Unable to debug in ipad - iphone

I am using Xcode 4.6.x and the iPad iOS version is 6.1.3. I have added the device in Provisioning Profile. But when i connect it does not allow me to debug.
I have checked the Base SDK, it is 6.1 and Deployment Target is 6.1. I have tried to switch off and restart the iPad, but it's not working yet.
Can anyone help me ?

First clean your project [alt + clean] i.e. Clean Build Folder, Quit xCode, then remove app from your device.
Now build project and run. Delete all data from Derived Data folder. Also make sure you are not using distribution profile.
Hopefully this will work.

Check it once again the device id, add to provisioning profile.
Remove old provisioning profile.
Remove the app from the device. and remove form DerivedData folder also
Than add latest provisioning profile.
Than try to debug hopefully its work.


Xcode 4.3.1 "A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found"

Tonight I upgraded from Snow Leopard to Lion, and upgraded to Xcode 4.3.1 (iOS 5.1). And now when I try and run debug mode on my device (iPad) I get "A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found". I have tried every suggestion in past posts on this issue. I have generated a new certificate. I have set my code signing to use the new certificate. I have updated the provisioning profile to use the new certificate. I have gone into the .pbxproj file and deleted all references to the provisioning profile. I have cleaned and closed Xcode a million times. No matter what I do, I still get the same error when trying to run on the device.
In Organizer, the provisioning profile shows up as "Valid profile" in my Library, but under the Provisioning Profiles listed for the device there are none listed. I have tried clicking the Add button and importing it manually - nothing happens. It doesn't show up. When I click on the device icon in Organizer is says "Provisioning No provisioning profiles". However when I go to my iOS Provisioning Portal online and click on the device, the provisioning profile shows up there as being associated to the device.
Any ideas? I am pulling my hair out here.
Do you by chance have two developer accounts with different sets of devices/apps? I encountered this situation (see what "iOS Team Provisioning" profile is matching "iPhone Developer"). The only way I have found to switches teams, so to speak, is to select your device and click "Add to Portal" and log in with the correct Apple ID.
The solution that worked for me was:
-Deleted all references to provisioning profile in .pbxproj.
-Deleted all certificates in keychain.
-Imported my certificate to keychain.
-Created new provisioning profile and configured it in developer portal.
-Refreshed provisioning profiles in xcode organizer.
-Deleted the wildcard provisioning profile that xcode automatically adds.
-Went into code signing and selected the signing account associated to the correct provisioning profile.
-Plugged in a different iOS device (switched iPad with for fresh iPhone)
-Built for a new iOS device.
And it worked. Not sure which step was the magic one. I did not reinstall xcode.
Make sure there is a valid private and public key generated for the profile. More importantly make sure the keys are stored in the right place in keychain.
They should be under login, not system or any other spot. This was causing and issue for me, and it took me a while to find the solution.
Hope this helps.
I have seen this problem before, and my "standard" solution is
a) make a new dummy iOS project , using Xcode menu - file - new - project. Check code signing is your developer certificate. Compile and see if it can run on your iPhone/ipad hardware.
If a) fails, it is something with your certificates and keychain. Clear all and make new certificates
If b) works, it is something in the .xcodeproj file or build folder for your problem project. Remove all files and folders in build. Use your backup (sure you have a daily backup for your project!!!), and copy an "old" .xcodeproj file to your problem project. Use Xcode - project - clean, xcode - project - build as - testing , and hereafter "run".
Before trying above solution, make an extra backup.
good luck, and remember you are not the first having certificate problems.
In my case the problem was not at all related to keys, certificates, provisioning profiles or any other of the reasons mentioned here and everywhere else. It turns out that some other developer in a different team borrowed the iPad we use and changed the device's date to one year in the future! After I set the correct Date and Time and ran the application on the device everything worked just fine.
Unfortunately Xcode didn't warn me about this, and it was until I needed to fix another unrelated problem that Instruments informed me of this situation about the wrong date on the device.
Simply check "Code Signing" section in "Build Settings". If you previosly build your app for appstore publication maybe you forgot change from distribution profile to development profile.
If you are on Xcode 6, and running into this problem when adding a new device (iPhone 5/6), you can follow the steps here:

