Class in parameter of function (Arduino) does not compile - class

I am trying to create a simple class in C++, but I keep getting the compilation errors:
main:2: error: variable or field 'doSomething' declared void
main:2: error: 'person' was not declared in this scope
class person {
int a;
void doSomething(person joe) {
main() and stuff would go here, but even if I include main(){}, the errors still occur. I also tried adding 2 closed parentheses after joe, but then that creates the error:
main: In function 'void doSomething(person (*)())':
main:8: error: request for member 'a' in 'joe', which is of non-class type 'person (*)()'
Any help is greatly appreciated. (I hope this isn't something really stupid I'm missing, because I've been researching for hours).
Edit: I found out this is an Arduino-specific error. This post answers it.

I found out after reading this post that a way to work around this is:
typedef struct person{
int a;
void doSomething(void *ptr)
person *x;
joe = (person *)ptr;
joe->a = 3; //To set a to 3
//Everything else is normal, except changing any value of person uses "->" rather than "."
person larry;
So essentially it is:
-Change class to typedef struct
-in the parameter, replace newtype with void *something
-add person *x; and x = (person *)ptr; to the beginning of the function
-whenever accessing type property, use -> rather than .

I'm not a expert but when I try to do what you want to do, I do it this way:
//create an instance of my class
MyAwesomeClass myObject;
void myFunction(MyAwesomeClass& object){
//do what you want here using "object"
void setup() {
//setup stuff here
void loop() {
//call myFunction this way
As I said, I'm not a C++ expert but it does the job.
Hope it helps!

My guess is, you have an invalid syntax error somewhere in the declarations above "class person...". Can you copy and paste the whole file?


Object of type 'MyClass' cannot be converted to type 'System.Object[]' C#

I've been looking into this for a couple of hours but so far haven't gotten any luck.
Here's my C# code:
myClassInstance = new MyClass("MyParam", 1);
object[] args = new object[1] { myClassInstance };
MethodInfo methodInfo = GetType().GetMethod(myMethod, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
string method = (string)methodInfo.Invoke(this, args);
I have MethodInfo and System.Reflection imported. The Unity error is this:
ArgumentException: Object of type 'SystemController' cannot be converted to type 'System.Object[]'
It doesn't point to a specific line in the code, but from what I can tell it seems to be an issue with converting the myClassInstance variable to an object, which doesn't make sense to me, as I believed everything in C# inherited from System.Object.
Here is MyClass:
public class MyClass
public string var1;
public int var2;
public MyClass(string param1, int param2)
var1 = param1;
var2 = param2;
Clearly, I'm not showing the entire class, but the only difference is that there are more variables and parameters to store. Those shouldn't change anything, so I won't bore you with them. It's just a class with a constructor, not inheriting from anything.
Any help I could get with this would be greatly appreciated. Let me know if you need more info.
The error here was me trying to pass the entire object[] array into my method as a parameter when I should have only passed the contents of the array. See here:
I was doing this:
void MyMethod(object[] args) {
MyClass instance = (MyClass)args[0];
But should've done this:
void MyMethod(MyClass myClassInstance) {
After reading some more documentation and reviewing the comments above I discovered that the .Invoke() method passes what's inside the args array instead of the entire array. At least, that's my current understanding, and it's what made my code work.
Thanks for the help.

Import extension method from another file in Dart

With Dart 2.6, I can use extension methods like this :
extension on int {
int giveMeFive() {
return 5;
main(List<String> arguments) async {
int x;
Everything works perfectly ! :D
But now if I want to put my extension method in another file like this :
import 'package:untitled5/Classes/ExtendInt.dart';
main(List<String> arguments) async {
int x;
extension on int {
int giveMeFive() {return 5;}
It fails with a depressing error ..
bin/main.dart:9:5: Error: The method 'giveMeFive' isn't defined for the class 'int'.
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named 'giveMeFive'.
Is it not allowed to do that or am I doing something wrong ?
Thanks for reading ! :)
This is working as intended. An extension with no name is implicitly given a fresh name, but it is private. So if you want to use an extension outside the library where it is declared you need to give it a name.
This is also helpful for users, because they may need to use its name in order to be able to resolve conflicts and explicitly ask for the extension method giveMeFive from your extension when there are multiple extensions offering a giveMeFive on the given receiver type.
So you need to do something like
extension MyExtension on int {
int giveMeFive() => 5;

ClaiR/Rascal: Best way to list public functions?

