Spring Tool Suite -STS screen becomes fuzzy after search - spring-tool-suite

Spring Tool Suite/STS search console/screen becomes fuzzy after search and I can't see the results. This problem is not consistent with all of my searches and it happens sometimes. I am not sure what exactly triggers it and hoping someone else has encountered this too and can help me with this.
This is version of STS I'm using and it's running on linux Mint:
Version: 3.2.0.RELEASE
Build Id: 201303060821
The followings are what I have tried and did not solve this problem unfortunately:
1. Restarting STS multiple times.
2. Minimizing and maximizing the search screen and STS itself.
3. Searched online of course but did not find any relevant information.
One additional information that might be useful is , the screen or STS does not hang and it's functional it's just that I can't see the search results.
Lastly I can't migrate to Eclipse even though STS is based on Eclipse because everyone in our engineering team uses STS and I have to use what the team has decided to use.
The only workaround that I am doing currently is going to the command line/terminal and using find . -name "xx" but then I'm not using STS and is not very convenient to switch from IDE to Terminal.
Has anyone encounter this and has a solution to fix this?


Spring Tool Suite says it could not create BootDashView (or any Spring view)

When I go to the "Boot Dashboard" (Update: actually I see similar messages on each Spring view) view I see the message
Could not create the view: org.springframework.ide.eclipse.boot.dash.views.BootDashView
There is an icon to see the error logs beside it, so I deleted them, reopened STS, and I did not see any error.
Any guidance on how to resolve this or further debug it?
More info
After following Martin's advice and opening the Host OSGi Console and typing ss to get the short status and doing diag <id> on a few different things all I was ever able to get was similar to this,
org.springframework.ide.eclipse.boot.dash [962]
No resolution report for the bundle.
Martin mentioned looking for INSTALLED, but all I saw were ACTIVE, RESOLVED, STARTING, and <<LAZY>>. I ran diag on at least one bundle of each state, but got nothing any different than above (of course the names and IDs were different).
I was facing the similar issue with Spring Boot Dash view and using -clean option and restart STS worked for me.
Just faced the same issue upgrading to latest STS 3.8.3 based on Neon.2 (4.6.2). Starting with the -clean option did nothing for me, neither did uninstalling / reinstalling the Groovy Eclipse feature as discussed.
What resolved it for me was switching to a new clean workspace - the boot dashboard then started working again. Oddly, it also works if I now switch back to the old workspace. Before this, the module was showing as LAZY in the Host OSGi console, now it's ACTIVE:
966 ACTIVE org.springframework.ide.eclipse.boot.dash_3.8.3.201612191259-RELEASE
The problem was one of my Groovy Eclipse compiler plugins (it was 1.8, 1.9, 2.0, 2.1, or 2.2, not sure which). After uninstalling it the Boot Dashboard no longer has an error.
Since part of my question was wondering about how to get better insight into the problem (more than checking the error log, which was empty) I will not mark this answer as accepted.

Why are my Eclipse project builds so slow?

We use Eclipse (Indigo, with STS). Certain of our projects take inordinately long to build. Often the progress indicator sticks on, say, 87%, for 30 seconds.
I'm trying to find out what Eclipse is spending it's time on during the build cycle. I hope to be able to optimize the build or disable components that are causing it to be so slow. I'd like to see a log file saying ("compiling java code", "processing resources", etc).
I've poked around the log files in the .metadata directory. I've looked on the Eclipse site for tips. I've tried using "-debug" when starting Eclipse. I still can't find the information I'm looking for.
Is there any way to get Eclipse to spit out a log of what activities it is spending its time on when it builds a project?
What kind of projects are these? Java? Dynamic Web? Two things to look at for hints about what's going on are in the project Properties dialog; look at the Builders section and the Validation section. Try disabling the validations to see if that makes a difference in your build times.
To get some insight into what's happening at the times when the build seems to hang, try setting the -debug and -consoleLog options, as described here.
Disable your virus scanner software for your workspace and project directories. I increased the speed of my build in that way.
You can go to edit Windows->preference->general->workspace->build order to edit the default that exist according to your project need.
And check the maximum number of iteration when building with cycle.
I hope it works.
Since eclipse is a Java application, the usual debugging tools are at your disposal. In particular, you might try connecting to eclipse with JConsole and inspect the thread dump taken when the build "hangs", or run eclipse within a profiler.
You might find out things like a validator trying to download an xml schema, and waiting for the timeout since eclipse is not configured to use the corpoate proxy server - something which is very hard to find out by other means ;-)
Look into Apache Ant build scripts. Eclipse has support to auto generate them as a starting point instead of coding the whole thing by hand. The shop I worked in used tuned ANT scripts to optimize and control build order. We then piped output to log files using shell scripts.
You can try and replace with this aapt . My build for a particular project went from 3 minutes to 41 seconds....
This is an old post but thought of sharing my solution. I was using eclipse Luna and I noted that when you keep on working on a GIT branch without checking into git over the time the build becomes very slow. In my case I just deleted the folder .git and the file .gitignore and the build was very fast. Please note that this will disconnect eclipse from git, therefore use this aproach only if you know how to connect back to git branch using git commands.