Run on device gets "Finish running on device" message but never runs

I'm trying to run for the first time an app in a device.
XCode 4.2
iPhone 3G 4.2.1
I have a provisioning profile showing under Xcode organizer installed with a wildcard app identifier (DQQVZJ94G3.*).
The device lists in XCode organizer.
I have certificates installed in my Mac keychain and they show the private key.
I have created a new project from template and didn't add a single line of code.
I have set iPhone as my schema.
I have set under Build Settings->Code Signing->Code Signing Identity->Debug->Any iOs SDK-> the iOS Development Certificate/Provisioning Profile pair.
I have set the tagert deployment target as 4.1.
I have set Bulid Settings->Architectures to Standard(armv6)
I have removed from plist file "required devices capabilities"->armv7
All the previous settings are set up in the Target settings.
I have realunch xCode and reinstalled certificates and profiles.
Whenever I hit Run, I just get "Finish running myApp on iPhone", but nothing happens, not even a log to get a cue of what's happening.
Build settings are duplicated: there are project build settings and target build settings. Generally, if you change the project settings, the target settings are automatically changed, and this is useful if the project contains multiple targets. But sometimes, that doesn't work and you have the manually change the target settings which are the actual settings used to build the target. So start with that and verify that the target settings look like this:
Architectures : $(VALID_ARCHS)
Valid Architectures: armv6 armv7 (default value)
iOS Deployment target : iOS 4.2.1 or lower
If that doesn't work, then the problem is probably that the provisioning profile isn't correctly setup. An easy way to make sure it works correctly is to make Xcode manage it for you. So remove the provision profile from your device and from Organizer, also remove the developer profile from Organizer. Then plug the iPhone, right click on it in Organizer and select: Add Device to Provisioning Portal.
Make sure you remove the other values in Architectures. For example, in the screenshot below, you have to remove the selected line armv7.
I added armv6 as described in the other answer, then under Target, I had to remove "armv7" from "Required device capabilities"
I had the same problem and my solution ended up being that I didn't have my iPad's device ID added to my devices list.

Steps to test iphone app on device (profile/certificate already created)

I want to test my app on my itouch which has ios 4.2.1 .
I have completed the steps for provisioning profile/certificate. So under Organizer,
when I select my device, I am seeing the provisioning profile
and under Developer profile, I see 2 entries; iPhone Developer and iPhone Distributor
Now I want to just test the app on my device (NOT looking for steps to submit the app for distribution at this stage)
I think there are some Project settings that I need to do under XCode. But I am unable to figure it out. Please provide me the steps to test on device.
My XCode ver is 3.2.5
I was hitting an issue following this and the documentation where my app would not deploy to my iPhone 3G running iOS 4.2.1 using XCode 4.2. I hope this helps others who end up on this question trying to get their apps to deploy to a real device through XCode.
I kept fiddling with the Base SDK setting along with the Deployment Target setting in the project and target settings area. However, I had them correct to start with so that wasn't the answer (I want to target iOS 3.2+, so I kept all set to that). In addition, I messed with the provisioning profiles, certificates, etc. multiple times even though they looked right to me. They weren't the issue, either.
The key was changing the architecture settings that are scattered throughout the interface.
First, since I am testing it on an iPhone 3G, I needed to support the armv6 architecture as well as armv7 for later models. So I added "armv6" to the "Valid Architectures" entry on the project's "Build Settings" tab.
Next, I made sure it was showing "armv6 armv7" under "Architectures" in the "Build Settings" tab of the target for my project.
Finally, I clicked on the -Info.plist file for my project and removed the "armv7" entry for the "Required device capabilities" that is put there by default for new projects in XCode 4.2.
After this, my app ran successfully on the device using Command + R for Run.
Double click your app under targets in Xcode
Make sure that for the configuration 'Development' you have the right development provisioning
profiles selected.
click on the properties tag and make sure that the identifier is the same as the identifier used in
the development profile.
clean all targets, in Xcode make sure you are building for Device, Debug, and than click 'build and run'.
If the development profile is on your iPhone and you have installed it into Xcode correctly it should work. However sometimes after installing a profile on your iPhone it doesn't register everywhere it needs to and I have found that this is fixed by restarting the iPhone (not Xcode).
Good luck.

