meteor: facebook signin status - facebook

How do I check and get the username from the facebook login?? I successful get the account-facebook to work but I don't know how to access to the username?
Meteor is cool but not much documentation. Or I am to new for must of the server side javascript. Thanks!

There is an object (services) where facebook info is stored on Meteor users. You can get accessToken, id, username, etc.
You can use onCreateUser to modify the user document and add the username on creation.
# on server
# coffeescript
Accounts.onCreateUser (options, user) ->
data =
user.username = data.username or "generateOne"
return user
You can use user.profile to add other fields.


Passing user id with AuthController

I just made simple authentication app using aqueduct as a back end. I used codes from aqueduct documentation pages for login and registering. When I login with this code in backend
.link(() => AuthController(authServer));
I get back token, token type and expiration date, Is there any chance to also pass userId? Or do I have to create my own controller to do that?
or how can I in my backend to save user id when saving the data
Future<Response> addData(#Bind.body(ignore: ['id']) Data newData) async {
final query = Query<Data>(context)..values = newData;
final insertData = await query.insert();
return Response.ok(insertData);
Flutter frontend
Login initially with the username/email and password. You will get an authorization token back from the server if the username and password are valid. Then use that token to make further privileged requests to the server.
You don't need to save any personal data about the user (email or password) on the client. You can save the token, though, if you don't want to make the user log in again the next time they use the app. When saving the token you should use a secure storage option. The flutter_secure_storage plugin uses KeyChain on iOS and KeyStore on Android.
Aqueduct backend
You can use the user IDs all you want on the backend. I don't know of any need to pass them to the client, though. On the backend you can query the user ID and then use it to fetch other information from the database.
Here is an example from the documentation:
class NewsFeedController extends ResourceController {
ManagedContext context;
Future<Response> getNewsFeed() async {
var forUserID = request.authorization.ownerID;
var query = Query<Post>(context)
..where((p) =>;
return Response.ok(await query.fetch());
The client only passed in the token. Aqueduct looks up the user id for you based on that token. Now you know the user ID.
Your other tables can have a column for the user ID so that only that user may save and retrieve their data. In the example above, Posts have an Author and an Author has an ID, that is, the user ID.
where((p) =>
is equivalent to
where((p) =>
You can read about this in the Advanced Queries section of the documentation.

Read logged in User details from SSO server in Blue mix

I am working on Node.js application with Cloudant database. I was able to do IBM IDP authentication with SSO server on Blue mix via the SSO service.
My issue occurs after successful authentication, I am unable to get JSON object that can give me all the user attributes that I need, for example, is the logged in person a manager? if yes then his serial number, name etc
Does anyone know how to retrieve the information from IBM SSO service?
Kindly let me know as soon as possible.
You can check the request.user object returned after successful authentication. It returns some information about the logged in user, but each provider returns different data.
For example, for LinkedIn logged users it returns displayName, firstName, lastName and emailAddress.
The snippet code below prints the request.user JSON object in the application log, so you can see what is available and retrieve as needed.
app.get('/auth/sso/callback', function(req, res, next) {
var redirect_url = req.session.originalUrl;
passport.authenticate('openidconnect', {
successRedirect: '/hello',
failureRedirect: '/failure',
app.get('/hello', ensureAuthenticated, function(request, response) {
response.send('Hello, '+ request.user['id'] + '!\n' + 'Log Out');
After user logs in you can run:
cf logs <app-name> --recent
to see results from console.log code.

How to get user access token in Meteor.JS after logging in by facebook

After I'm logged in using facebook account I have access to Meteor.userId()
So I tried to publish user data this way from the server:
Meteor.publish('getUserAccessToken', function(userId) {
return Meteor.users.find(userId).fetch();
And receive it on client:
then I would like to dig through returned user object to it's accessToken
but since I remove autopublish services.facebook disappear for client.
Thanks in advance for any help.

Facebook oAuth user details with MVC 4

I am using the OAuthWebSecurity with MVC to allow users of my website to login using Facebook's oAuth. Everything works fine, and I have a test user authenticating fine.
My question is based on the details Facebook can provide. I am currently returning the user details using the following...
AuthenticationResult result = OAuthWebSecurity.VerifyAuthentication();
This will give the follwing details:
UserName (email)
I also get a ExternalData object which has:
Do you know if it's possible to get further data, maybe DoB, photo etc?
Pardon me for not framing me the full answer. I am just supplying a link. Please check
Everything is explained here.
For setting permission you can go through this documentation
if you were to request a user's email address, but never asked them for the 'email' permission, you would receive an OAuth error as show below.
try {
var client = new FacebookClient("my_access_token");
dynamic result = client.Get("me/email");
var email = (string);
catch (FacebookOAuthException) {
// The access token expired or the user
// has not granted your app 'email' permission.
// Handle this by redirecting the user to the
// Facebook authenticate and ask for email permission.

How do I get a user's email address using accounts-facebook in Meteor?

I created a Meteor app that allows users to sign on using Facebook. To do this, I'm using the accounts-ui and accounts-facebook packages. This works fine.
How do I retrieve the user's email address once they've signed on? I understand that this requires special permission, and so I added email as a "User & Friend's Permission" in the app settings on the Facebook developers site. Following the Meteor documentation, I also set up Account.ui.config like this:
requestPermissions: {
facebook: ['email'],
passwordSignupFields: 'USERNAME_AND_EMAIL'
As expected, when a user of my app signs on using Facebook, it correctly asks them to share their email address. But how do I retrieve it? The user document has only the _id and
The Facebook user's email address is stored in [userDocument], which is not published to the client, but can be accessed from the server or from the client using Meteor.methods and
this will add the Facebook profile info to the client side user object.
Accounts.onCreateUser (options, user) ->
if options.profile
user.profile = options.profile
# get profile data from Facebook
result = Meteor.http.get "", {
params: access_token:}
if !result.error &&
#if successfully obtained facebook profile, save it off
#the user can access the profile object on the client
user.profile.facebook =;
return user
on the server side the facebook.accesstoken can be accessed... so use it to get the full FB info and save it to the client user object..
ping a Meteor.user() in the console now to get the FB info.
dont think this is exactly best practice in terms of having FB info on the client..