How to run GWT RequestFactory Validation Tool on Eclipse project

I've got a Android AppEngine Connected Project I'm trying to build using GWT2.4 RequestFactory and Objectify on my Eclipse IDE.
Apparently I need to run the RequestFactory Validation Tool because I'm using ServiceName and ProxyForName annotations (these are required especially when working on the Android client side). My problem is the Eclipse can't validate it and the solution provided at http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/wiki/RequestFactoryInterfaceValidation#IDE_configuration is enough to make me rip my eyes out.
Since I'm working on a Windows machine, the shell script provided is not very useful. Trying to run Validation Tool from a cmd propt returns the error message:"This tool must be run with a JDK, not a JRE"
Can someone explain how this Tool is supposed to be run? Is there a way to use it as an External Tool in eclipse?
Normally if you follow carefully the instructions in the link you show, and run the GWT Development Mode from Eclipse, the Validation should be done automatically at the time you access the development URL with your browser.
For the record, I've actually had some problems with it, but launching the application several times maked it work.
Well, I ran into the same problem as well. When I tried annotation processing (under Java Compiler-> Annotation processing )was being disabled. So RequestFactoryDeobfuscatorBuilder was not being generated. Try enabling that and rebuilding your project.
I've just recovered from two days of hunting this bug down in a project that used to run validation properly but stopped.
In my case I had a new-ish generic BaseRequestContext and a specific sub-interface that extended it. My parent interface declared a method that didn't match the Locator's exactly (e.g. getThing(T) vs get(T)) and this wasn't reported as an error but did stop the validation tool from completing.
Apt is also removed in Java 8 : http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/117 . So beware.
Switching back to Java 7 will fix the issue if you are using Java 8.
I understood why the error happens sometimes in a project: the compiler was complaining it cannot find the directory .apt . But when I tried to create it manually it was not possible (under windows). I think the validation tool mutes the exception of not being able to create the directory: try renaming .apt in your validation tool calls (do a text search in your project)

Eclipse hangs while debugging

I searched lot about this topics but can't find a proper solution.
I am using eclipse 3.6 Helios version with operating system fedora15. In my application I am using GWT2.4 for front end development.
Now while I work with debug mode and want to debug at some point at the same time eclipse hangs for 3-4 mins.It resumes after and again start to debug process.
I am using this eclipse from last 3 years with windows but not faced this issue.In fedora I am using it from last 4 months and this problems stated to occur from last one month.
I am not getting what is the issues with eclipse.
Please help me out.
Thanks in advance.
Is this something that happens with different projects/code, or is it the same code that causes freezes? I've had issues where threads have started in the background and caused problems.
You say "(...) hangs for 3-4 mins.It resumes after and again start to debug process.", what do you mean? Does it continue to debug and move to the next line, or is there a crash and it restarts?
How long has it been since you changed workspace? I've found this, rather than the Eclipse installation, to be an issue over time. Create a new workspace folder, export all your projects and preferences and start fresh.
You are using GWT 2.4 and I think you might be working with UI.xml too... There is a tag in each ui.xml at the top like
<!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM "http://dl.google.com/gwt/DTD/xhtml.ent">
Which means eclipse is going to get that xhtml.ent file each time and there is a issue in GWT eclipse plugin have a look to below link
There is one comment which says
For me, removing
SYSTEM "http://dl.google.com/gwt/DTD/xhtml.ent"
and saving the document,
solves the problem..
maybe it is needed for something, so better you copy that locally somewhere, and link that.
Try it out and let me know.
I had experienced the exact same problem on a less-powerful notebook I had to use.
Try one of the following
Download the latest Eclipse version (It needs, just as helios, a lot of RAM and CPU because it's based on a new "architekture", in contrast to, for instance, galileo)
Make sure you are using the latest JDK and JRE
Download Eclipse Galileo, which does require pretty less resources and goes still very very fine with most projects!
It sounds like you are experiencing the features of the latest Eclipse arch. In the latest versions of Eclipse I have noticed that the more plugins and add-ons you have installed, the slower the environment runs. There are a lot of similar posts regarding performance on the new platform
I have removed all but the plugins I am using and never install anything not needed into the Eclipse environment.
I "may" have experience this. Not sure. Suddenly started working again. I was getting a hang every time I would try to debug an app, in the part of the code (inside GWT) that creates a "table" element. Could be that there is something that just takes a while and you just have to "wait it out" the when it happens. Go get a cup of coffee, type thing. anyway I HAD stepped deep into the GWT code, plenty so I'm convinced it IS a GWT issue of some kind.
I was thinking it was some infinite recursion possibly in the logging system (like logger code accidentally trying to log itself, and going into loop?). Also there's a 50/50 chance that it was simply clicking on 'run' instead of 'debug' made it start working again. So at least try that if you have problems. My gut instinct and 30yrs programming under my belt tells me it's logger related. I can rule out "slow computers" because I never had this happen until I got a new machien which is Dell XPS, Core i7, 8 GB ram, and massive disk. So I wouldn't blame hardware, or Eclipse bloat.

Eclipse Configuration Problems

Lately, I am trying to use Eclipse more often, but so far I have shied away from it because I found it so difficult to install new packages. Whenever I find and try to install a new package, the errors panel flashes a batch of configuration errors. It requires this or that package to install this one. And when I find that package, it turns out that package requires another one that I don't have...and it's been a daunting problem for me.
These days I've been running into these configuration errors:
The current configuration contains errors and this operation can have
unpredictable results.
JST Web Core Patches requires feature "org.eclipse.jst.web_core.feature ".
WST Server Core Patches requires feature "org.eclipse.wst.server_core.feature".
Specifically, I'm looking for help to figure out how to get around these errors. (There aren't any informative pages in Google for "org.eclipse.jst.web_core.feature.")
More generally, though, I am wondering what alternatives I have to the internal package management system of Eclipse? (If I'm doing it wrong and the internal system is not as difficult as it seems to me, let me know of that as well!) I've heard of Pulse, but haven't used that much.
are you using 3.4 Ganymede? .. the dependencies should be figured out and selected for you .. in 3.1 there is a 'Select Required' button in the Updates window which is supposed to locate and select for you all the dependencies