A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found for debug mode

I am getting this error while I am trying to debug my app on device.
I created development provisioning profile as it is mentioned at the developer portal. My development device is selected in the profile and I am selecting the correct profile from Target's code signing identity menu. I recreated provisioning profile for several times and also removed and reinstalled it and recreated the project but I am getting that whenever I try to debug on device.
Btw, the adhoc distribution provision profile works.
I spent my whole day to find out a solution but nothing. Anyone have a solution?
It could be because your iphone is not recognized by the provisioning portal.
In Xcode, Goto --> Build --> clean all targets.
In "Groups & Files" -->Target --> expand it --> right click your app and select Clean "your app"
In the Devices tab on the left, select your iphone
In the Provisioning section of the selected iphone delete all the current profiles (if any)
Unplug your iPhone and replug it in.
Goto->Window-->Organizer-->right click your iPhone -->Add device to provisioning portal
Now make sure you have selected the appropriate code signing identity in edit project settings -> build --> code signing
Build and run.
In Xcode 10, I solved this by switching the project's build system from "new build system" to "legacy build system" (File -> project Settings).
I had the same problem. Everything was ok:
the device was registered in IOS Provisioning Portal; the certificate was downloaded and the Development Provisioning Profiles for my app was downloaded.
So the solution!!!
Target> Get Info
Select Configuration to Release (here's the devil)
In code signing, Code Signing Identity check iPhone Developer. Close.
On Target chose Clean Target and then Run the app.
Good Luck.
In my case this was because there where a couple of versions of the developer certificate in the keychain.
Deleting the iPhone Developer cert from both My Certificates and Certificates and then downloading the latest one from the dev centre and installing that (double click on the .cer file)
sorted my problem
Finally i could solve the problem. One of my colleagues has revoked the developer certificate at iOS Provisioning Portal for his test apps. for fixing; i removed the existing developer certificate at my keychain, requested a new certificate with the existing private key, revoked the certificate from provisioning portal and submitted the newly requested certificate.then i downloaded and installed it.
now i can debug my app on my device :)
This caught me out because someone had changed the "Run" configuration's "Build Configuration" setting to "Release" (under "Product" > "Edit Scheme.." > "Run *.app").
This is normally set to "Debug" and hence it was NOT using the developer certificate and provisioning profile that I was expecting, it was using the distribution certificates instead.
In addition to this I found that if you look in the Console Log for the device (via Organiser), there may be an error code that better indicates your problem. For example I had...
Mon Sep 5 09:39:56 unknown installd[304] <Error>: profile not valid: 0xe8008012
I then googled "0xe8008012" and got the following page which indicates a "0xE8008012 - The UUID of the device does not match any in the Provisioning Profile being loaded" error.
Xcode->Click your app -> TARGETS -> click the app-> Build Setting-> Code Signing : Make sure that both Debug and Any iOS SDK are set to iPhone Development
Xcode -> Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme: Make sure Build Configuration is set to Debug.
I had the same issue with Xcode 10.0 beta 5 (10L221o) and a device running iOS 12.0 (16A5345f) - that's also beta.
After installing the app alert titled "App installation failed" showed up, "A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found.".
I got rid of it by going to: ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles and finding the certificate Xcode was trying to use. Then in the "Devices and Simulators" window in Xcode, I right clicked on my device, choose "Show Provisioning Profiles" and with a plus button added the provisioning profile to the device there.
I don't remember when I've done it last time, it's been years. I guess that Xcode normally does it for us but for some reason, it fails when we see that message.
