Agiletoolkit: Autocomplete/Plus error: null model - jquery-ui-autocomplete

I am trying to use the autocomplete addon in agile toolkit (I am still very much new to this, but it seems to be very well suited for my needs). Autocomplete Basic works, but when I use Plus and press the plus-button I get an error connected to no model set. In the Plus source the self-model should be used - but I don't understand how I should set the model of the autocomplete form.
This is the important part of the stack trace, I think:
Frontend_page_form: Form->setModel(Null)
This is my model:
class Model_QuestionInCollection extends Model_Table {
public $entity_code='questionincollection';
function init(){
This is the code:
--- EDIT
I ended up changing the model in autocomplete, and now it works, showing that something is wrong in the original "$self->model" - but of course it cannot be generalized. I did some extra changes (to make the new record show up in the autocomplete-field), so Autocomplete/Plus now is like this:
namespace autocomplete;
class Form_Field_Plus extends Form_Field_Basic
function init()
$self = $this;
$f = $this->other_field;
// Add buttonset to name field
$bs = $f->afterField()->add('ButtonSet');
// Add button - open dialog for adding new element
->bindEvent('Add New Record', 'click')
->set(function($page)use($self) {
$form = $page->add('Form');
$form->setModel($model); //Was: $self->model
//Would be nice if it worked...: $form->getElement($model->title_field)->set($self->other_field->js()->val());
if ($form->isSubmitted()) {
$js = array();
$js[] = $self->js()->val($form->model[$model->id_field]);
$js[] = $self->other_field->js()->val($form->model[$model->title_field]);
$form->js(null, $js)->univ()->closeDialog()->execute();

Here is an example on using autocomplete:
You can manually create a form and link the field with Model.
If that works fine, you can move on to trying and get your own example working. It seems OK, and should work in theory.


Create CSS classes based on user role

Working with Moodle 3.9 and a fork of the current Academi theme.
I am trying to create a css class hook on the <body> element which is based on the user's role(s). I understand that a user's role(s) are context-driven, (maybe a student in one course, and something else in another), so I would output all the roles as classes for a given context.
Based on some extensive digging on the moodle forum I have the following:
// User role based CSS classes
global $USER, $PAGE;
$context = context_system::instance();
$roles = get_user_roles($context, $USER->id, true);
if(is_array($roles)) {
foreach($roles as $role) {
} else {
Preferably I'd like this to run on every page. From within the theme, I've tried just placing this in just about every location/function I thought could be executed early enough to modify the body element. Either I get no output at all or a warning indicating that it is too late to run add_body_class().
I've had a skim of the Page and Output APIs and I still don't have a sense of how or when to execute this code. Should this be a custom plugin instead?
Override the header() function on the core renderer of your current theme template, for instance, on theme\YOUR_THEME\classes\output\core_renderer.php:
namespace theme_YOUR_THEME\output;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die;
use context_system;
class core_renderer extends \theme_boost\output\core_renderer {
public function header() {
global $USER;
$roles = get_user_roles(context_system::instance(),$USER->id);
if (is_array($roles) && !empty($roles)){
foreach($roles as $role){
return parent::header();
This way, every page would call this function and have the desired css classes added to the body tag.

ZEND: Displaying form error messages on failed validation

I have a form say:
class Application_Form_UserDetails extends Zend_Form
public function init()
$pswd = new Zend_Form_Element_Password('password');
$pswd->setLabel('New password:');
$pswd->setAttrib('size', 25);
$pswd->addValidator('StringLength', false, array(4,15));
$pswd->addErrorMessage('Wron password');
In my user details controller class I have:
class UserDetailsController extends Zend_Controller_Action {
public function editAction()
$userId = $this->userInfo->id;
$DbTableUsers = new Application_Model_DbTable_User;
$obj = $DbTableUsers->getUserDetails($userId);
$this->view->formUser = new $this->_UserDetails_form_class;
$this->view->formCompany = new $this->_CompanyDetails_form_class;
if ($obj) {
$url = $this->view->url(array('action' => 'update-user-details'));
public function updateUserDetailsAction()
$formUser = new $this->_UserDetails_form_class;
if ($formUser->isValid($this->getRequest()->getPost())) {
else {
//validation failed
$this->view->formUser = $formUser;
$this->_helper->redirector('edit', 'user-details');
The first time Edit action is called the form built and displayed.
User fills the form and sends it (updateUserDetailsAction is called).
In updateUserDetailsAction, on validation failure I mark the form as having errors and want to display the form with error messages that I previously set in updateUserDetailsAction class.
Then I redirect:
$this->_helper->redirector('edit', 'user-details');
in order to display the same form but with errors for the user to re-enter correct values.
The problem is I don't know how to let know the edit action that the form must display validation errors?
On $this->_helper->redirector('edit', 'user-details'); the form is redisplayed
as a new form with cleared erros but I need them displayed.
Do I do this the correct way?
Problem comes from the fact that you are redirecting and in each method you are creating a new instance of the form, that means the form class is loosing its state - data you injected from the request and any other values passed to this object.
Combine editAction and updateUserDetailsAction into one method:
$formUser = new Form();
// populate the form from the model
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
if ($formUser->isValid($this->getRequest()->getPost())) {
// update the model
and have the form being submitted to the edit action. This will simplify your code and remove code duplication.
If you just wan to fix your code you can instantiate the form object in the init() method of your controller as set it as a property of your controller. This will way you will reuse same instance after redirection. I still think that solution above is much more compact and easier to understand for someone else.