I am parsing an C++ header file using ClaiR and want to get a list of the public functions.
visit(ast) {
case \class(_, name(n), _, decs): {
println("class name: <n>");
isPublic = true;
for (dec <- decs) {
switch(dec) {
case \visibilityLabel(\public()): {
println("Public functions");
isPublic = true;
case \visibilityLabel(\protected()): {
println("Protected functions");
isPublic = false;
case \visibilityLabel(\private()): {
println("Private functions");
isPublic = false;
case \simpleDeclaration(_, [\functionDeclarator([*_], [*_], name(na), [*_], [*_])]): {
if (isPublic) {
println("public function: <na>");
The above code works. But is there a better (smaller) way of acquiring the public functions?
In C++, the public/protected/private access modifiers aren't proper "modifiers" on declarations; instead, all member declarations following an access modifier (up to a possible next access modifier) have the declared visiblity (in your example, the second public: also makes myFunc4 public). It would be straightforward to implement an AST traversal to obtain members' visiblity information and add it to a new M3 table, though. Your suggestion of public void myFunc5(); is invalid syntax.
The ProblemType in the decl indicates that the first argument of the myFunc method is unresolved (likely due to a missing import). The toString of this ProblemType in the type information should not be there, though, that is a bug.
There's an M3 modifiers relation which might have the info you're looking for:
that relation can be composed with the o operator with the qualified names of your methods to see which modifiers are declared on which method
However, that relation must be extracted of course. Perhaps that still needs to be added to ClaiR?
I have some code the looks like this:
MyClass {
void myFunc1();
void myFunc2();
void myFunc3();
void myFunc4();
m3.modifiers does not provide public/private information. I guess (have not tried), it will work for public void myFunc5();
I also see some strange errors.
Is this for a type it cannot resolve (include not provided to parser)?

Return_value_policy for method with void return type and optional parameter

I have class with void method and optional argument looking like this:
class A
void method(int par1, bool par2 = false) { ... }
.def("method", &A::method, return_value_policy<reference_existing_object>(),method())
What is correct return_value_policy in this case? I've tried to avoid return policy completely however I've received following compile error then.
'boost::mpl::vector17<RT,most_derived<Target,ClassT>::type&,T0,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10,T11,T12,T13,T14> boost::python::detail::get_signature(RT (__cdecl ClassT::* )(T0,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10,T11,T12,T13,T14) volatile const,Target *)' : expects 2 arguments - 1 provided
Any suggestion appreciated.
I've scrambled few things together. Bur I realized I do not need to use BOOST_PYTHON_MEMBER_FUNCTION_OVERLOADS but rather named arguments something like:
def("method", &A::method, (arg("par1"), arg("par2") = false))

Finding a on object in a vector by one of its values

The problem I encountered and am unable to solve goes something like this. I have two classes:
int identifier;
double value;
vector<class1> objects;
vector<int> some_value;
vector<double> other_value;
The problem is I need to search through the vector of objects in an object of the second class by its identifier in the class1 object(from a member function of class2). I tried something like:
int getObj(const int &ident, double &returnedValue, double &returnedOther_value)
int p;
p = find(objects.begin()->getIdentifier(),objects.end()->getIdentifier(),ident);
.. and then i was hoping to find a way to return from the found iterator values of corresponding(non-const) member variables value and other_value from both classes, but the code so far does not compile, because I'm likely doing the search all wrong. Is there a way I could do this with the find(or any other algorithm) or should I stick to my previous working realization with no algorithms?
You need to use find_if with a custom predicate. Something like:
class HasIdentifier:public unary_function<class1, bool>
HasIdentifier(int id) : m_id(id) { }
bool operator()(const class1& c)const
return (c.getIdentifier() == m_id);
int m_id;
// Then, to find it:
vector<class1>::iterator itElem = find_if(objects.begin(), objects.end(), HasIdentifier(ident));
I haven't tested it, so maybe it needs some tweaking.
If you have C11, I guess you can use lambdas, but I don't have it, so I haven't had the chance to learn them.
I've added an example in