In my case this problem occurred because another provisioning profile was selected for the unit tests. Just took me hours to find this ...
With Xcode 6 and a new device:
Press cmd + shift + 2 to open devices.
Press the "register device" button. If there is no such button (like in the screenshot) go to developer.apple.com and add it manually. Copy the Identifier into the field.
Go to Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts -> Doubleclick on your account -> Press the little refresh button on bottom left to refresh the profiles
Go to Code Signing and set the new profiles.
We can try this: This has solved my problem . You need to reset the profile for which your device id has been added into your member area of Apple.com . .
Assuming you have your development and distribution certificate installed correctly:
Under Project your main code signing identity should be the developer profile for that app.
Under Targets your main code signing identity should be the distribution profile for that app, except that you should change Debug > Any iOS SDK to your Development profile... and make sure Release > Any iOS SDK is your Distribution profile. This should build and run on your provisioned phone and should archive without any codesign warnings.
Only thing that worked for me when my phone crashed and I had to restore it from a previous iTunes image.
This solution worked for me
Go to Xcode --> Preferences --> Account.
In the provisioning profiles section, right click and open with finder.
Delete all provisioning profiles from the provisioning profile folder.
Finally, go back to Xcode and click the refresh button.
I hope that helps!
I had the same problem. what I did is:
1. clean the target
2. exit the xcode
3. restart xcode
4. rebuild.
and it worked.
Another cause (verified):
Apple has a major bug in Xcode going back to version 3.x, where it magically overwrites the OS X keychain with a fake keychain from inside Xcode, re-installing certs (and private keys!) that you already deleted
...so, if you have "new cert" installed, and nothing else, Xcode will sometimes get into an infinite loop where it will keep ALSO installing "old cert" (that doesn't exist anywhere except inside XCode!).
...and because of ANOTHER bug in Xcode (unfixed for 3+ years now...), Xcode sometimes automatically selects the "oldest cert I can find" (whcih, by definition, is incorrect - I think someone at Apple got mixed up between "oldest" and "newest" :( )
...and EVEN THOUGH you've selected the correct provisioning profile, Xcode sends the "old" provisioning profile to the device, then signs with the "new" profile, causing this error
Solution: you have to un-FUBAR Xcode's FUBAR of your Keychain.
This is harder than it sounds (there are multiple SO posts on this topic) - it involves multiple reboots of your machine, deleting the key every time.
Eventually, Xcode gives up on corrupting your OS, and accepts the reality you present it with :).
Changing the provisioning profile to automatic then running prompted Xcode to "fix" the issue. I then changed back to my original provisioning profile and everything worked fine.
In my case a valid provisioning file is because I didn't add the device to the very provisioning file.
Had the same problem. My solution was very easy. I checked If I have my device's UDID in developer.apple.com and it was absent. After I added it, it starts working. It is very annoying that Apple developers give error "A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found" instead of "UDID is not found". Actually I mentioned it first in XCode 6...
In my case, it was the problem when I setup my time manually two month earlier on my iPhone. But when I changed to set time automatically, it worked fine.
Setting -> General -> Date & Time -> set time automatically
If it does not work set time automatically of both mac & iPhone, will work fine.
Remove certificate, profiles and recreate it. Install it. Thats the best soultion.
In my experience this problem happens if you try to build on a device that is not registered in your developer center or is not enabled inside provisioning profile that you are using.
1) Add the device to the developer center.
In XCode 5 you'll still find a button "add to member center" inside the Organizer window.