Dropdown values and defaultValue set from hasOne inside Model

I have the following model:
class Model_GrantMinimal extends Model_Table {
public $table='grant';
function init() {
And inside the page I have the following code:
$field = $grantForm->addField('Dropdown','Manager');
And everything works almost perfectly - how do I make sure the Dropdown ($field in php) is linked to the overall form, i.e. when I change the value in the dropdown that value is passed into the $grantForm->onSubmit - and how do I ensure the the defaultValue (pre-selected value) of the dropdown is the User that is set by user_id inside GrantMinimal
I'm loving the framework so far - its really impressive and coming from the .NET framework where MVVM and MVC are so common, specially with the latest WPF related. It has been a treat compared to the old way of writing HTML/PHP, just taking a while to fully understand whats what.
Figured it out after a couple of hours of debug tracing:
class Model_GrantMinimal extends Model_Table {
public $table='grant';
function init() {

Zend Framework: Get whole out output in postDispath while using Layout

I have a layout loader plugin which looks like this:
class Controller_Action_Helper_LayoutLoader extends Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Abstract
public function preDispatch()
$config = Zend_Registry::get("config");
$module = $this->getRequest()->getModuleName();
if (isset($config->$module->resources->layout->layout) && !$this->getRequest()->format)
$layoutScript = $config->$module->resources->layout->layout;
In a controller plugin I then want to get the whole of the response like so
This however only returns the output from the action, not the output from the layout too.
How can I get the whole output, layout and action together?
I believe that Zend_Layout operates at postDispatch() with a high stack index. So, to get the content, you might need to do your access later, at dispatchLoopShutdown().

Zend_Form using subforms getValues() problem

I am building a form in Zend Framework 1.9 using subforms as well as Zend_JQuery being enabled on those forms. The form itself is fine and all the error checking etc is working as normal. But the issue I am having is that when I'm trying to retrieve the values in my controller, I'm receiving just the form entry for the last subform e.g.
My master form class (abbreviated for speed):
Master_Form extends Zend_Form
public function init()
->setAttrib('id', 'mainForm')
$sub_one = new Form_One();
$sub_one->setDecorators(... in here I add the jQuery as per the docs);
$this->addSubForm($sub_one, 'form-one');
$sub_two = new Form_Two();
$sub_two->setDecorators(... in here I add the jQuery as per the docs);
$this->addSubForm($sub_two, 'form-two');
So that all works as it should in the display and when I submit without filling in the required values, the correct errors are returned. However, in my controller I have this:
class My_Controller extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function createAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$form = new Master_Form();
if ($request->isPost()) {
if ($form->isValid($request->getPost()) {
// This is where I am having the problems
When I submit this and it gets past isValid(), the $form->getValues() is only returning the elements from the second subform, not the entire form.
I recently ran into this problem. It seems to me that getValues is using array_merge, instead of array_merge_recursive, which does render to correct results. I submitted a bug report, but have not gotten any feedback on it yet.
I submitted a bug report ( Perhaps you want to vote on it?
I think that perhaps I must have been misunderstanding the way that the subforms work in Zend, and the code below helps me achieve what I wanted. None of my elements share names across subforms, but I guess this is why Zend_Form works this way.
In my controller I now have:
if($request->isPost()) {
if ($form->isValid($request->getPost()) {
$all_form_details = array();
foreach ($form->getSubForms() as $subform) {
$all_form_details = array_merge($all_form_details, $subform->getValues());
// Now I have one nice and tidy array to pass to my model. I know this
// could also be seen as model logic for a skinnier controller, but
// this is just to demonstrate it working.
I have a same problem to get value from subforms I solve it with this but not my desire one
in controller i get value with this code that 'rolesSubform' is my subform name
$this->_request->getParam ( 'rolesSubform' );
Encountered the same problem. Used post instead of getValues.
$post = $this->getRequest()->getPost();
There are times when getValues does not return the same values returned by $post.
Must be a getValues() bug.