) automatically opens a taskpane when the document is opened. I have followed the following guide to achieve this. Manually adjusting the OOXML (webextensions) did not result in the desired effect. Fortunately, I was successful with implementing the automatically opening taskpanes via the API functions offered in Office.js
The Problem
The add-in manifests are hosted on the local filesystem (C:\AddInManifests). When a document is created and is adjusted to automatically open a taskpane on opening, it works only on the computer where it is created. More specifically it only works on the computer where the client side API methods are called to specify that the document has an automatically opening taskpane.
My suspicion is that it sees the add-ins of the two different computers as two different add-ins entirely. I am looking for way to overcome this, if it is possible to overcome.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<we:webextension xmlns:we="" id="{C3B1DD62-B056-4FA5-BF7F-5F3800D7C339}">
<we:reference id="4a53b5db-f60a-4c32-82ee-2cf3f4954538" version="" store="\\.\C:\AddInManifests\" storeType="Filesystem"/>
<we:property name="Office.AutoShowTaskpaneWithDocument" value="true"/>
<we:snapshot xmlns:r=""/>
My suspicions seems validated. These problems do not arise when centralized deployment is used. So my presumption is that the manifests on a local harddisk will be seen as a different add-in on a different computer even though the manifest is located on the same location.
Settings like AutoOpen are specific to the manifest ID. For example, settings applied to a document via side-loaded add-in will not be seen when that add-in is published via Office Store (different manifest ID).

ssrs subreport not showing when compiled via web app

I have this report which uses a tablix and on one of the rows I have a subreport.
Now in development preview everything works as expected. On the server instance online page it works flawlessly.
When I get this report via my web application and send it (.pdf) to a user the subreport doesn't render. Any ideea why?
Exact error is: Data retrieval failed for the subreport, 'Subreport12', located at: *. Please check the log files for more information.
there is nothing in the log files to help me.
With the web-app it is not able to find the path of subreport. Instead of relative path give the absolute path in the report design.

Using image resizer in crystal reports

Anyone know how or why the ImageResizer will not work in crystal reports?
If you paste the URL
xxxx.jpg.ashx?width=50 into a browser, works great.
The exact same path shows nothing when used as a image location in crystal reports (Remove the .ashx?width=50 and it immediately works again). So it's as if the image resizer is unable to execute when called from the crystal reports viewer? (I do not understand why since we have verified that any user, even without being authenticated, can reach the path through a browser)
Crystal Reports 2008, Version
In terms of diagnosing the issue, in short involving the image resizer process (by including the .ashx?width=50 on the end of the URL) is the only thing that prevents the image from showing. And this only occurs in crystal. Browsers handle the URL just fine.
UPDATE : Testing without the .ashx also proved to not work. The ?width=50 after .jpg is enough for crystal to just display a blank. (No errors, just no image)
UPDATE : Testing using &format=png or &format=jpg also did not work (Blank in crystal, works perfect in browser)
FINAL UPDATE : We ended up placing the image re-sizer software on a stand alone (what used to be a file manager box) away from our web.config, permissions, and web server and then crystal started rendering the images just fine. So we never really figured out WHY crystal could not render the images when the re-sizer software was loaded on our IIS web server\intranet.....(possibly due to integrated windows authentication turned on even though we granted access to the folder the images were in) ......but it did start working just fine when we bypassed all of that stuff.
I suggest trying an alternate URL syntax to determine if Crystal Reports is simply allergic to query strings.
Try the FolderResizeSyntax plugin "folder/resize(50,50)/image.jpg
Try the CloudFront plugin: "folder/image.jpg;width=50"
FINAL UPDATE : We ended up placing the image re-sizer software on a stand alone (what used to be a file manager box) away from our web.config, permissions, and web server and then crystal started rendering the images just fine. So we never really figured out WHY crystal could not render the images when the re-sizer software was loaded on our IIS web server\intranet.....(possibly due to integrated windows authentication turned on even though we granted access to the folder the images were in) ......but it did start working just fine when we bypassed all of that stuff.

Is it possible to redirect a link that ends with .aspx to a .ashx?

We have a website that we recently released based mostly on SharePoint. Some of the site needed to return just straight XML. The consultants on the project implemented the xml returns as .aspx pages that write the response object in the page_load method.
After a short time researching this, I relize that this is probably the wrong way to do this because it calls all the extra events for a ASPX page that we don't need.
Here's my question, I want to recreate these functions as .ashx links with the httphandler. However, I want to be able to retain the orginal links that ended in .aspx and the get parameters that accompany them to decide which type of XML to return.
Is is possible to rewrite/redirect the .aspx ending links to a .ashx link. Or would that cause the IIS server to interpret every .aspx incorrectly?
I think you're probably in luck...
We did a similar thing. Our eCommerce web app only accepts JPG, PNG and GIF files as the images for products, but we wanted every image to be dynamically created for every product.
So, we remapped JPG, PNG and GIF files to become a handler.
However, we didn't want ALL JPG, PNG and GIF files to be mapped since it would be hugely inefficient for static files, so we only did certain ones.
Here is how to do it.
If all of your ASPX files follow a similar file-spec that NO other files share, add this to your web.config under <httpHandlers>.
<add path="filespec*.aspx" verb="*" type="MyAssembly.MyHandlerName, MyAssembly"/>
If they don't all share a file-spec, you'll have to add them one-by-one to web.config:
<add path="oldaspx1.aspx" verb="*" type="MyAssembly.MyHandlerName, MyAssembly"/>
<add path="oldaspx2*.aspx" verb="*" type="MyAssembly.MyHandlerName, MyAssembly"/>
<add path="oldaspx3*.aspx" verb="*" type="MyAssembly.MyHandlerName, MyAssembly"/>
To make this usuable whether or not you are running in the IIS7 integrated pipeline, you could also add similar lines to the <handlers> element
Then when a request comes in for 'oldaspx1.aspx', it will get handled (very efficiently, without the page lifecycle being started) by your custom handler.
If this solves your problem, please mark it as the accepted answer with the check mark to the left.