In XCode 6 i suggest to copy the device ID and manually add it to the device section of your member center.
2) Edit the provisioning profile you're using to include the device you have just added. Save and synchronize provisioning profiles from XCode.
Clean, and it is on.
One of the cause could be your "project => Build Settings => Signing => Development Team" is different from your "target => Build Settings => Signing => Development Team", just make them same
After select auto manager signing
You may still need to check the selection in settings. Sometime, it's not correct there.
I had a certificate that expired (which generated the error).
Step 1. Go to developer.apple.com, login, and go to IOS provisioning portal
Step 2. Go to certificates (which is now empty), and follow the instructions listed to create a new certificate (open keychain on your computer, create a signing request, save it to disk, upload it to apple)
Step 3. Download and install the files created by apple to your keychain
Step 4. Problem: all of your previous provisioning profiles were associated with your OLD certificate, so you need to go back to developer.apple.com->IOS provising portal-> provisioning profiles and 'modify' each profile you care about. You will see that your identity is no longer assicated with the profile, so just click the check box
Step 5. Download all the profiles you changed
Step 6. Plugin your phone and drag and drop the .mobileprovision file onto xcode icon in the dock bar to install them on the device
I saw this problem because I had obtained a new Mac, and was still using my old Computer's certificate. I had created a new certificate for the new Mac, but had both certificates in my keychain.
In the Organizer, the profile warned that "XCode could not find a valid private-key/certificate pair for this profile in your keychain" even though the old certificate existed in my Keychain.
The solution was to delete the old certificate from my Keychain and delete/revoke of all the profiles which used this old certificate. Then create a new profile with the new certificate and use this.
Hope this helps!
Bringing an app up from Xcode 3 to 4.3 I found the Bundle name and Bundle identifier had to be set to match the AppId.
If all else fails, give that a whirl.
I faced same issue there may some other reasons too:
While testing i set my date to some future date and profile got expired. As result this issue was generated.
But i solved by setting date of iphone to current date as a result profile was not expired.
I'm compiling my app in Adobe Air for iOS, not Xcode. I was trying to copy the .ipa using iTunes, and got a mysterious "Error installing app" message. It wasn't until I used the iPhone Configuration Utility (iCU) that I got the real error message.
The problem was that I was compiling the app with a provisioning profile for ad hoc distribution and a certificate for development. I didn't understand that there are 2 types of certificates, and 2 types of provisioning profiles. There's one of each for development and one for distribution. If they don't match... then you get that error message. It's obvious once you understand it...
The solution was to download the distribution certificate (.cer), double click to open in Keychain, and export that as P12 from KC directly. Then use that P12 distribution certificate in the publish settings (Flash IDE or Flash builder), and also use the provisioning profile used for ad hoc distribution (.mobileprovision). Then finally install the provisioning profile and the .ipa file using the iPhone Configuration Utility.
That did it for me.
In my case my provisioning profile was invalid because apple has changed some of its terms and conditions. To fix problem I had to
delete previous profile.
I had to accept terms and condition from this website of apple.
Click Your app from Xcode Under Targets. (Under project.) Here you see Summary info, build settings, Build phases, build rules.
Okay go to Build Settings. Go down to Code Signing.
You see you have two fields Debug and Release. You have two profiles to choose from in each of those fields, Distributing and developing.
Let distributing be the one from the Release field. Let Developing be the one from the Debug field.
Doing this solved this problem, and let that error message go away. Now I can run my application fine.

Code sign error with Xcode 3.2

I had a fully working build environment before upgrading to iPhone OS 3.1 and Xcode 3.2. Now when I try to do a build, I get the following:
Code Sign error: Provisioning profile 'FooApp test' specifies the Application Identifier 'no.fooapp.iphoneapp' which doesn't match the current setting 'TGECMYZ3VK.no.fooapp.iphoneapp'
The problem is that Xcode somehow manages to think that the "FooApp Test" provisioning profile specifies the Application Identifier "no.fooapp.iphoneapp", but this is not the case.
In the Organizer (and in the iPhone developer portal website) the app identifier is correctly seen as 'TGECMYZ3VK.no.fooapp.iphoneapp'.
Also, when setting the provisioning profile in the build options at the project level, Xcode correctly identifies the app identifier, but when I go to the target, I'm unable to select any valid provisioning profile.
What could be causing this problem?
Update: I've tried to create a new provisioning profile, but still no luck. I also tried simply changing the app identified in Info.plist to just "no.fooapp.iphoneapp". The build succeeds, but now I get an error from the Organizer:
The executable was signed with invalid entitlements. The entitlements specified in your application's Code Signing Entitlements file do not match those specified in your provisioning profile. (0xE8008016).
This seems reasonable, as the provisioning profile still has the "TGECMYZ3VK.no.fooapp.iphoneapp" application identifier.
I also double checked that all certiicates are valid in the Keychain.
So my question is how I can get Xcode to see the correct application identifier?
UPDATE: As noted below, what seems to fix the problem is deleting all provisioning profiles, certificates, etc., making new certificates / profiles and installing them again. If anyone has any other solutions, they would be welcome. :)
I had to manually remove the provisioning profiles from my phone, then rebuild the apps after doing a "clean all targets" from the build menu.
That's under Settings -> General -> Profiles
This happened to me when I got a new Mac. You'll fix it, don't worry
Well, as seems to be the case with a lot of these code signing issues, deleting all provisioning profiles, certificates, etc. and revoking and generating everything all over again turned out to do the trick. I even created a new bundle identifier, app identifier, etc., and now AdHoc distribution is working again.
I had this same error yesterday. I tried all of the various resetting procedures in the other answers with no luck. Eventually I also
rebooted my mac
rebooted my iPhone
deleted all of my iphone provisioning profiles from the phone using XCode
deleted all profiles from my mac (~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles for me)
what else? deleted build folder, restarted XCode, installed update to 3.1.2 sdk, sacrificed a chicken.
Lo and behold, it now works, the error is gone. This is serious voodoo territory.
Also, make sure that you added a reference to the Entitlement filename "dist.plist" in your project configuration CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS.
Check both Code Signing Entitlements in info for both the Build Target and the Main Application - if Code Signing Entitlements says on either then remove it
In XCode, in the "Groups & Files" pane, expand "Targets" and double-click on your app's target.
This will bring up the Info pane for your target. In the "Build" section, check the "code signing" section for any old profiles. This has happened to me many times particularly after an upgrade to a new version of the sdk and iphone os
Quick Hack if you are on Xcode 4.3.
In Xcode under Project Settings > MyTarget > Summary tab all the way in the bottom there is a checkbox that says "Enable entitlements". When I unchecked it, it made the error go away.
Inside Resources/Entitlements.plist there is a Boolean "get-task-allow" if that is not checked, check it ON. This fixed the issue for me.
After being stumped by this for quite a while I revisited the settings and discovered that I had reversed the 'Code Signing Identity' and the 'Any iPhone OS Device' entries. - The clue I had as to this happening was shown by.
Deleting every profile off the phone
Build and Go
At this point xcode attempts to provision the phone (device)
Examine the phone to see which provisioning profile has been added.
As I prefix all my profiles 'AdHoc' or 'Development' or 'AppStore' I saw immediately that the install process was putting a development profile on the device and not an AdHoc profile.
The device may not be in the list. Try modify your provisioning profile.
Just to add a note here: I encountered the same error (0xE8008016) after replacing my Macbook's logic board (although I imagine you'd have the same problem on a completely new mac), and after hours of going around in circles I realised that the iPhone Developer Program Portal had separate certificates for Development and Distribution.
A change in hardware means you need to reissue both certificates - I'd reissued Developer but not Distribution. Because my name hadn't changed when my hardware did (and certificates are identified by the owner's name), this made it a tricky problem to spot ;) Hope this saves someone else my frustration.
For reference, I ran into the same issue and deleting all of my profiles, existing certs and everything from my local drive and from the developer portal, and deleting my existing devices and re-adding them (developer portal) seemed to do the trick.
The problem is in the "project.pbxproj" file located inside the [your project].xcodeproject file. If you feel brave right click on the .xcodeproject and view contents then open "project.pbxproj" with a plan text editor. Inside search for the offensive path and correct it. In my case I just removed the entire path and just left "Entitlements.plist" and it cleard my issues up. I STRONGLY reccomend backing up your .xcodeproject before attempting this.
Double click the target then select the "Properties" tab. There change the com.yourcompany.${...}.
Another cause is if the device you want to install onto is not an approved device in the Distribution Certificate.
Sometimes Xcode does not automatically copy your provisioning profile to the right location.
In my case, that was true.
Check that your provisioning profile is in ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles directory and if not just drag and drop, clean and build